al mcwhiggin imagine

By Riften

90 3 7

don't bother reading this book. it'll ruin you. it's inspiring. it's magnificent. it's al mcwhiggin. PIPE IT... More

high school lov
high scol lluv part 2
hogh schoal llav pt 3

housgh sockol loave pt 4

14 1 1
By Riften

so its    ur weding day rogiht and al mcwashinmachin put on tux 2 show (fl)abs an he screm @u from othr room "how do me luk u pety chandilir" thn he squez his butock an his butock not stop squezin an al strt to screm an his tux strt scremin

"al al al a al la la al al" u snort thru teers "i told u nt 2 snorkel th devils cabbage b4 wedin"

he butock combust an al angle apeers oot th sky "o shit watup"

u bork bork at angle thru teers bc al just deaded if u ddnt catch my drift boi. angle strts photsynthesisin an float up 2 ozone layer n burn in2 fat bacon so u cry bc u brought no bbq sorce for bacon.

ur wedin dross get mudded bc it mmudy ur in a field. u cry but ur in mud so mud get wet an u strt 2 sink. "angle pls im deading" u yodel but angle is fat bacon now. ur up 2 nek (ur Neck Deep) in mod but u realis ur a bad botch so u stand up out mud bc u watcheded inspire vid 2 mins ago so u feel gr8. u aliv but al is fat bacno angle.

what 2 do? what hepen?

brb english homwork 

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