Bloody Idiot | remus x severus

By ke_birch

34.7K 1.2K 1K

I no longer ship snupin. I'm sorry but snape is just not a nice guy. However this story stays up for those wh... More

What to do
Truth or Dare?
"I choose Dare"
The Chase
The First Date

The Plan

4.6K 177 55
By ke_birch

Breakfast was interesting to say the least. Lucius prodded and poked Severus until he got out of bed, and forced him to come down for breakfast in the Great Hall. He couldn't help but notice every time he glanced at the Gryffindor table there was that damned set of gorgeous amber eyes staring back. Sev ducked his head and shovelled some more eggs into his mouth, blushing furiously..

Meanwhile, across the room Remus was developing a plan. After the kiss with Severus that night, he had been planning on just how he can convince Severus that he in-fact did love him. He watched the boy glance his way to only look away again and chow down on his breakfast. He sighed, causing Lily to place a comforting hand on his back. She smiled at him and he grimaced back, nodding to Narcissa who had entered the hall and winked at him. Today, he thought. Today would be the day he finally declared his love for the Slytherin boy.


All through Transfiguration Remus couldn't concentrate on the work they were set. His mind wandered on to topics like imagining the feeling Severus's black locks twisting through his fingers, and to feel those lips on his one more time.

"Lupin! Who were the three wizards who pioneered the use of Transfiguration Magic in the crossing of the Pacific Ocean?" McGonagall's voice startled him sharply out of his daydream and Remus guiltily looked at the woman.

"James Cook....?" He meant to sound assertive in his answer but it was weak and timid.

"Alongside Joseph Banks and Arthur Phillip. Pay attention in my class" she admonished, he got some startled looks from his peers. Remus rarely ever got into trouble, so on the odd occasion he did, it became the day's gossip.

"Yes Professor" he replied meekly, and duly noted the names down.

Finally Transfiguration was over and Remus could enjoy the free study session he was about to get. Although, he knew he wouldn't get much study done. James and Sirius has Flying lessons at the same time and often smoothed-talked Madame Cowart into letting them leave the class for "practice of manoeuvres on the Quidditch pitch". As an ex member of the Chudley Cannons, Madame Cowart could hardly say no to two strapping men dedicated to the fine sport, so three out of four Marauders spend the morning in the Quidditch pitch with James and Sirius goofing off and Remus reading Hogwarts: A History.

"Hey Remus" Sirius shouted from his position in the air. "Charm this, will you?" He threw a makeshift Quaffle down to the boy, who swished his wand and cast the enchantment. He did the same for James with a golf ball. The two boys then flew around the pitch, practicing for the upcoming game while Remus developed a plan.

"Hey Prongs" he called, when the boys touched down for a break. "Do ya reckon you could get your hands on some Felix Felicis?"

"That's a tough one mate.... Sluggy doesn't keep that in his storeroom, that's in his private office. I'll see what I can do" James responded, taking a swig from the bottle of Butterbeer Remus procured earlier.

"Damn, alright. Let me know how you go. I need to do a few things. See you at lunch" Remus clapped the boys on the shoulder and strolled to the library to return some outstanding loans. There, he accidentally walked in on two fourth years making out in the furthest corner of the library. Recognising one of them to be Jack, he assumed the boy he was kissing was his boyfriend Dean.

"Look boys, Madame Pince is about to arrive to pester me again. Better clean up" he winked at the boys fixed their robes and hair with one final kiss. Just as they broke apart, Madame Pince rounded the corner like a vulture on a hunt and shuffled up to the three boys.

"What are you two doing here?" The squawked at Jack and Dean.

"I was just showing them where" he pulled a random book off the shelf and read the title.

"'How to care for your Mandragora' was shelved." He shoved the book in Dean's arms and smiled winning my at Madame Pince.

"Well, if you say so" she rattled again and shuffled away, her musty clothes swishing around her leathery skin.

"Thanks for the save mate" Jack said and kissed Dean on the cheek.

