The Killers - part 1

By poetofnothing

1.2K 41 1

hey, so this is my first queen fan fic kyrie - roger Jo - brian Natalie - John Tamarah - freddie enjoy <3 bec... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25

chapter 14

40 2 0
By poetofnothing

Brian POV

We were walking down the sidewalk like a bunch of mad men, our arms slung on eachothers shoulders, supporting everyones weight. Roger rambling to himself, randomly breaking away occasionally and bashing his hand on anything he could find, his words making no sense what so ever, gradually getting louder as we continued walking.

“Show me the way to go home I'm tired and I want to go to bed”

he belted out, yelling out as loud as he could, it was deafeningly high, going to make all the dogs go mental. What the bloody hell was he going on about.

“stop it you girl”

Freddie said, interrupting, we started swaying,becoming off balance. John not really minding and going with the flow of our idiocy, singing down an empty street close to midnight, he was never shy when hung over this badly and in the company of us.

“I had a little drink about an hour agoAnd it's gone right to my head”

Roger lamented, dazed as he stuttered on some of the words. And to his head it had gone, singing was contagious for us all, and he bloody well knew it, especially for Fred, you get us all drunk at the same time and you wish that you had never offered us that first drink.

“Everywhere I roam Over land or sea or foam”

John sung, it was very rare to hear him sing, Roger went to the side, finding a bin and bashing his hands on it, thinking it was a drum, if any of us are to get badly injured from this behaviour it would be Roger, he was way over his limit, he never got this bad.

“You can always hear me singing this song Show me the way to go home.”

I sung the end of the song, well what i thought to be the end of the song, john the moron he currently is, had to start the band wagon back up, singing the first line again. Roger joining it and his dog whistle voice penetrating the ears of all of us, i opened on of the doors to our apartment and walked in, the rest not too far behind.

I was thinking of how nice it would be to have a couch magically appear, so we can all crash and take everyone one in the surrounding apartment from their misery off hearing our horrible out of tone voices singing this dim-witted song.

“you ho and a bottle of rum”

Roger sad finally reashing the stairs, way behind me, he must have broke away from the rest of us loony bags. He was grappling onto the railing for his dear life, his life support from pummelling to the floor.Fredstopped, waiting for Roger, me and john continuing, we just about finished the first flight of many stairs to come, the way we’re going we’ll be old men by the time we actually reach the door of our apartment.

“so Rog-er darling... ‘hic-up’ .... how your week be-en”

Freddie attempted to say flawlessly, though failing, being interrupted by hiccupping every no and again. I don’t think Roger completely knows we were with him, in his eyes we were probably just  crazy maniacs joining him for the fun.

We were all drunk beyond repair, i wont disagree with that, i cant it completely factual and there is bucket loads of evidence to prove that point, but we are defiantly not as wasted as Roger, he had just kissed a girl for gods sake, a complete stranger, the alcohol for sure toying with his brain tonight.

“you know, same old, shooting people in the head by night, spending my days with you guy, writing new songs... WHICH IM REALLY EXCITED ABOUT!!!”

He said, exclaiming the last part, ruffling his fingers through his hair and continued walking up the stairs, his arm slung over Freds shoulder. Wait... what was that, shooting people in the head, what the bloody hell was he going on about, i could see john was thinking the same, he looked at me questionably before stopping in his tracks looking down at the two, i was too deprived to get to bed so i continued on my way.


Freddie yelled at him, it must have sunken into his corrupted brain caused by the alsohol, so he must not have been actually drunk and just acting along, he was incredibly talented at doing that, letting people perceive stuff that wasn’t true.

I stopped, i had to listen to this, it was completely mind boggling. At least he is finally letting it all out, i don’t know what we are going to do about it, but i guess its a good thing to know. Roger began laughing, what the bloody hell was he laughing for, he was a real mess at the moment, no more Caribbean smoke torch for him anymore, he is sticking to his vodka and thats that.

