Seven Devils

By Czarcsm

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Zelda Stacy gets sucked into a life she was born for, a life she has no choice but to fight in. Defiant exter... More

Chapter 1 - Station
Chapter 2 - Roommate
Chapter 3 - Night
Chapter 4 - The Beginning
Chapter 5 - Intake
Chapter 6 - Brick Wall
Chapter 7 - Into The Past
Chapter 8 - Opened
Chapter 9 - Time Moves On
Chapter 10 - Hooky
Chapter 11 - Run
Chapter 12 - Choices
Chapter 13 - Believer
Chapter 14 - Seven Devils
Chapter 15 - Respect
Chapter 16 - Dimension
Chapter 17 - Cake
Chapter 19 - Hot N Cold
Chapter 20 - A Place Where Lovers Go
Chapter 21 - No One Else
Chapter 23 - Unforgettable
Chapter 24 - Here We Go Again
Chapter 25 - From Time
Chapter 26 - Safe With Me
Chapter 27 - Young And Beautiful
Chapter 28 - Together
Chapter 29 - A Lie
Chapter 30 - Bring You Back
Chapter 31 - Grandloves
Chapter 32 - 48
Chapter 33 - To Infinity And Beyond
Chapter 34 - Time Just Gets Away From Us
Chapter 35 - Bittersweet
Chapter 36 - 7 Days
Chapter 37 - Heaven
Chapter 38 - Wait
Chapter 39 - Remember The Time
Chapter 40 - Embrace

Chapter 18 - Bury It

3.8K 131 5
By Czarcsm

~ Chapter 18 ~

I looked at him through my lashes and saw him looking right back. He really was set in stone on me not going today, well, I wanted to go. I needed to tell the Devils how much fun I had-I needed to talk to Tempest some more. Thank God, Valen can't read your mind. Because he'd lose his for every second that you thought of Tempest. Tempest is my friend. We're past that. Tempest is the man you want but are too chickenshit to admit it. Lies. For once can we agree that Valen is perfect? He's not. If he were, he wouldn't be here. Neither is Tempest-Tempest tells you whatever you want to know! I was silenced by my own conscience. Tempest is very forthcoming, whereas Valen is not. Valen might not be your golden boy, Zelda, and you need to be prepared to take the wheel if he's not. I'm not leaving him. Even if he breaks your heart? He won't. Your faith in him is a shame to me.

I just smiled at Valen and finished getting dressed. I don't want my conscience to be right. I really am emotionally involved in Valen and if something rash were to happen between us... I know I wouldn't hold up.

"You still don't have to go," Valen argued as we approached the dorm door.

"And what do you propose I do? Sit around and sleep?" I asked with a raised brow. "I'd rather not. Besides, I'm really starting to like Night."

I beamed and walked out with him following behind me. I heard my bracelet jingle and a wave of happiness rushed over me. Things were getting serious with Valen and I. I wonder how far we'll go.

We walked hand in hand to the cafeteria. Everyone fell to the ground as we walked to our table. Tempest clenched his jaw at the sight of us, and glared at Valen. I just sighed. Getting through to him today would be harder than any other day.

"Good morning," I beamed and sat down.

"I understand your birthday was yesterday, but why are you so excited today?" Alucard asked, someone didn't get enough sleep.

"Because you guys made my night-"

"I think we all who made your night, Kitten," Aric snickered nodding towards Valen.

"I wanted to tell you that you all made my night. The whole birthday party surprise-everything. I seriously love you guys."

I completely understand that these guys don't normally hear people say that they legitimately love them but geez, the looks on their faces were priceless. I laughed.

"Not used to it, huh," I smiled.

"You Humans are so weird sometimes," Alucard murmured. "What value does your love hold for either of us?"

"It makes you feel warm, and you're thinking about me, and I'm sure long after I leave you'll remember my exact words, and it'll make you happy. Knowing that someone loves you makes you feel all types of ways. And I clearly remember you guys saying you don't feel like Humans do, and that's okay, but I just wanted you to know that you've become a big part of my life."

"Birthday celebrations make you confess? Maybe we should have a few more!" Sven laughed and winked.

"I love a good celebration," I beamed.

"Well, I'm glad we made it memorable for you," Rex smiled genuinely.

Man, we've come a long way.

