Once Upon a Time: Ever After...

By HappilyEverAfter19

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In book 5 of the 'Once Upon a Time: Ever After High' series, Crystal Winter finds herself in the town of Stor... More

Ch.1 Snow day
Ch.2 Ice trail
Ch.3 Snow monster
Ch.4 Blackout
Ch.6 Shiver
Ch.7 Believe
Ch.8 Painful history
Ch.9 Ice power
Ch.10 Noelle
Ch.11 Jackson
Ch.12 Frozen heart
Ch.13 Snow talk
Ch.14 Secret crush
Ch.15 White strand
Ch.16 Sibling rivalry
Ch.17 True monster
Ch.18 Evil help
Ch.19 Frozen jail
Ch.20 The trap
Ch.21 Ice stairs
Ch.22 Uncontrollable
Ch.23 Rosabella
Ch.24 The Mirror
Ch.25 Ice Cream truck
Ch.26 The Staff
Ch.27 Wraith's Medallion
Ch.28 Saving
Ch.29 The Mark
Ch.30 The Wraith
Ch.31 Blue Bean
Ch.32 Familiar world
Ch.33 Jillian
Ch.34 Big mistake
Ch.35 Regret
Ch.36 Confess
Ch.37 Sleeping curse
Ch.38 Trolden Mirror
Ch.39 Netherworld
Ch.40 Blue urn
Ch.41 Beanstalk climb
Ch.42 Snow fall
Ch.43 Land without magic
Ch.44 Giant escape
Ch.45 Beauty
Ch.46 Frozen town
Ch.47 Winter locket
Ch.48 Ice cave
Ch.49 The Snow Queen
Ch.50 Sisterly love
Ch.51 The storybook
Ch.52 Wolf dream
Ch.53 Special library
Ch.54 Merlin
Ch.55 Writing tools
Ch.56 Wendell
Ch.57 Enchanted necklace
Ch.58 Narration key
Ch.59 Locked book
Ch.60 Ink spill
Ch.61 Biggest threat
Ch.62 Pandora's Box
Ch.63 Meeshell
Ch.64 Cross the line
Ch.65 Birthmark
Ch.66 Sisters
Ch.67 Liar
Ch.68 Drawn door
Ch.69 The Illustrator
Ch.70 Dark ink
Ch.71 Heroes and Villains
Ch.72 Important jobs
Ch.73 Alternate story
Ch.74 Wolf girl
Ch.75 Tombstones
Ch.76 Bandit princess
Ch.77 Marionette
Ch.78 Ugliness
Ch.79 Tower
Ch.80 New Author
Ch.81 Darkness
Ch.82 The End?

Ch.5 Trouble twins

382 13 0
By HappilyEverAfter19

After the sudden wall growth, Elena and Crystal got up after being knocked down as Elena rubbed her forehead where there was a bruise.

"Okay" she turned to Crystal "Can you tell me what this is all about?"

"I'm sorry" Crystal said with a guilty look "It just happens, I can't always control my powers."

"Who are you anyway? And how did you get here?"

Crystal gave a nervous look as she sighed.

"My name is Crystal Winter" she said "And I don't exactly know how I got here, all I know is that I was trapped in an urn and I was able to escape and I found myself here."

"Wait a minute" Elena said surprised "Did you say your name was Crystal Winter?"


"As in, the daughter of the Snow King and Queen?"

"How do you know me?"

"Well I'm not sure if you remember me, but it's me, Raven Queen, from Ever After High."

"Raven?" Crystal gasped.


"But, how is this possible?" Crystal asked with shock.

"Have you heard of my mother's curse on Ever After?"

"Yeah her curse didn't reach my place, and you guys just disappeared."

"That's because we were transported here, in this town called Storybrooke Maine."

"And where exactly is that on map?"

"Well, the real world."

"The real world?"

"It's kind of complicated."

"So you're telling me that everyone at Ever After is now here?"

"Pretty much."

"Then that mean all my friends must be here" Crystal gasped.

