Jungle Fever

By PGEchic

5.8K 127 100

Stranded on an island with two hot guys. . . Wonderful, right? Wrong. Fifteen year old Odessa Smith finds her... More

Arriving In Italy
Pilot Errors
Stranded . . . With Mace
Stay Out Of the Jungle
A Night with Mace
Home Away From Home
The Castle

The Job

2.5K 31 32
By PGEchic

A secret intended for or understood by only an initial few; esoteric. A secret, something done, made, or kept in hiding. But how exactly do you know which secret is the one that will kill you?

Chapter 1: The Job

"Mace, I didn't think I see you again after Marilyn came home," I said though I didn't understand the words felt right.  

"Desi, I love you, and I never meant to hurt you," He looked hurt by my words I didn't mean to hurt him because I felt it too when we touched, but he wasn't mine. He was hers, the enemy, Marilyn Hampshire, Hollywood scarlet from age 8. "Kiss me; if you still love me kiss me."

Once the words left his mouth I felt my body moving towards him. My tears dried as I leaned in closer. I felt his body heat as my body molded against his. In that moment everything was perfect. Everything was whole. I closed my eyes and let myself be lost in the moment his breath now on my face, seconds from my first kiss.

"Odessa Alexandra Smith, if you don't get up now you're gonna lose your job. And then you'll never meet Mace Maxwell," Annalisa, my noisy eight year old sister practically screamed 5 inches away from my ear.  

"Get out! Now! I don't even work today," I screamed making her take a step back. 

"Uh-Huh Mommy told me to tell you that Scott called and needs you in the office this morning."

And with that she left my room in a rush, probably expecting a piss-off me to run yelling down the stairs. But what else did I have to live for if I keep my job I at least have the chance of meeting Mace Maxwell and him dumping Miss Perfect Marilyn for little ole me then we'll live happily ever after. . . at least I hope.

But in case you're wondering I work for Scott Maverick, or rather he works for me. I am one of many models at one of the top companies, It (I know the name sounds so cliché). Scott is my manager and apparently he needs me on my one day off from work this week so instead of catching up on much needed sleep I'm spending my Saturday morning riding the 4 train from Utica to 14th street to Scott's personal office. (And in case you don't know New York that well, that's about 30 minutes, but when you're running on half an au bon pain bagel and hot tea no sugar, which by the way I would get killed for if anyone ever found out that I ate from one of the most unhealthy delicious bakeries in all of New York, 30 minutes might as well be 4 hours.)

"Dess, where have you been," Scott questioned as if he was called into the office after being forced (not that it was painful) to stay at Rachel Behan's, one of the most publically known party girl-heiress and also one of my best friends, birthday party. "Forget it; it's not that important all that matters is you're here now. Ok so we need to get you to 7th avenue . . . because someone has a casting call for Jungle Fever.

Before I could even respond he had already pushed me out off his office and into the elevator. OMFG!!! I cannot believe it I'm going to meet Mace Maxwell at a casting call. I've been waiting my whole life (or since I first saw him last summer at Rachel's mid-summer bash, it was masquerade and awesome if I may add) for this moment. I think I'm gonna faint.

"Scott," he turned to acknowledge me, "I don't feel too well," I stammered out.

"Make it happen," he shouted into the receiver, "Odessa, sweetie, listen to me this will make or break you. I know you love the idea of Mace but remember he's just another stepping stone all you need to do be pretty he's always been one to fall for a pretty face. Oh and one more thing he's a jerk so I'm hoping you're not one of those girls who want to be swept off their feet by him."

Way to crush a dream Scott I mentally screamed hoping he'd pick up on the change in my aura. I looked down wondering if really am that easy to see through or is this just because Scott's known me since I was five.

"You are, aren't you? Ok so here's the deal you want him to fall we can get him to fall just as long as you don't fall back," and with that he end our conversation and answered the phone.

Traffic in Manhattan is always completely crowded I have no idea why Scott would rather sit in a limo for hours than hop on the train. But I guess I'm stuck for as long as he's my manager which will be forever because I doubt mom would ever agree to me firing my dear departed dad's best friend.  

I looked down at my phone and realized I received a text message from my infamous bestest, Talon.

Talon: U ditchd me agn  

Me: OMFG Tay Im so srry bt u'll neva guess wut 

Talon: Umm . . . blah blah blah MACE MAXWELL 

Me: OMMM u kno me so well Im meetn him lyk 4real 2day . . . if we eva get outta traffic 

Talon: I bet its real hell 4u 2 hav 2 wait in a limo til u can meet da dude of ya dreamz 

Me: Im srry. Im bn mean. Hows ur day so srry I spacd on our play d8. Promse I'll mak it up 2 u wen me n mace r finally married. 

Talon: Haha lyk dat ill eva happen u n mace. Bt gotta go txt u l8r 

Me: Bye ur such a meanie cldnt let me hav mi momnt

After what seemed like forever the driver told us we arrived. Before I could reach for the door handle Scott grabbed my arm.

"So this is how it's gonna go down you'll be on your best behavior in there. Lots of pleases and thank yous no ma'ams call everyone by their surname except Mace. Act like he is the most repulsive person you have ever met. Don't acknowledge him let him come to you and don't admit to knowing who he is and when he does tell you his name forget it call him Matt or Maxx just make sure he thinks that you don't care."

