The Babysitter

By toobrallontodie

36K 1.8K 2.6K

A senior in high school, 18 year old Brendon Urie is practically an adult. But not so mature. He's never had... More

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Ok Bitches Listen Up
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3.1K 168 404
By toobrallontodie

May 1st 2004

Senior year.

I have a pretty easy going life. I go to school and that's really it. No job, no reason to. My parents do everything for me, all I have to do is go to church once a week and get decent grades. Life's good.

The bell just rang, finally time for lunch! I quickly gather my things, and run to my usual table in the cafeteria. My girlfriend Jenna and a bunch of her friends are waiting at one table with an open seat, just for me. People like to give me crap about sitting at an all girls table but we have a lot in common.

"Hey Bren! Do you wanna grab some coffee after school?" Jenna asks me.

"Sure! Just gotta be home in time to see my sister! She's visiting from college." I respond eagerly.

"Sounds great! Meet me here after school and we can walk together."

From that point on the table ran business as usual. Carleigh was complaining about her boyfriend again, no shock there.


Sixth Period had finally ended and I rushed to our table to meet Jenna.

Of course she was already there waiting for me. She's the flash I tell ya.

We linked arms and walked our way to this new nearby coffee house called 'The Shack'. She had a huge smile plastered on her face like she had a surprise for me. Now I'm excited.

We walk in and sit down at a table near the window, ladies choice. When our server comes along to take our order. He looks familiar. Jenna is ordering her drink as I'm trying to see his name tag. Just as he turns toward me to take my order, he exposes his name tag, it reads


"DALLON!" I say jumping up and hugging him before he could even finish his sentence. He was hesitant at first but hugged me back tightly. "BRENDON IS THAT YOU!?" He screams.

I look down at Jenna and she has a confused smile on her face. Dallon and I laugh it off and he holds out his hand for Jenna.

"Jenna, this is Dallon, he was my Babysitter when I was little. And Dallon, this is Jenna, my lovely girlfriend." I introduce.

Dallon smiles "Well it's very nice to meet you." He quickly turns his head toward me "So to drink?" He asks.

I place my long ass order and as he walks away I stop him.

"Hey! Kara's back in town tonight When does your shift end?" I ask.

He turns back around "Well you two are my last customers so whenever you're done."

"So do you want to come see her?" I ask. "Of course I do! I haven't seen her in ages."

Before I could say anything else he was already in the other room. Then Jenna speaks up, grabbing my attention.

"So Brendon, I brought you here because I had something to ask you."

My smile became even wider. Just then Carleigh and Marley come in with a huge banner.

"I know it's untraditional but I'm all about breaking down barriers."

They flip over the banner and it reads:

'Brendon Urie, Will You Go To Prom With Me?'

I didn't even have to think. "Of Course!" I said as a gave her a kiss. I looked over and everyone in The Shack is applauding, except for Dallon.

Dallon walked by with our drinks and let out a wimpy "congrats".

I scarfed down my drink because it was getting close to four and I don't want to be late.

"I'm so sorry to cut this short! But I've gotta run. Love ya babe." I say as I give her a kiss on the cheek. "Dallon you coming?" I shout from across the room. "Yeah! Be right there."

I walk Dallon out to my car. He is silent, and clearly uncomfortable. Luckily it's only a six minute drive to my house.

To make things less awkward, I turn on some MCR, hoping he's into that kind of music. I see his foot tapping on the ground to the beat. I think I've made him comfortable.

I pull into the driveway, my parents still aren't here, so that's great!

I walk through the door and Kara is right there. "SURPRISE!!" She screams as she charges at me with a hug.

She peeks around my head, seeing Dallon standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets. "Dallon? Is that you?" She asks as she walks towards him. "Hi Kara" he responds.

Just then she jumps into his arms and kisses him on the head. He let's her down with a smile on his face. She's... Crying.

"Kara are you okay?" Dallon asks.

Kara wipes away her tears, "I really missed you." She said as she goes in for a second hug.

"I'm so sorry, Kara."

Wait, what happened?

I'm distracted by the house rattling due to the garage door opening. Dallon and Kara immediately throw on fake smiles so they don't worry our parents.

"HI MOM HI DAD!!" Kara screams as they walk through the door.

My parents both rush to her, hugging her.

"There's my beautiful girl!" My Dad says as he kisses her on the forehead.

"Brendon who's this?" My mother asks.

"Mom, it's Dallon, you remember?" Kara says.

"Oh my goodness! Hi Dallon, how are you?" My mother asks.

"I'm good. I probably should be going though, so you guys can have family time." Dallon says.

"No son, stay. We've got a lot of catching up to do. What has it been, seven years since we last saw you?" My Dad says.

"Yeah but really it's fine I-"

"I insist." He cuts him off.

I see Kara give him a nod of approval. "Okay, if you insist." Dallon says with a slight chuckle.

We all gather in the living room to catch up with Kara. Dallon looks very uncomfortable, but why? What happened seven years ago that he's not telling me?

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