Was It All Pretend?

By nekooftheabyss

13.5K 454 217

Mikasa's life at school has been hell since a rumour went around about her. Now its a new term and the harass... More

Letterman Jacket
Cold metal
Fall Apart
Tea and Coffee
Instant Regrets


1.4K 42 22
By nekooftheabyss

WARNING: Smut included in this chapter, and other sexual scenes. Don't like don't read.

The wait is finally over. I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a LONG time, I was having trouble thinking of what to write or more like how to write it... Anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Love you all XX

Mikasa's Pov
Deep down I was hoping Annise would stay longer, I was kind of disappointment how early she left. I wanted to spend the day with her but I guess she must of had something she needed to do. Shrugging it off I make my way over to Eren's room, opening the door and walking in, to my surprise Levi wasn't a anywhere to be seen. And as always Eren's was still asleep. I shaken his shoulder slightly and say him name trying to wake him up, but he just shooed my hand away, I try again calling his name louder this time and start to shake him a little bit harder. I grunt and turn to leave but he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me down onto the bed with him, I look up to see if he's awake but find he's still asleep, God he's a worry some times. "Levi" he mumbles in his sleep, he snakes an arm around my waist to pull me closed to him, my face buried into his chest.

We use to sleep together a lot when we were younger since Eren was a bit of an idiot and always scared himself by watching horror movies before bed. Meaning he would always been scared and come to sleep with me. Also when I first got adopted into the Jaeger family I was sad a lot due to my parents death so Eren would sleep with me so I wouldn't be lonely. I can't be bothered to try and get myself out of his grip right now so I just give in and close my eyes, I was still so tired, and the sound of his heartbeat is also making me so calm and sleepy again. I hope Levi doesn't walk in and get the wrong idea. I listen to the sound of his heart beating before I give up on trying to stay awake and fall back asleep cuddled up against Eren.

Eren's started to stir in his sleep and rolled over waking me up straight away, I lay still for a few more seconds before slowly getting up off the bed, while trying to disturb Eren. Looking at my phone it was already eleven, which makes me shocked Eren's still fast asleep, then again knowing Levi he probably kept him up all night. I smile to myself and walk out of Eren's bedroom into mine. Instantly my stomach drops as I open the door, Grisha was standing at my dresser holding the pregnancy test. My skin tingles and I all of a sudden feel as if I just got thrown in the freezer, he turns to me and gives me a sadistic smile. "Close the door and come here. Won't you?" I hesitantly close the door behind me and walk up to him, my hands trembling at my sides.

"You know what I absolutely hate Mikasa?" the way my name rolled off his tongue made me sick to my stomach, just the sound of him saying my name is enough to make me want to cower in a corner, "W-what?" I asked hesitantly, I didn't want to know what he was going to say but I didn't have much of a choice, maybe if I obey him he'll just leave me alone for once. He put the test back down on my dresser and looked me up and down "Homosexuals, they are the scum of this world. Filthy creatures they are, absolutely vile, every last one of them will burn in hell where they belong." He took a step closer to me and gripped my chin with his index and thumb, tilting it up to look at him, "And to think that you have committed such a sin disgusts me, you didn't think I'd find out did you? You thought you could hide it from me. Well guess what? I have my was of finding stuff out."  

"So rape isn't a sin to you? Do you think that just because your a man that you can use my body when ever you want? Your the filthy one he-" I fall backwards a sharp pain in my gut, I hit the ground and I had to time to react before another blow hit me, and another and another, he stood above me with a savage look in his eyes repetitively kicking me in the gut. He crouched down and grabbed a fist full of my hair jerking my head up roughly. "Don't fucking speak to me like that every again" he then let go of my hair sending my head down smashing into the ground as he left my room angrily.

My whole body hurt, and I didn't want to move in fear of it only hurting even more. I wanted Annie, I wanted her so badly. I reach for my phone and scroll down to her contact and press call, the dull dial tone rung through my ears and I was starting to lose hope in her ever picking up. Waiting a bit longer it went straight to voice message, I bit my lip in an attempt to prevent myself from crying. Taking a deep breath I slowly lift myself up pain shooting through my body like wild fire, I grab the bag I had prepared encase I ever needed to leave in a rush, and dash down the stairs and out the door without getting noticed.