As I sat and watched the Devils envelop themselves in conversations, I watched as usual. Tempest was silent, he had casted a glare at Valen and wouldn't look at anyone else. He knows something. About Valen? Maybe he's just heated from last night. I'm sure if it were about last night he would've already punched your boyfriend. Why do you side with Tempest so much? Because I believe he's the one for you. He's going to die for Christ sakes! And you will live on, carrying the Draven name. That sounds ridiculous. Prolonging the Draven name means I'll have his kids. I'm not having anyone's kids! Zelda, you can't change fate! What is supposed to happen will happen! I'm Human, I don't believe in fate.

I continued to watch the two. Valen wasn't paying Tempest any mind but I think the only thing on Tempests was burrowing his fist in Valen's face. Tempest looked at me and then his eyes drifted down to my bracelet. He stood up and walked out. He didn't even bother to wait for everyone to bow before him. On instinct I got up and chased after him as I was running after him I saw Valen's brother, Hunter, grin in the direction of Tempest. I furrowed my brow and caught up with Tempest. I grabbed his arm, he quickly turned and grabbed me by my neck.

"Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." He didn't sound like Tempest. He didn't look like Tempest. He didn't feel like Tempest. He was choking me.

"Let her go," I heard Rex say. I struggled to breathe as I looked over at Rex, and then back to Tempest. He still hadn't let me go. I felt a tear shed. His beast. As if Tempest actually heard that he looked frightened and then let go of me. He took a few steps back and looked at Rex.

"It's happening," Tempest said to him. He was petrified.

"Control it," Rex said and made his way over to me.

"I can't," Tempest whispered then looked to me. "Not around her."

"Then leave," Rex said with a nod.

Rex then turned to me, completely blocking my view of Tempest. He carefully observed my neck.

"We can't let Valen see that, now can we," Rex murmured and guided me away from the cafeteria and from the direction of Tempest.

"What does he know about Valen?" I asked.

"You're more concerned about what was on Tempest's mind rather than how livid your boyfriend will be when he sees your neck?" Rex asked confused.

"Tempest knows something, and I think Hunter does too."

"Maybe you should talk to Valen. Tempest isn't stable around you at the moment and Hunter is bad news. Don't get me wrong, he's not as bad as Vikos, but he's no better."

Rex guided me to my dorm. He stayed at the door and just sighed.

"Would you like me to stay or return?" Rex asked.

"I think it would be better if you left," I murmured. "I know everyone thinks I'm a slut because I bounce from Valen to Tempest."

"They give you props, not negativity." Rex laughed. "It's usually the girls who fight over the Devils, not the Devils fighting for the girl. Tempest claims ownership over you. Valen is only temporary, Zelda. Don't grow attached to him. He's no good." I frowned and furrowed my brow.

"I need to know what Tempest knows..."

"You need to know or you want to know?" Rex asked. "I doubt either is what you really want."

"So what now?" I asked with a sigh.

"Put a cold towel or ice on your neck. Hopefully by the time Valen stops to see you your neck will be fine."

"Afraid Valen'll hurt Tempest?" I asked amused.

"No. Tempest would kill Valen in less than a second. Tempest is afraid he will hurt you." I opened my mouth to ask "how" but Rex had turned and waved.

"You're not going to tell me the rest?" I called after him.

"Ask Tempest," Rex said and left me alone.

"There's nothing more I hate than cryptic conversations," I muttered as I walked into my dorm.

I jumped shocked when I saw Tempest sitting on the sofa in the living room. He brushed his fingers against his lips and stared at me intensely.

I closed the door behind me and pressed my back against it and met his eyes. I opened my mouth to speak when I took in his appearance. Tempest had changed. He was in a fitted black tee and dark wash jeans and a pair of converse. How'd he change so fast. I realized I had millions of questions for him. I opened my mouth to speak again when Tempest stopped his fingers from touching his beautiful lips.

Don't stop. Oh, you conflict me so.

Tempest took a deep breath and rubbed his palms on his jeans. I want him. I cleared my throat and looked away. This boy wants you to sin. He'll make me sin.

"I won't tell you anything about Valen," Tempest spoke. His voice was husky. Ooh... My conscience swooned. Let's keep in mind that he tried to kill you. "Let's talk about that."

I looked up to meet his eyes.

"Should I stay over here or..."

"I won't attack you," he said with a sigh. "Or hurt you physically. Although, if you don't calm your hormones we'll be in a different situation."

I shuddered. Valen. Valen. Valen. Valen-

"Do you honestly think that shoving Valen in your mind can save you from me?" Tempest stood up and laughed. "Valen can't protect you from me. Nor can your feelings for him. Only I can protect you from me."

