His New Toy (boyxboy)

By biscuitmonster

5M 111K 44.9K

Maxwell Evans is used to being abused by everyone. Why? because he is beautiful with his giant baby like blue... More

The Pretty Boy
You're Mine Now
Leave Him Alone
I'm Sorry
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Was There Even A Point Of Me Trying To Be Nice To You?
Thrown Away
A New Friend
What did he do?
Just listen to me
I Knew You Would Come Back
Are you choosing him over me?
What do you mean unfinished?
I don't Think Max Will Like That
There's been an attack
Erick Carter?
Why would I hurt you when I love you?
Did I Get Drunk?
Am I so hungry that I'm Hallucinating?
So, what were you going to say again?
Well, Darren will you help me?
Come on! where is your Christmas spirit!?
A Fresh Start
A Victim
I Can Wait
You can trust us
She was My Everything
Yeah you're right, I'm Screwed
What have I just done?
Last Chances
Happy Birthday (Part 1)
Happy Birthday (Part 2)
Happy Birthday (Part 3) Final Chapter

You think this changes anything?!

103K 2.4K 234
By biscuitmonster

:D Had the urge to just spontaneously write and upload but I probably wont be uploading this quickly since I have exams to revise for :'(but hopefully you'll enjoy this

Comment and Vote :D

Biscuit xxx

[Erick’s POV]

I completely dismissed Darren’s warning; I don’t like being taken for an idiot. Someone was going to do explaining even if I was going to beat it out of him.

I drove until I arrived at Max’s house and banged furiously at his door, after a couple of minutes he opened up, he looked worse than when I last saw him, the doctor did say there would be a couple of side effects. But I didn’t let this make me feel sorry for him.

“Erick?” his voice was in a whispered tone he tried smiling but he soon realised that I wasn’t here for a friendly visit.

As I took more and more demanding steps towards the frail boy, I tried to suppress my thoughts, the ones that lusted so badly after him. I sighed internally, he was so unfair, he did things to me he had no clue about but I ignored all of that as best as I could and let all the anger and frustration I had been keeping under wraps, thinking about the ways he lied and took advantage. He was begging for mercy with his eyes but he wasn’t going to be in for an easy night.

Before I could even begin, I kissed him but I regretted it the minute I did it because it wasn’t enough, I just put myself through that unnecessary pain

“You’re in for so much trouble tonight”

He gulped slightly and took an intake of breath “You need to stop doing that”

I smirked “What? Kiss you?”

“Yes” he looked pissed off but he didn’t look at me

I bent down so I was levelled with his ear “I can do whatever like whenever I damn please”  he didn’t respond, I guess he got the message. Straightening myself I watched him, he showed no emotion as he fixed his eyes on the ground “You know Max, I'm so disappointed in you”

He didn’t say anything, instead he stared up intently at me, his blue eyes boring deep into me, he looked at me remorsefully but still nothing. I crossed my arms expectantly at him, looking at him as furiously as I did before but still nothing. I sighed becoming impatient, by now he should have been begging for me to spare him and I would have knocked some sense into him.

I hope he didn’t keep this up.

“Well, aren’t you going to say something?” he shook his head slowly not once breaking eye contact with me; I slammed my fist against the wall by his head making him flinch. I was quickly overwhelmed by sudden guilt,

What was happening to me? 

You’re becoming weak, Erick


I sighed in defeat and rested my head on top of Max’s, he wrapped his small arms around my waist and felt him sigh. I'm sure he would have been ready to receive any punishment I was going to give because he knew he deserved it.

“Why Max?” I mumbled into his strawberry scented hair

“I don’t know” he replied “it wasn’t what you think though”

“What was it like?”

He sighed softly “Can I sit down? I'm so tired”

“Yeah” I followed him into his cream and white living room and sat down next to him while he fanned himself pathetically but giving up and dropping his head back on the sofa with his eyes closed. It was only then I realised he was shirtless except for a cardigan than hung off him. I watched a bead of sweat roll down his neck until it stopped at his navel, I had to swallow the saliva that built up in my throat as I continued to stare like a perv. It was only when he began to speak I broke out of my trance. Sitting up he looked at me

“I didn’t cut myself” he looked down at his lap playing with his thumbs

“I know”

“Well I did, but it wasn’t because I wanted to”

“I know”

“You do?” did he think I was retarded?

“Yes” he gazed at me in shock as if it wasn’t obvious

“Chris made me…hurt myself”

“I know that too”

“Oh” was his only response

“Why did you get back with that freak?”

He must have sensed the bitter disappointment in my voice because the minute the words left my mouth he looked at me with a sudden desperation hoping I would believe him “it wasn’t like that I wasn’t going too”

“Go on”

“I called him” he sighed taking another breath “To break up with him but the minute he picked up the phone and his voice scared me-“

“Scarier than me?”

He smiled one of his genuine smiles “Yes scarier than you”

“Wow” I murmured “Sorry continue”

“He tried to sound calm but I could feel the rage behind it, he said that he knows where I live and he doesn’t want any trouble, so for my own sake I should just get back with him. So I did”

I nodded not knowing what to say to that, I was surprisingly calm. I smiled at Max asking “Give me your phone”

“Erick are you okay?”

“Will you just give me your phone?” he dug his hand into his back pocket pulling out his phone, he shot me a worried look. “Don’t worry” I scrolled down his contact list until I got to Chris, I called his number and put the phone on loudspeaker

“What are you doing!?” he hissed as the phone continued to ring

“Break-up with him!” I whispered sharply back

“I can’t!”

“Yes you can!” at that moment Chris picked up


“Yeah uh hi Christopher” he looked devastated at he tried to muster the words I was dying to hear

“Max are you there?”

“Yeah” he sighed “I’m breaking up with you”

There was a long silence on the other end the only thing that was stopping me from laughing was Max’s face

“I love you, are you really going to throw everything we have?”

I sniggered “Wet bitch” Max shot me an evil glare which shut me right up

“Who was that?” Chris sounded pissed Max looked at me petrified,

“Lie!” I mouthed to him, he shook his head scared

“Who the fuck was that?!” Chris shouted from the other side, Max threw me the phone and backed away

Sighing I picked up the phone, taking it off loudspeaker “Hello?”

“You’re a piece of work aren’t you?” his voice was venomous and filled with hate

“Don’t talk to me about that Chris when I can easily send your pathetic ass to jail”

“No you won’t you feel way to guilty to send me there”

“We both know what happened; you’ve just deluded yourself into a story that isn’t true. Get over your fucking self.” There was a prolonged silence, I debated whether I should hang up or not but then he replied

You think this changes anything?!”

“What are you talking about Chris?”

“You’re just going to have to wait and see” with that he hung up leaving me confused

[Max’s POV]

“Does that feel good?”

I sighed in content as he placed the frozen peas over my forehead “Yeah” Erick laughed as he removed it from my head and placed it on the kitchen counter.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” he gazed at me affectionately before enveloping me in a hug.

“No reason…I'm going to go now” he smiled awkwardly and waved, walking off towards the door

“Thanks for everything” I croaked as he left

He stopped halfway between the door smiling “No problem, just be careful okay?”

“I will” with that he closed the door gently behind him leaving me in the silence of my house again

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