What's On The To-Do List? (Fi...

By lilyblizz

1.8K 82 480

When two girls decide to spend their time in the world of Fire Emblem Fates: tasks and chores, training, more... More

No. 1 On The To-Do List
No. 2 On The To-Do List
No. 3 On The To-Do List
No. 4 On The To Do List
No 5. On The To-Do List
To-Do List Interruption No. 1
No. 7 On The To-Do List I
No. 7 On The To-Do List II
To-Do List Interruption No. 2 I
To-Do List Interruption No. 2 II
No. 8 On The To-Do List
Colorful Beginnings I
No. 9 On The To-Do List I

No. 6 On The To-Do List

118 4 29
By lilyblizz

Dedicated to:


Eyes rested on the malig knight as she looked around the room, intrigued with all the items UnlikelyKing had stashed in her.... headquarter or so she liked to call. With her lips sealed thinly together as she scanned the items, she wondered if she could check out some of the contents from a few of her belongings, silently reaching out. King knew she wanted a closer look and grinned.

"Careful, I cursed them," she joked.

The girl backed away quickly and checked. Even though her magic wasn't all too great, she could still try and sense it if any at all.

"It's Iro's turn to do a dare...." LilyBlizz said, yawning. "Supposedly a task for both King and I since we came up with them."

With the list in her hands, the archer looked through for the next item on their scrolled up list.

"King, you were supposed to sing in front of a crowd today," she said. "I guess it's being passed to Iro now."

A cheeky looking grin grew on IroshadowGL's face after she heard the next thing she had to do. She loved to sing after all.

"I can manage!" she said.

"Oh yeah? Well I can't, so have fun," UnlikelyKing said with a smile.

She was relieved that she got out of this one, but the next one could be worse. It's not everyday where eyes would be fixated on her for a long period of time. She didn't mind, but singing wasn't too much of her forte.

"BUT! It's not a legit concert," LilyBlizz suddenly barged in, "where lights would be on you and you'd sing your heart and soul out of yourself."

"Well, of course. ... Wait, wha-"

The archer smiled and quickly cut IroshadowGL off before she could say anything else.

"You are to sing like a drunkard and sway around like a maniac, adding in the voice cracks and weird dynamics!~" purposely sang the girl before smirking. "Don't worry, I can sing and I refuse to. If you back down now, you fail the task."

IroshadowGL blinked and sighed before nodding in agreement. It was her first challenge and she didn't want to bomb it the moment she received it.

"Alright then... When am I to start..?" the malig knight asked.

By now, LilyBlizz was busy mumbling to herself about something and holding up a master seal.

"Should I or should I not..? Takumi never said I can't and stuff, but-"

"Lily.." UnlikelyKing said, snapping her out of the transe and putting back the seal.

"Hm? What was the question?"

The girls smiled awkwardly as sweat secretly formed on the back of their heads.

"I said, 'When do I start?'" Iro repeated.

The archer looked at Tinted_Memories who was half asleep by now after her day with Odin and then over to UnlikelyKing.

"How about dinner?" UnlikelyKing suggested with a grin. "Break their eardrums out as they enjoy their meal and before they sleep. We also need a rest after dealing with.. Odin."

LilyBlizz giggled and nodded.

"Perfect! Just don't hurt your voice into the process."

IroshadowGL giggled and tried out her weirdest sing voice for a change of her usual smooth sounding vocal. The girls suddenly went quiet and cracked up at the humorous noise of IroshadowGL's cracked voice going up and down a scale distortedly. It was deafening alright, just as bad as their archer friend's demonstration.

"Haha haha haa..." Katie laughed, calming down from the fit.

"Yep, that's definitely going to scar them," the grinning malig knight approved.


The childish girls didn't have anything much to do, but talk to pass their time and during that time interval, UnlikelyKing had magically created targets for LilyBlizz to shoot at and cure her boredom while the others fiddled around with a few things. The targets fared from inside her room all the way out to the fields in a line so that the archer could hit without a hitch of a problem. The curse King had casted on her after practice was working like a charm.

"Careful, Katie, you don't want to get struck by an arrow," the archer told her, waving around one of her projectiles.

The mercenary looked over and cringed at the sight of the tip-- a sharp bladed double pincer attached to a finely created arrow and binded with dark teal wrapping bandages for grip. It's like capable of giving people a bug bite looking injury, just worse.

"S-sorry, Lily," she said, walking around her instead.

The raven haired girl smiled and quickly shot her arrow at the pastel see-through purple target outside through the window and pretty much against the trees from outside, shattering the magic into millions. The arrow slowly disappeared as it returned to the owner when it contacted the center of the target.

"Yeesh... That'd hurt if someone got hit..." Tinted_Memories commented.

"Don't worry, I've setted a barrier around her shooting range," the dark mage giggled, conjuring up two new targets farther than before. "I can even expand it further if needed."

