The Bloodied Thirty Pieces

By DylanMarshall0

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Yang, Blake and Weiss get ready for their second semester by investigating into the actions of the White Fang... More

1 - Somewhere over the Rainbow
2 - Way up High
3 - And the Dreams That You Dream Of
4 - Once in a Lullaby
5 - Somewhere over the Rainbow
6 - Bluebirds Fly
7 - And the Dreams That You Dream Of
8 - Dreams Really Do Come True
10 - Wake up Where the Clouds
11 - Are Far Behind Me
12 - Where Trouble Melts like Lemon-Drops
13 - High Above the Chimney Tops
14 - That's Where, You'll Find a Me
15 - Oh, Somewhere Over the Rainbow
16 - Bluebirds Fly
17 - And the Dreams That You Dare To
18 - Why, Oh Why, Can't I
19 - Well I See Trees of Green
20 - And Red Roses Too
21 - I See Them Bloom
22 - For Me and You
23 - And I Think to Myself
Preview - Team SEWN
Preview - The Bloodied Festival

9 - Someday I'll Wish upon a Star

768 7 0
By DylanMarshall0

"She just woke up from a coma, and the first thing you do is crash-tackle and bear-hug her?"

"I'm glad she's awake."

"You cracked her rib."

"I was really glad she was awake."

Weiss let out an annoyed growl and started massaging her temples; listening to her teammates argue over her was giving her a migraine to add to the throbbing pain in her side every time she breathed. The heiress glared at the blonde and ravenette standing at the end of her bed, and smiled; they were driving her insane, but she was touched that they were concerned and ecstatic for her; that smile turned to a frown as the two continued to argue, or pun in response.

Another sigh of annoyance drew Weiss's attention over to the two students sitting against the wall, a tall brooding young man and a shorter energetic young girl who had introduced themselves as Nikolas and Erika of team SEWN, two of Yang and Blake's bodyguards; the rest of team SEWN, Erika had explained, were out in the infirmary with team CFVY and Natsumi Mahogani, the last standing member of Weiss's second bodyguard team, ALTN. That they had people watching over them after she was almost killed came as no surprise to Weiss. What did surprise her was that three teams had been assigned to her and her teammates separately, and the fact that all of them were students.

Weiss had quickly turned a scrutinizing eye of the pair, finding it hard to believe by their appearance and the way they interacted with the three girls of RWBY and with each other that they could protect anyone, let alone Weiss's teammates and arguably the best first-year team in the school.

Nikolas, the heiress concluded, was completely open with no signs of armour or protection of any kind, his clothes being the standard sort anyone could buy so we're too thin to offer any sort of defense, his weapon nowhere in sight on his body, and he didn't have the appearance of a dust-user, and his attitude alluded to someone who did not get along well with others, making Weiss question how he could work well on a team with someone like Erika as the heiress's icy blue eyes moved from the brooding ravenette to the dark-skinned girl cleaning her weapons besides him.

Erika was the almost the exact opposite of Nikolas personality wise: she was calm now, cleaning her weapon, but when she had come in and introduced herself Weiss could have sworn the purple-haired girl could have been related to Nora or Ruby: talking a mile a minute, with wild body expressions, sweeping gestures of her arms and annoyingly the ability to jump from one topic to the next random thought completely without warning or any link between them. Her appearance were more huntress approximate with thicker more armoured clothes, but they seemed big and baggy on her, hiding her frame. Weiss's attention moved from the girl to the weapon she was holding, a combination that was almost as tall as she was of a harpoon, a box sword hilt, and an assault rifle stuck upside down to the top. The entire weapon looked too large and unbalanced with all the height in the middle and back end to be quick and nimble, with the hook on the blade and the gun on top looked like they could get caught too easily on things.

"You done?" A deep Atlesian-accented voice asked, snapping Weiss's attention to Nikolas. The boy had his cold piercing dark blue eyes locked on her, sending a shiver, and a wave of pain, through the usual composed and unfazeable heiress. Weiss looked away from the pair, Erika having looked up from her weapon, and took a deep breath.

"I was just questioning why two unknown team of students are protecting us, that's all," Weiss replied, turning back to lock eyes with the brooding Atlesian and raising her head ever so slightly so to stare down her nose at him. Nik remained stone face, only blinking in response. Erika put her weapon away in its sheath leaning against the wall next to her and turned to the heiress.

