
By Emogal19

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Laura Marano she lives on her own so she has to pay the rent so she is a waitress at a small cafe, she loves... More

Meet laura
Meet ross
At work
At school
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you prt 2
Drama rehearsel
Music homework
Getting to know each other
The song
What are you hiding
You're late
You saved me
Helping out
I'm so happy
You don't have to do this
Next day
Ugh can my life get any worse
The date
The date prt2
Telling raini
What are you doing here
Reuniting part 2
Fixing the bond
Hanging out like old times
The decision
5 years later
The date
Planing the wedding
The wedding
At the reception
That night
What happened/ kidnapped
Where is she?/give her back
I love you
Later that night
Authors note


85 3 1
By Emogal19

Ross' PoV
I have to get Laura forgive her sister yeah she may of left her to be abused by her dad but everyone should be given a second chance right me and Laura were in the shopping centre looking at clothes Laura told me if I wanted to I can go to a different shop but I kept on telling her I wanna stay with her

Ross: Laura
Laura: yeah
Ross: do you ever want to forgive your sister

Laura: no why should I she left me I nearly died

Ross: but everyone deserves a second chance

Laura: I gave her one a long time ago and she blew it

Ross: when
Laura: when I was 15 I said I'll give you second chance and I said to her can you come home she kept saying yes I will I would wait and wait everyday while dad was at work and stayed in front of the door waiting for Vanessa to arrive and come save me but she never did so I just gave up on her

Ross: oh Laura if I knew you back then I'd save you

Laura:(smiles) thanks
Ross:(kisses her cheek) your welcome

Hmm this is gonna be hard to get them to reunite I want them to be back the way they were before well before Laura's dad started to abuse her I then thought something I can get Riker to speak to Vanessa for me
End of PoV
Riker's PoV
I was in my room listening to music then I got a phone call I turned my music down and answered it

Phone call

Riker: hello
Ross: Riker
Riker: yeah what's up
Ross: do me a favour
Riker: depends
Ross: you know Laura's sister
Riker: I think
Ross:(sighs) black hair
Riker: oh yeah Vanessa she's cute
Ross: listen
Riker: I am
Ross: I'm being serious
Riker: fine what do you want me to do
Ross: can you speak to Vanessa about what happened between Laura and her

Riker: okay
Ross: ring me and tell me what she says

Riker: okay
End of phone call

I hung up and I saw Vanessa come out of Rydel's room I called her

Riker: Vanessa
Vanessa: yeah
Riker: come here
Vanessa: okay

She walked in my room and sits next to me

Vanessa: what's up
Riker: can I ask you a question
Vanessa: sure
Riker: can you tell me what happened between you and Laura

Vanessa: okay but I don't think you wanna hear this story
Riker: hey I'm all ears

Vanessa: okay it was me,Laura, mum and dad when I was 6 my mum died our dad was still the same happy and cheerful like trying to lift our spirits up sometimes it worked other times it didn't work we missed our mum then when my 15 birthday came around I got a job in Hollywood so I got everything that I would need and headed off to Hollywood 3 weeks into the month which was July I had a FaceTime call from Laura I answered she told me everything how dad has been and all that but after sometime when she called me I saw bruises, cuts and scars on her face she kept asking for me to go home to help her I said I would but I got busy because I'm a movie star and I've got in so many movies and it's quite tiring

Riker: but I'm sure she'll forgive you
Vanessa: I doubt that
Riker: why
Vanessa: she's become vile to me now
Riker: well wouldn't you if she did the same thing as you did

Vanessa: well yeah but she won't forgive me

Riker: maybe but you'll have to give her some time

Vanessa: thanks Riker
Riker: anytime

Vanessa walked downstairs and I rang Ross he picked up after the 2nd ring

Phone call

Ross: hello
Riker: Ross
Ross: yeah
Riker: Vanessa told me her side
Ross: okay I'll come home and Laura can hang out with Rydel

Riker: okay
Ross: good I'll be there in 5
Riker: hurry
Ross: alright alright I will
End of phone call

I hung up and ran to Rydel's room I knocked on

Rydel: come in
Riker: Rydel
Rydel: hey Riker what's up
Riker: can you do me a favour
Rydel: sure what is it
Riker: see we want Laura and Vanessa back to being sisters so I'm gonna tell Ross what Vanessa said to me and can you hang out with Laura so she doesn't suspect anything

Rydel: sure
Riker: great you're the best
Rydel: thanks Riker now get out I'm doing homework

Riker: okay okay

I walked out of her room and waited for Ross

After 5 minutes

The front door opened and then closed I heard footsteps Ross came into my room he told Laura to go to Rydel's room which she did

Ross: so tell me what did she say

I told him everything
End of PoV
Laura's PoV
I walked in Rydel's room and when she saw me she got up and ran to me

Rydel: hey I haven't seen you in a while
Laura: I know long time
Rydel: yeah so give me some gossip
Laura: well my sister is back
Rydel:(acts like she doesn't know) really

Laura: yeah
Rydel: what did she want
Laura: she wants me to forgive her
Rydel: are you
Laura: no
Rydel: why
Laura: Rydel she left me for dead
Rydel:what how
Laura: when my mum died, Vanessa took off she didn't say a word to me she just took off I was worried but after some time I knew she just left without saying goodbye and without me my dad started to drink I had to do everything de kept telling me I'm worthless and that no one will love me and he kept beating me until one night I nearly lost a lot of blood but a doctor saw me and helped me without my dad knowing

Rydel: oh Laura (hugs her)
Laura: but I'm here now (hugs back)
Rydel:(pulls out of the hug) I'm glad
Laura: so any news from you
Rydel: yep
Laura: tell
Rydel: well I like this guy
Laura: who
Rydel: Ratliff
Laura: really
Rydel: yeah

Rydel told me a lot of things about what I've missed and all that
End of PoV

I'm so sorry for the really and I mean really long chapter

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