Is Your Heart Taken? (A Niall...

By wehadtowalkaway

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A few words can change everything. A simple yes or no can get your life turn to another path. You have to cho... More

Is Your Heart Taken? (A Niall Horan fan fiction)
Is Your Heart Taken? I : Wedding
Is Your Heart Taken? II : Blue
Is Your Heart Taken? III : For the Hundredth time
Is Your Heart Taken? IV : Xander
Is Your Heart Taken? V : A visitor
Is Your Heart Taken? VI : I'm loving you more
Is Your Heart Taken? VII : "Everything will be alright"
Is Your Heart Taken? VIII : Envelope
Is Your Heart Taken? IX : Undecided
Is Your Heart Taken? X : "I'm certain"
Is Your Heart Taken? XI : Blood
Is Your Heart Taken? XIII : Niall Horan
Is Your Heart Taken? XIV : Again
Is Your Heart Taken? XV : Unlike you
Is Your Heart Taken? XVI : Lunch Box
Is Your Heart Taken? XVII : Key Necklace
Is Your Heart Taken ? XVIII : I'm slowly dying

Is Your Heart Taken? XII : Am I too late?

294 9 10
By wehadtowalkaway

I woke up with my blanket covering my body. I yawned and started stretching my arms. “Good Morning, Chloie.” As I would greet myself early in the morning.

I stood up and went outside of the room, still on my pajamas. Just like what’s always on the kitchen table, there was my breakfast lying. I thought of it for a moment, Xander is back already? But then I remembered, “Oh, James!” I said in surprise.

I scanned the room, but all I see was the couch and a not-well-folded blanket. I guess he already left. I sat on the chair and started digging in. Almost choke on the first bite, it doesn’t taste good. A note, sat next to the bowl, it says:

“Why am I here?”

“Because you’re drunk as hell.” I said, laughing.

I finished the porridge with a not-very-good appetite. But I surely can taste the effort he exerted making this.

After cleaning the house, I received a text from Xander. It says:

“Good Morning sweetheart, how’s your night? Did you kiss the pillow goodnight for me?” He said.

“My night isn’t good.” I replied, “But it surely was troublesome making my own breakfast without you.” I joked, lying.

After texting that, I immediately received a call.

“Good Morning.” Xander greeted.

I smiled, “Hey, good morning.” I said.

“Have you eaten your breakfast already?” He asked.

“Yup.” I answered, “When will you be back?”

“Later. I’ll be there before dinner. This I promise you.” He said.

“I surely hope you were here.” I said.

“It’s really good hearing your voice early this morning” He said, he talked about his day yesterday. More of which he worked over time and have to sleep around one o’clock in the morning. He even said that he can’t sleep well without me on his side. That actually made me smile. I exchanged some stories of mine, I said I dropped by some clothing stores and probably buy the stuffs I needed today. I told him the bad news about the criminals, that they no longer can retrieve the paintings. All throughout, I never hinted him about James nor about Niall.

After we talked for about an hour. I decided to take a shower and leave the house for some break time. While I was picking clothes to wear for this day, I received a text from James saying that he was sorry for last night. I didn’t mind to reply, so I left the text hanging there.

I wore a shirt and short to start the day. I planned to have the grocery today and just start shopping for clothes.

I went out at exactly ten in the morning. I wore my sandals preparing myself for a long walk. Eventually, while I was walking I realized that I’m getting bored doing some grocery, so I’ll probably just go shopping. While I was walking down the road, I noticed someone, Sheigh.

“Chloie!!” She greeted me with a huge smile, a cup of coffee clasp both on her hands.

“Hey!” I greeted back, “Long time no see!” I said.

“Oh well, I’m pretty sure you’re busy lately.”

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“’What am I doing here’? You asked?! What’s new, I’m always around, you know that I prefer outside. While you prefer inside the house, what made you go here?” She asked, chuckling.

“I was about to do the grocery, but I guess I’ll do some shopping.” I answered.

“Why didn’t you call me!! We should’ve gone together!” She said, pouting his lips in disappointment.