"There weren't any graduated teams available," she explained, pulling an apple from her pocket and biting into it between words. "And Ozpin couldn't spare the teachers who had to teach of course and investigate into the attack on you."

"It also counts towards our marks," Nikolas said, crossing his arms over his chest as he played starring contest with Weiss. "We're second-year students, as are APCS and GNRL while ALTN and PTFM are third-years, so we get time off classes for missions, and do not require huntsman or huntress to chaperone us."

"And yeah, that," Erika finished, taking another bite of her apple. A frown formed on the girl's lips and she turned to her teammate. "Kinda sad excuses though huh. ALTN got put in the hospital and Walt got his arse kicked by the worst fighter in the first year."

"Team ALTN are too varied in weapon and combat styles, and Theo's guillotine gun is idiotic, over-dramatic and useless outside of support. Walt, is just idiot."

"He was going easy on Jaune though."

"Still idiot."

Weiss looked between the two, shocked. Not only were these two a year ahead of her and her teammates still bickering at the end of her bed, but the team protecting her were also her seniors AND had almost been killed by a single person.

'What the dust was Ozpin thinking! Weiss mused to herself as she forced her face to relax and returned to staring at the brooding Atlesian, wincing as the movement sent pain stabbing at her side.

"I thought a veteran team of Huntsmen were here at Beacon," the heiress said

"They were assigned to CRDL," Nik answered boredly.

"CRDL? Why do they need bodyguards?"

Erika cringed and let out a low 'oooooh' before looking to her teammate. "No one's told her yet?"

"Told me what?"

"She woke up two hours ago," Nik said as he turned to face Erika, ignoring Weiss completely. "First she got checkup, then Ozpin and Goodwitch talked with her for hour and I'm guessing they left that part out"

"What part? What's going on?"

"And considering what put her here they probably thought it good idea to wait day or two before telling her,"

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here! Tell me what?"

"So why did you tell her CRDL has a veteran team of Huntsman protecting them?"

"She asked."

Erika shot a look at Nik before turning to Weiss. The purple haired girl's eyes went wide and she jumped from her seat, breaking through Yang and Blake's bickering. Nik shot her a confused look, when ice suddenly enveloped his body, ending just above his shoulders. The Atlesian looked down at the ice, raising an eyebrow, and looked to the heiress. Weiss dropped her hand, the glyph underneath Nik's feet vanishing, and turned an angry glare on Erika.

"Tell. Me. What?"

Erika looked from the angry white-haired girl to her teammate, who rolled his eyes and flexed. The icy shell cracked, spiderweb fissures and fractures spreading across its surface as pieces broke away and fell to the ground and shattered. Shaking himself free of the rest of the ice Nik brushed off his shoulders and fixed Weiss with a flat deadpan stare.

"It's believed that the killer is after team CRDL next, so they've been assigned two student teams and team TRGC," the Atlesian stated, leaning back against the wall and crossing his arms.

Weiss's anger turned to shock. "What?"

"Team JNPR is also being watched," Erika added as she slid back into her chair. Weiss almost did a double take.

"JNPR? Why are they being protected?"

At this the entire room fell silent, everyone bowing their heads as hard frowns and sad eyes took residence in their faces. Weiss looked between the four, a feeling of unease forming in her stomach.

"What, what's happened?" She asked. No one answered, no one looking up from the floor. The silence started to weigh down on the room, the bad feeling in Weiss's gut starting to grow almost painful.

It was Yang who mustered the courage and broke the silence. "Pyrrha, she-" the blinds voice faltered, and Weiss felt her heart fell. Surely not she thought, shaking her head to try and get rid of the very idea. She waited for Yang to finish, to say the red-head Amazon was simply in the hospital or in her dorm room, but the blonde had fallen silent again, unable to finish. The words surely not, she can't be started to circle around and around in Weiss's mind as her hands curled into fists, holding the blanket as her whole frame started to shake, fresh pain mixing with the breaking heart to bring tears to her eye.

"No, she can't be." Weiss stuttered, shaking her head more vigorously, trying desperately to dislodge the idea. "She's, she's Pyrrha. She graduated top of her class at Sanctum! She won the Mistral Region Tournament four times, a new record! She's one of the best warriors at this school!"

No one looked up from the ground as Weiss started to scream. She looked to each of them, tears streaming down her face, wanting them to be wrong, wanting this to be some sort of sick prank and that the redhead would walk through the door on crutches or in a wheelchair or something, shaking her head with an annoyed frown on her face.