"You sure weren't doing that earlier as you choked me out," I countered. He froze and his eyes went dark and impassive.

"Because that wasn't me, mentally at least." I furrowed my brow.

His beast.

"Yes." He said. "It... I was very upset."

"So you decided to choke me."

"No, I decided to leave."

"Why were you upset?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"Something Valen did. Along with that cheap, pathetic bracelet of yours," Tempest snapped with a fierce glare. I took a step back even though I didn't have a step to take. I grabbed the door knob and gripped it tightly. I wasn't sure if he would attack me again or not. Tempest took a step back. I relaxed my clutch.

"If you didn't like my gift that much..." I murmured.

"Zelda, it's not a fucking gift. I won't tell you what it is, why I'm angry at him or anything because of him because I refuse to ruin your relationship. If you are going to learn anything it's from the experience," he said firmly. Tempest knows you. "Valen is not my problem, Zelda. Your heart, your soul, your body... that's my problem."

Tempest loathes my relationship with Valen. Wow.

"Loathe is an understatement. I hate that he touches you, I hate that he fucks you. I hate that he "says" that he loves you, and I hate that you're naive." I frowned. Ouch. "You haven't been here long enough to see the real Valen. You don't know much. But for you to be as skeptic as you naturally are, you are a weakling. You believe every little word that flows from his rotten Angelic lips." He was sharp.

"Why are you mad at me?" I breathed.

"Oh, I'm not mad, Zelda. I'm angry. Mad would be me ignoring you. Mad would be me pushing you away-I am angry at you." He spoke dangerously low and began to approach me. I looked away from him. This is jealousy and anger on a new level, tread lightly. "There is not treading anymore, Zelda, because you've crossed the fucking line." He trapped me by putting both hands on either side of my head.

"What did I do?" I choked out. The anger emitting from him washed over me like an unwelcomed cold shower. I was freezing, frightened, and weak. Like a child. I couldn't meet his gaze.

"You fell in love with Valen," he growled. "With Valen!" I flinched. "Oh, yes, you need to be really fucking afraid of me right now because I am pissed."

"I'm sorry," I whispered and cowered away from him.

"You're sorry..." He muttered and scoffed. "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you out to be stronger than you actually are. I'm sorry for waiting. I'm sorry for trying. Because at this moment, I don't fucking care. I'm done. I won't be there when he breaks your heart. I will protect you, that's what I've sworn to do. But that's it. I don't desire you anymore." He pushed me aside and walked out the door.

I felt... numb. As soon as the door shut, I lost all sense of feeling.

Why can I feel my heart breaking? Because part of it belonged to Tempest. Now, it all belongs to Valen. The "love" of your life. My conscience was angry at me too. Great. I think you should be on your own on this one, Zelda. I won't want to be witness to your destruction. Valen won't destroy me. For Tempest to have reacted as he did... Valen will destroy you. And you will be just as weak as you feared.

Impassive Tempest. That's what he's back to. All that we've worked up to and he's back here. To the old Tempest. To the Tempest that beat the skin off of my back. To the icy Tempest. I slid down the door and put my head in my hands.

"What have I done?" I asked myself.

Tempest had disappeared. Well, not necessarily disappeared, but he left. He left Night and went to his home for a week. It was uncomfortable. I didn't understand why he affected me like he did if I didn't even love him, and without my conscience giving me guidance... I'm on my own.

I want to know what I don't know about Valen. If I can't talk to Tempest or Hunter, then Levi surely must know.

Valen draped his arm around me in his sleep. I couldn't sleep anymore. Not while I was with him at least. I had nightmares that always haunted me when I shut my eyes. They felt like premonitions or omens but they were just... evil. So instead of sleeping, I stayed awake and thought. I sighed and pushed Valen's arm off of me and slipped a robe on. I hated sleeping in Valen's room. I got up and left. Hopefully Levi is still in his room.

I walked the dark hallways alone, I stayed close to the walls. I couldn't really trust anyone here after all. I made my way down to the Angel Wing and found Levi's lecture hall. I knocked before walking in. I blushed and looked away quickly as Levi was with a woman. She was stunning, but geez. I heard them casually get dressed, chuckling and kissing as they went. They weren't ashamed. I want something like that.

"Zelda," Levi said. I turned to him only to see him smiling like he always does. Except he had a lady under his arm.

"Hi," I murmured as I was stunned by his lady.