The archer massaged her fingers a little due to not wearing a glove at the moment and then readied two more arrows simultaneously to send off.

"I'm surprised, you've never tried wielding the legendary weapon, Fujim Yumi, before.." IroshadowGL told her.

"I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to...." she replied. "King and Brynhildr as well. She's a fantastic and deadly mage too.."

The dark mage nodded in agreement and stood up to dust off her kimono, helping up the archer who was sitting down with her the entire time.

"And I'm surprised you two can carry such heavy weapons..." LilyBlizz commented, staring at IroshadowGL and Tinted_Memories. "It's capable of... crushing skulls.."

The sharp gargantuan weapons they wield really did terrify the archer, especially in use. Even though her bow was pretty big, it was much lighter than the sword and axe. UnlikelyKing giggled as she magically sent back LilyBlizz's weapons back to her room.

"Well, it's time for some 'different' kind of action now," she announced, grabbing their attentions.

The girls grinned mischievously at each other and decided to head out to the mess hall with IroshadowGL lagging behind for her astounding performance.

It didn't take long for them to get there. Well, they were delayed by Laslow for at least a minute, but with LilyBlizz's usual straight up "go away.." to the flirt, the group went off with a breeze. UnlikelyKing decided to stay back to keep him at bay however.

"We all may be close around here, but I'll have Lily stick an arrow up your rear if I have to... Or even better, me hexing you," she said with a false smile. "Now stop bothering us with that nonsense called flirting at this moment all right?"

She didn't sound mad at all like usual, yet she sounded really excited in return and it rubbed the mercenary the wrong way.

"Err... How about some tea next time? Without the arrow up the buttocks from Lily or one of your hexes of course.." he tried again.

The girl rose a brow, sending him a warning to back off before she turned around and walked off to the mess hall again.

"Dangerous duo..." he shuddered.

Finally catching up to the group who were now seated at a table with their dinner set out, UnlikelyKing sighed and smiled calmly again.

"I got you dinner," the archer told her friend before she started eating.

"Thanks. He's never going to give up no matter what," the dark mage told the group with a gentle heave of a sigh.

"Laslow? Of course not... He even tried flirting with me during practice!" Tinted_Memories exclaimed with a cringe. "I couldn't focus..... And nearly bashed someone's skull out....! Because of that weirdness he gave off..!"

'Says the one attracted to the weirdest one yet..' the two thought, staring at her.


They all quickly shook their heads to brush off the mercenary's question and kept eating until it was time. Iro was finally there in the crowded mess hall filled with lively bodies moving animatedly and chattering away. With a slipshod attempt of clearing out her throat she began to sing as bad as she possibly could, embarrassing herself in front of everyone. The girls heard and looked over to see her move around as if she was drugged, her voice cracking every so often and reaching fortissimo in a screaming manner. No one knew what the heck she was singing either.

"Dinnerrrrrrrrrr! Greatttt! Foood! A lot!! Noodles all around!" lobsters, appetizers!"

The trio at the table stifled their laughter as they listened and watch everyone give her the look of confusion and irritation, especially Azura. It wasn't exactly IroshadowGL they were hating at the moment, it was her forceful voice cracks and flat notes.

"She's going to need a lot of agua after this..." LilyBlizz mumbled as she tried to finish her food.

Tinted_Memories was already finished with her dinner and were now waiting for the other two, snickering.

"True.. It's not good cracking your voice like that often. It'll damage the vocal chords," said the mercenary.

IroshadowGL was now being chased around by Saizou as she continued to "sing," but she eventually got caught about a second later. She didn't last too long.

"Oh dear... I'm not going over there to get her..." LilyBlizz said as a cold chill ran down her spine.

She was bothered by the fact that Saizou and his master were over there with their friend now prisoner nor did she want to even go near. IroshadowGL was now smiling like an idiot, giggling as she hung there on Saizou's shoulder in order for him to fulfill Ryoma's request. It looked like he was going to kill her. Of course that's not going to happen, but Saizou is Saizou. Anything can happen at this point on.

".... Soooo......." the archer started, catching her friends' attentions. "Who wants to go get her...?



LilyBlizz muttered to herself as she got closer to the red haired man who was currently holding IroshadowGL captive.

"I hate Rock-Paper-Scissors with a passion now.." she sighed.

The ninja noticed the archer's presence as she hesitantly got close to him, his stern face expression never leaving.

"Lily.." he said as if greeting harshly.

".... Saizou.." awkwardly she replied.

".... Iro!"

The malig knight giggled. She was having too much fun at the moment.

"What are you doing with her...?" the archer asked, ignoring her claim for a brief time.

"None of your business, unless you're involved too."

The archer frowned and shook her head to reply to him. She was now trying to keep calm without panicking while he was there since he'd get suspicion built in him as if it wasn't now.