"Well we can't really see them while we're in here, so can you, take this down please?"

"I uh-" she said nervously "I can't, I don't know how."

"What do you mean you don't know how?"

"I mean I haven't always been good at controlling my powers with my hands, it's always been easier with my wand, which I don't have with me."

Outside the wall, Aidan and Terrence kept calling Elena's name as they tried to break away the snow pieces.

"Terrence" Aidan said as they stopped "It's no use, we can't get her out."

"There has to be a way" Terrence said with a worried look "You could freeze in there!"

"Well try calling her to see if she's okay."

So Terrence pulled out his phone and started to call Elena. And inside the wall, Elena's phone started to ring as she pulled it out and answered it.

"Terrence" she said.

"Elena" he gasped "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, but uh, I'm in here with Crystal Winter, do you remember her?"

"Crystal?" he gasped.

"Yeah somehow she got here and she created this wall, but apparently she can't put it down cause she doesn't have her wand."

"Why don't she just use her hands?"

"She says that it's hard to control her powers with her hands, but her wand makes it easier, she needs it."

"Well uh, I don't know if her wand is here, but uh, we can try to look in Mr. Gold's shop."

"Okay great, but can you hurry, it's getting really cold in here."

"On it" he said as they hung up.

"Did I just hear her say Crystal Winter is here?" Aidan said.

"Yes, and she can't put down this wall without her wand."

"Then how did she create the wall in the first place?"

"That doesn't matter, she can't control her powers with her hands, she needs her wand because it's easier, which is why we need to go to Gold's shop. And we need to hurry because Elena's starting to freeze."

Sitting on her bay window, Crystal held out her hand full of some kibbles in front of a snow weasel as it began to gobble up the food.

"There you go little fella" Crystal said with a small smile as she stroked the weasel's white fur.

"I haven't seen that smile in a while" she turned and saw standing her doorway, Jackie Frost and Northwind, son and daughter of Jack Frost.

The two were known as winter's trouble making pair, since they have tried to take over winter, but Crystal was able to stop them with the help of her friends.

"What are you two doing here?" she asked annoyed "Shouldn't you be working as always."

"We're on our break" Jackie crossed her arms.

"Didn't you took a break like an hour ago?"

"We're on our second break."

"Well then can you guys please go? I want to be alone."

"You're not alone" Northwind said "You have that weasel."

"Well this weasel has to go home now."

She then scooped up the weasel and headed pass the twins and out the door. She entered the throne room where she handed the weasel to the snow pixies.

"Take him home" she said as she handed the weasel to the pixies as they went away with it.

"So let me get this straight" Northwind said "Because of the Evil Queen's curse, all of your friends are gone?"

"Yes Northwind" Crystal said with a bored look "I've told you before, everyone at Ever After is gone now, and I don't think I'll ever see them again."

"So if you need a friend, I'll be your friend" he smiled "Friend hug!"

He then wrapped his arms around her and into a side hug and she stood there with a dull look.

"Get off" she ordered as he pulled away "And do you really think I want to be friends with the people that tried to take over winter and nearly destroyed my family and kingdom?"

"We said we were sorry."

"No you didn't."

"Well we're sorry, right Jackie?"

"Well..." Jackie shrugged.

"Look" Crystal said "I don't care if you guys are sorry or not, but like what my pixies told me, there isn't anything I can do about the curse, I just have to move on."

"Well while you're moving on" Jackie said "Can we check out that secret room at the back of the palace?"

Crystal's eyes widen "But that room's off limits, you know that already."

"I know, but don't you want to see what's in there?"

"No, that room is forbidden, no one is allowed in that room. You guys are to stay away from that room, and that's in order. And if I catch you going into the room, I'll triple your duties. Got that?"

"Whatever" Jackie rolled her eyes.

"How about a peek?" Northwind suggested.

Crystal gave him a frown.

"Is that a no?" he asked.

Crystal then turned to Jackie.

"You were right" she said "He does have the brain of a snow worm."

"Tell me about it" Jackie agreed.

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