My Love: Lesbian Romance (Fut...

By Manedusa

182K 4.2K 492

Based on true events. Real life character names have been changed for privacy reasons. Some situations have b... More

No Rush
Sex, Sex, Sex
Tricks & Games
Next Part
Chance with Change
Fallen Angel
Guess What?!

Just Need Head

12.3K 319 21
By Manedusa

     "Miss, would you like some headphones?" Miracle asked sarcastically as she turned her head toward D's lazy frame as a song started playing out loud.

     "How did you know my last name was Phones? I mean... If you're offering then I'm afraid I cannot say no." D offered her a coy smile as she licked her lips, "Calm your tits girl; it's just my phone ringing." D reached for her phone, pressing the power button to silence the call.

     Miracle rolled her eyes and playfully swatted at D. Their revelations smoothly died down once D started to adopt a playful mood.

     "My tits are calm. Stop playing around D, it's almost noon," Miracle knew D would have to retire for the day and go back to being busy, so she wanted to thoroughly enjoy every second she spent with D. She couldn't help her caprice but she somewhat felt agitated, she didn't know why, but D sensed it.

     "Maybe I'm not the one who needs head Mrs. Phones, because someone's grumpy."

     Miracle tried to maintain her attitude but it was hard when D was trying to make her laugh and continuously touching her in ways that made her squirm. She squealed when D pulled her into her chest, embracing her in a tight hug. "Lemme just get all of this mean out of ya girl."

     Miracle grumbled and squirmed in D's grip.

     "Stop whining, you act just like a baby. You don't even know why you're mad." D laughed pulling her girlfriend into her more. "You know you like all this lovin' on you girl."

     Miracle pulled the smile that threatened to break surface back and refused return any affection.

     In one quick move D spins Miracle around, props her against the butt of the tree and coaxes herself between her legs, her hands already pulling away at her panties. Miracle gasped and was about to verbally reject before D silenced her with a rough kiss.

     Miracle still had a tight grip on her panties as she wrestled with D over whether the fabric stays on or comes off. Miracle yelps when the fabric is snatched from her grip. D finally wins yanking the fabric off her legs and tossing them the side.

     "You're being a very bad girl," D's hot, moist breath tickled Miracle's ear making her go wild, "You just need some act right."

     Without any pretenses D violently pushed Miracle's caramel, sun-kissed legs apart and dove right into her moist cave.

     Miracle shuddered, letting out a grizzly moan. She could feel D's tongue violently attacking her throbbing moist cavity with insane zest.

     D plopped her delicate rose bud into her mouth and moaned at the taste of her sweet nectar. D's moans sent electric shocks all throughout Miracle's body making her want to close her legs, but to no avail as D pushed them further apart and delved into her more. Miracle cried at the intensity of her girlfriends tongue swarming around her pink cave. D was so virile; she wouldn't allow Miracle to close her legs even if she wanted to. Miracle couldn't stop herself from coming even if she wanted to. Her body would betray her, and she would be forced to fall into ecstasy.

     Her breathing was rugged and she felt she needed to hold onto something in order to control her dizziness. Her back arched in both pain and relief when she felt three fingers push into her womb, parting her heaping walls. Her toes curled and she cried a moan, once again, at the feeling that fell over her, like an ocean of warmth, up and down her body. She was burning on the inside while D's speed picked up as she finger ferociously plummeting in and out of her while her hot breath and warm tongue sucked, and played with her clit. She couldn't think straight and for some reason the thought of someone coming up that hill and seeing her treasure being savagely devoured under this beautiful tree turned her on even more.

     After that final thought her body went rigid, so stiff it hurt. She was at the peak of her pleasure; she didn't have breath to even get a moan out. D was forced to pull out her fingers from the amount of pressure and she softly continued to play with her folds and rosebud while she sat rigid, trembling, riding out her orgasm.

     Miracle let out a shaky cry when she could finally breathe again. Her legs went shaky as a liquid quickly skirted out of her pulsing cave.

     "Wow," D smirked, placing Miracle's legs down and rubbing the side of her thighs to calm her shaky figure, "You squirted." D chuckled while Miracle nodded with a red tint to her cheeks, still trying to recover and catch her breathes.

