Yours Truly

By Anya0901

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Shiori Anderson's life is boring and ordinary until Ayato Sakamaki came to her school. Now the vampire is fo... More

Chapter 1 A Vampire In My School?!
Chapter 2 I Got Detention Because Of The French Girl!
Chapter 3 Ayato Needs To Stop Being Clingy
Chapter 4 Party At The Rich Girl's House
Chapter 5 My First Time With You
Chapter 7 Finally Meeting All Of His Brothers
Chapter 8 Ayato's Mother
Chapter 9 He Betrayed Me!
Chapter 10 Bite & Makeup?
Chapter 11 My Scheme Backfired!
Chapter 12 Unwanted & Unloved
Chapter 13 Ayato, Help!
Chapter 14 Will I Ever See You Again?
Chapter 15 His Truly

Chapter 6 Quit Being Possessive!

1.2K 32 20
By Anya0901

  I felt relieved once I came back home to see Ayato in my room. He is lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I didn't hesitate to crawl into bed and curl up next to him.

"I told you not to go anywhere," he muttered.

"Ayato, I couldn't spend the rest of the day in my room. I was with Cara and Lena anyways. We didn't really do anything," I sighed.

Ayato snorted while I nuzzled into him. I am really close to him yet it feels as if it isn't enough...

"How was hanging with your brothers?" I finally asked.

"It was whatever. Nothing too exciting," he answered as he yawned.

"I see..."

I wonder if I'll ever meet his other brothers. I want to know about them for some reason... Are they like Ayato or are they all different? Do they harass women like Ayato harasses me? He said that if I came with him to see his brothers that they would try to bite me so I bet they are all a lot like Ayato.

Before I knew it, I closed my eyes and went into a peaceful slumber which is something new since Ayato usually keeps me up to bite me.

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

A couple of days went past and I'm in school. I thought it was going to be an ordinary day until I saw my best friend that has been sick for over two months!

"ZANDER!" I screeched and ran up to him to give him a big hug.

"Hey, girl, hey!" He embraced me as we began to laugh.

I know I said that Cara and Lena are the only friends I have in this school, but I forgot to mention about Zander!

He's my gay best friend and we have been friends for years! He missed two months of school because of the flu. It was so bad that he couldn't go to school or anywhere for that matter. He had to stay at home and no one could even visit because it was contagious.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"A lot better. I'm so happy to be back here, surprisingly... It was bored being in my room and not talking to anyone," he answered.

We laughed again with each other until...

"Who the hell is that?! I told you to stay by my side at all times!" Ayato came up to us and glared at Zander.

"Hey, I want to introduce..."

Ayato interrupted. "We have to get to class."

I went to protest but he forcefully grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from Zander. Since when does Ayato care about class?

I looked back at Zander and he is scratching his blonde hair in confusion.

I'm just as confused as you.

Ayato and I sat next to each other in class, but Ayato seemed to be in a bad mood about something...

"Hey, what's your deal?" I whispered to him so I don't interrupt class.

"I told you that you are mine and no one else's," he muttered.

I began to chuckle and I tried to laugh softly but it ended up being really loud.

"Are you mocking me?" Ayato scowled at me.

"No, you have it all wrong."

"I don't want to hear it." He rested his head on his desk and stared straightforward.

"Ayato, Zander is..."


I took a deep breath and nodded. Man, I guess I have to wait until after class to tell Ayato about Zander...

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

"Hey, Ayato, where are you going? Ayato!" I called after him as he is walking really fast down the hallway with his fist tightened... What is up with him? I was TRYING to tell him about Zander finally but he sprinted after class.

Ayato ignored me as he kept walking fast! What is he looking for?

"Hey, Zander!" I shouted out from the end of the hallway.

Before I knew it, Ayato sprinted at him and punched Zander in the face! I went to scream at him but I'm in shock! My throat is dried up and my eyes are widened.

Ayato kept punching him in the face repeatedly and students started to gather around.

I finally snapped out of it and rushed over to them to pull Ayato away from him.

I wrapped my arms around Ayato's waist as he is kneeled down while Zander is on the ground screaming. Ayato wouldn't budge! I'm too weak.

"Ayato, why are you hurting my friend? Don't tell me you're jealous?" I freaked.

"Shut up, this doesn't concern you. He will know you are mine!" Ayato shouted in determination.

"But, he's gay!" I cried out.

"Huh?!" Ayato froze in place and he looked down at Zander whose face is all bloody from him...

"He's gay. He's my best friend!" I groaned.

"Oh, I didn't know," Ayato muttered. He held his hand out to help Zander up and I'm shocked that he accepted Ayato's offer.

"Geez, you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend, Shiori," Zander said with a huge grin on your face.