"Well, no, but she eats at my table, so I believe she's late to dinner? I suppose not since she's already at the mess hall... Hey, did you eat yet, Iro?" the girl continued.

"Nope!" the girl in black replied with a giggle.

It's surprising to hear her sound perfectly normal after such a performance and strain in her voice-- she sure knows how to take care of it..

"You can let her down, Saizou.." Ryoma suddenly said, eating his food with not so much of a happy face.

Then again he was always that same grumpy red lobster everyday. Not to mention, he was also in a pretty bad mood at the moment.


Saizou allowed the malig knight down again where she had the ability to roam free, but once her feet touched the ground,, she opened her mouth. Lily's right eye slightly twitched-- she wasn't going to be able to bear it up close-- and immediately jumped at IroshadowGL to prevent her from singing any further.

"It's, err.. Dinnertime.. Time to eat, you can sing later," LilyBlizz told her, dragging her away to the table.

By now Saizou, the now completely suspicious ninja was now keeping an eye on the two girls walking back and their table mates. LilyBlizz was aware and continued to act as if nothing was going on.

"It's a pass, Iro. No need to force yourself," the archer told her quietly as she sat down. "King, whatever you do, don't pull out the list. Saizou is watching just talk normally, animatedly, whatever you guys do, and don't mention anything else.

The girls nodded as their attentions glided over to IroshadowGL who was now drinking a bunch of water and eating her own dinner as if nothing had happened. Once in a while, LilyBlizz would peer over at Saizou with her sharp eyes and note what he was doing. Of course he was there serving Ryoma still, but due to being a ninja he could appear behind them at any moment.

"Let's head back now that everyone's finished..." UnlikelyKing suggested, but then again...

"Divine Lily! Noctis King! Mosaic Katie! Stealth Body!"

"Gods... Nooooooo......." the two older girls groaned, glancing at the approaching Odin.

Laslow was being dragged along and he didn't seem to mind it. Tinted_Memories looked over at the dark mage and beamed with excitement unlike the archer and the female dark mage with her. IroshadowGL, on the other hand, just didn't care and continued to grin.

"Hi, Odin! Needed something?" the female mercenary asked.

'Katie...!' the archer thought. 'We're supposed to head back!!'

She was a little too lovestruck at the moment and wasn't going to move anywhere soon. Laslow, however, was now trying to do the usual and flirt with the girls.

"Laslow? Would you kindly step outside for a second?" UnlikelyKing requested.

The man was a little nervous, but did so anyways with her following him far behind and dragging LilyBlizz with her. She was busy trying to pull out the archer's Raider yumi with magic for her to use before pulling out her own Nosferatu. By now, the men were both occupied, but with different girls and different intentions to handle.

"I've made new names for more weapons!" Odin claimed, waving a list around.

"Oh, how cool!"

"Gods! Put those WEAPONS AWAY FROM ME, PLEASE! I'M SORRY!" was heard outside.

Really the trio in the mess hall didn't care.


LilyBlizz                   Pass: 1       Fail: 1

UnlikelyKing           Pass: 2       Fail: 0

Tinted_Memories  Pass: 1       Fail: 0

IroshadowGL        Pass: 1       Fail: 0


Just like any other stories I write out there that AREN'T one-shots, I usually do give the chance to my readers to join in on the fun with their original characters(in this case yourself) if they want to join. Don't worry! I won't bite! So leave a comment below with information about yourself and I can incorporate you in the story with ease!~

+How do you look/want to look in the story?

+What are your character traits/personality?

+Are you for Hoshido or Nohr? -curiosityyyy, HAHA! Totally not relevant.-

+What do you want your class to be?

+What do you want to be called/referred to in this story? (Your username and nickname/pen name)

+Your gender you want me to refer you to?

++If any, is there something you want to suggest yourself or any of us to do in the story?

+++Do you want to have your personas drawn? Tell me:
-If you're designing them or you want me to design them.
*If I'm designing them:
  -What is your favorite color?
  -How round or slender are your eyes?
  -How long is your hair exactly?
  -Accessories present?
   ×I'm using your templates up above for this as well, so note that! Be descriptive!
*If you're designing them:
   -Describe the outfit clearly to me as well or just draw it out.

Also please be patient! Thre's only one me and one arm that can actually draw! It's not a miracle.

If you are also in UnlikelyKing's book I Dare You, please have the same information given here and vice versa!

I'M NOT! EMPHASIZING THE "NOT!" HAVING YOU JOIN THIS STORY FOR THE PURPOSE OF HAVING YOUR PERSONA DRAWN! BE WARNED! I want people to actually appreciate my work and not use me for something else. Also, be nice to each other and the author please. Also note that I will kick you out if you are completely rude without an actual reason. You have 3 strikes in my head and I'll be monitoring that here. No warnings. Just an immediate butt out of the story and everything you ask me for. I won't tolerate for any of that behavior.

Other than that, I hope we get to know each other better! ^^


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