It took me half and hour to get to Annie's place since I'm in such terrible pain, I knock on her door and hope to God she's home. All I could hear inside the house was music playing from what seemed like upstairs and a faint buzzing sound. The door swung open not to long after I knocked and I immediately throw myself onto her, on to her for dear life. "Mikasa... what's wrong? What are you doing here?" hearing her ask 'what's wrong' makes me start to shake again and start to cry. "I'm never going back, I don't want to go back. Please don't make me" I sob into her clinging onto her hoodie tightly, she soon wrapped her arms around me and guided me into her bedroom. "Mikasa please tell me what's wrong" Annie looks at me with an alarmed expression, me showing up randomly like this must of come as a surprise for her. She sat me down on her bed and then sat next to me, "It was my adoptive father" I speak up avoiding eye contact with her. "What do you mean?" she asks, making my stomach drop again, "He's... the one who's been abusing me" Annie goes silent and just gives me a ghostly look almost as if she can't believe it.

"That filthy fucking bastard" she spat her face twisting into anger, suddenly I start to regret telling her, what if she goes and hits him or threatens him. Then I'd pay for it for sure. But what I didn't expect was for her to dive forward and embrace me tightly. "I won't let him hurt you ever again" Annie whispers into my ear, I stiffen at how tightly she was holding me. It was hurting my bruises and cuts, I let out a small whimper and she immediately loosens her grips and pulls away "I'm so sorry, I forgot." She says simply, but I shake my head trying to tell her it was okay.

Annie looked down and her eyes darkened, which scared me it was scary how quickly she could change moods. "W-What's wrong?" my voice is shaky and hesitant, I was afraid of what was going on in her mind but at the same time I wanted to know, and I couldn't stop myself from wanting to know. Annie looks up at me her eyes slightly glossed over, "What you asked of me last night. Do you still want to?" although she looked as if she were looking straight at me I knew for a fact she was looking past me, she is avoiding eye contact with me at all costs. It was unusual of her, when ever she's talked to me before she's always looked me straight in the eyes. Almost as if she was trying to read my mind, find out what I was thinking.

I look puzzled for a second but then pause as I finally register what she was talking about, she was talking about last night when I asked her to have sex with me. I turn a deep shade of crimson and look away when I feel her looking straight at me. "W-well, I... I um..." I almost couldn't believe what I had said last night to her, I mean sure I wanted to but for me to say it out loud is just... beyond embarrassing.

The bed sunk and I looked up to see Annie on all fours examining my face, she closed her eyes for a second as she moved her fringe out of her face. My heart started to race and my stomach and chest felt weird, as if butterflies were fluttering around inside me. I look away and try to not pay attention to how sexy she looked in that position and how her shirt tugged down revealing her cleavage. "Stop l-looking at m-me"

Annie's POV
Mikasa squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment, her tan skin was flushed and I could sense how fast her heart was beating. She definitely wanted this alright, it was so obvious, from her body language to how she pressed her thighs tightly together. I edge closer and lick the shell of her ear making her visibly shiver, and a whine erupting from deep in her throat "Tell me to stop if t becomes to much, for you okay?" I wait until she gives a small nod before I gently push on her shoulders, pushing her down onto the bed. She still tries to evade eye contact with me clearly shy. Seeing her like this right now she is actually quite adorable... wait what. What the hells wrong with me? I don't like her I'm just doing all this for fun, I don't actually like her... do I?

"Annie, wait" Mikasa said pulling me out of thought, but before I had time to respond she has already pinned me down on the bed, pinning my hands above my head with one hand. I try pulling my hands out of her great but it was all for nothing, she had an iron grip on my wrists, it didn't hurt but the sudden change in her expression rather startled me. Her eyes contain that same look she held in the court yard at school, it was terrifying how quickly her expression could change.

Keeping her grip on my wrists she leaned down and bit my neck, I jump at the sudden pain and to my surprise a small moan slips past my lips. Mikasa grinned sadistically, a look that makes my stomach flutter, the feeling in my stomach was making me uncomfortable but at the same time I kind of liked it. Her spare hand moves itself from down over my shoulders, past my collar bone and resting perfectly on top of my right breast, she looked me straight in the eyes then started to grope my breast sending this sensation through my body straight to the pit of my stomach.

Frustration starts to build up as I yearn for more, I want her to touch me even more. I bit my lip hard and try to hide my face, Mikasa must have seen how frustrated I am as she let's go of my wrists and pulls my shirt off effortlessly. Then reaches around and unclips my brain just as fast, I quickly cover myself starting to feel even more self continuous. Is it because I'm not in control anymore? Or is it because I'm afraid lot what she'll think of me when she sees me naked. Hands gently cup the tops of mine and I look up to see Mikasa looking at me with a gentle smile, "Annie, it's okay." I let her pull my hands away from my chest completely exposing my breasts, I can't bring myself to look at her as she stares at them, my chest has always been on the smaller size and while I don't let it get to me, deep down I wish they were bigger. Guys always go for the girls with big perky boobs not girls with small ones.