“Well, why don’t you join me have some coffee?” I asked, she pouted more because she already bought her own coffee.

We end up talking on a coffee shop near the coast. I ordered a cup while she ordered a slice of cake.

“I heard about the gallery, sorry about that.” She said.

I smiled, “Nahh, it’s all gone now..”

She looked sorry, “Didn’t the police find the criminals?” She asked.

“They found them and it’s too late so.. nothing good really happened.” I answered.

The waitress excused and gave my coffee and Sheigh received her slice of cake. I sipped my coffee while she took about on her cake, she leaned forward to me and smiled evilly.

“So…” She started.

“What?” I asked with a curious tone.

“So, what’s with you and James?” She asked.

“What’s with us?” I asked, she nodded, I continued “Nothing much really.” I said.

“You’re getting really really suspicious lately Chloie..” She said leaning on her seat.

“What answer do you expect? ‘We date’? As if like I’m single and not married? Or ‘We kissed’ as if like Xander doesn’t kiss me good night every single night?” I asked.

“It’s not that, it’s just that I see you more often lately.” She admitted. “I’ve been waiting for you to open up the topic, but.. it’s seems like you don’t have any plan to tell me. It seems like you have forgotten that you have best friend here.” She said.

I sighed, “Look, I’m sorry..” I started, “I was really planning to tell you about him when we’re finished to what we’re doing.” I said.

“Then, what are you two doing?” She asked.

“We’re looking for Niall.” I answered straightforward.

As expected, she almost jump hearing about it. “WHAT?!” She asked in surprise.

“He’s helping me out..”

“How did it end up like this Chloie!?” She asked.

“Because he asked me if I needed help, and he knows someone we could contact. And now we’re seeing each other to find five Niall Horan and we failed the 4 and probably tomorrow will be another mess—“ She cut me off.

“Does Xander knows about this?” She asked.

I shook my head, “I believe there’s no point in telling him.” I said.

“But he’s your husband.” She said.

“I know.. it’s just that.. I know that he trust me that much that he will never think of me cheating on him because I really am not.” I said.

“You really aren’t, but putting him in a situation like this? It’s better to tell him than to let him know about this from someone else. He trusts you and as your best friend, I don’t want you to lose his trust.” She said, I looked at her in sadness, “You better tell him that.” She said.

I thought of it for a moment. Took me more sips of coffee to digest all that I did to Xander, of how much I have betrayed my own husband.

“I’ll try telling him that.” I said.

“Well, you should be.” She said, patting me on my shoulder. “I hope you see Niall.” She said before saying good bye she said she has errands to run

“Thanks Sheigh.” I replied.

I walked alone on the street, not expecting someone to comfort me or even talk to me. I’ve thought of it hard, I thought of how will I tell him this. Because even though there’s nothing really wrong about me meeting James, it feels like there’s something really wrong about it.

I ended up walking my way home, it’s around 4:30 in the afternoon already, and I haven’t done something productive today. The first time I checked my phone, it already has 4 messages. Two from Xander, one from James and the last one from Dad. I opened Dad’s message first.

“Chloie, how’s your day?” He asked. I simply smiled and typed my reply.

“Pretty much stressed out. I have been thinking too much lately, I’ll visit soon and I’ll tell you about it, Dad. I love you” I pressed send.

Next one I opened was from James, saying : “Are you okay with tomorrow?” he asked. I thought of it  for a moment, but then pressed back and started opening Xander’s messages leaving James’ message unreplied.

Xander’s first message was, “Are you at home?” He asked, before I could reply, I turned to his next message, it says:

“I’m home. : )” He texted, without even asking where I am.

I sighed, closed my eyes and started walking my way back home.

I arrived at home at about 5:00 in the afternoon. I immediately saw Xander on the sofa, staring at the painting on the wall. The one with the painted place of where Niall drowned, he still doesn’t pointed out the blood painted there.

“Hey..” I greeted.

He looked back at me and smiled, “I miss you.” He said.

I smiled back at him, “I miss you too.” I said.

