Stuck with the bad boy

By Muffiish

76.3K 1.5K 183

Did he know how hard it was for me to breathe when he was this close to me? Our bodies were pressed to each o... More

Editing & new version
Chapter 1: Misunderstanding
Chapter 2: Don't call me V
Chapter 3: People making babies
Chapter 4: The things we would do for a prank
Chapter 5: The sexual tension is killing us
Chapter 6: A big surprise
Chapter 7: Secrets and lies
Chapter 8: Will you be my girlfriend?
Chapter 9: Amusement park
Chapter 11: Almost living out the daydream
Chapter 12: Milk
Chapter 13: Take him down

Chapter 10: Danger

3.3K 98 4
By Muffiish


''Well that was weird'' I mumbled when River decided to pick a big, white teddy bear with a light brown bow around it's neck. 

''The casanova seems to have a cute side'' I said jokingly as I looked at him holding the bear in his arms. As if it it couldn't get cuter, he handed me the teddy bear with a smile playing on his lips. As if on cue a frown replaced the smile on his lips.

To lighten up his mood, I gave him a peck on the cheek as I whispered a thank you. Is it just me or did he start blushing?

| | CHAPTER 10 : DANGER | |

River Jacobs

I turned in my sleep, holding two pillows pressed to my ears. I had tried going back to sleep multiple times but that constant loud laughter wouldn't stop echoing throughout the room. Everyone knew not to disturb my sleep especially not on a Monday morning. I groaned as the morning light shone down on my lying form. I quickly covered my eyes as I let out an irritated groan.

''Good morning River'' her light voice murmured from across the room. Her morning voice sounded so beautiful, I would love to wake up to that every day. And as she laughed once again, I could only hear it as a beautiful melody. It made me think back to Saturday, when we were at the amusement park. She had been so scared yet so happy laughing hysterically and she had been cute, very cute.

Wait what the hell am I thinking?! Focus! My best friend is dating that girl!

I groaned once again, I needed one hell of a distraction.

''River, are you okay?'' she asked from her side of the room. Rubbing my face out of the sleepiness I gave her a reassuring smile. She was resting against her headboard, phone in hand and a smile on her lips. Why is she so beautiful?

I stepped out of my bed only in boxers might I add, but she didn't seem to notice. I wanted some sort of comment but before looking like a creep I walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower before starting to fix my hair with my favorite wax. That's when I felt my fingers starting to glue to one another. Panic struck my face as I glanced in the mirror, only to notice that my hair was green and my fingers glued to each other.

''SUMMERS!'' I shouted at the top of my lungs the anger burning within me as I opened the door with such a strong force, hitting her right in the face. I watched how she stumbled back a bit, clutching onto her forehead in pure pain. Her eyes started to roll back in her head as she fell backwards, down on the ground with a loud thump. The scream leaving her lips made every single hair on my body to stand. I could feel her pain through her whimpers as she wriggled on the ground. She was hurt... and it's all my fault.

''Are you okay?'' I asked which I knew was a stupid thing to ask. I had never heard my voice filled with so much concern before. 

She tried sitting up which made her groan in pain, I could tell that she was trying to fight the tears from spilling. 

''I'm fine'' she mumbled before standing up and quickly losing her balance. Before she had the time to once again fall down, I caught her thanking my fast reflexes. Her hands instantly circled around my neck as I held her firmly in my arms. Our eyes met for a brief second before the door flew open revealing Damon. His smile vanished, replaced by shock at our current position, her in my arms, I being naked and green haired.

''What is going on here?'' he was on the verge of yelling at us and it actually made me gulp. 

''I just lost my balance, River caught me before I fell'' Tori answered in a soothing voice which surprisingly calmed Damon down instantly. He so got it bad for her. ''Oh'' was the only thing he could say as he entered the room.

''Hurry up kids, we start soon!'' he suddenly yelled. We quickly sprinted apart running around trying to change clothes and sharing the bathroom at the same time. While I tried fixing my hair, I obviously needed the mirror for that which irritated Tori because she wanted to change out of her pyjamas. 