"She can't be dead! She can't!" Weiss repeated, burying her face in her knees and sobbing the words over and over. Yang and Blake rushed to her side, the blonde climbing into bed besides the heiress and scooping her up in a hug, whispering something into Weiss's ear. Blake stood on the other side of the bed, rubbing the heiresses back and trying to hold back her own tears.

Footsteps behind her stole Blake's attention. Turning her head she found Erika and Nikolas now standing besides the door, Erika having taken her chair with her, and was setting it down when the door opened, making the purple-haired girl jump in surprise and whoever was coming through the door mutter a swear word and step back out of the room. Walt poked his head through the door, shooting a 'don't do that' stare at his teammate as she stared it right back; Nikolas simply leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, ignoring everyone and everything.

Blake shook her head at the three and turned back to her team; Weiss was still crying but had calmed down a little as Yang rocked her gently like she would a young child, quietly singing to the white-haired heiress. The cat faunus lifted her hand to-

"-CRDL is on their way over here."

Blake stopped and turned to team SEWN, the three having a hushed conversation.

"Why?" Erika and Nik asked.

"Pastel just sent a text saying the killer found them near the dorms," Walt said with a grim look, his orange eyes looking like they briefly turned red. "And considering there's a small army of students camping out this building they figured it'll be a good idea."

"Where are they?" Erika asked, sheathing her weapon in its case on her back; Nik at the point was standing, hands on his belt.

The wheat-haired boy pulled out of the room for a second, talking with someone just outside before poking his head back in. "Round the corner. PTFM's escorting them, and TRGC was meeting with Ozpin again, so they're on their way to back GNRL."

"So where's GNRL?" Nik asked, his cold icy voice growing even colder and harsher as his face darkened. Walt let out an annoyed sigh and shook his head.

"Where do you think, they're fighting the killer."

"Of course they are," the Atlesian said and leaned back against the wall. Walt and Erika shared a look, appearing to be thinking the same thing about their teammate and this team GNRL.

"He's what? Missing?" Serena yelled from the next room, making the Walt, Erika and Blake jump. Blake glanced at her teammates, thankfully not disturbed or even appearing to have heard the yell, and rushed over to the door.Walt and Erika were already gone, the door closing behind them. The cat faunus slipped through the gap without touching the door of the frame and found herself right behind the pair, flanked by Coco and Fox on the right, Velvet and Yatsuhari on the left and the girl from ALTN standing across from the door.


"Wanna swear any louder?" Walt asked his team leader as he, Erika and Blake stepped behind the green-haired girl, the two members of SEWN smirking for some reason.

Serena threw her scroll down on a nearby table and turned on the trio, shooting a death glare at The wheat-haired boy.

"Shut up Walt," she shot back. "That was Alexander. Jaune's gone."

"What!" Walt yelled, the smirk dropping from his face. Blake felt all the colour drain from her face and her heart skip a few beats; How could the killer have-

Walt slapped himself in the face suddenly, handing dragging down his face like he had just remembered something incredibly important. "He's going after the killer."

"He wouldn't." Erika said, "how would he even know there were there?

"Pastel sent the text to APCS as well, but Alexander wouldn't have shared that with JNPR," Serena said, putting her hands on her hips and massaging her brow.

Walt sighed, "Alex wouldn't have. Arc must have read the text over his shoulder."

"Pacifica's gone after him,"

"I'll go too," Erika said putting a hand on her weapons.

"Me too," Blake stepped forward. Both Erika and Walt turned on the faunus, not even realizing she was there, while Serena took on a face Goodwitch would wear.

"No! You're not going anywhere, the killer could be after you! And I don't care if you can handle yourself, It's my teams responsibility to make sure you stay alive and right here!"


"You're staying here!" Serena yelled. Blake growled, baring her teeth with her hands clenching into fists

"I'm going! You can't stop me!" She yelled back, taking a step toward the green haired girl, tensing her body ready to pounce and sidestep the SEWN leader.

A pair of hands grabbed the cat by her shoulders, wrenching her back. "Calm do-" Walt started, trying to keep hold of Blake. The ravenette turned in his grasp, her fist slamming into the wheat-haired boys nose, breaking it and making him on reflex let go. As soon as his grip loosened Blake jumped up over the heads of team SEWN, her eyes glowing as she used her semblance to distract Erika, Serena, and Fox and Velvet who had jumped into help, and landed behind the green-haired leader running.

