Brown Sugar

By golfdubang

214K 10.8K 8K

"Didn't you say you wanted me to be happy regardless?" I asked him with wide eyes. "Even it it's not with you... More

Note 2
One More Note


4.7K 269 188
By golfdubang

I woke up in Xabrien's empty bed. He was gone. I knew he wasn't that far off though.

I got up and snuck across the hall to the bathroom. Xabrien was in there standing over the toilet peeing.

"I'm in here!" He gasped jumping back.

"Chill." I shushed him and went into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

"My mom know you here now. She's downstairs making breakfast."

I turned my head a little and let him finish his business. He finished and washed his hands, then grabbed his toothbrush.

"You have an extra one for me?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He responded.

He went into the drawer and got the toothbrush for me.

"Turn around I gotta pee."

"First off, you don't have morning that I haven't seen. Secondly, you just saw me on soft and I didn't tell you nothing. Don't start with me."

I smiled. He was sorta behind himself. I pulled down my bottoms and started to pee. I finished and joined Xabrien at the sink. I washed my hands then started to brush my teeth.

"How you feel this morning baby?" I asked after we both finished brushing our teeth.

He didn't respond, so I just pretended I didn't ask the question. I leaned up and pecked his lips.

"I'm sorry for dragging you here. I just really really needed you." He mumbled grabbing me by my waist and looking me in the eyes.

"Baby why'd you keep snapping on me, why didn't you just tell me what was up?"

"You were having a bad day, and we'd argued earlier and you told me you were going to sleep so.."

"Xabrien promise me that you'll never drink and drive again.."

"Nadia it wasn't that much."

"Just promise me. You could be the one in a casket right now." I said sternly.

"I promise." He mumbled breaking our gaze.

He turned and walked out of the bathroom. I smushed me my hair through the night. I grabbed Xabrien's comb, wet my hair, then put it into two halo twists. That's how I usually wore my hair when I didn't feel like doing it.

I went into Xabrien's room and grabbed a pair of sweatpants out his dresser because I didn't want his parents to see my in the shorts I had on.

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and started to look through my notifications. My Raven and Janelle had mad a group chat trying to have n intervention but I was sleeping.

I was tired as fuck when I got here. I was only up because Xabrien needed me. He just wanted to talk. He was telling me all kind of stories about his brother from when they were kids. His brother really meant everything to him.

I walked down the stairs wincing down every step. My legs were on fire from running drills for softball.

I turned into the kitchen where I was met by the smell of eggs and turkey bacon. Xabrien's family didn't eat pork.

I walked over to Ms. Eve and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She looked so drained. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"Goodmorning mama."

"Goodmorning baby, how did you sleep?" She asked.

"I slept fine. How about you?"

It still amazed me that Xabrien's parents trusted us so much they let us sleep on the same bed rather they were home or not. They let him close his room door and everything.

"Not much." She replied quietly.

We just got quiet after that. Xabrien mgrabbed my hand under the counter as I kicked myself in constant circles.

I waited on her to finish the food before I went to the dishwasher and got out plates. I fixed food for Xabrien and I, Ms. Eve fixed herself and Mr. Xavier plates and disappeared.

"Can you fix me juice too?" Xabrien asked.

"You're pushing it."

"Please? I love you."

I rolled my eyes and fixed us both a cup of peach punch. That shit was like crack.

"Better feel lucky." I grumbled with an attitude.

"I know I'm thankful." He informed me.

Something in the way he said it made me feel bubbly. He made me feel appreciated for much more than just pouring his juice.

"Do you need me to stay here longer?" I asked him, ready to spend the whole day.

"I don't know babe, it's just like, I don't feel nothing. This don't feel real. I've cried, I've been vulnerable, I just, I don't know." His voice cracked a little and I knew he wanted to cry.

"It's okay baby." I pulled him into a hug. "I'm always here for you, okay? I promise."

He buried his face into the crook of my neck and I felt his tears wet it. I felt horrible. I felt even worse knowing I was the only person he sees to confide in and there was nothing I could say or do to comfort him.

