Pink Camellia - Jikook Fanfic...

By Jeongdal

6.8K 291 124

Jimin has always been the type of person who wasn't interested in anyone. He's broken countless girls' hearts... More

Lavender Rose
Moss Rosebud
Pink Camellia
Author's Note


1.1K 49 27
By Jeongdal

Jimin POV

The following morning was fairly normal, apart from Tae constantly asking about me and Jungkook as we walked to school. We might've walked together but neither one of us had Jungkook's number and we didn't know his plans for the morning.

"You looooooove him!~" Tae wiggled his eyebrows at me with a bright grin. I rolled my eyes, as I considered giving Tae another Geranium after school today.

Regardless of how annoying my friend was, Taehyung had knowingly kept my secret from Jungkook. He really was a good friend. So instead of getting upset at the teasing, I only smiled and reached over to hug the strange boy, who stiffened but patted my back. "I knew you'd see the light, Jiminie." He sighed and I laughed, shoving him away.

"I don't love him...I'm romantically intrigued..." I corrected him. "And don't tell any of the Hyungs or they'll try to get me to confess!" I pleaded as we walked onto the school grounds.

"Confess what? To who? What's going on?" A voice whisper/shouted from beside me. It was Hoseok Hyung. He moved around so he was at Tae's side and slung an arm around his shoulder.

"Morning, Hyung." Tae and I greeted, avoiding the previous subject of our conversation. Hoseok seemed to pout and was about to say something else when the other three Hyungs approached us.

To clear things up, all of the Hyungs were in the joint university at our school, having graduated already. We had all planned to keep attending the academy's program at least until Tae and I graduate at the end of the year. It wasn't too bad, and we all had the same red, white, and black uniforms.
Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon were the other Hyungs. They were all very different yet all gave off a certain family vibe. Namjoon being the father, Jin the mother, Yoongi the Grandpa, etc. it had been this way since elementary school.

"What's up, Jiminie, Tae." Namjoon fretted with a smile as he fell into step with our group, followed by a silently waving Yoongi and a smiley Jin who latched his hand onto Namjoon's. As far as we all knew, Jin and Namjoon were dating, but they'd never officially announced it. We thought they were cute together, though.

"Tae told me you made nice with the new kid yesterday, Jiminie." Jin Hyung spoke and Yoongi Hyung rose an eyebrow at the news. True enough, I didn't make friends that often, not even acquaintances. I shrugged as we all walked into the high school building.

"He's nice. His name is Jungkook." I replied, trying to keep my voice even and calm. The Hyungs seemed to noticed and started poking my sides.

"Aigoo, Jiminie, he's a cutie isn't he?" They teased while still jabbing at my stomach, causing me to laugh aloud while pleading for them to stop.

"Taehyung! Jimin!!" I suddenly heard a voice call from down the hall. There was Jungkook, in his new uniform, pink hair flawlessly messy, looking hot as hell. My breath hitched and Jin Hyung and Tae laughed at my facial expression.

"That must be Jungkook?" Namjoon Hyung smirked as he saw the boy jogging towards us.

"He is a cutie." Hoseok Hyung seemed to approve with a nod of his head and gave me a thumbs up. I had planned to not even tell them of my infatuation with Jungkookie, but it appeared as though I couldn't hide anything from my Hyungs.

Yoongi Hyung's lips twisted in an oddly sour expression but he sighed as our group was approached.

Brushing it off, I put a smile on my face as Jungkook finally caught up with us. "Are these your Hyungs?" Jungkook asked curiously while pointing to the boys he'd hadn't met yet. Tae and I nodded in unison.

"This is Namjoonie, Jinnie, Yoongi, and Hoseokie." Tae introduced. "Hyungs, this is Jungkookie." Jungkook bowed politely making my eye twitch but I smiled a bit.

"Nice to meet you, Hyungs. Tae Hyung and Jiminie are really nice to me."

"That's Hyung!!" I exclaimed exasperatedly.

"You're too short to be called Hyung." He smiled a bunny smile and I could practically hear the little hearts popping up around the Hyungs. After a few seconds they all clapped Jungkook on the back.

"I like him."

"He's cool."

"He gets it."

"I approve." Were the comments as we had to say goodbye to the Hyungs so they could attend their own classes. I frowned at Jungkook and he softened his expression towards me. He came closer and patted my head before walking on with a hysterically laughing Taehyung.