"Dammit!" Serena yelled as the clone disappeared, turning to see the door already swinging on the far end of the room.

Serena turned to Erika, standing by Walt holding his bleeding nose. "Erika, I've got him, after her!"

"Velvet you too," Coco yelled from the door to Weiss's room. The bunny-eared faunus nodded and took off running, Erika falling in step besides her. As the two disappeared out of the door Serena swore to herself and stepped to Walt's side, leading by the arm to a chair, Natsumi Coco and Fox crowding around while Yatsuhari tried to find a nurse.

"Girl's feisty," Walt muttered with a laugh. Removing his hand Serena saw that his nose was bent to the side, a clear break to the bridge and his mouth and chin drenched red. Despite the pain and blood Walt still cracked a shit-eating grin. "I like that."

"You should see the blonde," someone commented, drawing a short laugh from the room followed by a painful groan.

Jaune swore as another arrow clattered off his shield, a few bits of ice forming on the surface, and kept running. He heard a string of curse words behind him and shot a glance in the direction. The silver-and black-haired girl stood a few meters away, a massive longbow the same colour pattern as her hair raised with an arrow at the ready but not drawn. Jaune saw that this one had a glowing orange tip this time and swore again; he didn't know what the orange arrows did but he knew it wasn't more ice.

"Just stop already!" Pacifia shouted to the fleeing boy, watching the blonde with irritation. Jaune made no move that he heard her, just kept running.

"Imbécile têtu," Pacifica cursed. In one swift motion she drew back the arrow and let it loose, the bowstring slapping against her armoured wrist as the dust-tipped arrow spiraled through the air towards the fleeing boy's back, leaving a luminescent spiral in its wake.

The arrow hit Jaune in the shield and exploded, a brilliant red, orange and yellow fireball consuming the space. Pacifica quickly drew and nocked another arrow, this one glowing a insidious luminescent green, stalked towards the fireball, and waiting for it and the smoke to clear.

The fireball dissipated quickly, leaving behind scorched circle on the concrete, while the smoke curled up into the sky, growing fainter as it went. Jaune coughed weakly on the other side of the burnt patch, supporting himself on his hands and knees; his shield was still attached to his arm, covering most of the blonde's body. Pacifica clicked her tongue and stopped.

"You done?" she asked.

Jaune muttered something under her breath, and in one fluid movement was back on his feet and running again.

'How the hell did he get up?' Pacifica flinched. Swearing under her breath the silver-and-black haired girl took off after him, switching the green arrow for another orange. As she nocked it on the string she glanced at the small dust crystal in the head, as if to make sure it was still there. 'There's enough charge to knock an ursa on its ass. How is he still running?'

Pacifica flickered her emerald eyes back to Jaune. The blonde knight was rounding the corner to the dorms, glancing back at her as he disappeared round the building. The silver-and-black archer tsked and jogged after him, raising her weapon and drawing the arrow back so it brushed her cheek.

A flying sickle almost took her head off. Swearing she jumped backwards, almost losing grip on the explosive arrow. Someone laughed off to the left, sending a rush of heated rage through Pacifica's frame as she turned on the person.

"Should take better care comrade!," a tall black-haired Atlesian yelled out, pulling on a long chain attached to his belt. Garbed in a closed maroon overcoat with yellow shoulders he stood and imposing figure, a yellow-handled chain sickle cut through the air, a low whistling sound like an old kettle boiling trailing it as it flew to his hand. "Particularly when entering a battle."

Pacifica ignored the young man, turning her emerald gaze to the open courtyard. The three members of team GNRL stood around the masked killer, all with their weapons out at their side, circling slowly like predators; Grigori, the team leader who almost decapitated Pacifca, hung back from the group, lazily swinging his chained weapon around as he regarded the killer with a cheery but psychotically chilling smile. Jaune stood off to one side looking not at the killer but at the dark red hammer with a large metal tube protruding from the back sitting in front of him, partly buried in the concrete. Pacifica shot a glare at Grigori again; she knew he was a sociopathic bastard, but to throw his weapons at people entering a battle, possible allies or even civilians.

Grigori seemed to feel the archer's intense glare boring into his skull and turned to face her, his evil calm smile never wavering. "Please stop with the evil eye, old woman. It is putting me off."

"Then how bout not trying to kill us you bastard!" Pacifica yelled back, feeling so tempted to turn her weapon on the young man. The dark-haired Atlesian chuckled and turned back to the killer.

"Da, you are not worth the effort."