The raventte leans down and takes one of my already erect nippers between her teeth and runs her tongue over the bud, I can't stop myself from moaning loudly as the pleasure runs through my body, and I begin to notice how hot my lower region feels. Her hand makes her way to my other breast and starts to pinch and tease at my nipple, hearing how much I'm enjoying the attention to my nipple she nips my right nipple a little harder. But to my surprise I the pain was making me even more aroused. "M-Mika-saaa!" I shamelessly moan out her name, immediately realising what I had done I froze and so did Mikasa.

She pulls away from my breasts and looms over me almost as if examining me, I reach up and intertwine my fingers in her messy black hair, pulling her down to my lips. This kiss was different from the others though, it sent an unexplainable electric shock through me, keeping her lips are locked on mine she gently runs her nails down my stomach stopping at the waist band of my jeans, without hesitation she dove her hand inside my jeans and in my panties her hand halting to cup my crotch, I quickly pull away from the kiss in shock "w-w-wait M-Mikasa not there" she tilts her head at me and runs her fingers between the lips of my pussy then pulling her hand out of my jeans. To my shock her fingers were laced with a kind of clear gooey liquid, "But Annie your so wet" my body stiffens surprised at how my body is reacting to all this. But how's that possible it's not like I'm enjoying this or anything... am I? Mikasa grins down at me and brings her fingers to her lips licking the substance off her fingers, my stomach flips again and I blush as she licks her lips when she is finished.

Just before she was underneath me blushing and acting all embarrassed, but now she's like a completely different person, It's almost scary how quickly she changed. "You know Annie, you taste so good," the statement made my stomach flip again. "Stop it!" I can't stand to look at her anymore, I'm so embarrassed I could die. I roll over onto my stomach and burry my face into the pillows, and to my surprise Mikasa doesn't attempt to stop me or complain, instead she wraps her strong arms around my waist and hoists me up on my knees, my hips positioned up in the air. As embarrassing as it is I'm so horny right now that I don't both resisting.

I lift myself up onto my hands and look back at the raven who is working on unbuttoning my jeans, when she finally pops the button out of the loop she pulls down the zip followed by pulling my jeans down to my ankles. She bits her bottom lip as soon as she pulls down my underwear, my hearts beating is so fast it almost feels as if it's going to burst through my chest, I'm completely exposed to her. Suddenly the room falls into silence, and I start to feel even more self-conscious. Is there something wrong with my body? Maybe she doesn't like it and is disgusted by it. A harsh pain erupts from my lower back, and I jolt forward moaning at the strange tingling between my legs. I stiffen as I realise what she just did, she smacked me. I can instantly feel Mikasa smirking behind me, as I lower down my front half and burry my face in the pillow again, bracing myself to be smacked again. And once again the stinging pain brought me pleasure, as she smacked me again, again and again, my moans muffled from the pillow but I'm sure she heard them all to well.

Before I have a chance to catch my breath the raven slowly slides a finger inside me, the feeling is unreal and is completely different from when I touch myself. She lets it rest inside me for a few seconds then starts to pump in and out of me, I clutch the sheets tightly at the pleasure filling my body, "M-M-ikas-aaaa!" Hearing me moan her name she adds another finger, and starts to use her thumb to rub circles around my clit. She leans over my body as lightly rests herself on top of me, her breasts pushed against my back and I can feel her heart beat on my back. I turn my head to the side, to look up at her, and sure enough she was already looking at me. I reach up with one hand and thread it into her head, then pull her down to my lips rolling over onto my back to make it more comfortable to kiss her. Mikasa pushes her tongue into my mouth and twirls it around mine, I release a throaty groan as she speeds up her movements and pushes a third finger deep inside me.

My hips start to twitch on their own as this wave of pleasure washes over me, I pull away from the kiss and moan loudly my head, pushing back into the pillow until the ecstasy completely disappears. I try to catch my breath, my heart beating harder than what it was before. The bed shifts as Mikasa rolls of me onto the bed, resting on her side. A soft, kind touch brushes away the hair out of my face, "I love you Annie." She says quietly almost as if she was afraid to say it out loud, I roll over onto my side and pull her closer to me. "I love you too." But this time.... I actually meant it.

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