"Yah! Jungkook!" I chased after them as we headed towards our homeroom classroom that we all shared.


"Hyung, come closer." Jungkook as said to Taehyung as we were all talking before class started. I was a little jealous as Jungkook pulled Tae in so they could take a cute Selca together. Both Tae and Jungkook were really handsome. I scrunched up my nose. After they snapped a few silly and cute pics, Jungkook leaned over Tae to look at me. "Jiminie?" I didn't look at him and pretended to be looking at a book opened up on my desk. Jungkook looked disappointed but slowly got up from his seat and walked over to me.

"Why are you doing?..." I looked to the side as Jungkook rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Taking a Selca with you." He had replied and I reluctantly complied, happy that he also wanted to take some with me and not just Taehyung. Tae went back to his seat with a smirk as Jungkook and I took a few Selcas together.

"How did it turn out?" I asked as Jungkook pulled up the photos.

"Ah, gwiyeo Jiminie, you look cute." He grinned as he showed me the pics and then sat back down at his seat. I smiled, suddenly content with my morning just as class started.
After our first class had ended, all three of us were walking out of the room when we were stopped by a short petite girl. I recognized her as Sana, a sophomore who visits my mom's flower shop often. She seemed to be very shy, her blonde hair fanning her face.

Jungkook looked at Sana, who was tugging on the edge of my shirt, and then back at me questioningly. Tae just patted me on the back and left with a wave for his next class. I got the feeling Jungkook was about to do the same. Knowing exactly what was about to happen, I gave the boy a pleading look so he wouldn't leave me alone. Jungkook silently nodded in understanding and I felt relieved.
"Jimin Oppa...this is for you." Sana handed over a small pink envelope with a cute rose print and quickly scrambled away to her rather large group of friends. Jungkook looked curiously over my shoulder.

"Is that a love letter?" He asked. "Do you like her? Does she like you?" He bombarded me with questions and I chuckled as we started walking down the hall.

"Hmm, it probably is a love letter. I've been on dates with Sana a few times but nothing official. She probably wants me to be her boyfriend." I said without thinking. It felt awkward knowing I was sharing my past dating history with my crush.

"Huh..." Was all Jungkook said, and plucked the letter out of my hand. I let him, partially because I wanted to know if he was jealous and partially because it kind of hurt, knowing that whatever Sana had to say to me genuinely, I'd probably reject it.

Jungkook peeled oven the flap of the envelope and pulled out a strawberry scented piece of pink lined paper. It really was cute. "Dear Jimin Oppa. You always make me feel so special like a princess whenever we're together. You always take care of me even if I talk too much or get too shy. I love that you are sweet and kind to me even if you're not well. I have wanted to ask if you would be my boyfriend. Even if I am rejected I'm glad to have dated you for even a little while. Meet me on the roof after lunch, love, Sana." Jungkook read it quietly as we were alone in the locker rooms, having been late to Gym. I felt even worse.

"What will you tell her?" Jungkook asked me. I turned my back to him as we changed, not in the mood to potentially ogle the boy's body that I somehow knew was ogle-worthy.

"I have to reject her, unfortunately." I told him honestly. Jungkook was sort of quiet as we changed and faced each other again.

"Why? She's cute and really likes you." Jungkook reasoned. I scratched the bridge on my nose nervously.

"I" I began. Jungkook rose an eyebrow and prompted me to continue. "I like someone else..." I finished quietly. Jungkook just nodded in understanding, and gave me a small smile.

"That is unfortunate." He said and I nodded though hearing him say the words kind of hurt. Jungkook probably didn't see me that way just yet.

"Mhm.." I replied, starting to walk out to the gym so we wouldn't be counted absent.

Jungkook followed behind me until we got in line for attendance.


Most of the rest of the day I didn't have any classes with Jungkook, besides our last class. I had stopped by the flower shop during lunch and gave Sana a purple Hyacinth (apology), Yellow Carnation (rejection) , and a Calla Lily (beauty) because I had really liked Sana out of all the people I've dated yet rejected.
Luckily, Sana took it better than I had thought. She teared up a little and I hugged her, afterwards running towards her friends but smiled to me and waved.

She was a nice girl, but I was already into someone else. Had Jungkook not come along, I might have accepted for the first time.