My phone started ringing and Xabrien moved away from me a little so I could answer it. It was my mom.

"Where you at?" She asked instantly.

"By Raven." I replied.

"Come home." She said, then the line went blank.

"Fuck." I cussed lowly.

"What's wrong?" Xabrien asked.

"My mom want me to come home. And nine out of ten I'm finna get my ass handed to me."

"What you did?" He asked.

"I lied about where I was last night, we snuck out together that one time, the kitchen might be dirty, I don't know."

There was an infinite amount of things that could be wrong but I wasn't sure.

"Want me to order you an uber?" He asked, knowing that him dropping me off would be too suspicious.

"I got it babe." I said to him. "Do you want me to come back later? Or are you going to come by me?"

"Which ever. We can just cross that bridge when it gets there."

"Okay." I mumbled pecking his lips.


I opened the house door and went straight up to my room to my room to make it seem like I had to put my bags up.

"Nadia!! Hadia!! Come here!" My mama screamed from her room.

I said a silent prayer before I went down the hall to my mothers room.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked peeking my head into the door.

"Sit down and wait for your sister." She instructed.

I took a seat at the end of the bed. Hadia came into the room three minutes later.

"What took you so long?" Mama asked.

"I was busy." Hadia shrugged.

"Look, it's been two or three weeks since this came up, because I wanted to see if one of you would come forward with the truth. The housekeeper was cleaning the house, and she found two positive pregnancy tests in the bathroom. I know for sure I'm not pregnant so who is it?" Mama asked calmly.

I looked at Hadia and Hadia looked at me. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut bricks.

"Tyson gave me the money for an abortion but I spent it all on shoes and clothes for myself and now I'm stuck with this thing inside of me and I don't want it mama." Hadia cried.

"Bitch you pregnant?!" Mama screamed. "I go out of my fucking way for you!! I do every fucking thing for you! You're a child! Why can't you act like one?! Now you're a baby with a baby!"

"Mama I-" Mama cut Hadia off with a sinister slap.

Hadia grabbed her face and bursted into tears.

"Why? Why you couldn't just keep your head in school?! Why you couldn't just stay away from those niggas that you knew only wanted one thing?!"

"You saying that like Nadia so perfect! Nadia be having sex too!!" Hadia yelled getting in my mama face.

"I wasn't talking about Nadia! Im talking about the shit you should've been doing instead of laying on your back! I'm talking about you being pregnant!" My mama yelled.

I felt somewhat betrayed that she outed me, but I knew she'd do it eventually. I kinda wanted my mom to know anyways. I wanted to get on birth control so that I wouldn't end up in Hadia's situation.

"Go in your fucking room! And telling your daddy when he get home too!"

I just stared at the horrible situation unfolding in front of me.

"And you!" My mama turned to me. "Why didn't you tell me?" Her tone dropped. "Y'all gone send me to an early grave."

She burst into tears and I went over to hug her.

"Y'all know I was only 17 when I had y'all. Why y'all doing all this behind my back?! I would get y'all birth control without telling ya daddy." She sobbed.

"Mommy I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you for that reason."

"Do y'all use protection?" She asked.

"Every time. And sometimes he buys me a plan b just incase." I responded.

That was a partial lie. We went raw a few times when we were out of condoms or when we simply wanted to, but we always had the plan B on deck.

"Go in your room Nadia.." She said lowly before she sniffed.

I nodded violently and exited the room. I went to my room and flung myself on the bed. I saw that Xabrien had texted me a bunch of times. I couldn't ignore him at this time, and I wasn't going to throw my problems on him so I just texted him back asking if it was okay if I took a nap and that I'd be up in an hour or so.

He said it was cool so I set a time for an hour twenty minutes and let sleep take over me.


Author's Note:

Man this world is fucking crazy. I hate it here. Can I go live on saturns rings?

Again, thanks for all the love. I appreciate it soo fucking much.

Raffy Kid Out

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