“im apart of a roulette gang”

He admitted, i couldn’t help laughing, he had gone completely nuts, bonkers around the twist and back again, he was talking absolute garbage, he would never do such a thing as to shoot someone in the head, its beyond his nature.

John and Fred began to laugh to, the only one who didn’t find it humorous was Roger himself, my laugh quickly died away as instantly as it had came, what if he wasn’t joking, what the hell do we do then, he cant continue going to shoot people in the head, this must be the cause for his emotion changes, he was never really strong when it came to deaths, he didn’t really know how to cope after his father had died.

‘what...? you don’t believe me do you... do you, i can show you my gun, its really pretty”

He said, his drunk side slightly coming back into what he was saying, but i don’t think he was joking about having possession of a gun, how the hell did he get it past us without us even knowing.... the trench coat, there are more pockets in that stupid thing than that of jeans its ridiculous.

I continued to the door, jo standing in the door way, her arms spread out, blocking the way through. I ran at her, embracing her and lifting her up, there was quiet a loud thud and she began to cuss to herself and bent her head down.


I said, putting her down, i had just hit her head on the eve of the door frame. She shock her head, what help that did, i will never know, i personally don’t think it did anything but make her worse and more dizzy.

“its alright Bri, just remember that you are tall next time”

She said, laughing, echoing through the house. Tamarah was on the couch but Camille was nowhere to be seen, she was probably the smart one and was staying in bed, and probably still asleep.  She stood up on her toes, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissed me, there was another loud thud though this was outside of the apartment, i pulled away, though took hold of her hand and we went to the stair well.


I yelled down at Freddie, he was the only one visible, he looked up and rolled his eyes at the sight of me, what the hell had i done now, everything seemed to come back to me if something went wrong. Jo wrapped her arms around my waist, i rested an arm accros her shoulders, she must be cold, it was always daft in this stupid place, but especially in the stair well, it was the worst place to be stuck out late at night, i know that from experience, worst thing i ever did.

“it was Roger and john!”

He yelled, disappearing beneath the flight we were on. She let go of around me and i made my way down the stairs, the sight i saw was hilarious, they were all mongulated on various stair, Roger managed to wrap himself around one of the corner banisters and john well he was spread out like a star fish, a leg here an arm there. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of the two, i felt slightly better when Fred joined it, i felt kind of mean laughing at them like this.

I picked up john, we can deal with Roger when i get back, john was lighter than Roger by far, it wasn’t the first time this had happened to Roger, it normally took all three of us to move Roger, but john, this was different for him, he has never been this intoxicated, so i guess its just his body reacting to it.

Jo ran down the stairs to Fred, as i was walking through the kitchen to johns room i heard a high pitch squeal, she must have just seen Roger in the state he was. The neighbours are going to hate us, first with our drunk song, then with Rogers dog whistle singing, and yelling and now this, Roger and john passing out along with the high laugh by Josie. John tried rolling over in my arms, making it awfully difficult to carry him, i nearly dropped the man. I used my back to push open the door walking in sideways, though i would have liked to see if hitting his head on the side of  the door way  would wake him up from his subconsciousness, probably not.

The light was off and the bed was empty, which didn’t add up, she wasn’t outside ether and the on suits bathroom light wasn’t on, there was no voice asking if that was john. The light would have been on, she is dead scared of the dark, the only time the light gets switched off is when john is with her.

I put him on the bed, it was still made from this morning, i rolled the blanket around him so he was like a human burrito, he wasn’t going to be able to get out of this easily tomorrow morning. I exited the room, Tamarah had left the lounge room, probably gone down to Freddie, jo’s laugh probably the main culprit in why she was actually down there.

I made my way back down to where Roger was, Tamarah and Jo in the corner laughing their heads off, it wasn’t that funny anymore, Fred and i bent down and picked him up, he was lighter than before, that was different, not going to complain though, it made it a hell of a lot easier to carry him up these stairs.

“whos Kyrie?”