Today was a Friday so we only did group work in English, our last class. Jungkook, Tae and I were grouped up with a girl I recognized as one of Sana's older friends, Momo. She was really pretty, and on the pep squad. Momo had to be one of the most popular girls in school so we all kinda felt bad when she was separated from her original group so every group only had four people.

"Noona, how do you spell..." Jungkook had trailed off asking Momo. Though Momo wasn't Korean she spoke it well, as most of my group had learned when we were all in music club together sophomore year. I still couldn't help but look away though. Jungkook and Momo seemed to get along really well.

"Jungkook-ah you can't add an 'ie' to everything." Momo scolded him.

"Why not? It looks cute." Jungkook grinned in reply and Momo lightly hit his arm, making them both laugh.

I could feel Tae beside me, poking me, so I turned to him. "I feel bad for your pencil." He rose both eyebrows at me. I looked down to see that I had snapped my wooden pencil in half and managed to scrape my palm. I hissed softly and stood up.

Jungkook and Momo looked towards me as well. "Jimin, are you okay?" Jungkook asked and I just waved him off, walking up to the teacher and getting a band aid.

Maybe I was jealous. I shouldn't be...Jungkook and Momo are just friends anyway. I think.

I waked back to the table with my newly bandaged hand and Jungkook looked at me excitedly. "Jiminie, Momo Noona says we're invited to her party tonight. Will you go?" Jungkook asked. I looked towards Tae, who shrugged.

"I was going to go. Sounds fun and I haven't been to one in ages." He said. I sighed, knowing I might see Sana there but figured it couldn't hurt.

"Okay. But you'll be with us, Jungkook. I don't want you getting into trouble while we're there." I said. Jungkook rolled his eyes but nodded. Just then, the final bell rang for the end of the school day.

"Be there by 9 then? See you guys." Momo smiled and walked off to greet her friends.

"Noona's really pretty." Jungkook commented as he watched Momo leave. Tae and I didn't reply to the comment as we walked out of the classroom.

"Jungkook-ah, how about we head to yours to get ready? Do you mind?" Tae asked and I peered at Jungkook to observe his reaction. The boy beamed and gave a thumbs up.

"I haven't had anyone over yet. I think it'll be fun. Hyung can probably fit my clothes but I think my pants will be too long for Jiminie though..." He trailed off with a laugh. I frowned and smacked his shoulder as Tae just laughed. I felt as if I was becoming more comfortable with Jungkook. Maybe it really was because he didn't call me Hyung. I still didn't like it though.

"I'll handle my own clothes...." I grumbled as we walked towards my house. "You two can go on ahead. I know where your house is. I'll go there in a bit." I said as we paused in front of my house.

"Okay, bye Minnie!" Taehyung and Jungkook waved as they walked off down the sidewalk and I opened the door to the house, running upstairs to grab an outfit to wear. I was pretty stylish, not to brag or anything.

After contemplating if I wanted cute or sexy, I decided on some leather pants and a red t-shirt with a blue leather jacket. I stuffed the items into my bag before heading out to go to Jungkook's.

"Ah-almost forgot." I smiled softly and walked back inside, grabbing two flowers for my friends before leaving again.

It took me a shorter amount of time than I remembered to get there. Maybe Jungkook and I were walking rather leisurely last night?

Last night, right. The thought made me remember that Jungkook and I barley just met. Yet I was so whipped. I groaned softly as I walked up to the door and knocked.

It was swung open by a very good-looking Taehyung. He wore ripped black skinny jeans and a tucked in green tank top with a dark wash jean jacket. His eyes were lined with black liner and if he weren't my best friend, I'd consider Tae hot. Oh god, I might throw up, I did not just think that.
Tae must have read my expression, since he pouted. "You don't have to look that disgusted! I know I'm hot!" Tae huffed and let me in. I laughed softly and let myself in. The house was simple inside, a few unpacked boxes but it still managed to feel homey and cozy.

"Where's Jungkook?" I had asked. Tae pointed upstairs.

"Getting ready. We can use the other bathroom for you, Minnie." Tae said as he dragged me upstairs and I allowed him.

About 15 minutes later Tae and I were ready to go and waiting for Jungkook so we could leave. "I think he took a shower too." Tae laughed.

"Well it's his first party in America, I wouldn't blame him if he wants to smell good." I shrugged with a chuckle. There was the sound of footsteps in the stairs.