Pacifica rolled her eyes and did the same, settling her emerald eyes on the killer. She hadn't moved while Pacifica and Grigori argued, just watching the three walking around her, her weapon resting on the ground behind her legs. Despite being circled by three armed hunters-in-training the killer looked calm, relaxed even. A shiver ran down Pacifica's spine; raising her weapon to the killer the silver-and-black haired girl looked to Jaune. "We need to-"


All eyes turned to the blonde knight as he charged the killer, shield held in front and sword raised. Almost bowling over a short grey-haired girl Jaune brought his sword down at the killer's head; The killer, having up until this point being staring at a tall blonde-haired girl on her other side turned to face Jaune. With a flash of red and steel her weapon came up, deflected the strike. Jaune swore mentally, know standing overextended with all his balance on his front foot and no way to recover. The killer knew this, sidestepping the boy as his momentum carried him forwards, and bringing her weapon down at his back.

"I'm sorry Jaune." Jaune could have sworn he heard the killer say just as the blade was about to cut him clean in half. Closing his eyes Jaune tried to move out of the way, or even twist the injury wouldn't be as bad.

"What the-"


Jaune landed on the ground and rolled, ending on his feet. Looking up he saw the grey-haired girl standing next to the killer, her long box weapon with a sword attached to the front holding back the massive scythe blade. The killer was looking at the girl now, who looked at the killer and Jaune confused. Jaune shot a quick mental thank you to the girl and turned his attention back to the killer, his hand tightening on the leather grip of his sword as he charged again.

This time he swung at the killer from the side, angling it so the arc wouldn't hit the girl even if it was blocked. The killer saw this coming again and stepped back, shifting her scythe so it stood vertical to block the strike. Crocea Mors hit the shaft of the scythe and stuck, silver metal straining again black; the scythe took the hit, but the killer recoiled as well, her shoes sliding a few centimetres on the stone.

Up close Jaune saw the killer's mask was broken on the left, however her black hair with red tips hid most of her face, only showing patches of scarred burnt skin.

The killer turned her head to focus all her attention on the blonde, a harsh angry stare coming through the hair and mask.

"You don't have to get involved Ja-"

Jaune pulled his sword back and stabbed at the killer's head; the killer fell backwards to avoid the strike, coming to her feet besides the blonde girl. The blonde smiled and lifted a light-blue morningstar with large orange dust crystals embedded in the head.

"GUTEN TAG!" the blonde screamed and brought the morningstar down at the killer. The weapon sailed past the hooded figure as she stepped back, raising her own weapon in turn. The morningstar made contact with the ground and exploded, a large orange fireball consuming the two figures and sending them flying apart. The killer landed on her feet, planting the point of her weapon in the ground to stop her slid. She swore and looked up at the blonde head standing across from her, both of them smoking with burnt patches to their clothes.

A sword blocked the killers view as it hurtled towards her face. Growling she threw herself under the swing and strike out at her attacker. Fist met metal as Jaune tucked his shield into his body and pushed with all his might. The killer yelled as she was pushed off balance, holding herself up with just her weapon.

Jaune didn't let up, striking out with his shield he caught her foot with the face, keeping her from regaining her balance, and swung low at her remaining leg. There was no way the killer could block the blow or regain her balance in time to dodge the attack, so she did the only Jaune wasn't prepared for. She jumped up, landing with both feet on his shield and jumped off, pushing the blonde knight on his arse and landing on her feet.

The killer tsked, cocking her head and staring down the the blonde knight as if smirking at him. Fresh waves of molten rage poured through Jaune's veins, his body surging onto his feet and towards the killer, the whole world gone except the masked girl in front of her.

Jaune swung at the killer, again and again, throwing away all sense of reason or strategy and simply trying to swing and hit the girl as many times as he could. The killer blocked his attacks with ease, barely even moving her weapon to do so; she was toying with him, and Jaune knew it, which only made him angrier.

"YOU KILLED HER!" He yelled, continuing to swing and chop and hack at the scythe shaft. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

"You don't understand," the killer bit back, moving her scythe out of the way of Jaune's next swing, his sword sailing past the killer, taking the blonde knight with it so he ended with his back to the killer.

Growling Jaune tried to turn back, swinging an uppercut as he turned. A foot kicked him in the back, knocking him to the ground. As he hit the ground his wrist landed on a piece of jagged concrete, his hand popped open on reflex and Crocea Mors slid across the ground out of his reach. Jaune swore and tried to get to his feet, but a heavy weight pushed him back to the ground, something cold pressing against his neck.

