The Last One

By FireLegend667

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Aiden had never cared too much about humans. He was one of the members of the much better, much more superior... More

Chapter 1- Aiden
Chapter 3- Feelings
Chapter 4- Eleonora
Chapter 5- Desire
Chapter 6- A Connection

Chapter 2- A Plan

9 0 0
By FireLegend667

The more we began to think, the more silent we became. It was ironic, as my sister and Melody never really shut up, especially when it came to planning. But this was a bigger matter, one that weighed heavy on our shoulders.
"Let', shall we?" I nodded at Aria's suggestion. Painful as it may be, we needed to trace back our steps and discuss what had happened. I stretched and laid back in my chair around the round silver dining table. Us, being Revulcis, survived the disaster for a reason. We cannot die. However, we are not necessarily immortal, as there is one and only one way to kill our kind. We have the power to erase memories. Not only that, but we can also have humans forget how to eat, sleep, walk and even breathe. But we must only do this with humans. With a regular person, we can erase memories and actions as we please, but not with our own kind. If a Revulc does this to another Revulc, they both die instantaneously. It is not a pretty sight either. Blood gushes from your body and our powers slowly begin to kill us from the inside out. It is truly a horrible thing to witness. Many of us have lost our lives due to being tortured or forced into erasing another's memories. We also did not join this world at the same time humans did. We came around the 4000's. No one really knows how our kind came to be. Some believe it was a God, while others think we were just dropped into this world, almost from a portal in the sky or something. I didn't have much of an opinion on it. As far as I was concerned, it didn't matter how we got here, as long as we stayed alive. Of course, there weren't very many of us, so the earth was very empty at the moment. We had needs like humans, like using the washroom, eating and sleeping, but they weren't exactly NEEDS. We needed these things to keep healthy and strong, but we would not die if these were not taken care of, a bit uncomfortable maybe, but we would not die. Avulcis are very strong and very fast. We were literally super beings, with a few weaknesses. If a human didn't sleep for 2 days, they would be just as tired as if we hadn't slept for 3 months. A stab to a human would be like a paper cut to us. Plain and simple, we were the better race, and there was no other way to look at it. I didn't necessarily hate humans, I just didn't care about them. I would easily kill them all to keep my sister and I safe. They were but insects in my eyes.
The disaster had occurred a little over a month now. Aria and I had been traveling around, using our powers freely as we didn't have to worry about humans seeing us anymore. Nothing truly bad would happen if you told a human, as long as not too many people found out. A week or two ago, we ran into Melody, who is my sister's childhood friend. They had bonded in elementary school, but were split up shortly afterwards. I was hesitant about bringing her along, but Aria insisted. So now, here I am, planning our next course of action with these two. We didn't have anyone else, so we had to stick together.
"We could cut across the mountains to get to Alberta from here...jeez, Canada is so cold, this is gonna be difficult.." I sighed at Melody's complaints. "We'll live," I stated, with no emotion in my voice. "Yes, I believe cutting across here should work..." I pressed a button on the table, and a holographic map appeared before us, as I pointed to the large terain of mountains in the west. I heard Aria mutter out something, and I turned to look at her. "Sister?" She sighed. "I...have a bad feeling about this." I laughed a little unconciosuly. "Aria, nothing is going to happen. Cmon, it's time to go, we need to take action and get to New York. That's where many humans lived, and we may find clues to what caused this disaster there. We'll rest in Canada for a while, then head straight for the USA." That was our goal. To find out what had caused this, and make sure no humans ever walked this earth again, as well as meet up with the other Revulc's. There was a way to tell who we were, of course. We all had a design in our right eye. It changed from day to night, as it looked like a sun in the day, and a moon at night. The design blended in with the color of our eyes, so it was hard to spot, unless you knew what you were looking for. We would meet up with the others and decide what to do from there. I had the idea that the lovers and married couples would mate more, and thus more of us would roam the earth.
"All right.." Aria reluctantly agreed to go with my plan, causing me to sigh in relief. She could be very stubborn at times, and that can cause trouble.
"With that, I'm going to bed," I stood up, walking towards the next chamber in the ship. "I suggest you two call it a night soon as well. We have lots to figure out and do tomorrow." I didn't look back as I closed the door behind me, walked over to my bed and immediately fell asleep.

