Joey Graceffa X Reader

By ICantRemember18305

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You are 18 and Joey is 20. Do you want to find out what happens? If so you better start reading! More

Meet The Hotel
Meeting Joey
Joey's Hotel
Date Day
Date Day Part Two
Meet And Greet
The House
Hot Tub
Please Read
Sleep In!
A Brake Up?
Yes Or No?!
People Know!
Poor Lillia
Shillia or Lane?!
New Phone?!
10 Years Later
The End...

Lunch With Joey's Ex Girlfriend?!

745 18 5
By ICantRemember18305

Lillia's POV:

I wake up and look at the time 02:43am. "Ugh" I say tiredly and lay back down to go back to sleep.

Joey's POV:

I wake up and look at my phone for the time it's 07:29am so I get up and get breakfast the useual toast:).

Your POV:

I wake up at 09:03am and got up and dressed. Then went out to get breakfast and I walk into the living room to see Lillia and Joey up. "Morning" I say to them "morning" Lillia said while Joey said "morning babe" with a a wink. That day we went out to the beach because it was so sunny! We got ice creams that Joey brought and for our lunch Lillia brought us some chips yum yum!

-Later That Night-

It was about 09:48pm and me and Lillia went to change into pjs while Joey was watching sports that he recorded on our TV.

-In The Morning-

Lillia's POV:

I wake up and go to the toilet and when I come out the bathroom (Your Name) was stood there so I let her in.

Your POV:

I went to go have a shower but Lillia was in the bathroom. When I got out the shower I got dressed in jeans and a white top that said BF and Lillia got on her top that said FS (BFFS). We went to the shops and people looked at us weird. I think they might of thought we were kids ;P. We got a game so me and Lillia could make a live stream for my twitch. After that we filmed a video for Joey's YouTube channel it was a Q/A (question and answer) video for me and Joey while Lillia was controlling the cameras. We anwsered questions like "will you have kids?" And we anwsered "probably" and other questions like that and mostly based around our relationship. Later that night we ordered nandos omg it was delicious. And later that night Lillia went for a shower then Joey then I had a bath.

-The Next Day-

Lillia's POV:

I wake up by two people snoring haha. I got up and dressed and got breakfast. I then went to the sofa and put the TV on.

Joey's POV:

I wake up from my phone dinging and it said I had a text I opened it. It was from Callie it said "hey can you meet me for lunch at my place?" I replyed saying "sure.... But can I bring (Your Name)?"  "Sure I'd love to meet her :) here's my address (Random Address)" she sent back "thanks be there at 11:30am" I replyed and put down my phone.

Your POV:

I wake up by tapping on a phone or something like that. I look at Joey and he has his phone in his hand "whatcha doing?" I say tapping his shoulder so he looked at me "you know I'm still friends with my ex girlfriend and she invited me round for lunch. She said you can come too if you wanted to" Joey said looking like he wanted me to go "ok" I said getting up and getting dressed while Joey got dressed. When we were on our way to his ex girlfriends we were singing along to the radio and in one of the adverts "what's her name?" I asked Joey "Callie" he replyed half smiling as we pulled into her drive way 


OMG 1K READS! Thank you so much all of you! I love you all I'm so happy!


P.S this is after the wedding.

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