Room 1008 | Dean โ™–

By myxmoon

112K 3.8K 1.9K

We have Dani Song who thought that going on a romantic getaway with her amazing boyfriend was going to be all... More

Such a Small World
Me and You
Holy pineapples
Speak up or Lose
Mine or Yours
Mr. Steal your girl
Misunderstandings and Rings
Fake Date
Wedding Bells
Cloud 9
Old Flames
I knew you were trouble
Beware of Snakes
Putting up a Facade
Mouse in the Trap
Friends with the Monster
Baby Baby
Losing you
Gaurdian Angel
Falling Apart is My Thing
Fix Us
Hello - Final
Epilogue - One Last Time
Hello my dudes

Back to Square One

4.9K 174 72
By myxmoon

My eyes fluttered open and came in contact with the sun shining through the windows. I stretched my arms out and rubbed my eyes. That's when I realized I wasn't in my own bed.

Where am I?

Staring into space I began remembering the events of last night. How Dean had dragged me to his house, made me dinner and then we ended up have a deep conversation.

Throwing the covers aside I stood up but was interrupted by a horrible smell.

It smelled terrible and gave me a huge urge to throw up.

I opened the bedroom door and stepped out into the hall and made my way to the kitchen. Dean was looking through his fridge pulling out ingredients for what looked like breakfast.

"What's that horrible smell?" I said gripping my nose trying to block the smell out.

"What are you talking about I'm making breakfast and that's what you say?" He questioned stirring some eggs.

"No it's just that something in here is making me nauseous." Walking closer I managed to catch a glimpse of two plates next to him with eggs, toast and waffles. 

"Taste these eggs for me. Do they need more salt?" He asked holding up a spoonful of eggs. I opened my mouth to invite them in but as soon as I caught a whiff of them I was in the bathroom throwing up last nights dinner.

"Hey you okay?" Turning my head I noticed Dean kneeling beside me patting my back.

"They can't taste that bad right?" He still had the damń spoon full of eggs with him except now they were in his mouth. Munching a bit he turned his head side to side before he made a face and threw up himself.

Now we were both sitting on the bathroom floor feeling tired.

"What the hell? I'm not the pregnant one here!" He yelled pointing his wooden spoon at me.

"It's morning sickness idiot. It happens to guys too." I weakly explained. Yeah I had done my research well.

"I'm gonna go throw out those eggs then." He sighed standing up but I cleared my throat before he could leave.

"What?" He asked turning around. I held my hands up asking him to pull me up. The boy just stood there looking at me till he gave in and pulled me up.

It's like my clumsiness liked to come and go because in this moment I slipped forward making Dean pull me closer catching me in his arms. We were so close to each other with our faces only centimeters apart.

My face felt hot since I started having flashbacks of last nights conversation.

I quickly came back to reality since he gave me a gentle shove, turning away into the hall.

"Get cleaned up and come eat." He called back.

We ate in silence with him not even bothering to look at me.

"Oh my God!" I chirped hurriedly slamming my fork onto the table. I was so caught up in this little world with the two of us I didn't even realize I'd be late for work!

"What is it." He asked taking a last bite of his toast.


"I don't have anything scheduled for today so relax." He interrupted me, calm as ever, assuring me it was fine. I hate panicking because it just makes things worse.

Settling back down onto my chair I stared down at my empty plate contemplating if I should speak my mind or not.

"Hey Dean."


"What's going to happen to you?"

"What do you mean?" Standing up he took his plate and mine over to the sink.

"About our baby. Are you going to tell the company? How are your fans going to react? I-I'm just a bit scared that's all." I really didn't want to cause him or his career any harm. That was never my intention.

"I'll let the company know when the time comes. As for the media and fans we'll just make up a story of some sort." How was he talking so calmly about this?

"S-story?" I asked curiously.

"Something like we've been dating for a while and decided to get married. It should happen before you start showing though."

This was insane.

Marriage? We barely knew each other!

"That's a little too much don't you think?" There was silence and tension slowly filling the air.

"Then what the hell do you suggest we do then Mmm?! If this had never had happened between us and I'd never met you none of this wouldn't have happened. You wouldn't be fûcking pregnant and I would have absolutely nothing to do with you. I'd still be free living my life!" So were his words last night a lie..?

"I-" he slammed the glass dishes into the sink and stormed out his front door.

I didn't ask for this either. He's acting like he's the damń victim when he's not the one who's hormonal as hell and craving ice cream 24/7.


Not wanting to be in this building a second longer, I went and changed into my clothes, grabbed my purse and ran out.

Who am I kidding? Arrogant Jerks never change. Why would he?

"What happened between you when I left? You seemed to be getting along well then?" Asked crush eyeing a now glaring Dean.

It'd been a week since that day we fought. He didn't seem to regret any of his words since he didn't even apologize and all he did was glare at me. So now here I was in his recording studio with a bag of banana milk and some snacks Dean had told me to buy for them.

I hate life.

"Nothing happened I'm just a little tired that's all. Just leave the bag there and please leave." Dean replied turning his chair back around to the large computer screen.

Throwing the bag on to the couch I stomped towards the door and slammed it shut. I'm a make up artist for crying out loud not a personal maid.

I feel like I'm going to explode from anger!

"Ugh I fuçking hate him!"

"Who do you fuçking hate-"

That's sounds familiar.


I slowly looked up from my standing place and saw Gray coming closer and closer to me.

"Looks like the garbage truck forget a bit of their trash." I folded my arms against my chest not believing the site before me.

"I know you're still mad at me baby but I miss you believe it or not." He said running the palm of his hand against of my cheek but I slapped it away.

"Well excuse me but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damń." I was no longer the stupid little girl he thought I was. 

Gray gave me what I interpreted as a wicked smiled.

"You're cute when you're angry at me Dani." Taking the final step closer to me to close the gap between us he wrapped his arms around my pulling close to his chest. 

"Are you crazy!? Let me go you dimwit!" I tried struggling to get out but his grip around me was to strong.

"Come back to me." He whispered into the crook of my neck.

"What's all the yelling about!? I can't concentrate!" I heard the click of Dean's studio door open. There he was standing there with shock written all over his face.

"Oh look it's the idiot from the island. Ha what a small world it is that we meet again." I had no clue what was even going on. Like why was he even here?

"Let her go." Dean threatened.

"Or what?"

"Or I won't be afraid to let you get a taste of my fist again." His tone was filled with venom and anger.

Gray smirked, turning his attention back to me and planting his lips onto mine in a forceful kiss.

Not even ten seconds passed when Dean pried Gray away from me taking a fist full of his shirt and swinging at him fly into the floor with a bloody lip.

"Let me find out you laid a hand on my girl on more time and I swear you're going to be six feet under then."

Security then came to escort him out.

"I'll be back for what's mine... Dean." Were his last words before he was gone. 

Dean frustratedly ran his fingers through his long Jet black locks. I noticed his knuckles were a bit bruised

M-my girl?!

"Hey uh thanks for coming to my rescue back there. You're hand looks hurt let me take a loo-" I placed my hand on top of his lifting it up to get a better look but he slapped my hand away.

"Don't think that's you're any special because of what I said. It was a threat and nothing more so don't give it a double meaning." Giving me one last look he turned back away disappearing into his studio.

What was this hurting feeling inside my chest?

It really hurts....

I've been watching W and it's so good omg!!! It even got me in some deep thinking. What if book characters could come to life in real life? Holy crap I'd be scared af. Also guys please go check out 'Half past midnight' starting Wonho from Monsta x as a smexy vampire :)

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