"Maybe I just like to try impress through every aspect." Jungkook said while walking downstairs. "I'm very proud of that big word by the way."

I stared at Jungkook, my mouth slightly parted. He was also, much to my dismay and pleasure, wearing leather pants and black boots with a tucked in plain white tee. His eyes were carefully lined with black liner and I swore he was wearing some sort of lip balm to make his lips that red and plush. His hair was washed of all the pink dye so he was left with shiny honey blonde locks.

"You look good, Kookie." Tae was the first to speak, generally unaffected. Jungkook smiled, making my heart beat fast.

"Thanks Hyung....Jiminie? You look amazing." Jungkook complimented me and I pursed my lips into a smile.

"Thanks, Jungkook-ah, you look ho-good too." I said, the word Hot almost slipped off my tongue. Jungkook sighed softly and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Should we get going?" He asked. Tae and I stood up and I quickly snapped out of my trance in the process.

"Your flowers." I reached into my bag carefully to pick out the flowers. I handed the plain Chrysanthemum to Tae and hesitantly gave the Gardenia to Jungkook.

Tae looked happy and satisfied towards his, but looked at Jungkook's and smirked. Jungkook looked intrigued.

"It means long lasting friendship, Jungkook-ah. Mine means you're a wonderful friend." Tae said, saving me once again. I didn't even remember grabbing that for Jungkook. I swore it was a yellow rose. I sighed and sent Tae a grateful look.

"Ahh, thanks Jimin Hyung." Jungkook smiled sweetly, making me happy he called me Hyung. Jungkook put his and Tae's flowers in a little plant pot by the window and walked back towards us. "Let's go then!" He said excitedly.


We had been at the party for some time now and is already lost Jungkook. I was slightly tipsy because someone managed to spike my can of Pepsi. Great. Trough the haze, at least I was sane enough to look for Jungkook. Tae was off making out with someone by the couch, who oddly looked like Hoseok Hyung but I didn't want to get involved.

"Jungkook-ah??" I called, barging into room after room upstairs, apologizing to couples I disturbed. I was starting to get worried. What if Jungkook got raped or something horrible? I kept up the search, slightly stumbling through the hallway in search for the blonde.

"N-Noona...wait-I! Ah!~"

I froze outside the next bedroom as I heard a voice through the wooden door. It sounded couldn't be...
I heard one more moan before I burst through the door, greeted by a sight I didn't want to see.

Jungkook was sitting on the bed, pants down and legs open as Momo was between them. They both seemed to be startled and Momo immediately sat up and wiped her pink lips. She was really drunk though.

"Ah, Jimin Oppa~" Momo waved at me and I gulped as I stared past her at a flushed Jungkook.

At that moment, I wasn't sure what came over me. Maybe the alcohol had my mine on overdrive and I had a burst of confidence.

"Momo, I think Jihyo is downstairs looking for you." I said smoothly, stepping aside as Momo smiled and left the room promptly.

After she was gone, I softly closed the door and locked it, setting my can of Pepsi down on the dresser a few steps away from the door.

Jungkook was still on the bed, his member still hard and leaking from the blowjob he'd just received. I threw off my Jacket and Jungkook seemed to gulp.

"H-Hyung...." Jungkook stuttered, his usual composure gone. I couldn't tell with my drunk eyes, or maybe I just didn't process it, but Jungkook was just acting then. There was a spark in his eyes as I walked closer and wrapped my small hand around his sizable length.

"Jungkook-ah, what were you doing fooling around with Momo?" I asked as I stroked the wet length up and down, my thumb brushing over the tip where precum leaked out. Jungkook shuddered and bit his lip, smirking softly.

"Are you jealous, Jiminie?" He questioned with some amount of sass in his suddenly deeper voice. He was being cute just a second ago now all of a sudden he wants to switch it around. My drunken self wasn't having it.

"Get down on your knees, Jungkook-ah." I spoke firmly, and he complied, slowly, giving me a smirk again. "What the hell?" I hissed as he mouthed at my erection through my leather pants.

"I thought this is what you wanted, Hyung." Jungkook unbuttoned the pants. "You must be some kind of whore to be dating all these girls, and breaking their hearts." Jungkook fiercely said as he roughly tugged down my pants and underwear.

