I Promise | Carson Lueders

By AngelUndercover

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A fifteen year old girl moves across the country to LA and along the way runs into her first friend from the... More

Carson Lueders Fanfic
The Move
Starbucks and a Girl Name Maya?
Maya the Bully?
New Friends and Chocolate Fantasia
High School and The Beach
Apologies and Surprises
The Summeralls and Shopping
A Boss at Video Games?
Boy Drama and Slumber Parties
Confession Time
A Babysitting Date???
Fights and a New guy
Taco Bell Challenge and Karaoke
Somebody To You and Surprise Visits
Cinco and Hurtful Words
Baseball Games and Recording Studios
Hiking and Waterfights
Video Shoots and Board Games
Two Amigos Skateboarding and Taco Bell
Cotton Candy Challenge and Carnivels
The Avengers and Basketball
It Should've Been Me
Maya's Visit
Penny Boards and Apologies
Do You Remember Me?
Beaches and Secrets
Mod Pizza and A Big Surprise
My New Boyfriend
The Katy Perry Concert
Pool Date With Friends?
Silent Treatments and Popnation Tour
New Song and Facetime
Skyzone Fails and Plane Tickets
Birthday Surprises
I Thought We Would Last Forever
Problem and Distractions
Finding Out The Truth
Music Videos and Waterguns
Boyfriend Tag
Recording Sessions With Chris Collins
Did He Just Die?!
Laser Tag
Dance Rehearsal
The Ellen Show
Hide and Seek
The Kiss
Rose Shape Ice Cream and Movie Night
Heading to Washington
Pizza Night
Wakeboarding With the Guys
Carson Finally Said It
Ha, I Knew You'd Fail
First Underwater Kiss???
You Lost, I Won!
Johnny's Mission
LA Haunted Hayride
Creepy Haunted Houses
"We Need to Talk..."
Water Balloon Fight
Kiss, Marry, Kill
Mystery Man
He's Back
A Friendly Date With Nic
Did You Seriously Just Ruin My Phone?
Trust Issues
Halloween Party
First Date (By Ourselves)
Tennis, Just Dance, and the Smoothie Chanllenge
Rachell the Cheater
Beach Football
Christmas Shopping
Kissing Under the Mistletoe
Out of All People, It Had to be Them?
A New British Boy
Snowball Fights
Jealousy at the Airport
Christmas Time
I've Been Called Worse
Music Videos and Pranks
New Year's Kiss
Kids' Choice Awards
Beginner's Luck
Wedding Day
I Don't Trust Him
Teen Choice Awards
Author's Note
Author's Note/Cover
Midnight Parties (Oh boy )
Bae Back
A Great Birthday or a Bad Birthday?
Do You Know Me?
Engagaed To Carson?
I'm Sorry
I Promise

Carson's Birthday

797 15 0
By AngelUndercover

"Are you excited?" Greg asks me as we walk out of the terminal. We and the help of Diana, set up this surprise visit for Carson's birthday. He finished his part of the tour and came back to Washington.

I smile, nodding. "Yes, are you?"

"Heck yeah, man," he smiles, as we spot Diana and Olivia waiting for us.

I catch Olivia's attention and she instantly smiles, waving us over. "Come on, Greg."

We fast-walk towards them and Olivia embraces me in a hug. "Girl, I missed you so much."

I hug her back. "I missed you as well." I look over at Diana. "And you too."

She smiles. "I missed you too, but too be honest, I think Carson missed you way more."

I chuckle. "Where's Jacks?"

"Jackson is stalling Baby Car right now," Olivia informs.

We all walk out and Olivia helps Greg and I with our bags. "So what's it like being back here?"

"It's so nice being back here. I honestly like it better than LA," I reply.

"Spokane has no beach, but it does have one heck of a nice lake," Olivia says.

I nod in agreement. "Honestly, the lake is better than the beach."

She smirks. "I knew I liked you for a reason."

I laugh. "What can I say?" I ask, flipping my hair off my shoulder. "I'm awesome," I joke.

She laughs.


"Okay, Greg, you should hide behind this plant and surprise him when he opens the door. Rachell, you should go with Olivia and sneak around the back and go through the back doors, then casually sit on the couch and he'll see you when he comes back in," Diana suggests, when we all got out of the car.

We nod and Greg goes behind the plant on the front porch. He rings the doorbell and Olivia and I make a run for it. We walk up the wooden stairs and she opens the back door. I walk in and sit on the couch. I grab a magazine and act like I'm reading it. Olivia sits down beside me.

Olivia and I muffle a laugh, when we hear Carson scream. Greg must've scared the crap out of him.

"Yo! Greg, oh my gosh!" I hear Carson yell, surprisingly.

"I gotcha good, didn't I?" Greg asks, laughing.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, but I'm glad you're here, buddy," Carson says, as he closes the front door.

I sit up in a straighter posture and turn a page in the magazine. "Olivia, doesn't these shoes look gorgeous?" I ask, casually when I hear their presences coming into the room.

She gets the act, and leans in closer. "Omg, yas."

Carson's voice suddenly stops talking, making me look over in his direction. His eyes are widen and his mouth is ajar.

I smile and place the magazine on the table, standing up. "Hi, Cars."

"You're here," he breathes out as he walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you," I say, as I hug him around his neck.

"I missed you too, Amore," he says into my neck.

"How was tour?" I ask, slightly pulling away.

He smiles. "Amazing. I got to meet all of my wonderful, supporting fans and at the Columbus show, I'm pretty sure I saw this gorgeous girl. I even got to see her backstage because her friend pushed her towards me. I wonder what her name is?" He asks, tapping his chin, thinking. He looks down at me. "Do you know?"

I roll my eyes playfully. "You know what, I actually think I do."

