A New Beginning {Sequel to My...

By Wandering_Revenant

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Nue Houjuu is back and is badder than ever. Her wish has been fulfilled and now she's reaching for the next o... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Her New Life
Chapter 3: Battling The One-Tails
Chapter 4: Getting the Job Done
Chapter 5: Old Friends
Chapter 6: Fights and Old Family
Chapter 7: Just Like Old Times
Chapter 8: Another Mission
Chapter 10: Road Trip
Chapter 11: Nue's Curse Mark Form
Chapter 12: Missions, Emotions, and Confessions
Chapter 13: A Test of Skill; Pain vs. Pleasure
Chapter 14: The Two Immortals In Action
Chapter 15: Bickering
Chapter 16: Akatsuki vs. Leaf Village Ninja
Chapter 17: What's Done is Done
Chapter 18: The Plan
Chapter 19: Here We Go Again
Chapter 20: Can't Go Back
Chapter 21: Memories and Losses
Chapter 22: Iri's Death
Chapter 23: Finding Out Why
Chapter 24: Because The Moon is Blue
Chapter 25: The Search for Zabuza's Blade
Chapter 26: Neko Visit
Chapter 27: Tears and Apologies
Chapter 28: Art vs. Sharingan
Chapter 29: Blast From The Past
Chapter 30: Karin's Guardian Angel
Chapter 31: Suffering Another Loss
Chapter 32: Sasuke Joins Akatsuki?!
Chapter 33: The Toughest Battle, Even For Nue
Chapter 34: A Scared and Confused Child
Chapter 35: Attack on the Hidden Leaf Village
Chapter 36: Naruto vs. Pein
Chapter 37: Forgiveness Is The First Step
Chapter 38: Catching Up With An Old Friend
Chapter 39: Home
Chapter 40: Conversations
Chapter 41: Saving Naruto
Chapter 42: Time in Prison
Chapter 43: Torture Session
Chapter 44: Kind or Cruel?
Chapter 45: Paying the Price for Reckless Actions
Chapter 46: Restriction and Stories
Chapter 47: Working Together
Chapter 48: The Man Behind the Mask
Chapter 49: The Five Kage Summit Pt. 1
Chapter 50: The Five Kage Summit Pt. 2
Chapter 51: Heartless Sasuke, Compassionate Nue
Chapter 52: Had Enough
Chapter 53: The Alliance
Chapter 54: Lying Low
Chapter 55: We Finally Meet
Chapter 56: Cherishing These Moments
Chapter 57: Stressed Out
Chapter 58: The Return of Manda
Chapter 59: Bring It On
Chapter 60: For Her
Chapter 61: Nue vs. Madara and Kabuto
Chapter 62: Eternal Sleep
Chapter 63: Right By Your Side
Chapter 64: Flashbacks
Chapter 65: Nue's Training Pt. 1
Chapter 66: Nue's Training Pt. 2
Chapter 67: Nue's Training Pt. 3
Chapter 68: Discovered
Chapter 69: Awake and Dangerous
Chapter 70: Saving Nue
Chapter 71: Triggered
Chapter 72: A Mixture of Sympathy and Empathy
Chapter 73: Eun's Assistance
Chapter 74: Last Stand
Chapter 75: Lost
Chapter 76: Epilogue

Chapter 9: The Nightmare

634 25 9
By Wandering_Revenant

*Please watch the video first. You might understand it better if you watch it first. This video is supposed to represent or explain Nue's dream*

Nue's POV  (*Dream*)

I was sitting in a cold room as my knees were pulled to my chest. It's dark and there was only a single window with bars on the outside. I look to my side and see a boy just like me; short black hair with crimson eyes. However, he didn't have his wings and tails.

I felt terrible for him because I heard his cries in the other room when he was being punished. What got me shocked and terrified was that his wings and tails were no longer on his back. It didn't take me long to realize that his torturers ripped them off his back with torturous tools.

The boy was probably the same age as me, but looked a bit younger. We clung to each other, scared. I tried my best to comfort the boy as he shook violently due to his last punishment. I could tell he was trying to hide it. I gasped as the door opens to reveal our torturers.

They smirk evilly as they advance toward us. The boy next to me began to shake again, his eyes widening. I hold his hand with both hands as he clings to me. Our torturers had whips in their hands. We knew what was coming next.