"I don't want to kill you Jaune," the killer said, kneeling down atop the blonde knight. "You were a good friend. But if you get in my way, I won't promise what will happen."

Fresh anger ignited the boys veins, the sight of Pyrrha as he found her flashing before his eyes as he tried to push himself up again. Turning his head he starred bloody murder at the killer kneeling on his back, his usually calm friendly blue eyes turning murderously cold.

"I'll kill you! I swear on her fucking grave I'm going to put you in yours!"

The killer stared down at Jaune, her own eyes hidden, and sighed. "She put me in mine already. They all did. Goodbye Jaune."

"Dust I hate soppy moments."

The killer looked up to catch a pillar of fire shooting towards her at alarming speed. Flinching she jumped off Jaune and out of the fire's path, ending with her back to the dorm rooms.

Jaune jumped to a crouch quickly and turned towards the killer, raising his shield in front of him. With a skittering slid Crocea Mors appeared at his side, someone having kicked it over to him. Taking up his weapon the blonde knight cautiously got to his feet, keeping his shield up just in case.

"Not a fan of fire?"

Jaune glanced to his right. The grey-haired girl stood besides him, sword in front of her; on her other side stood the blonde, holding the handle of her morningstar in one hand but swinging the head around lazily by a thin chain.

"Shame, it's is such a pretty thing."

"Enjoy it for yourself then." Jaune turned back to the killer as she pulled something from her belt and hurled it at the trio. Jaune saw a flash of crystal red and started to curse, turning to step in front of the grey-haired girl and put his shield between them and the crystal. Instead the girl pushed past Jaune, shooting him a sidewards glance as she stepped in front of him and raised her hand, letting the dust crystal impact against her palm and shatter. Fire erupted from her hand, consuming the shards and growing until it covered the girls entire top half, blocking her from sight. Jaune stared in shock, his eyes growing wider as the flames died down and the girl emerged from the blaze, smoking but unharmed, a smug smirk on her face.

"My semblance isn't as flashy as other people's, I'm just fireproof," the girl said with a snicker, stepping back behind Jaune and staring at the killer her glowing dark blue eyes starting to fade.

"Am I supposed to be impressed?" The killer asked, taking a step towards the three. Something jerked on her arm, dragging the killer back half a step, turning about. A yellow handled sickle blade with a thick chain extending from the end was wrapped around the blade of her scythe, the chain pulled taut by the dark-haired Atlesian, smiling his sociopathic grin.

Jaune saw his chance. Screaming a warcry he took a step towards the killer, raising his sword in anticipation, only for something latched onto his hoodie, jerking him to a stop and dragging him back so he stood level with the grey-haired girl who simply turned to him and shook her head.

"Don't get in Regina's way," she said.

"Wha-" Jaune started, only to be cut off by the blonde-haired girl screaming something and doing exactly what Jaune had done, charging at the killer swinging the head of her weapon around like a lasso. Smiling like a madwoman the blonde girl, Regina, pulled down on the chain in her hand, bringing the Morningstar head down at the killer. The masked killer turned at the warcary. Swearing she let go of her scythe and stepped back, dodging the large dust-embedded ball. Jaune raised his shield, bracing for another explosion as the weapon head neared the ground. It never touched the tiled stone. The killer danced forwards, her foot making contact with the weapon head between the orange crystals that started to glow as they neared the floor, and kicked it back at the blonde owner. Regina opened her mouth, and thats as far as she got; the head of her morningstar slammed into her chest with enough force for several of the dust crystals to piece her clothes, but not the armour underneath. And then the head erupted into a brilliant explosive fireball. The grey-haired girl stepped in front of Jaune and raised her sword, covering him from the worst of the blast as it washed over the two.

As the explosion died down the two stepped apart; Jaune was spared the worst of it, coming out of the explosion with some scorched hair tips and the edges of his clothes. The grey-haired girl besides him, looking the same as she did going into the explosion muttered something under her breath and raised her eyes and sword/flamethrower on the killer in front of her. Jaune shot a glance at the girls team mate, Regina laying on the ground off to the side, covered in burns and her clothes blackened, before doing the same. As soon as his blue eyes fell upon the masked killer his vision began to cloud over red, his breath hitching as fire began to burn in his veins. His feet moved on their own accord, the left stepping forwards, then the right, then the left-"

Think! Don't feel! A voice shouted in Jaune's head, his legs locking in place and stopping him dead in his tracks. The words echoed through his mind, and Jaune found his vision clearing, his heart rate slowing. A feeling of annoyed contempt radiated through his mind, Jaune knowing it came not from him, the voice didn't sound like his voice, unless his inner voice sounded like a strict librarian.