And before I can tell him that will never get him to put a ring on my finger and we go into that whole he's 27 your 15 it's not going to happen conversation he hops out of the car. When we reach the 17th floor, where the casting call is being held, Scott gives me this look that says if I don't take his advice he'll quit and even though he's a little annoying sometimes he's honestly someone I know will always be there for me. When you are finally accepted into fame you can never be too sure about who's a friend for life and who's only in it for the public boost.

On the ride home I was feeling totally cruel after taking Scott's advice Mace looked so hurt when I didn't know who he was and it was worst when I kept forgetting his name. I honestly don't think I'll ever marry him now but at least Scott's happy and when he's happy I'm happy or at least that what mom says. 

"Hey, mom, I'm home," I called when I reached the kitchen with no sign of life.

After circling the premises and coming up with nothing, I return to my sanctuary to see Mace's smug expression posted all over my room. Deep blue emotionless eyes look back at me, jet black hair carelessly tousled and an arrogant smile taking over his entire being. I'm suppose to hate him and even after watching him in his natural habitat and seeing the jerk Scott was talking about I still don't hate him. I mean don't get me wrong I regret pining over him. He actually kind of whore-ish, he's been in this intimate relationship with Marilyn Hampshire for like ever and now I wonder how I ever made her out to be the enemy.

Talon was supposed to meet me here an hour ago. He told me he'd meet me here no need to come together. He said if you came together I'd have to consider it a date so instead of compromising our 10 year long friendship. So I've been waiting hear on 42nd street outside of my two most favorite movie theaters for an hour. I guess it's only fair that I wait on him because I've missed way more than my fair-share of appointments. But that doesn't make the wait any easier.

"Well go get a shovel, and we'll dig a deep hole, to bury the castle, bury the castle," My ringtone, Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore, interrupted my silent rant. "Hello," I answered a little agitated from being stood up.

"Dessa, we need you here right now. It's an emergency."

"Candace, I have better things to do than humor you. And since when do we even talk," I simply stated hoping that was enough to get her to forget she ever had my number.

"Look I know you hate me and I hate you but this is about Talon. Please come to my house he's been asking about you for the longest," and with that she ended the conversation.

Normally I wouldn't even associate with a "well traveled" person such as herself. But I wanted to hear his excuse as to why he stood me up for a bitch like Candace everything about her is fake. That's not even her real name she only goes by Candace so people can call her Kandi since she seems to think she tastes like it. She is a total slut and I wouldn't have even been that mad if he had called but no he made her call me.

Candace's house was a little run down place in East New York. Her family rented the top floor while Jeremy, her boyfriend, rented the bottom.

Candace answered the door before I even got to the top step. She was dressed like always if you can even call it that. Candace was in a white tub top dress, which barely covered her butt, with gold and silver sequence. She walked upstairs and into the bathroom and I honestly couldn't remember the last time I'd been up here.

"He's in here I don't care what you do with him but he has to go," then she left me in the dimly lit room by myself.

"Talon, are you in here," I asked into the darkness. My only response was heavy breathing coming from the tub.

I approached with caution then pulled back the shower curtain to find Talon in a pool of blood with eyes half closed. Treat this like mom would. First where is the wound? I struggle to find his cut in the dim lighting. How could Candace leave him like this? In the time it took me to get here she could have called the cops or at least Googled bullet wounds. I follow actions I must have learned somewhere but I'm not quite sure because the whole time it seems like I'm on auto-pilot. His breathing's back to normal the blood stopped he's regained conciseness but he's not talking. Please don't let him be in shock, I silently cry.

Talon turns his head towards me and smile, "Are those for me." Even as I look at him sweating and blood stained I want to punch him. How can he possibly joke in a time like this? (When we were younger me and Candace, when her name was Ashley, found one of her mom's trashy novels and that was one of the parts we repeatedly quoted. Especially when someone in the room cried.) Instead of beating the crap out of him, no matter how good that sounded, I hugged him and cried harder in his arms, even if he couldn't hug me with his left arm without wincing.

After what seemed like hours of sitting in darkness with the infamous Talon he spoke, "Aren't you gonna ask me what happened?"

"Nope, I'm not that even matters. All that matters is your ok. Right," I whispered in the completely dark room seeing as the sun set.

"Well go get a shovel, and we'll dig a deep hole, to bury the castle, bury the castle," my ringtone interrupted the sudden silence.

I looked at Talon silently asking permission. He answered with a quick nod of the head. I slowly flipped open my phone not knowing if I could take any more bad news today especially from Scott. 

"Ok so, Dess, I'm gonna have to make this quick. You got the job no call back. They decided you were the girl. I'm gonna need you tomorrow at 6 in JFK. I'll Be there with all your information. Oh and Doll don't forget your passport.

This is officially the first story I have even posted. Honestly some feedback would be highly appreciated. Oh and if you honestly think this sucks and I shouldn't bother don't be scared to tell me. For those of you who want more believe me when I say there are many surprises in store. Comment soon plz.

In Case You're Wondering 

OMMM - Oh My Mace Maxwell 

The Novel Ashley and Odessa read was called Planet X by Evangeline Anderson. Me my real life bestest found it on here last summer. And it was beautiful I love and recommend it unfortunately it was copyrighted so it's no longer on here but I can email it you if you post the request.

Rights to the Following 

Au Bon Pain - This is an actual restaurant in the north for those of you who don't know 

Brick by Boring Brick - a Paramore song on their new album, Brand New Eyes 

Tik Tok - a song by Kesha it's her debut as an artist

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