Spartans [FINISHED]

By Master_Chief0117

610 20 69

In this story it bounces from Johns character to Memphis's character throughout. It's about Halo. Memphis is... More

Prologe to next book.


10 0 2
By Master_Chief0117

(A/v) this song has absolutely nothing to do with the chapter but I want you to hear it so listen to it anyway.

Memphis's POV I smile at John and he waves. I smirk and stick my tongue out at Daryl. Rachel runs down the stairs and I follow Daryl and John. As I walk in Daryl grins and trips John. He stumbles and kicked Daryl in the shin as he was walking by. Daryl spins John around and grabs him by the collar. "I suggest you quit it, John. You don't want me to kill you in front of her, would you?" "You started it. And stop bringing Memphis into this!" I half smile and walk over to my "bed" and grab an extra pair of clothes, then I walk behind Daryl and into the ladies bathroom. I take a shower and put my new clothes on. "Ah, much better." I say brushing my hair. I walk out and the boys are talking. I forgot my phone and I walk back into the bathroom to get it. I close the door behind me and I listen in to their conversation. "I bet you've never seen her in her bra. Or made out with her." "No, why?" I couldn't tell if it was Fred or Daryl who said the bra thing but I knew they were talking to John. "Because you're supposed to do that when you're dating." Ok, that's definitely Fred. I walk out and Fred shuts up, but Daryl doesn't. "Why, have you done it." John says smartalickly. I walk over to John and grab his hand. "Hi." I say happy out of the blue. John rubs my head and goes back to listening to Daryl. I keep holding his hand. "Yeah." Daryl says shrugging. John looks at me. "Cover your ears for one second." He whispers. I do but I can still hear just fine. Although, I'm pretty sure he knows that. He looks to Daryl. "But you still can't get Rachel to suck your dick." SHOTS FIRED! Damn! "I probably can but I just haven't yet." He says shrugging again. "Why, can't find it?" DAMN! John is on a role. "No, I can find it quite easy." I giggle. Daryl shoots me the 'shut the fuck up look' and turns back to John. "Are you sure? Even if you can it's probably the size of a Tik tak." I laugh and then cover my mouth to muffle it. Fred and John start to laugh too. I watch Daryl ball his hand into a fist and I stop laughing. I look over and Rachel was in here listening to all of this and laughing so hard. I walk with John outside to the tree. I hear the door slam open and Daryl walking out of it.
John's POV I start to actually talk civil with Daryl. I wasn't really listening. Then he said, "I bet you haven't seen her in her bra, or made out with her." I guess he was talking about Memphis again. "No, why?" I have completely no clue why I would do that. "Because that's what people do when their dating." Fred tells me. I'm going to be an ass hole right now, but it'll be worth getting yelled at. "Why, have you done it." I say thinking he'll shut up. Memphis walks over and grabs my hand. "Hi." She's so adorable when she acts all happy like that. I rub her head and look at Daryl to see if he was gonna say anything. Fred always shuts up when the person he's talking about comes in. "Yeah." Daryl shrugs it off and looks at me. I'm going to be extremely dirty right now but, whatever. I look at Memphis. "Cover your ears for one second." I know she can hear but it muffles it so her semi-innocence isn't totally ruined. She does and I look at Daryl. "But you still can't get Rachel to suck your dick." I say trying not to laugh. "I probably can I just haven't yet." "Why, can't find it?" "No, I can find it quite easy." Memphis giggles and Daryl gives her a cold stare and looks back at me. "Are you sure? Even if you could it's probably the size of a Tik tak." Memphis laughs then covers her mouth. In the corner of my eye I see Rachel. Fred starts laughing and so does Rachel. I laugh too and Memphis leads me outside by the tree. I hear the door slam open and Daryl walking towards me. "Why would you say that in front of my girlfriend!" He yells. Shit, shit, shit. I'm so SCREWED. I look at Memphis and she has her knife in hand. Daryl comes over to me and tries to punch me. I block it with my arm. "Sorry! I was just joking around." I say trying not to act scared. He throws another punch and I dodge it. "Calm down!" I hear Memphis yell as she grabs his arm and tries to distract him. He pushes her to the ground. She gets up and punches him in the eye. He turns to me and his eye is black and blue. I try to grab my pistol but he punches me in the jaw and it went black.

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