Ignore that! Don't give into the rage. Charge but follow Lavender's lead!

It felt like something shoved against Jaune's back, forcing his legs into motion; again they started to move of their own accord. This time Jaune started to run, to charge at the masked killer who was dodging a kicking at mortar shells as they assailed her.

The grey-haired girl, the name Lavender popping in Jaune's head, reached the killer first, stabbing at the masked girl with her weapon; the weapon slid past the killers side as she sidestepped the attack. Pivoting on the spit the killer raised her leg to deliver a kick to Lavender's head, only to meet white and gold metal as Jaune got his shield between the two.

Pulling back his shield the blonde knight brought his sword around, aiming for the killers head; Lavender standing behind him pressed her body against his back, stabbing her sword under his sword arm at the killers stomach. The killer dodged, throwing herself sidewards into a roll and coming to her feet. The two swordsman stepped apart and launched themselves again at their enemy, Jaune on the right swinging high while Lavender on the left swung low. Again the killer dodged, jumping backwards, yet the pair continued their assault, hounding her with furious zeal.

Switch Jaune heard in his head and wordlessly obeyed, stepping behind and to the left of Lavender as she stepped in front and to the right. Jaune glanced to his partner, questioning the switch and how they had both wordlessly pulled it off; Lavender returned the glance, the same questioning look to her eyes.

Shield on the outside. Clear on the right for the fire.

The two flinched, eyes going wide in shocked surprise as they turned their attention away from each other. Jaune looked down at his arm and did find his shield was on the outside, where it would be more use without cutting off Lavender the knight realized.

'Ok strict librarian lady voice, anything else?' Jaune asked.

Shut up and pay attention. You're about to be kicked in the face.

'What!' Jaune mentally shouted and looked up. Black leather met his cheek with force, making stars flash before Jaune's eyes and knocking his body into a spin. Suddenly his sword arm lashed out on his own accord, swinging behind Jaune's back and landing a cut to the killers leg as she landed.

Jaune stumbled away, staying on his feet, with his vision swimming but clearing; he couldn't feel his cheek but the area around the dead spot hurt like hell.


Jaune's body responded on instinct, dropping to the ground and rolling aside. Jumping to his feet he found Lavender standing back from the killer as as mortar shell, bullet and glowing cyan arrows assaulted the masked girl. None hit their mark, the killer dodging or hitting them out of the air, but a small smile graced Jaune's face as he saw flecks of ice forming on the killer's hands and arms from the arrows.

Jaune, gripping his sword tight, stepped to the side and charged, coming at the killers flank; on her other side Lavender did the same. The ranged assault did not let up as the two swordsman reached the killer, Lavender's weapon drawing blood across the killers arm while Jaune's missed the killer's head by a hair's width.

Jaune drew back and pivoted on the spot, Crocea Mors cutting through the air with a low whistle. Just as it neared the killers stomach he felt his arm drop, now aiming for the girl's leg. The killer brought her leg up, catching the sword with her boot, but not the arrow that buried into her stomach, ice erupting from the wound to cover her abdomen.

The killer stumbled back, blocking another strike from Jaune and leaning back to dodge one from Lavender, but a bullet impacted on her shoulder, drawing a cry of pain and spinning the killer around. Jaune saw his chance and swung at her exposed back. Time slowed to a stop for the blonde, everything gone still except his sword cutting an arc towards the Killer.

The killer started to turn, raising her arm to block the sword while raising her other in a fist. An arrow hit her ankle and her leg collapsed. The killer fell to a knee, her masked head now in the way of Jaune's swing. There was no way for the killer to get out of the way, or for Jaune to divert or pull the swing. So he didn't.

The edge of Crocea Mors hit the white and red Grimm mask, and bounced off, grazing the killers shoulders and hitting the ground next to her. The mask shattered, peppering Jaune with white and red fragments. The killer rocked from the blow, her head turning to almost a sickening angle. Jaune let out the breath he was holding and drew his sword back, lifting it above his head for another swing at the prone figure in front of him, her head bowed hiding her face.


Jaune felt his whole body freeze, feeling like something had stepped into his bones and locked them in place.

