Fifty Shades of Jariana

By okaii_bieber

80.6K 2.4K 916

"Is this what you want?" I ask "Yeah" he says "Just promise me something" "Hmm" "Don't leave me," my breath... More

Chapter ~3
Chapter ~8
Chapter -10
Chapter ~18
itssss upppppp
one shot request/instagram/qanda


1.7K 56 14
By okaii_bieber

"We're home!" Teddy yells into the foyer, his voice bouncing of the walls. "Mommy? Dad? Mommy?"

"Oh shut up you big baby." I drop my bags by the front door and give his head a shove

"Keep your hands off my hair ,or I swear i'll hurt you." he says shoving my head back

"Why wait?" I take a step closer "Do it now....or are you scared you'll get your ass kicked?"

"Hey!" My mothers tiny frame comes rushing into the foyer with my father behind her. "Would you two stop it?"

"You've been home all of two minutes and you're already at each others throats." My dad says. "Knock it off."

"Daddy!" I exclaim, he opens his arms and i run into them like i always have. My dad always smells like he just got out of the shower, always.

"Hey." he chuckles at my excitement as I pull away "Did you miss me?"

"Only a little," I shrug

"Sure." he rolls his eyes

"I'm glad to know I was missed." My mother says from behind us.

I unlatch myself from my father and run into my mothers waiting arms.

"Hey bunny." She says nuzzling her nose in my hair "I missed you."

"I missed you too old woman." I joke and we both laugh


I shouldn't be doing this.

I really shouldn't be doing this.

I just can't help it.

I mean i know deep down in side that i cant honestly trust Ava but for some reason i still feel like there is something going on with Justin and this Lania chick.... I mean they do have history..... there's got to be something right?

Am i even listening to myself? Do i seriously want there to be something going on between him and the ex that could possibly get him back at any moment?

Okay so Justin's staying for dinner and he's in the shower down the hall since my parents refused to let him shower in my bathroom. And he left his phone in my room.
So when the texts started coming in I wasn't really concerned.... At first... Then I seen a text come through from Lania, Then a phone call ,then another text.
When the phone was ringing it took all the self control in the world to keep me from answering it and asking her where the hell she gets off calling my Justin.
And when the second text came through I couldn't resist anymore so I looked at the phone and I'm damn happy that I did....well sort of.

Lania-  when are you coming home? You with that girl? Did you get the money yet.

"Hey baby"
I look up to see Justin in the door way He's shirtless, and I would usually get hot at the sight of him, but right now I'm ashamed to be with him.
Ashamed to have been with him that way.
God I feel so STUPID!

"Where's your shirt?" I ask
He points to a black v-neck laid out on the bed behind me.
"Are you ready for this diner?" He asks as he moves around me to grab his shirt
"Absolutely" I snap "Are you?"
"I'm actually kind if nervous."
"You should be" I say walking towards my bathroom so I can take a shower.

"This is absolutely lovely." My mom says looking at all of us around the table "It's nice to finally get to sit down and get to know you Justin."

"The pleasure is mine" Justin says with a smile.
It looks genuine ,but its probably as fake as him.
"So Justin" my dad joins in "Do you plan on having a career in music?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He says "I've been singing and performing for as long as I can remember."

"Do you have a back up plan" My dad pushes

"I've never really felt a need for one." He answers shaking his head "I know that there's nothing else that I could possibly do...I know my passion."

"Well you'd better be sure that this music thing is going yo work for you then" my dad says obviously not impressed.

"How long have you been going to Boward?" My mom asks lightening up the conversation "Ariana speaks so highly of it, I'm sure its a great school."

"I've been going since last year, and your right it is a great school." He rests his hand on my thigh underneath the table "and I have some pretty amazing peers as well."

"Oh you don't have to talk so highly of it." I push his hand a way "It is what it is."
"Puh-lease" Teddy says "you begged them to let you go and now you wanna act like it's not a big deal."

"It's not," I roll my eyes "now shut up."
My mother shoots me a look ,but I'm not really paying attention to her, I'm paying attention to Taylor as he quietly walks  into the room and whispers something in my dads ear.
By the look on my dads face I know that Taylor got my message and I smirk.

"Get the hell out of my home." My father says standing up looking directly at Justin "NOW!"

Justin looks confused at first, then Taylor speaks up "now"
A very confused Justin awkwardly gets up from the table and leaves the room.
I get up ignoring the questioning looks on my family's faces and follow Justin. When he hears my foot steps behind him he whips around.
"What just happened?" He asks
"You got caught." I shrug
"Look I don't have time for this." I walk over to the front door and pull two fifty dollar bills out of my bra and hand them to justin "I know you didn't finish dinner so why don't you get a bite to eat and you can buy a night with Lania with the change"
"What?" He continues to act clueless
"I don't have time for this okay? Just leave, delete my number, and when you see me around I would appreciate it if when you see me you act like we never met. Now get the fuck out of my house.


              END OF BOOK I     

A/N~ chapter 1 of book two is don't I just need a cover so if you or some one you know makes them inboxx me
.....if you even want a book two

Love ya

P.s~ it had to be done because I have so many new ideas and you guys would never get updates if I had to drag it out...but book two will be amazing with wayy more frequent updates👌😘😘😘

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