Sharp Shooter

By Tyro619

2.8K 271 90

Updated with Secrets In Warfare. Kotari Ator. Heard it before? They destroy everything they touch, suffering... More

The Station
Another Day
The Sun
Second Chance
Project Fireblood
New Life
New Friends
An Offer
Dial 20
Basic Begins
The Simulation
Task Force Stalker
For Eyes Only
Sniper Stories
Can Of Worms
High Seas
Operation: JackRabbit
Missing In Action
The Things We Bleieve In
American Dreadnought
War Fighters
Project Biotech
Staff Sargent Raji Vyper
Childhood Friends
Trip To Dubai
Twenty Questions
Clam Before The Storm
Ghost Town
Not A Third Time

Author's Notes

86 5 1
By Tyro619

Well guys, sometimes shit happens. In light of some problems with Sharp Shooter's sister story Secrets in Warfare (link in comments) I think I'll end this story here. Should the time come when updates resume for SIW, I will post the sequel to this story and it will pick up exactly where we left off.  Now having said that, thanks for all the reads, votes, comments, etc. Until next time. Keep the Guns Loaded, backpack full and the tank topped off. Hopefully we'll live to see morning.

-Joseph, Tyro 619

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