"How are you smiling when you just got beat up!?" I hurried and grabbed a couple of napkins out of my book bag to give to Zander.

The students all got bored since there's no action and went to their classes while the three of us just stood there.

"We aren't dating," I corrected sternly.

"Yeah, I'm only into girls with big breasts," Ayato smirked.

First, he attacked my best friend and now he is saying this?! What the hell, Ayato?!

"Well, you didn't complain on Saturday!" I glared at Ayato.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Pancake." Ayato rolled his eyes.

Didn't he say they weren't that bad before we had sex? I'm confused...

"You guys fight like a couple," Zander chimed in while he kept wiping the blood off of his face.

"Here let me help," I offered. I feel bad for him. Stupid, Ayato!
"Hey, why are you touching him like that?!" Ayato clenched his teeth.

"Because I feel bad for what you did to him and why do you care? I told you he's gay now go away!" I shouted without taking my eyes off of Zander's face.

"No, I'm not letting my toy alone!" Ayato grunted.

"Talk about clingy," Zander said under my breath.

"Tell me about it," I agreed.

"I'm not clingy! I'm keeping my toy in line!" Ayato argued.

"I am not your toy!" I groaned.

Ayato and I kept bickering back and forth but I FINALLY got all the blood off of Zander. His nose stopped bleeding and he has a couple of black and blue marks on his face...

Poor, Zander, he just came back to school from being really sick and he gets beat up by a vampire!

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

"Hey, come on, take it off," Ayato whispered seductively. He is trying to take my uniform blouse off.

School is over and we are in my room. I am in no mood for Ayato. I'm still annoyed about what he did to Zander even though Zander took it well, but still!

I'm also mad about the comment he said about my breasts! He's so rude!

"You sure you want to see them since they are small!" I snapped and pushed his hands away from me.

"I was kidding, geez. Get over it."

"No!" I stormed into my bathroom and slammed the door then locked the door. I decided to take a hot bath to get my mind off of Ayato being an ass.

"Shiori let me in!" Ayato kept banging on the door.

Dude, he can just appear before me. Why is he that stupid?

I chuckled to myself while I turned on the knobs to check the temperature to prepare my bath. I can't wait to relax!

"Hey, don't mortals use some sort of bath bombs or something?" Ayato asked from outside the door.

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you want a couple?"

My ears perked up on his offer. Wait, how does he have these "bath bombs" now?

"Um, where are they?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"I have them here," he answered.


"I'm serious, look below."

I slowly kneeled down under the door and saw two powder blue balls. Huh, where did those come from? Maybe his book bag, but why would he have them in there?
"You want them?" He asked in amusement.

"Yeah, but I'm only opening the door a crack. Do not try to come in here, Ayato!" I warned.

Again, can't he just appear before me anyways? I'm keeping my mouth shut!

"Alright." Ayato snorted.

I unlocked the door and opened it. I hurried and grabbed the two large bath bombs... I then slammed the door in his face and relocked it...

"Thanks, bye!" I shouted so he can hear me.

I heard him chuckling... Why is he laughing?

"What's so funny?" I asked.


I shrugged and threw the two blue bath bombs in the water but as soon as the water touched them, smoke surrounded the whole bathroom!

I began to cough. These aren't bath bombs! What the hell are they? Did Ayato trick me?

"AYATO!" I cried out but I am having a coughing fit!
I couldn't see anything and I couldn't breathe. What am I going to do? My body felt weak so I collapsed on my knees... What is happening to me?

My body is numb as I lied down on the floor and after that, I don't remember anything else.

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

"Huh? What?" My body feels heavy and I can't move. I opened my eyes and I'm on my bed... Ayato's face is only inches away from my own.

"Hey, there," he said seductively.

"What happened? Why can't I move?" I whispered.

Ayato touched my cheek with his fingertips and I unexpectedly moaned out. His touch is making my skin hot.

"Where do you want me to touch you? It feels good, doesn't it," he smirked.

"Why am I not in my uniform?" I just realized I'm in sleep shorts and a tank top. Did Ayato change me?

"It would be uncomfortable if you slept in your uniform. I'm doing all the questions, where do you want me to touch you next?" He leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"My face..."

"That's boring!" He spat.


"Fine, I'll do whatever you ask." He placed both of his hands on my cheeks and I felt the fire burning in my body. I think Ayato used those things on me so I would become weak and he can have his way with me. I should yell at him yet I don't have the strength.

My body is numb and heavy and I can't move so what's the point?

I felt my eyelids growing heavy...

"Hey, you just got up! Don't go back to sleep!" Ayato raised his voice.

"Warm..." My voice trailed and I fell in a deep slumber.   

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