''You're the one that decided to color my hair green'' she only huffed in response, going into the shower with tinted glass and undressed. Just watching her silhouette was turning me on. 

''River'' her voice had a warning tone to it in which I hurriedly turned towards the mirror. The green color was stuck at the top of my hair giving it kind of a fading effect to my hair color. I sighed in defeat, heading out of the dorm. We were all walking to class, unfortunately for Damon, Tori and I had history together.

''See you later'' she said to Damon, who only gave her a peck to the cheek in which she frowned at. Though when he looked at her, a smile was quickly plastered to her lips. I gave her a questioning look to which she ignored and walked through the door. I lingered by the door as Damon sent me a look he thought I would miss. What was that? He couldn't be jealous?

''Are you coming?'' she asked as all our classmates tried to enter the room which I was currently blocking the entrance to. I nodded and followed her to the back, the flirtatious glances that I received didn't go unnoticed. Some girls even gestured with their hands to call them.. ha never in your wildest dreams!

I took a seat at the back, waiting for Tori, whom had stopped to chat with Mike, one of the football players. They were laughing at something he had said, her hand clutching to his arm. He didn't seem affected by her action, none of them did mind it except for me...

She would never act so friendly with me...

''Class! Please take a seat and be quiet!'' our history teacher Mr Lerman yelled as he started to write on the board. Tori let go off Mike's arm and sprinted for her seat next to me. Without as much as a glance at me, she only sat down, all focus on the board. But as soon as Mr Lerman started to explain World War II I zoned out till I was fast asleep.

I woke up to her stroking my cheek and I could feel her thumb lingering on my lips. I took a bite at it causing her to giggle before planting a soft kiss to my lips. I frowned, feeling nothing as if it was a feather that had graced my lips. She was smiling at me, her brown eyes borring into mine. I could feel her legs tangled with mine and I gulped seeing the duvet barely covering her up. Just when I was about to reveal what was under the duvet, she spoke very lightly. ''River'' I was still looking into her eyes as she was still smiling.


How could she be so beautiful.

''River!'' someone nudged my arm, bringing me out of my slumber. Taking in my surroundings, I realised it was all just a dream and a frown stretched it's way onto my features. What I didn't miss was those familiar chocolate brown eyes staring right at me. I jolted up in my seat and cursed her out but she only laughed.

''Mr Jacobs, do you know the answer or not?'' I looked confused at Tori but she only smirked, her eyes now shining with amusement. I sighed in defeat, knowing she would never tell me the answer in any circumstances. 

''Sorry but could you repeat the question'' I tried asking, hoping Mr Lerman had patience for his students.

''Who was the leader for Germany?'' he asked, his foot tapping the floor annoyingly. Is this a trick question? 

''Wasn't that Hitler?'' I more like asked which made him sigh but needles to say gave me a thumbs up. 

''Good job Jacobs'' Tori whispered next to me, sending shivers down my spine. I watched how the girl next to me sent glares back at the girls that were scowling and trying to shoot lasers through their eyes at her. She then rolled her eyes turning to me. ''You must love the attention'' I just gave her a knowing smirk which caused me a punch to the arm.

But beneath my fake acting that I liked the attention I was receiving, there was a spot in me that felt empty. It was starting to get boring with the way they were throwing themselves at me, did they not have any dignity? I sure liked the fun part of it all but somehow that couldn't fill my excitement. What had this brown haired girl next to me done?


When lunch came around, Damon already had Tori dragged to our lunch table, seeing he had already bought her some food. She smiled at this as he once again pecked her cheek but the half smile from across the room didn't go unnoticed by me. Damon was missing something that she wanted...

Out of my peripheral vision I noticed that we had fries and burgers for lunch today. Grabbing some extra fries I made my way to our table. 

''You're so sweet Damon'' I mimicked her as I sat down, earning myself a glare from Tori. ''And I'm River Jacobs, I get every girl I want'' she said in a dark voice that sounded nothing like me. ''Oh wait sorry, did I mention that I'm a dick? Well I am'' she smirked at me but what she didn't know was that her words actually stung.

''Stop it, you two act like children'' Damon yelled over our rambling of each others. ''It's hard enough knowing you share the same room'' he muttered as Tori gave him a small smile.

