What You Don't Know (Peterick...

By peterickswhore

33.3K 1.1K 1.6K

Patrick's a loner. Petes the asshole who bullies him. They both get lonely and go onto a messaging site to ta... More

28. (Final)
AN - Sequel


1.4K 49 38
By peterickswhore

Patrick's POV

Ethan wakes me up at 5 in the morning which I am not happy about and demands that I tell him everything. I tell him everything about the concert then after a couple of seconds I tell him about Pete. About talking to him, meeting him, him freaking out, him giving me the tickets and him holding me at the concert then taking me home.

I don't think Ethan likes it but I'm so happy about it so I think he agrees even though he still has his doubts. He'll probably threaten Pete a bit today but I really like him so I am excited.

By the time I get to school I'm late and there's no time to find Pete. I hold the new phone Ethan gave me, which is another of his old ones, and go to class.

At lunch I message Pete just hoping he'll reply and hasn't deleted the app or anything since I broke my phone.

SoulPunk182 - Hey Pete

After a awkward wait he replies and I just sigh in relief and read what he said

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Hey punky

SoulPunk182 - I got a new phone

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - I can tell

SoulPunk182 - Yeah so I can message you again
SoulPunk182 - If you want me to I mean

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Of course
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Come to the bathroom we always go to

SoulPunk182 - Why

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Just do it

I really hope this isn't a set up and he's not gonna be waiting there to embarrass me with his friends. I guess all this could be a joke and he could be bullying me again. I don't think there's any chance of a guy like him ever voluntarily being with a guy like me.

No matter what might be waiting I can't resist him so I just go and see what he wants.

I push the door open, ready to make a run for it but it's just Pete standing against the mirror. He looks up and smiles when I walk in so I stand there and give him a smile back. "Hey" "Hey punky, lock the door" "Why?" "So we have privacy" "Is it to keep other people out or keep me in?" "It's whatever you want it to be" "Ok"

I lock the door then watch him until he walks over to me in a couple of quick strides and traps me against the wall. I should be scared but I'm not since it's just Pete and I don't think he'll hurt me. Plus this is a good way to get him to kiss me or kiss him first.

"Hey punky" "Hey panda" "You're really cute you know" "Thanks" "It's true" "You're really hot, like really really hot and when your like this your even hotter". I keep talking until I slap my hand over my mouth because I don't really wanna gush over how hot he is. Im probably far from the first person to call him attractive but it's still awkward.

"Thanks sweetheart" "Well it's true I guess" He tilts my head up to look at him and smiles "You're so cute baby" "You've already said that" "But it's true, you're so cute and fuck you're beautiful down there".

I can barely breathe from how close he is but I never want him to move away. "You want this punky babe?" "Yeah" "Come here then". I stay there frozen for a minute and I don't even realise I bite my lip until Pete leans down. He bites my lip again like he did yesterday so I gasp and he pulls away "That's better" "Sorry" "Just remember every time you bite your lip I'll bite it too" "Why?" "Because it's so sexy when you do it and it drives me crazy"

We stay in the same place with Pete's body pressing me to the wall until I give up any dignity I have and press my lips to his.

Pete stays in the same place until I pull away so I really regret this, he didn't even kiss me back. When I pull away I blush and look at the ground in embarrassment but Pete puts a finger under my chin and forces my head up. I try to avoid his eyes but it's impossible so I look at him for a second to see him smirking then his lips are straight on mine.

I kissed him really gently but Pete kisses roughly and he's got stubble on his chin which scratches at me but I really like it. He's ravaging my lips and he doesn't seem to need to breathe so I get lost in him, he's such an amazing kisser.

By the time he pulls away I'm panting and I chase his lips because I don't wanna stop. I think this is definitely what he wanted because he pulls me right back in. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close as he bites at my lips until I open my mouth for him to slip his tongue in.

"Pete" "Don't talk" "Oh god" "Shh". We keep making out and when the bell goes Pete ignores it completely so I do too. I let him use me however he wants because this is amazing and I never want it to stop.

By the time Pete finishes my face feels raw and my lips are sore but I'm so happy so I cuddle against Pete "You're amazing you know" "Yeah" "I love you" "I... I love you too my punk".

He hesitates before he says it so I whimper and hold him closer "Pete, how can you love me?" "You're amazing and fun and beautiful" "But you've bullied me and told me the opposite for ages" "Because I'm an idiot" "You're so different" "I know but I hate myself for everything I've done" "Good" "I went along with Andy and Joe and bullied you but I'm gay so when I realised it stopped being fun, it felt like I should get beat up too" "You're perfect" "I'm anything but perfect" "You're amazing though" "No that's you my beautiful punk"

I stay there with his arms around me for a while until Pete kisses the top of my head "You should go to last period punky" "Do I have to?" "Yeah" "Oh ok" "I'll message you" "Yeah definitely, I'll see you sometime" "I'll see you tomorrow lunchtime, come right here for me" "Ok, can I kiss you?" "Don't have to ask"

He presses his lips to mine gently and cups my cheeks in his hands then pulls away "Come on punky off you go" "What about you?" "I'm gonna ditch, I don't like PE" "Can't I stay with you?" "No don't you have art?" "Yeah" "You can't ditch that, I'll message you" "Can you come over tonight?" "No sweetheart" "Oh I'm sorry" "Don't say sorry, I have to go home and I can't come over but don't apologise for asking me" "I just get scared about getting rejected" "You didn't get rejected, I'm just telling you that I can't" "Ok, some other time then maybe" "Definitely"

I go off to class leaving Pete there and really hope he'll text me so I'm not so alone. People ruined my work so I don't have a lot to do so I just wanna talk to Pete.

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