"Amara, this is Valen's girlfriend, Zelda. Zelda, Amara is my wife," Levi said clearly amused by my reaction.

"Why, Lev, you never told me how beautiful she was," Amara said with bright blue eyes. I blushed.

"I'm really not," I muttered.

"Oh, modesty," Amara smiled. She then turned to kiss Levi. "I'll be waiting." Levi grinned against her lips and kissed her one last time before she left. That's love.

"Something troubling you, Zelda?" Levi asked once she was gone.

"Valen," I said. Levi raised his brow.

"What has that boy done now?"

"I... I guess it's not really him. It's the things I don't know about. Like his life before Night." I shrugged.

"I've always been an instructor at Night. Valen-"

"Has a history that you know nothing about," Hunter said as he stepped in the lecture hall. He eyed me before nodding to Levi. "You would think you'd dress appropriately considering your position as Valen's lady."

"I apologize if my choice of clothing bothers you," I said sharply. "Tell me about Valen."

"Levi can't tell you anything about the Valen I know," Hunter said and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I can tell you about my brother. My question is... do you want to know?"

"I... I don't know," I admitted honestly.

"I want to," Levi said firmly.

"Then maybe Zelda should excuse us." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Tell me everything."

I walked back to my dorm and went to my bed. I buried my face in my pillow and screamed. Why wouldn't anyone tell me about Valen?! I wanted to know! Why was Tempest so livid? What was so bad about him that not even I should know? I want answers!

I rolled over on my back and looked at the ceiling. Whatever. If I wasn't going to get answers, I was going to be distant. Valen wasn't going to like it but it would get him to talk. He would have to talk. I would find out and then... and then what? Do we still date? Do we break up? What?

I hate that you're naive. Those words sliced through me like a machete. What was I believe naive about? Valen? What? You believe every word that flows from his rotten Angelic lips. That's not true! I don't believe everything Valen's told me... or at least I don't think I have.

I could hear him now, scoffing and glaring at me with those dark impassive eyes. Those eyes that assess my soul. Those eyes that know truth from lies. Those eyes that know everything. Tempest... how could I believe a word he ever said? How do I know that everything's not bullshit? Believe in yourself. What I perceive, I believe.

I relaxed and let out a long breath. Sleep. I have a long day ahead of me, and as far as I'm concerned, I might be seeing the end of my relationship soon.

I left before Valen could even make his way to my dorm. I went to the cafeteria alone and began to eat alone. I am strong, Tempest. I'll show you. By the time the Devils arrived I was done eating. Valen came in confused as he took in my appearance. I hadn't bothered to look him in the eye.

What I wasn't ready for was Tempest. He stepped in and everyone fell to their knees, but he wasn't alone. He had a gorgeous broad on his arm and I felt myself bubble with anger and jealousy. Who. The. Fuck. Is. She. I glared at Tempest but he wasn't even concerned with me.

"I'm done." He gave up on me. As far as I'm concerned he's ignoring me. I don't exist. I'm just another one of the guys. I let out a short gasp drawing the attention of the Devils before I looked up at Valen and everyone else. Hardball. I clenched my jaw and took my "gift" off and stuff it in my pocket. Tempest and his slut took a seat at our table.

"Mia," the guys nodded respectfully. They fucking know her. I raised my brow at her and the Devils. They each looked to me.

"Do you honestly expect me to say hi?" I asked bitterly. "She doesn't exist."

"The Human dirt likes you," Mia laughed and clung to Tempest. "How cute."

"This Human dirt will kill you given the chance," I spat with fierce eyes.

"Zelda-" I quickly glared at Valen.

"Don't you fucking talk to me!" I snapped. "You're the last person I want to talk to. In fact, I don't think I want to talk to any of you!" I stood up. Everyone dropped to the floor. Blake and my enemies turned in my direction.

"Zelda," the Devils whispered warily. I looked up to Blake's table.

"Don't fucking talk to me," I said lowly and walked away from them. I pulled up a chair next to Vikos and Hunter. I saw Valen scowl, Tempest kept his impassive look although I know he was dying inside. I scoffed and looked at the four boys. "This does not make us friends."

"If this is all for Valen then my, you are dramatic," Hunter snickered as he stared at the Devils.

"Oh, I can bet my left arm that this is not just for Valen," Vikos snickered and draped his arm around me. He leaned into my ear. "It's for sweet ole Tempest." I shuddered and his lips gently brushed my lobe.

"What are you doing?" I asked lowly.