"Ozpin would want to talk with her," Lavender said stepping to Jaune's side and putting a hand on his shoulder. Jaune glanced at her from the corner of his eye. He had the chance, the chance to avenge Pyrrha and they were holding him back. Screw Ozpin. She deserved to die.

Jaune looked back to the killer. All the anger, all the pain, all the fire went out of his body. The killer had shifted her head, not enough to completely reveal her face but enough for Jaune to see her looking at him through her red-tipped black hair with a large silver eye.

Memories exploded in Jaune's mind, each sending knives to his heart as he remembered his friend with silver eyes, laughing, training, encourage, nopeing. Memories of when he held Pyyrha sobbing over her death, stopping Yang from killing Cardin, each memory doubling the pain in his breaking heart as the dawning realization broke over him and he saw the killer kneeling before him, covered in blood and ice, her eyes cold and cruel with the invisible blood of their friend on her hands.

"How, could, you?" Jaune asked through clenched teeth, his body starting to shake as the leather grip of his sword groaned under his tightening grip. Lavender dropped her hand and backed away, shooting a glance behind her. Jaune ignored her, focusing only on the person in front of him.

"How! Could! You!" Jaune shouted through his locked jaw and the killer looked down.

"You wouldn't understand."

The killer struck out, not at Jaune but at the arrows buried in her body, and stood up. A flurry of rose petals washed over Jaune as the killer disappeared. He heard her appear behind him, followed by the others swearing and cursing, and then she was gone again.

Jaune's body unlocked and he fell to his hands and knees, Crocea Mors clattering against the tiles besides him. He took several deep breaths, the memories of his friend playing over and over in his mind, mixing with flashes of the killer, his blood-stained dorm room, the murdered student, Pyrrha. He had heard Ozpin and Yang's theory that the killer was Ruby and thought them insane; how could someone so innocent, so good, do this.

"Come on, on your feet."

Someone wrapped their arm around Jaune's chest and pulled him up. Snarling Jaune slapped at their hands and turned, throwing a punch straight at Lavender's face. His fist stopped just short of her nose, his entire body freezing again. The grey-haired girl narrowed her eyes and let go of Jaune, letting him fall back to the ground before stalking off. As he hit the ground Jaune's body twisted so he lay on his stomach with his hands pushed together lying out in front; someone walked over and bent down beside the prone blonde, stabbing a pair of cyan arrows into the gap between his wrists and letting go off the shafts as ice erupted from them, encasing Jaune's wrists in a pair of makeshift handcuffs.

A hand grabbed the back of his shirt roughly and pulled Jaune to his feet, his body unfreezing as it went. When he was on his feet Jaune felt the hand let go and glared at whoever it was besides him; Pacifica glared right back, her longbow compacting and folding inwards so that she could sling it over her shoulder.

The silver and black haired archer said nothing, instead putting a hand on Jaune's shoulder and pushing him into a walk. The blonde tried to shrug of her hand, but her grip was too tight and Jaune started to lose feeling in his shoulder pretty soon.

"Next time you try something like this I'll let my team hunt you down," Pacifica said as she directed Jaune around the corner of the dorm rooms, ignoring the multi-coloured armour-clad team TRGC and another team likewise armoured as they ran past. "They're not as nice as I am."

"Whatever," Jaune growled, staring coldly forwards. Pacifica muttered something and shot a glance backwards. Grigori and the other guy of team GNRL were talking with some of the members of the two other teams while a couple in pink and brown armour checked on the downed Regina; Lavender was nowhere to be seen.

Pacifica turned her attention forward, just in time to see Blake and Velvet land in front of Jaune, the cat-Faunus with her hand on her weapon while the rabbit was holding the box attached to her belt as if she was about to pull something from it

"Are you ok?" the ravenette asked, looking from Jaune to his ice-bound wrists then past the two to the three teams behind them. "Where is the killer."

"Gone," Pacifica said flatly, noticing what looked like a faint heat shimmer appear behind Blake's shoulder. "I shot her in the ankle, Idiot here broke her mask. He froze, she disappeared, reappeared to grab her scythe and disappeared again. She was injured in the fight so I doubt she will attack again today."

"I need to see Ozpin," Jaune said his voice harsh, the girls turning to him as he just stared past them. Blake took a step forwards and turned at the waist following Jaune's glare. His murderous blue eyes were locked on the top of the Beacon Tower, on Ozpin's office.

"Right now."  

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