A Tale As Old As Time

By hgrier13

147 15 0

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Whelen your average 17 year old or so she thought. At 4 months she was sent to America t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

55 4 0
By hgrier13


"Elizabeth get upright now!" My mother yells from my doorway. I let out a groan and put my pillow over my head, showing that I didn't plan on getting up. "Fháil ar bun anois sula mé talamh tú don chuid eile den scoilbhliain agus a ghlacadh do ghuthán."
My mom starts yelling in Irish, which makes her scarier. I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom before she can say anything else.

I take a quick shower then throw on an outfit

Once I am dressed I run downstairs where my older brother is. He is getting ready to leave for collage next week. "Slán grá agat."
I yell before running out the front door. I jump in my truck and make my way to my small high school.
Inside the school I find my best friends Jessie and Lauren waiting by my locker. "Hey guys." I say while getting my books for my first 2 classes. "Hey Liz. Looking cute today." Jessie says. She has always been the fashionista of the three of us. "Thanks. Come on Mr. Francis wanted the class to get there a little early." We walk to history class and see that we are the last ones there. "Ok class now that everyone is here I have an announcement. Today we have a new student joining us. Please welcome Mr. Carter." Just then a guy walks in and stands at the front. "Why don't you tell us about yourself Mr. Carter. " Mr. Francis says. "Ok well, my names Greyson Carter and I just moved here from a small country near Ireland called, 'Rei'. " He says in his thick Irish accent. I fee Jessie nudge my arm. She knows I am from the neighboring country Raiña. Mr. Francis speaks up again. "Ms. Whelen you are assigned to show Mr. Carter around for the week. Ms. Jones, please take a seat in this empty one so Mr. Carter can sit by Ms. Whelen." Jessie nods and moves all of her stuff. I watch as Greyson takes a seat, he has these beautiful green eyes and is tall. He takes a seat and turns to me with a smile. "Hey, I'm Greyson." "Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Lizzie." I say while returning the smile.

"Alright class we are going to be learning about the country Raiña." I look up at Mr. Francis and see him pulling a video on his computer for us to watch. "This is a video of a speech from one of the best Kings to reign over the country, King Randolph. Beside him is his wife Queen Carlina, there daughter who was at the time 4 months old, Crown Princess Elizabeth Anne." He hits play and turns out the lights.


By the end of the video I notice something weird. I look just like Queen Carlina and King Randolph. I shake my head and lead Greyson to our next class, music. This is my favorite class and I'm in our schools singing group. "Hey Kelly!" I say to our teacher as I sit down. She hates to be called Mrs. Kings, says she feels 50. "Hey Lizzie. Ready for our first completion Saturday?" "Of course." I say with a big smile. I look over at Greyson and see him looking around the room at all the instruments. "Do you play anything?" He nods. "I play piano, guitar, flute, violin, and trumpet." he says while listing everything off. I stare at him wide eyed. "Wow! That's a lot." He just shrugs. "What about you do you play anything." I shake my head and laugh. "No, not at all. I'm more into singing then playing." He nods. "Well I would love to hear you sing one day." I blush, I actually blush. That never happens! "Well this Saturday the schools, I guess you could say, glee is performing. You should come." He smiles. "I just might." "Ok attention class today we are going to be performing. Get in groups of 2, one of you will sing and the other will play an instrument." I look at Greyson. "Wanna be partners?" He asks. "Sure. What song?" He thinks for a minute. "Do you know 'Carry on'?" "Oh my gosh yes! That is my favorite song." "Ok good." I turn back forward and see the first group going up to perform.

After about three groups its our turn. I take my place on stage and Greyson grabs a guitar.

There's always gonna be some canyon in the way.

There's always gonna be a river I cannot cross.

Somewhere along this path that's chosen me

I know I'm gonna fall down, feel lost, feel weak.

But wherever it leads.

No one said this would ever be easy, my love!

But I will be by your side when the impossible rises up.

We will travel this life well-worn,

No matter the cost, no matter how long.

We will leave our footprints behind

And carry on, carry on, carry on, carry on!

Some will write you off before you ever start.

Some will say the journey's just too hard.

Somewhere between right here and the other side

There will be fear and doubt in the deep dark night.

But we will survive, yeah!

No one said this would ever be easy, my love!

But I will be by your side when the impossible rises up.

We will travel this life well-worn,

No matter the cost, no matter how long.

We will leave our footprints behind

And carry on, carry on, carry on, carry on!

We may fall behind,

Lose miles along this road.

We will be alright,

I will never let you go.

No one said this would ever be easy, my love!

But I will be by your side when the impossible rises up.

We will travel this life well-worn,

No matter the cost, no matter how long.

We will leave our footprints behind

And carry on, and carry on

We finish and everyone stands up and claps. I smile widely and head back to my seat.

After class Greyson stops me. "You sound amazing." "Thank you. Your amazing at the guitar." We both smile and head to our next class.


"Mam Tá mé abhaile." I yell while walking through the door. I don't hear her say anything so she must be downstairs. I shrug and go to my room to start on homework. While working my mind wanders to Greyson. There has never been a guy that makes me blush the way he did today. He was so sweet, I wish I had remembered to get his number. Just then my phone goes off. I grab it off the night stand and see it is a text from an unknown number.

'Hey Lizzie it's Greyson from school. Just wanted to let you know I had a great first day. Thanks for showing me around.'

I smile and text him back.

'I had a great day too. Glad I got to meet you.' I put my phone back down and finish my paper on Raiña. Just as I type the last word I feel myself fall asleep.


Hey guys! I hope yall liked it. I got inspired to write this while reading the book 'Suddenly Princess' by @NickiCatherine

Don't forget to vote and comment

Love yall💚


Here are the translations

Fháil ar bun anois sula mé talamh tú don chuid eile den scoilbhliain agus a ghlacadh do ghuthán.: get up now before i ground you for the rest of the school year and take your phone.

Slán grá agat: Bye love you

Mam Tá mé abhaile: Mom I'm home

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