Why don't I fight back? Why not kill these humans? Because I didn't have the energy and I was deprived of my powers. In other words, my cellmate and I were completely defenseless against them. After two hours of hurting us, whipping us, punishing us in any possible way, they left.

I stared blankly at the wall in front of me as the boy next to me holds my hand. Our bodies are covered in scars and bruises. I hate it here. I hate humans. I let go of the boy's hand and make my way over to the barred window.

I place my hand on the window and look up at the dark clouds as they covered the full moon. Suddenly, the clouds slowly move away from the full moon, revealing its shine. When the full moon was clear, something inside me snapped.

My powers came back and I teleport to the roof of my dungeon, pissed off than ever. I let out an angry cry and stretch my wings and tails out wide. I go back inside my dungeon and kill my torturer by driving my hand through his face.

After I've calmed down, I find my cellmate holding a katana in one hand and his torturer's head in the other while his back faced me. What surpised me was that his wings and tails grew back. How is that even possible? He turns his head slightly and whispers, "I'm sorry."

I looked at him with a sad face, then hugged him as he drops the katana and the head while telling him that he had nothing to be sorry for. "It's all right now. It's over. You're free." I whispered to him. He nods his head, then runs off.

I, on the other hand, didn't feel satisfied quite yet. I head straight for the Akatsuki base with my purple, glowing eyes. I crash through the entrance and begin my attack. I began killing anything in sight, anything that attacked me.

An hour has passed and I look around, seeing the Akatsuki member's bodies everywhere. A little bit of my face was covered in their blood, along with my clothes. My hands were completely covered in blood. I look at their bodies once more before turning to leave.

As I leave, I stepped on something that squished under my foot. I looked down to see what I had stepped on and noticed it was some of Deidara's clay. I stared down at the clay for a moment before looking to my side, seeing Deidara's body leaning against the wall.

He was bruised up pretty badly and blood ran from the corner of his mouth. I stared at his body for a moment until my eyes change back to red when I realized what I had done. Tears began to form at the brim of my eyes as I reach for him with my bloodied hands.

I hugged Deidara's neck and sobbed as I make my wings and tails wrap around us. My bangs cover my eyes as tears landed on his face. I heard Deidara whisper something, but it was weak. I feel his hand rest under my face, as if telling me that it wasn't my fault.

But he was wrong. It was my fault. I never wanted to harm Deidara. I never even wanted to attack him. What have I done?

(*End of Dream*)

I fluttered my eyes open to see Deidara in front of me with a tissue in his hand. I blinked and shot up from the bed. "Whoa, take it easy, Nue, un." Deidara said. I let out a soft sigh. "I must've fallen asleep." I mumbled to myself while resting a hand over my head.

I glanced at Deidara, then at the tissue in his hand. "What's with the tissue?" I asked. "You were crying, so I thought I'd wipe your tears for you, un." Deidara said. "I was... crying?" I asked. "Yeah, and you were whimpering a lot too, un." He mentioned.

Wait, what time is it? Was it morning? I sighed as Deidara walked out of the room, then came back with a glass of water. "Here, drink this. It'll make you feel better, un." He said as he handed me the glass.

I hesitantly took the glass and drank the water. Deidara sat down next to me, staring at me with worry. "What happened? Did you have a bad dream, yeah?" He asked. I stared down at the empty glass in my hands as I remained quiet. 

"Nue, please talk to me. What did you dream about, un?" Deidara pleaded. I looked at him emotionlessly, then back at the glass. I closed my eyes for a second before reopening them. "I had a dream... that I killed you." I said.

I stood up from the bed and walked down the hall while Deidara followed me. "Why are you following me? Shouldn't you be afraid of me after what I just told you?" I asked. "It was a just dream. You wouldn't really kill me in real life... would you?" Deidara asked.

"Of course not."

"Then, you have nothing to worry about, un."

I looked at him before sighing to myself. "Deidara, how well do you know the Hidden Stone Village?" I asked. "Pretty well. Why?" He asked. "Because I need you to take me there. There's a place I haven't visited in a while and I need to get something that belongs to me." I said, emotionlessly.

"What makes you think it belongs to you, un?"

"Just trust me. It does."

"Okay. Where in the Stone Village do you need to go?"

I smirked. "You'll see."

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