He stood up and surprisingly hugged me tight, “I’m so sorry I have to leave you here.” He said, I hugged him back and we just listened to each other’s breathing for a moment.

I felt like I’m perfect with this, nothing I really could ask more. Moments of us and moments when he struggled to win my love flashed on my mind, it was as if like we’re teenagers again. As if like he’s courting me once more. But then what destroyed the moment is when I remembered what I have to tell him tonight.

“Hey Xander..” I started.

He pulled away and stare at me, smiling “Yes?” he asked.

“I have something to tell you..” I started, he stared at me waiting for me to continue, then I continued “Uhh.. about the gallery.. I probably should start something new.” I said, although it’s not a lie, I still feel sorry telling him this instead of telling him what I am supposed to tell.

I don’t know, but it seems like he’s disappointed. It’s like he’s waiting for me to say something different from what I said, his tone is rather disappointed yet he’s smiling. “I’ll help you out, I promise.” He said.

The night swift by slowly. We had our dinner together, he helped me out cooking while he sets the table. We exchanged stories while we dig in.

“I forgot to have grocery today, I even forgot to have some shopping.” I said, in the middle of our conversation.

“Why so?” Xander  asked.

I chuckled, “I saw Sheigh earlier and we chatted and took us long, so when I saw your text, I immediately went back home.” I said.

“You haven’t seen her in a while right?” he asked.

I nodded, “I really missed her a lot.” I said smiling.

“Oh.. about the criminals, have you talked to the Officer in charge?” He asked.

That made me looked down on my plate with sadness on my tone, “Yeah, I have met the two criminals too..” I admitted.

“Did they sold the paintings already?” he asked.

I nodded, “yeah, pretty much. And they didn’t have any contact to the buyer, so there’s no way to find them.” I said.

He reached for my hand and cheered me up. “I know you could make more paintings. More beautiful than those, and you know that. Everything happens for a reason, you just have to trust the one above.” He said.

It surprisingly cheered me up, “Thank you Xander, you always have the right words to say.” I said smiling at him.

“Are you tired?” He asked, after we both finished our food.

“Yeah..” I said.

“Yeah, me too.. we better go to sleep.” He said.

We talked for a moment after that, and we eventually headed to our bed. We slept together like we used to the last two months. He kissed me goodnight like the usual, covered half of my body with the sheet and whispered me goodnight.

“Good night. I love you” Just like he always do.

“I love you too..” I mouthed.

And we both gone to sleep. I didn’t have any dreams tonight, or I didn’t completely remember if I had. I just woke up on the same bed, the same curtain covering the same window. I rolled to face Xander, he’s still sleeping. What’s cute about Xander is, even if he’s sleeping, he’s smiling.

“Good morning” I whispered, he didn’t wake up.

This time, I thought of preparing a breakfast for him. I started making omelette, fried some bacon and pour a glass of milk. I didn’t interrupt his sleep and started eating my breakfast. I started taking a shower, picked my clothes for today, brushed my teeth and combed my hair. But he is still sleeping. So I wrote a short note, just like what he makes for me, and put it next to his breakfast. I wrote this:

“Good Morning Xander. I cooked this for you, have a good day. I love you xoxo”

I left the house and headed to the office, just like I usually do. I left the papers to my secretary and asked her to tell me if Xander visits. I left the office after a while and started meeting with James. And this for the last time. If this Niall Horan fails, then I will surely give up forever.

I arrived at the coffee shop and saw his car parked there. I smiled and headed to his car, I opened the passenger’s seat door and ride in.

“Where are we going today?” I asked.

“2 hours from here. So you better ready yourself. This will be the last.” He said smiling at me, and started the engine.

We didn’t talk for the first fifteen minutes. He was the first one to break the silence.

“I’m sorry about last last night.” He said.

I turned to him, chuckling. “You should have seen how you acted that day! I should’ve videoed you!” I said.

“Did I kissed you?” he asked.

That immediately took away the smile on my face, my face turned red. “No..” I answered. But remembering how he leaned to me so close that night made me shiver and made my face turned so red that I can’t look at hi m straight.

