Not Over You

By CookieCruncher

968 32 49

You know that feeling when your stomach drops after being on a terrifying high speed ride and your all dizzy... More

Not Over You - Chapter 1

Not Over You

652 20 28
By CookieCruncher

Hey there. So here is my new story, Not Over You. The song by Gavin Degraw inspired me. I hope you like this and leave your thoughts/comments. Please dont advertise your stories on here. Saying "Hey good job please read my story" doesn't sound like you really were very interested in my story. If you want me to read your story just send me a message or leave on my profile. thanks! :D

P.S If you have any suggestions for cast, want to make a book cover or have any ideas for this story please comment below or write on my profile.


You know that feeling when your stomach drops after being on a terrifying high speed ride and you're all dizzy and can't stay standing. If not just pretend you do.Well that's how I feel right now. I peer down at my phone once more. We are done.

I reach for the lonely picture sitting on my bedside table. His brown hair and emerald eyes brighten the picture. We are holding each other and smiling as if nothing could ever ruin our relationship. I clutch the perfect memory to my chest and slump down on my bed, letting my brown hair fall over my face. I can't help the tears that spill over. I scream into my pillow and my whole body shook violently.

The next day at school:

I slam my locker shut and turn to face my best friend, Ami. She links her arm through mine and we walk down the crowded corridor.

"I just don't understand how he could dump someone as amazing as you, really, he MUST be delusional, crazy or psycho and that's coming from me," Ami babbles.

"I really don't know but can we please not talk about it right now," I plead.

"Sure sure," Ami says and flips her blonde hair back.

The bell rings and Ami shouts over the commotion, "Catch you later!".

I just nod and begin walking to class.

I purposly take my time walking to class. I wasn't really in the mood for class today but Mum would kill me if I actually ditched altogether. I stop outside the classroom door and take a deep calming breath. I push open the door and take a seat at the back of the room.

"Miss Annie Flint, your late," Mr Hopp states the obvious.

I wasn't really in the mood so I just glared up from under my eyelashes.

"Next time you won't be so lucky," He says before continuing his story about World War II.

I sat there for the next hour pretending to write notes but really just scribbling little hearts all over my page. At one moment I look up to see Chace Garland's emerald eyes peering at me. I quickly flash my eyes downward. He just dumped me but stil has the nerve to stare at me as if nothing ever happened, ridiculous. I return to scribbling on my paper and I'm shocked to see I had written his name, Chace, without even realising.

And finally I'm forced to face the truth, I'm not over you.


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Promise the next chapter will be longer.

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