''Damon look, I made it clear that we're only dating which means that I'm not bound to you'' He didn't look well. ''That means, you can't act too jealous'' she gave him a light peck to the cheek, not noticing his sad demeanour.

''Ethan!'' she called him over as he was about to sit down on an empty table. I watched Damon's eyes darken when Ethan came over. 

''Are you still joining me today?'' she asked as he sat down next to me. He gave me an unsure glance but hurriedly smiled at Tori. ''Of course I wouldn't want to miss it'' he answered. 

''Good'' she beamed at him, her white teeth showing.

''Joining you on what?'' Damon decided to speak up, confusion written all over his face. 

''He's coming to my photoshoot today'' she replied casually as his face crumbled. She hit him lightly when she saw his expression. She laughed, that melody of hers and said ''Don't worry I will be fully clothed'' I could see her frowning a bit, not knowing why. I then saw Damon gulp awkwardly as if he thought of her naked. She just laughed that beautiful laugh of hers as she looked at him with disbelief.

''Sis, can I borrow like ten bucks?'' Elliot came shouting throughout the cafeteria. Her whole face lightened up upon seeing her little brother, which caused the knot in my stomach to grow. I needed to check her safety...

''Don't you have your own money?'' Her eyebrow raised yet slightly confused. 

''Mom froze my accounts'' he answered drily as if it was no big deal. A dark look crossed her face before handing him one of her cards. Before he had the time to sprint away, she gave him a light peck on the cheek which caused him to frown.

By her actions, I remembered how her red soft lips had felt against my skin. It was so soft like a feather almost like the dream from before. I didn't have the time to further think about it as my phone started to ring.

Victoria Summers

''You're late'' my assistant Sandra scowled at me, exactly like my mother would had done. All my mother's employees were from hell except for Terry, my photographer the only one that actually cared about my well being. Unfortunately he had another job in Berlin right now so I had to settle for someone else.

''I have school like everyday so if you could cut me some slack and hurry up to help me, I will consider not to fire you'' I know that it was kind of mean to threaten her but I have been hearing the same thing for the last three years and it was taking a tool on me. She muttered something incoherent and when I asked her about it she only replied ''Nothing'', then she quickly put me on makeup and getting dressed.

Ethan was standing next to me as everyone ran forth and back to fix everything up. ''Do you still want to be a photographer?'' I asked as I watched him glance around the studio, his eyes filled with astonishment. He had the right to be amazed, this was practically his dream. 

''Yes, I love this, it feels like home'' he shouted out in enthusiasm as he gestured around at our surroundings. I didn't have the time to answer him as that horrific scream came shouting towards me.

''VICTORIA'' Please let this be a dream! 

''I think your mom is approaching us'' Ethan's scared voice whispered in my ear before he disappeared from my side. Probably hiding from the devil.

''Yes mother?'' I asked in my sweetest tone that I always used to irritate her. 

''Where's your brother? I've called him thousands of times today and it always go to voicemail'' she shouted right in my ear as if I was the problem. 

''I spoke to him like two hours ago, he's probably busy'' I then realised something else. ''Hasn't he been ignoring all of your calls since you and my lovely principal announced the oh so tragically news?'' Her nose flared, ears slowly turning red and I walked away getting ready for the shoot.

''Young lady, we're not done here!'' her hand grabbed my wrist, spinning me around causing me to get a bit dizzy. I composed myself as she rambled on how I was too hard to handle. I had already zoned out when she snapped her fingers in my face. I gave her a glare but she ignored it. 

''Your phone is ringing'' she stated giving me a dirty look. Not bothering to check the caller ID, I simply answered with ''It's me'' as usual which my mother hated. She gave me a quick look telling me we weren't finished and walked away.

''Tori listen to me, this is important'' River said through the phone. Wait River? 

''I received a phone call today'' he said hurriedly. I remembered how he had excused himself at lunch today, was it that phone call he meant? 

''River, what's going on?'' I asked, concern laced in my voice. 

''Find your brother, he might be in danger'' he said and it felt like my whole world just dropped. 

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