"Might actually read this one" he replied. "I accidentally killed mine in Herbology yesterday." The pair walked off and Remus found himself sitting at the table that he always sat at, facing the large window to the courtyard below. Sighing, Remus stared out to the horizon and began to visualise his plan for that lunch.


"Hey, Moony. I wasn't able to get the Felix Felicis. Sorry mate" James whispered as Professor Slughorn walked past with a disapproving glance directed their way.

"Don't worry about it. It's not essential anyway"

At some point during this conversation, Severus and his "gang"  had walked through the large doors and sat with his back facing Remus. Narcissa and Lucius sat facing the Gryffindor table and she gave Remus an encouraging smile. Lunch appeared and Remus visualised himself taking on a bit more courage in every mouthful he ate. As he did so, he found his heart rate began to speed up and his palms get sweaty in anticipations, which Lily noticed. She smirked at him "Go on. Do this for you and James" she rolled her eyes at Remus and James piped up, saying "What is Remus doing for me?"

"Remus and I have a little challenge going. If he finishes his, I'll do mine" she replied, purposefully leaving James and Sirius in the dark, and laughing at their confused reactions.

"Better pucker up, Evans." Remus quipped and stood up, wiping his palms once more on his robes. Making his way around the Gryffindor table, he was aware of heads turning in wonderment and confusion... So he kept his target locked in his sight and before he knew it, he was standing just behind Severus. Tapping him on the shoulder, he quickly caught the nod from Lucius and the wink from Narcissa, and suddenly his feelings of nervousness were gone.

"Severus, may I have a word" he asks quietly and the Slytherin boy stood up and faced him, cheeks flushed and eyes lowered.

"Don't do this Lupin. I don't want to be part of this joke with your little band of twats. Just leave me the hell alone." Severus's voice was vehement and he hissed the phrase out.

"Severus, you've got the wrong idea. I've loved you since probably around third year" the conversation was quiet enough so that nobody could make out what was being said, save from Bella, Cissa and Malfoy.

A quick glance over at the Gryffindor table told him that James and Sirius were totally confused on why their best friend was talking to the enemy. Lily just smiled and wet her lips, knowing full well that she would have to hold up her end of the bargain.

"Stop Lupin. Don't play with my feelings. This is just some sick joke you and Perfect Potter are playing." Severus couldn't conceal that one tear that made its way down his cheek as he finally looked Remus dead in the eye. He tried to push past the Gryffindor, but a hand shot out and locked around his wrist, pulling close until their noses were almost touching.

"It's. Not. A. Game. Maybe this will convince you" Remus leaned in and brushed his lips against Severus's lightly. Sev remained that way, completely shocked by the turn of events so Remus started to pull away, thinking he did something wrong when a hand snaked out and cupped the back of his neck and pulled him closer. They kissed again, long slow and deep as the students around them began to clap and whistle at the two, the volume redoubling and Remus moved his lips open to explore the taste of Severus. He pulled back and pecked the Sev's nose "convinced now?" He asked and as Sev nodded he turned to the Gryffindors.

"Pucker up Evans!" He called and Lily rolled her eyes at him in response. All eyes were on her as she placed a palm on James's cheek, before leaning in and pressing her lips on his. The cheering stared up again, with the Gryffindor's (and most notably Sirius) being the loudest of all. Lily pulled away and giggled as the gaping boy.

"You know Potter, you aren't actually half bad. Lunch at Three Broomsticks next week?"

For once, James was lost for words and could only nod in response. Sirius leaned over and whispered "get in there" before whistling as Remus gave Severus one last kiss and walked back over to their table. The Gryffindor boy was greeted with many high-fives and pats on the back, applauding his courage, but the only thing Remus could see was Snape's beautiful smile winking from across the room.

And we're done! Thank you for all the votes and lovely comments, it really makes my day.

This was the planned ending for Bloody Idiot, but it's up to you guys if you want me to continue it. Just give me an idea and I will (probably) write it.

Riley Silver xx

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