He smiled and glanced at me. “Well, it’s normal for me to kiss a girl when I’m drunk. But what’s not normal is when they don’t like it.” He said, smirking.

“Psshh.. Xander will beat the hell out of you if you do that.” I said, this was the first time I mentioned Xander in front of him.

“He’s pretty protective, I should say.” He said.

“Nothing to be protective about, he doesn’t even know you.. or.. I just mentioned you once.” I said.

That made him looked at me with confusion on his eyes, but then he shook it away by smiling. “I guess so..” he said.

I just smiled at him, I decided to turn on the radio and listened to some music. To at least lessen the awkwardness the quietness brings.

After a few roads and streets he started another conversation. “What if this is another fail?” he asked

“Then goodbye forever, Niall Horan.” I answered.

“I really hope this time, this is really him.” He said, I can see how his hands grips too tight on the steering wheel.

“Yeah, I really hope so.” I said, “I’m dying to see him too..”

That made him turn to me.. He sadly smiled then turned to the road.

We ride in silence, the music from the radio is the only sound that occupies the awkwardness. I curled on my knees and started daydreaming. Most of which I avoided thinking of what this Niall Horan brings. The car parked in front of 2-story house, a house of which an only man wouldn’t live in. The house is painted fresh yellow, strips of plants all over the place. The house seems so fresh yet feels empty.

“We’re here.” James said, pulling on the garage.

We  left the car and headed on the doorstep. This time I didn’t hesitated, James looked at me in bewilderment at how courageous I am this time, I pressed on the doorbell long enough for the people inside to hear. But no one answered, I doorbelled one more time. Another one. Then another one.

“Hello?! Is someone there?” James shouted, but no one answered.

I knocked on the door three times, “Hello? Is someone at home—“ I cut myself off when I saw an old man from the neighbor’s house came out.

“No one’s there..” The old man weakly said.

I step out of the doorway and went near him, “Where are they?” I asked, I felt James beside me listening intently to what the old man offers to answer.

“Is that you?” The old man said, examining me.

“What?” I asked.

“Where are they?” James asked one more time.

The old man glanced at James, but then stared at me again.. “He’s been waiting for you. Is that really you?” The old man said.

“Where are they?” James asked one more time, this time I told him to stop.

“Stop James, he’s trying to say something..” I said, the old man looked at me. “We’re looking for Niall Horan, do you happen to know him?” I asked.

He looked at me, examining me. Then he answered, “You’re late. He’s getting married.” He said.

That left me speechless, I don’t know what to say. “Ni..Niall.. H-Horan is getting married?” I asked.

The old man nodded, “You can still stop it. He’s getting married at the St. Catherine Church. He’s waiting for you all these time..” he said, “How come you came so late—“ I didn’t let him finished and grabbed James already and went on of the way.

He drove faster than usual, “Do you know where is this church is?” I asked James, panicking.

“Yes, about 10 minutes from here.” He said, focusing on the road.

I sighed, breathing in and out. I don’t know what to do.. I started trembling. “Niall..” All I could say. He’s getting married.

It’s not like I don’t want him to get married..

But the way the old man says it..

You’re late. He’s getting married

He’s waiting for you all these time..

My hands started trembling hard and it started sweating. Niall.. please wait for me..

Niall please don’t get married, I don’t want our reunion to be like this. Please..

Niall.. I’m so sorry I was late..

I’m sorry..

I see you every time I close my eyes, what am I gonna do?

It’s all that I could think about..

You’re all that I could think about.

I don’t want to see your heart taken. Please..

The moment the car was parked, I immediately got off and run to the Church’s door. I turned back to check if James is following me, but I saw him there, next to the car.

“You can do it without me.” He mouthed.

I smiled then went inside the church, in the middle of aisle I shouted on top of my lungs..

“STOP!  Please.. STOP..” I said, my knees are trembling and the next thing I know is I’m already on the floor, on my knees. Crying.. “Niall..” I said.


Guess what might happen next!! :)

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