     After a few moments, D pulled off her shirt and offered Miracle another toothy grin. Miracle cut her eyes at D, "I hate you," she seethed.

     "I love you too," D chuckled as she stood up, "Good thing I have extra clothes in the car," she said holding up her wet tee.

     D helped Miracle stand up but only to have her almost fall on her wobbly legs. "Come on babe, it's noon. I have to meet some clients."

     "Ugh," Miracle groaned trying to stand again, but failing miserably, "you broke me." D grabbed their belongings and tossed them into the jeep. She made sure Miracle had seen her grab her panties and put them into her back pocket with a mischievous grin on her face.

      Miracle pouted and held out her arms for her girlfriend. D came over and picked her up bridal style, carrying her to the passenger side of the car. "You've got it from here," she assured shutting the door, going to her side and driving away.

     D arrived at her shop, along with Miracle who had insisted on coming. A soon as the couple walked in, they were greeted with the smell of peppermint and citrus. A clipboard was shoved in D's face by her antsy assistant, Duke, his sharp edged, nerd glasses almost about to fall off his narrow face. He tried to stutter out some words but D excused him as she jumped right into handling business. Miracle sat in her office and looked out her wall-to-wall window observing her baby work.

     After an hour or two of gawking at D through the window, Miracle had officially grown bored of watching her baby lay under cars and work in hoods of cars, sweating, and getting all dirty.

     There I go again, Miracle thought to herself as she felt turned on by the sight of her sexy girlfriend. She just had another mind blowing orgasm, which she was still tender from, and here she was wet all over again.

     She let her thoughts fade as she watched three girls walk into the shop towards D. They still had on their school uniform but they looked older so she assumed they were seniors in high school or something. She meticulously watched as they strutted in front of D, just as she was wrapping her work up, with sultry looks on their twisted faces. She watched how the girl in the front dangled her keys while her posse giggled. D nodded here and there, wiping her hands, as she spoke back. Miracle supposed it was about the main girl's car.

     Miracle grumbled and jumped out of her seat when the girl's hand grazed D's arm and she leaned closer to whisper in D's ear. Although completely uninterested, D remained professional and nodded the girl an, "Okay, I got you."

     Miracle could clearly read D's lips. She tried to remain calm before running out there and causing a scene. Calm down Miracle, she calmed herself, it's not D's fault that she's enchantingly sexy and that a complete stranger came up with an ulterior motive to jump her bones, just chill out.

     Miracle was somewhat calm and nodding her head believing that she was completely cool. Well cool until she witnessed the same girl push herself onto D and manage to lay a kiss at the corner of her mouth.

     That hussy! Miracle stormed into the garage and pushed the girl even further away from D. After already being set aside by D and then being pushed back even more, the girl almost fell onto the floor if it weren't for her friends spotting her. The girls giggling and squealing ceased. D eyes were wide; she looked as if she had completely forgotten that Miracle was around.

     The girl stood up to Miracle, "What the hell?!"

     Miracle exasperated back, "Back off slut, she's mine!"


     D started but was cut off by the school girl's roaring reply, "If I'm a slut then you're a cunt."

     Miracle was fuming; she could kill this girl right now. "Oh my bad," the girl feigned shock, "Is this your girlfriend? This fleabag?" she spat looking Miracle up and down. D tried to intervene by telling the girl to chill out but Miracle cut her off, "I will slice and dice you, bitch." Miracle raised her hand ready to strike when it was pulled back and she came face-to-face with an ambivalent beautiful face. "Bad decision," D quickly whispered shaking her head. Miracle yanked her hand back, her gaze never leaving D's. "You're going to take up for her?!" Miracle had now turned her rage to D.

     D shook her head, her confused face only infuriating Miracle even more. "So this is what you do at work? You fuck around with other females?!"

    "Miracle I don't really know her," was D's calm reply, "You know I would never-

     "Apparently I don't know shit! Oh, so coincidently a random girl comes here and tries to fuck you the one day I'm here!?"

     D jaw set as she held back some words, "I'm sure she would've been a good fuck and all but I have somewhere to be so enough small talk," the same girl had enough balls to walk between Miracle and D, place her keys into D's hand, and hold onto her hand a little longer than necessary while winking at her, "Might want to put your dog on a leash." She gestured towards Miracle. D gave her a disapproving look and pulled Miracle back from charging after the school girl.