"Exactly what you want me to. Spark up the two boys. They obviously did something wrong. We're not friends but right now we have common enemies. I'll do any and everything in my power to piss Tempest off. Valen's easy to piss off." My eyes lit up. I turned to Vikos.

"You're a genius!"

"And you're dumb," Blake snickered. "Do you want Valen to kill you?"

"Valen wouldn't kill her, Blake. Tempest would have taken that poor boy down before he even had the chance." Hunter sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Do you like Valen?" I asked Hunter.

Hunter laughed heartily. "We should talk about that when he's not around." I nodded and looked over to see the Devils, they were livid. I just rolled my eyes.

"You're really angry at them," Vikos said genuinely surprised. "What did they do?"

"What didn't they do." I grumbled and stood up. "I'm going to class."

Vikos stood up as well. "Wouldn't want you being stopped by your boyfriend or my brother. Let's go." He wrapped his arm around my waist and gently but possessively curved his hand around my hip. Demons were so sensual. We weren't even halfway to the exit before Tempest snapped.

"Get your fucking hands off of her!" Tempest roared silencing the whole room. Group by group people began to leave. Tempest just had that affect on people. "Now." Vikos turned around slowly, taking me with him.

"She's not even yours, why are you fighting for her when Valen should?" Vikos asked. Hunter sighed and brushed himself off before he looked at Valen.

"Well, that's an easy one. Valen doesn't love her. He loves what's at the apex of her thighs, it's why he won't let her go," Hunter said and stuffed his hands in his pure white pants.

It felt like I had been punched. Hard. I took a step back, trying to squeeze out of Vikos' embrace but he wouldn't let go. I pushed him away from me. I couldn't breathe. When I was finally away from him I looked at Valen only to see that he was as completely casual. He stood up and a hand through his hair before he fixed his attire. He snickered.

"Cat's out of the bag, Zelda. I'm an asshole," Valen shrugged.

"What?" I breathed completely confused as I tried to regain equilibrium. I needed to hold on to something. I grabbed the table and held on to it for support. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "What." When I opened my eyes I looked at Valen. He made his way up to me. He caressed my face even though I flinched away from him.

"You mean absolutely nothing to me, Zelda," he started with a smile. "You don't know me, you don't know how much of a womanizer I am. I slip into girls panties and manipulate them. This wasn't a relationship, it was sex. That's all I wanted it to be. Notice how I kept my personal life out of it, how I didn't care if you were with other people? Because at the end of the day, all that was required of you was sex." Valen laughed and took a few steps back. "It's why I'm here! Endless amounts of pathetic, naive women who are willing to sleep with the Prince." He licked his lips and stared at me. "But you, Zelda, you're fantastic. You've got serious daddy issues but my, oh, my you're my favorite notch. I could fuck you for a lifetime." He just laughed and took a seat. "Well, it's nice getting that off of my chest. I can finally be myself around you."

I was utterly speechless. I was angry. I clenched my fists. I had been used. Again.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Everyone was staring at me. I had to be strong even if it hurt.

"Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me?" I said through gritted teeth. I glowered at him and let go of the table as I clenched my fists. "You used me for your own game?! You fucking piece of shit! I gave you everything!"

"And I took it gladly," Valen shrugged. "You wanted a bad boy, you got him."

"And I thought Demons were cruel," Vikos muttered.

"You see, you're really fucking retarded, Zelda. Everyone told you to stay away from me, they told you I was bad news and what did you do? You came and fucked me anyway. You started this. You catalyzed this. I was going to womanize you from day one, but you made things easier on my part. So, thank you." Valen smiled. "I hate long term things anyway, I'm glad we got this over with." Valen stood up. "Well, I've got a class to attend." He winked at me before he walked out.

I had never felt so weighted before, so breathless. I put my hand up to my forehead and felt warm. Too warm. I looked at Tempest felt my eyes well up. He warned me. He told me countless times. I shook my head. I turned and left.

I couldn't even see past my tears. I ran into my room and shut the door behind me. I slid down it and wailed. I cried harder than I ever had before in my life. I really loved him.

There was banging behind me but I was obviously in the worst state possible. I didn't want to talk to the Devils. I didn't want to see Tempest. I couldn't bear it.

"Open the door or I'm coming in myself," I heard Sven say. Oh, great. He was going to play Big Brother on me because of what happened to his sister.

"Go away," I sobbed.

