Art and Photoshop and Whatnot

By XxCreation_BeastxX

271 12 6

A show case for shit I make since I'm never on Deviantart anymore. Also, yes, that lovely person on the cover... More

A Little Note to Readers

7 (Read A/N Above Before Viewing!)

14 1 0
By XxCreation_BeastxX

"The Lovely Space Queen"

  Told you there would be tibbies. 

  Okay, so I'm actually really happy with how this turned out. This was my first time drawing a nude person, and it gets a passing grade from me (That being said, boobs are REALLY hard to draw right :'^) ). I actually drew this after discovering "Pastel Gore", a style which really seems to go well with nudity, and I wanted to give it a try. In the end, I wouldn't categorize it as such, but I still like the outcome.

Also yes, that is Lapis Lazuli. B^>

Date: 8/21/16

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