The Truth Untold ||

By peachy_parkjm

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"Jimin, stop. We can't do this." i gently pushed the male away from me. He stumbled a bit, clearly drunk fro... More

Chapter 1 || teddy
Chapter 2 || The Lady
Chapter 3 || Foster Parents
Chapter 4 || Home
Chapter 6 || Crushed
Chapter 7 || New Kid
Upcoming Book
Chapter 8 || Dinner
About the upcoming book
Chapter 9 || School -
Chapter 10 || School =
Chapter 11 || School 三
Chapter 12 || Confront
Chapter 13 || Bipolar Jimin + Author's Note
Drop your questions below
Chapter 14 || Eyes(?) cream
Chapter 15 || Rooftop Feelings?
Chapter 16 || i hate snakeu~
Chapter 17 || Apartment
Chapter 18 || Cinema

Chapter 5 || Missing

1.5K 78 59
By peachy_parkjm

(Y/N)'S POV:

"Okay kids we'll let you guys settle in" Dad said, carrying both our suitcases and placed them by our beds.

"I didn't remember packing my bags earlier" I turned to look at Jimin who also have a shock face,"Have you?"

Jimin just shook his head then knelt down to open his suitcase then zipped it open and began getting his clothes back. I followed his actions then opened up my bag.

"Oh Mrs. Lee had staffs to pack your stuff while you guys were playing outside" Mom answers my thoughts.

"Oh" Was all I said then placed my clothes on my new closet.

Mom and Dad left to cook dinner leaving me and Jimin alone to decorate our new bedroom. I emptied my suitcase then I realized something. I began panicking as I stood up then started looking all over our room checking the tables, cabinets and closet even the bathroom. I ran to Jimin who was silently reading a children's book on his bed.

"Oppa! I can't find teddy!!" I cried, I started pulling Jimin's body off the bed desperately asking him to help me find my teddy.

"Woah (Y/N) I'll help you please let go of me!" Jimin yelled desperately, trying to get out of my grasp.

I let go of him making him fall off his bed with a loud thud.

"Owww!" Jimin groaned, rubbing his back then sat up.

I knelt infront of him and gave him my puppy eyes that he couldn't resist. Jimin looked straight at my eyes his eyes are hypnotized by them.

"Fine! I'll help you" He gave in looking up, groaning.

I helped him stood up and the both of us started looking for my bear.

"I'm going to search outside, kay?" He stated, opening the door looking at me for permission. I nodded then started opening up drawers.

Jimin's POV:

I went outside our room then went downstairs. I saw dad at the living room watching some football game. I approached him the sat beside him keeping a small distance between us.

"Anything I can do for you kiddo?" Dad asked, not tearing his gaze from the game.

I hesitated at first looking at the game but told him anyways.

"Uh... (Y/N)'s teddy is missing and I want you to help me find it" I stated looking directly at him.

"We could always buy (Y/N) another teddy" He replied then suddenly groaned because the other team strikes a goal.

"Um... If only it was that easy dad" I mumbled, looking down at my feet.

"How so?" Dad paused the game, his attention all on me.

"Well, that teddy is (Y/N)'s only memory of her real parents. She'll go nuts if she lose it" I stated seriously.

"Okay, how can I help?" Dad asked, patting my shoulder.

"Let's go back to the orphanage, the staffs probably didn't see it because she hides her teddy so no one could find it" I said, getting off the couch.

Dad also stood up then turned off the tv. He went to the counter and grabbed his car keys. I opened the door and let myself out, dad followed swiftly after me.

"Honey! Me and Jimin we'll go somewhere" Dad yelled before closing the door.

"Okay! Be back before dinner!" I heard mom's faint shout.

Me and dad went to the street where our car was parked. He unlocked my car door and helped me in the passenger seat. Damn me for being so short. -.-

Dad walked around the car then sat at the driver's seat. He started the engine and the car roared to life. He swiftly drove off and a few minutes later our house was nowhere in sight. I got bored then started looking outside, memorizing the street where we live incase I ever get lost.

"So where is her teddy exactly?" Dad paused as he curved to the left side of the street,"How come you know where is it?"

I fumbled with my fingers,"Uh, I don't know where it is actually but I always have a feeling where she hides her stuff."

"Ah" Was all dad said an we drove towards the orphanage in silence.

After a few minutes, Dad parked the car right outside the orphanage. I looked outside the car window and saw that it still looks the same. I mentally face palmed myself.

You dumbass we only left a few hours ago.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Dad snapped me out of my trance. I looked at him then nodded.

We got out of the car and again dad helped out of my seat.

I will grow just you watch car seat!

I mentally cursed and glared at the car seat. Dad looked at me weirdly but I just gave him a smile then brushed it off.

Dad opened the door for me and went inside. The familiar light blue walls filled with star patterns welcomed me once again. It has only been a day but it felt like it had been years since I last came here, almost like a whole different lifetime.

We saw Mrs. Lee arranging the book shelves around the front. We walked towards her and dad tapped her shoulder. She turned around with a shocked look on her face. She looked at me then at dad then back to me looking all sad which made me confused.

"Was Jimin a bad boy already sir? I'm so sorry" Mrs. Lee bowed at dad. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No! No! It's not what you think!" Dad said correcting her,"You see (Y/N) left something and Jimin here wanted to investigate here"

Mrs. Lee nodded in an understanding way them her lips curved up into a smile.

"Well then, how about Jimin would go fetch the 'missing thing' while me and your father have tea" Mrs. Lee said.

I nodded and went through the old looking hallway. I proceeded my way then reached (Y/N)'a old bedroom. I slowly opened it and saw that nothing has changed but then I suddenly saw a kid I think two years younger than me holding a Broken teddy. (Y/N)'s teddy. I beamed at the object. I went inside ignoring the fact that there was a person there. The kid looked at me with a pissed and confused face.

"Who are you?" The kid snapped at me.

My blood boiled at his attitude.

"I'm here to take something mine" I gritted through my teeth. The kid raised his eyebrows at me.

Yah! Who does this kid know who he is?

"Do you know that I am older than you?" I spat at him, balling my fists.

He eyed me from head to toe in a 'are you kidding' face."Are you even sure about that?".

I closed my eyes then took a deep breath.

Do it for (Y/N) Jimin this isn't what she wants.

"Look, just give me the teddy and we'll go on our separate ways" I offered calmly.

The kid rubbed his chin in an immaturely way. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

The kid shook his head with a smirk plastered on his stupid face,"How about, No?"

"I wasn't asking" I ripped the teddy off his hands then head to the door.

"But it's my only friend" the kid whispered.

I ignored him. I walked back to the lounge where my dad and Mrs. Lee are talking with each other. I tugged on my Dad's sleeve since he didn't see me approaching.

"I found it already. We can go home now" I told him then let go of his sleeve.

Dad nodded then picked me up and carried me back to the car after saying goodbye to Mrs. Lee. He placed me in the passengers seat and I put on my seatbelt since I'm a man. (😂)

Dad made his way to the driver's seat then buckled his seatbelt. He started the engine and drove our way home.

I'm so sorry I only updated today. I've been busy these past months.

Enjoy and please do comment nicely because it really makes me disappointed and not write cuz I think people hates this book and if u want I can delete this book.

Also if you're a big fan of Ikemen/Cybird games i have a youtube channel that does walkthroughs!

Youtube: peachy ikemen
Twitter: @peachy_parkjm

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