Tamarah asked, what the hell was she on, how does she know about her, now i am really mind boggled, no Camille and now Tamarah is asking about someone she has never met. I looked at Freddie questionably, all he did was smile, and what an evil smile it was, it meant he wasn’t going to tell me what was going on.

“one of the bar maids at the club, why?”

I asked, they all started laughing, what the hell is going on, i didn’t find the humour in any of this. We continued carrying Roger up the stairs, we began to stir but he wasn’t going to wake up any time soon, that was a fact, what he has drunk tonight id be surprised if he even wakes up in the morning.


Roger managed to mumble out, i tried holding back the laughter, snorting in the process but it was just too funny to hold back, i nearly dropped his shoulders. The rest joined in, as we were walking through the door, we threw him on the couch, not bothered at where we placed him, he continued mumbling to himself, probably about her, but it was impossible to decipher what he was actually saying.

“Where’s Camille?”

I asked, sitting in a recliner, jo on my lap, laying on my shoulder. I was playing with a piece of her hair, for all i knew she could have crashed then and there. Tamara and Fred were on the other lounge, Fred’s arm rested on her shoulder, and herself cuddled into his side.

“What do you mean; she is still in bed, isn’t she?”

Jo said, well, that proves she wasn’t asleep, just very quiet, which was odd, because she is only ever this silent when she is sleeping every other time its the hardest thing to get her to stop talking, but i never want her to shut up, i love the sound of her voice, its like birds singing in a forest, heaven, nothing can replace her or her beautiful voice.

“no, the bed was empty, she is no where to be found”

I said aloud, Jo looked up at me confused but put her head back down on my chest not worrying much anymore, she must be more tired than concerned at the moment; i patted her hair back into place. she was now for sure asleep, her snoring vibrating against me. I cradled her and picked her up, taking her to bed, she must be exhausted, it was a big day, meeting Kenny Everett, singing bohemian rhapsody live without purposely meaning to, that was purposely the worst thing i have ever done, my throat is killing me.

I laid her down into the bed, pulling the sheets and blanket over her, i brushed her hair out of her face, she rolled over facing the other side, watching her sleep always seemed to fascinate me for some weird reason. I walked back out, Fred was tickling Tamarah to death, her laugh filling the room, i was still contemplating whether or not to go to bed.

“Brian, be a dear and make me a cup of tea please”

Freddie said, then telling Tamarah to go to bed and that he will be there soon. I turned the kettle on and leaned against the bench waiting, tapping my fingers against the bench, impatiently waiting for the kettle to boil, Roger constantly on my mind, he wasn’t joking, he had a gun in his possession, the next time we tick him off he could just simple grab it out, thrust it against our skull and pull it feeling no emotion, simply just blowing our brains out and not giving a damn all because of his mood swings he has been having, and his tablets sure wont working he was on both anti depressants and his adhd medication and nor were helping with the situation.

“We are moving”

Fred announced suddenly, losing my track of thought. Well that was one way to solve the problem, actually to get away from it, but he could very easily grab a cab and come back, that was the problem he could always somehow get back to here.

“we have to keep watch on him, moving by itself wont solve the situation”

I said, pouring the water into a mug, filling it practically to the top, throwing in a cube of sugar and handing it over to Fred, it was too late for me, I’d be up for the rest of the night if i even took a sip. I collapsed on the bench completely exhausted; i could crash here and now.

I was wishing i was the one to pass out, i felt a splitting headache coming, and i was seriously going to smash my head through the wall, i had only just got rid of my last sickness, i didn’t want to again be unfit to contribute to the music created. I closed my eyes waiting for Fred to speak more about what he considered to be his ingenious idea of moving away from the city, most likely to some isolated town with run down building and what not,

“Tomorrow we pack, after that who knows, but we are leaving in the next two days”

Fred said, he put his cup in the sink, rinsing it out and walked towards me, i didn’t care anymore, i just wanted to sleep, i really couldn’t give a damn if we moved tonight, id spend the whole time sleeping. He patted me on the back then walked away, probably to bed, which is exactly where i am off to, to go into an eternal sleep and hopefully not wake for the next week.

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