"I don't mean to do know that." I replied, confused. Is that what Jungkook thought.

"Just who is so great that you reject Momo Noona Sophomore year, and Sana, and that girl Yerin in my science class...and Eunha, and you've even rejected Yoongi Hyung..." Jungkook rambled as his tongue slid along the side of my shaft, before his lips engulfed the tip of my cock.

"F-fuck- I just didn't see them that way." I tried to reason with Jungkook, who was sucking me off expertly, bobbing his head and he swirled his tongue around the tip. The boy suddenly lifted his mouth off of my length and huffed softly, blowing hot air onto my cock, making me even harder if possible.

"It still isn't fair, Jiminie." Jungkook's lips were glossy and he licked them. I almost came right then. "You're a jerk sometimes. What's up with the whole flowers as an apology?" He questioned harshly.

Jungkook had struck a nerve. He barely knew me, sure, that meant he didn't know my struggles either. How it took me so long just to talk to people other than my friends. Yoongi Hyung was a part of my past I didn't want to reach into.

"Don't act as if you know everything, Jungkook!" I said and Jungkook only sneered at me before going down on my cock again, sucking harshly. I bet he was planning to not let me release but I was going to prove to him I wasn't someone he could use like that.

I laced my fingers into the boy's blonde locks and bucked my hips up, pushing my cock further into Jungkook's mouth as he tried not to gag. His nails dig into my thighs as I used slow but deep strokes. Jungkook swallowed around me, his thought tightening around my length and I shuddered, spurting my release inside his mouth before pulling out.

"I'm a bit upset, Jimin. Bare with me." Is what I heard as I was still calming down from my orgasm. I was pulled onto the bed with Jungkook, who was looking at me with hooded eyes.

Instinctively, I trailed down his body to his own throbbing member and stroked him a few times before adjusting my position so I could carefully engulf his length into my mouth.

I hadn't done this in a while, I thought. But for Jungkook, I'd try my best. Let him use me. Even if he didn't feel the same.

Jungkook groaned and threw his head back as his fingers locked in my hair, twisting the strands which made me moan around him.

All it took was one experimental buck of his hips and Jungkook took off, much to my surprise. His hips harshly bucked upwards as he fucked my mouth roughly, making my eyes sting with tears. I could hear him growling my name, whispering some really dirty shit in Korean. And as much as this was taking a toll on me, it turned me on more than anything.
"Fuck, I'm coming..." Jungkook hissed as his thrusts into my mouth become faster and his breath sped up. A few seconds later I was swallowing his seed and pulling myself off of him. I don't remember much after that.


The next morning was somewhat peaceful. I woke up tangled with a semi-naked Jungkook, only startled after the first ten seconds.

"J-Jungkook!" I whisper shouted at him. The boy opened his eyes at me groggily.

"What-ah!" Jungkook shot up, almost falling out of the bed trying to pull his pants up.

"Jungkook?" I rose an eyebrow at his reaction. It was as if he didn't even....

"Hyung what happened last night??" Jungkook gulped as he asked the question. It was then I knew the truth. Jungkook was just drunk.

"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked him. Jungkook scratched the back of his neck.

"Getting a blow from Momo Noona." He mumbled softly. Ah. So that's who he thought about. I felt tears prick at my eyes since I maybe believed I'd made some progress if any through our heart to heart or dick to mouth last night. In reality, I should have known nothing ends up great with drunk sex.

I smiled at Jungkook anyway. "You must have been hammered. I guess you know what we did then." I told him, gesturing to my unclothed self. Jungkook pursed his lips.

"If you don't mind, can we keep this a secret? Or better yet just forget it happened then? I don't even recall...I don't-" I shushed Jungkook as he started to ramble.

"It's okay, Jungkook-ah. Forget it happened. Go find Tae so we can all go home and clean up." I said gently with another smile. Jungkook seemed relieved and nodded.

"I'll be right back, Jiminie." He said as he left the room, zipping up his pants as he walked out and closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door closed, I felt the tears finally spill over. Why was I even crying? It was only sex. But somehow, knowing Jungkook actually thought I was a jerk who broke hearts left and right with flowers, made me feel horrible. He must have heard rumors from everyone around school.

I laid there crying for a long time, until Jungkook and Tae came back and we went to Taehyung's to wash up and rest.

Tae was the only one who saw the tears. But he didn't ask why.

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