     Once again D was interrupted from speaking, and once again Miracle snatched her arm from D's secure grip. "You're just going to take her side?!"

      "Miracle I'm not taking her side! This is my place of work. I cannot let you cause a scene here; it would drive my customers away. "

     "Fuck you and her! You let her kiss you!"

     "Babe, she didn't even kiss my lips, besides I hadn't seen it coming. She comes here often, most times with her father so I wasn't expecting it," D said quickly trying to pull the argument to an end. She tried touching Miracle to assure her. "I'm sorry okay? I love you." D leaned in for a kiss but her actions were halted when she felt a sharp pain in her groin area.

     She fell to the floor in pain, holding her crotch. "Don't you dare put those lips on me when she's still on them," Miracle crossed her arms over her chest and began walking out to the car, "And next time I'm kicking her ass and yours. Pay attention, bakka."

     "You're so evil," D winced as she tried getting up.

     After D closed shop, it was a silent ride back to her place. D was sweating bullets and Miracle contemplating whether she should fuss D out some more or forgive her for something she had no control over.

     Once at the house they went their separate ways. D flopped on the couch, holding her crotch, in throbbing pain. "That was a low blow Miracle," she groaned pointing at Miracle as she stomped upstairs, "So was defending your little whore of a girlfriend!" She yelled back while disappearing up the stairwell.

     Miracle had finally gotten her thoughts together and concluded that she had over reacted just a little bit. But, any girl would when their girlfriend was being flirted with. She crossed the line when she took it out on D's private though.

     She walked back down the steps, her hair bobbing around her head with every step. D was sprawled out across the couch with her hands between her legs, her hair tousled over her face. Miracle figured D must've been falling asleep because she jerked when the couch started to sink where Miracle had just sat.

     "Baby, I'm sorry I over reacted."

     D took a deep sigh making her hair blow around. "It's alright babe, I love you still."

     Miracle's heart fluttered making a smile come across her face and a light pink tint rise to her cheeks.

     "I hope I didn't break it. I would feel really bad." Miracle rubbed up D's thigh and lightly brushed over her pelvis.

     "I bet you would." D chuckled lightly.

    "Does it still hurt?"

     "Yeah, but it's fine. I'll be alright." D turned completely onto her back.

     Miracle bit her lip a little at the idea she just had. "I could make it feel better."

     D raised an eyebrow at her girlfriend, but offered no reply. Miracle unzipped D's pants and rubbed her length through her boxers. D winced a little but they were quickly replaced with pleasurable moans. Miracle pulled down her pants enough to reach inside D's boxers and pull out her heated member.

     Miracle had never done anything like this before so she hadn't known exactly where to start or what to do. "You don't have to if..."

     "No, I want to," Miracle gave D a reassuring smile and took a deep breath. D moaned, being able to feel Miracle's warm breath on her now semi-hard member, and fell back onto the couch.

     Miracle wrapped her mouth around her head, eliciting another moan from D, and swirled her tongue around it. As she ran her lips down to the base D let out a breath she hadn't known she had been holding.

     Miracle sucked up and down D's long member and running her tongue around her head, tickling the center every now and then. She started to pick up the pace once she grew a little more comfortable and D's shaft was coated in her saliva. She started stroking D as her hips buckled with every other tug.
"Easy, easy," D winced looking down at Miracle savagely sucking her. D allowed her eyes to roll back and her body to, once again, fall back onto the couch. Her breathing became heavy and sparse as electric tingles shot to her pelvis and a warm feeling shot up her shaft. Her body jerked and convulsed as Miracle continued to stroke her and watch her magic spill onto the web of her hand.

     D laid defeated as Miracle grabs a nearby towel and wipes her hands.

     "What an eventful day." D croaked.

     Miracle giggled and hovered over D.

     She felt the need to reassert her possession this time. She wrapped her hand around her member, "Whose is it?" she whispered into D's ear.

     With much hesitation D gave in, "It's yours peach." She leaned in and gave her a teasing kiss.

      "Yep," she quipped popping the p, "Both Mrs. Phones' got head today."

     D chuckled and pulled her love down for a deep kiss.

     That's all mine, Desiree.


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