"A shadow appeared. It was nothing less of pure darkness and gave off an evil vibe. I was absolutely frozen in fear...I couldn't move. It felt like I was being strangled..I couldn't breathe..Aiden,"
I awoke with a start. I was sweating, that much was obvious, and I was breathing fast. My mind began to work. What in the world was that dream? Who was that voice? How did it know my name? It was female, that I knew for sure. I slowly sat up in my large bed, and rubbed the bridge of my nose, as I slowly opened my eyes. "Urgh..." I groaned. My head was in serious pain. I walked over to the cabinet, and popped a pill in my mouth, that was made to instantly overcome headache pain. 'Weird...' I thought. I sighed and began to get dressed in new clothes, seeing as I fell asleep in yesterday's. I opened the door, to see an empty room. Nothing except the kitchen, the table and 5 chairs. "Aria?" I called out. "I-I'm here!" I heard a voice cry out from outside. I sighed, and walked outside of the ship, only to come face to face with one that was all too familiar. "Aiden! How've you been man?! You doing all right, dude?" Len swung his arm around my shoulder and began to rest his weight on me. He was an old friend.  Well, less of a friend to me, and more of a tool. He was not a small guy to say the least. He was tall, and fit and was usually a nice guy unless someone pissed him off, which, in Len's case, wasn't too hard to do. I was happy to see him though, as he was a Revulc, and could possibly help me on this mission. So I responded in the way I always did in the past. "I've been good, man. What's been up with you?" I often pretended to listen to Len, especially when he was off bragging about all the girls that fell all over him, Revulc or human, it didn't matter to him. A girl was a girl in his eyes. He laughed a loud, hearty laugh that came from his chest. "Same old! Including you! You haven't changed a bit! Though I assume you're still single?" I closed my eyes in annoyance. "You know that's not really my thing." He laughed again. "Oh come on, man! Lighten up! A little sex never hurt anyone either!" At this point, I had pretty much tuned Len out as I faced my sister. "You all right?" She nodded and whimpered a bit. Len finally came back down to earth, and looked at both of us. "Anyway...I'm assuming you know why I'm here. Why I've come to find you two."
"The disaster." I answered. "Yeah. We had the same plan. We want to go meet up with as many Revulc as we can as soon as possible and gather in New York to search for clues on what might have happened." Len's eyes widened a bit, the sun diagram in his eye glistening. "That's not a half bad idea. I'd love to be of any help." I smiled. "Good, we could use it." Len was annoying, but he could be useful, as he was even stronger than a regular Revulc. I knew him a few years back, and he had hung out with me a lot, until he moved away with his family. We didn't speak after that. He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck. "Well...that's not the only reason I've come. See, I've got some information you may find useful." At the mention of this, I had my attention placed towards Len once again. He continued speaking. "As you know, there's no way there's any humans here anymore, none of them could've survived the damages that went on. But the Revulcis is still alive and well. However, I ran across a few of them jumping buildings a few cities back. Anyway, they told me they had something to protect and to guard, but they wouldn't say what. I almost lost my temper on them, but they ended up getting away. I'm wondering if maybe there's something or someone we're missing." I shook my head. "Impossible. It was probably a bluff, Len. Don't think on it too much, and you'll be fine, big guy." I patted his shoulder as I walked past him to go back inside. "Aria, come on." I heard her whimper once more as she followed me back to the ship. It wasn't possible. I've thought it all out, I wasn't missing anything. For this to work, I had to get more help. I had to find out what happened. Why had the world suddenly wiped out all humans? Aria tapped me on the shoulder while I was thinking. I gasped and turned back to look at her. "'re walking into a wall.." she muttered as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger. I pinched the bridge of my nose and shut my eyes tightly, realizing she was right. "Okay...I need sleep. Didn't get much last night." She opened her mouth, probably to ask why, and if I was okay, but I simply brushed her off, and entered my bedroom chamber once more, locking myself in for the day.

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