He smiles hopefully.

"It's Ra... Oh wait, it just slipped my mind," I tease. "I guess she'll be forever known as Mystery Girl."

He playfully pouts. "Man, I wanted to get to know her. Maybe, one day I'll bump into her in a terminal and she'll have the seat right beside mine, then we become friends. Then, I'll get the nerves to ask her to be my girlfriend and we have this strong relationship that is one year and two months strong."

I smile. "Yeah, and the relationship will last forever."

His smile becomes bigger. "It will," he promises.


I wrap my arms around Carson's chest as we take off on the jet ski. He makes a really sharp turn, that causes us both to flip off the jet ski. I hit the warm water and swim to get to the surface. I pop up and I don't see Carson around.

"Cars?" I yell, trying to look under the water to see if he was somewhere below.


"Oh my god, Carson?" I yell again, panically.


I curse under my breath and start to swim over to the bank of the water, where everyone else is at. Before I could get a foot away, something grabs my ankle, taking me down under the water.

I suck in a breath, as my head goes under. I open my eyes and my gaze meets with hazel eyes.

I mentally blew a sigh of relief, knowing he's okay. Carson grabs my face between his two palms and pulls me closer, connecting our lips together. He swims up, not breaking our kiss, as we emerge out from under the water.

He pulls away, grinning. "Best birthday ever."


Once we dried off, we went back inside and relaxed. I was sitting on the couch with Olivia laying her head on my shoulder, Carson was walking around the house shirtless, and Jackson was sitting in the chair playing a basketball video game.

Carson places his chin on my shoulder, looking at my phone screen. I'm on snapchat. "I hate him," I say, in a obnoxious fake voice. "He's so rude."

"He's so ugly," Olivia comments, in the same voice.

Carson makes a face, but his eyes were laughing.

"But he's my best friend," I finish, smiling and looking up at him.

Carson makes kissing noises and at the end, he kisses my cheek. I post the video on my story and place my phone on the armrest.

Carson quickly grabs my phone and sits on the armrest, slowly falling into my lap.

"Carsonnnn," Olivia whines, playfully, removing her head off of my shoulder.

Carson and I chuckle. "Sorry sis," he says, unlocking my phone. I watch him as he goes into my photo gallery, scrolling through all of my pictures. He taps on a picture of me and Karls. I took the picture with Karls right before she left LA to go back to Ohio.

He zooms in on me and smiles. "Beautiful," he whispers.

I blush and cover up my face. "Stoppp."

He chuckles softly. "No that's okay."

I roll my eyes and lightly punch him in the arm. "Meanie."

He smiles. "I'm your meanie."

"That was cheesy," I chuckle.

"I'm cheesy for you," he states, grinning.

I look over at Olivia, trying to hold in my laugh. She starts laughing the moment she looks at my face. "Carson, you're weirding her out."

"Am not!" Carson protests.

I hear the doorbell ring and Olivia gets up. "I'll go get the door," she says, before walking off.

I nod. "Okayyy."

Carson buries his face in my stomach. "I want to cuddle with you."

I run my hand through his head. "Later. Someone's here."

"I don't care. I'll show you off to whoever's here," he states, looking up at me.

I smile. "Get off, please."

He looks at me confused. "Why?" He pouts.

I chuckle. "You're squishing me."

He laughs and rolls off of me. I go to stand up, but he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder.

"Cars!" I laugh. "Why?"

"You're a princess. Princesses have their handsome prince carry them," he states, walking towards the back patio.

"Not like this," I chuckle.

He ignores my comment and heads to the deck with the slide on it. He gently places me back down. "Let's jump," he says, pointing to the slide.

I smirk. "Want to make another bet?"

He studies my face, thinking. I remember the first bet we made and it was here in Washington. I won and he couldn't be romantic towards me for two days.

"What's the bet?" He asks, carefully.

"Whoever makes the biggest splash gets whatever they want from the loser. Plus you only have one shot at it," I explain.

He smirks. "You know I'm gonna win, right?"

"Whatever, maybe I'm letting you redeem yourself since the last time you failed," I say, smirking.

"You tricked me," he defends. "But I'm doing this bet and I'm going to win."

I playfully roll my eyes. "What's the shots?"

"You call it," he says.

" If I win, you have to-"

"I'll do whatever you want, just don't make it like that last punishment from last year," he interrupts me.

I softly chuckle. "I won't."

He smiles and hooks an arm around my shoulders. "Shall we?"

I nod. "You want to go first?"

"The princess always goes first," he states.

"Okay," I say, climbing up the ladder.

"Stand on the top. You'll get a better splash," he informs.

"Won't I slip and fall?" I question.

"I don't, but you aren't me so do what you want to do, I guess."

I nod and stand on top of the slide. I was about to jump when Jackson runs onto the deck. "Hey!"

I smile. "Hi."

He climbs onto the bottom of the slide. "Let's jump together," he suggests.

I shrug. "Okay, you can help me make a bigger splash and win the bet."

He looks at Carson and smirks. "Ha, you already lost and you didn't even go yet."

"That's cheating," Carson whines, playfully.

"It's not cheating if you didn't set the rules," I state, winking and jumping off the slide, with Jackson following. I make contact with the water and swim up, coming out of the water. "I win."

He shakes his head with amusement. "Not yet." With that he jumps off and splashes me. He resurfaces and tackles me. "I win."

"Fineee, what does Ken want?" I ask, holding onto his shoulders.

"Well Barbie, there's a lot of things I want, but from you, I want you to kiss me every time you look at me," he answers, victoriously.

I nod. "That's easy. Is Ken happy?"

He smiles. "Very."


Hello, loves!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I just want to say happy late birthday Carson.

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