The pressure of them opening the door shifted me out of the way. They each stepped in. Tempest came over and lifted me up. He carried me in his arms and sat on a sofa. He held me while I cried and it made me mad. Everything made me mad right now. Why was Valen so mean when Tempest was so nice? Why couldn't it be the other way around? Valen was the Angel.

They stayed. They didn't speak, or they tried not to. I cried for what felt like days but was only a few hours. I sniffled the rest of the time and Tempest refused to let me go.

"Tempest," Rex said lowly. "Be wary."

"I'm not going to fucking hurt her. She just got dumped by her so-called boyfriend in the worst way possible. If anything I'm ready to pummel Valen to a pulp!" Tempest snapped at Rex.

Aric ran his hands through his hair. "Sorry we didn't do better, Kitten. We're supposed to keep you safe, protect you from all the bad guys and we didn't."

"And everyone said that Tempest was Satan," Sven snorted.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Alucard asked Tempest. "All of this could've been prevented had she known! Now we've got a depressed female on our conscience Do you realize how numb she is from all of this?!"

"If I told her it would've been worse," Tempest said lowly. I gripped his navy blazer. "Zelda's fragile. We all know this, I warned you all how careful we had to be. Had she known... she probably would've killed herself."

"Too much of this has been redundant to her," Rex spoke. "A Human can only handle so much before they give up."

"I want to be alone." I whispered. Everyone perked up.

"I can't do that," Tempest spoke softly. I looked up and glared at him. I pushed him away and stood up on my own even though everyone protested. "Zelda-"

"Don't you have Mia to get back to?" I spat. He sighed heavily.

"Zelda, we can talk about that later, in private." He said lowly. I scoffed.

"No we don't. You know what? Why are you here? You said you were done with me. You said you didn't care. You said that you wanted me to experience my heartbreak. Well look at me now! Heartbroken! You can leave now!" I yelled at him as I cried some more.

Tempest frowned but stayed put. "I'm not going anywhere."

I took a shaky break and wiped my eyes. "Please, leave. I don't need this."

Tempest stood and towered over me. "No."

"I... I can't do this," I sobbed again. I found myself back in his arms. Sobbing into Tempest's navy blazer all over again. He held me.

"I don't care if you yell, scream, cry, or hit me. I'm not leaving you like this. None of us are leaving. You're one of us, a Devil. I know how strong you are. Overcome this. Overcome him. No matter how tough it is, I want you to know that we believe in you. Human and vulnerable, we believe in you. So let it out."

I felt my body cry. I let go of everything inside. I let it out.

Tempest stood in my doorway and watched me as I crawled in my bed. I didn't feel like talking, so I just thought to him. I knew he'd hear it. I hope he was okay with me staying in bed. Because that's honestly all I wanted to do.

"As long as you eat," he said with a soft smile. I frowned as I looked at him.

Why didn't he steal me away. Win me over? He looked away and sighed.

"Goodnight, Zelda," Tempest said softly before closing the door. Goodnight Tempest.

I slept like a baby from crying so much. I could hear the Devils from the living room and it was nice to know that they stayed. There was a knock on my door.

"Hungry?" I heard Alucard ask.

"No." I said with a raspy voice and kept my back to the door.

Hours had passed before there was another knock on my door.

"Hey, Zelda, want something to eat?" Sven asked.

"No thank you." I heard him sigh and leave.

It had grown dark.

"Eat, Zelda," I heard Tempests' voice demand. Tempest... I don't think he understood how pissed off I was at him. "Talk to me about it."

"I don't want to talk to anyone."

"Could you at least look at me?" Tempest snapped. I turned over and looked at him.

"Satisfied?" I turned back in my original position.

"Fine. I've got other things to do anyway. If you won't eat, don't," I heard him walk away from the door.

Mia needs you more than I do, Tempest.

Seconds later I heard him rush in my room with a growl. I kept my back to him. I wasn't fazed.

"Why are you so fucking difficult?" He yelled at me. "You never give me a chance! Never!" I sat up and glared at him.

"I'm sorry but you're the one who walked out on me. You switched me out for some skank named Mia!" I yelled back at him.

"We aren't an item, Zelda. You made that more than clear millions of times. So don't pull that card. You did everything in your power to not choose me because you didn't want everyone to be right. But you're so goddamn naive! If you want to lay in bed depressed, then fucking do it. I won't watch you wither away." Tempest glared at me heavily. "Bye."

He walked away and shut my bedroom door behind me. I could hear him arguing with the Devils and then it was completely silent. They were all gone. I got my wish, to be left alone.

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