Yours Truly

By Anya0901

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Shiori Anderson's life is boring and ordinary until Ayato Sakamaki came to her school. Now the vampire is fo... More

Chapter 1 A Vampire In My School?!
Chapter 2 I Got Detention Because Of The French Girl!
Chapter 3 Ayato Needs To Stop Being Clingy
Chapter 4 Party At The Rich Girl's House
Chapter 5 My First Time With You
Chapter 6 Quit Being Possessive!
Chapter 7 Finally Meeting All Of His Brothers
Chapter 8 Ayato's Mother
Chapter 9 He Betrayed Me!
Chapter 10 Bite & Makeup?
Chapter 11 My Scheme Backfired!
Chapter 13 Ayato, Help!
Chapter 14 Will I Ever See You Again?
Chapter 15 His Truly

Chapter 12 Unwanted & Unloved

970 27 7
By Anya0901

  I sighed to myself as I'm stirring the stew in the pot. I decided to make Ayato and I some food since both of my parents went out for tonight. I'm actually happy Ayato and I have the whole house to ourselves.

"What are you cooking?" He asked bitterly as he is looking over my shoulder.

"Stew," I answered, not taking my eyes off of the pot.

Ayato's hands are on my shoulders and I felt him putting pressure on them as he is watching me. I turned my head to see him studying the stew and I couldn't help but laugh.

He's like a small child watching his mother cook.

"What's so funny, Shiori?" Ayato narrowed his eyes at me.

I ruffled his hair and continued to laugh. "You look like a small child right now!"

"Do not touch me!" He snapped and swatted my hand away.

"Owe! Do not be rude to me!" I growled.

He's one of those brat children.

"What's taking so long?" He groaned.

"Food takes a while to cook but of course, you wouldn't know because you have chefs cooking for you." I rolled my eyes.

"Do not mock me," he muttered.

I ruffled his hair again and he glared at me... I began to laugh at him again. When he pouts or gets angry, it's kind of cute...

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

After dinner, Ayato and I are laying in my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I kept thinking about Lena, Cara, and Zander... I can't believe they were talking about their college plans without telling me. How long have they been planning on going to America?

"Shiori?" Ayato called out my name.


"What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking about my friends, well, they aren't really my friends anymore, I guess..." I muttered.

"Geez, mortals and their stupid issues," he sighed.

"If you didn't want to know why I am mad then you shouldn't have asked!" I growled.

"Chill, you don't need to get all bat-shit crazy on me!" Ayato argued.

I didn't feel like arguing with Ayato anymore so I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I shouldn't be mad that my friends want to leave me, but could they, at least, care about my feelings a little bit?

It's strange how I notice that there are more selfish people in this world and it is very sad.


"What Ayato?" I asked in an annoying tone.

Ayato hesitated before speaking. "What did your friends do to you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I snorted.

"Just tell me," he muttered.

"Well, when you were avoiding me, I went to lunch and sat with my friends and they were talking about going to America for college but what really rubbed me the wrong way is that they had this whole thing planned out and they never asked me once to come along or even tell me about it beforehand," I explained.

"Would you want to go to America with them?" He questioned.

"No, but that's not the point... They are leaving me behind and they don't care. They are the only friends I have and they don't even care about me..." I felt my tears well up and I cursed myself for it. Why am I getting so upset over this situation?

Ayato grumbled before pulling me into his embrace. I tried to stop myself from crying...

"Just let it all out, you're going to cry sooner or later anyways," he said annoyingly.

I did as he said and bawled my eyes out in his chest. I felt his fingertips going through my hair... I love it when he's soothing me even though he gets really annoyed.

"Thanks, Ayato." I sobbed out.

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up so we can go to sleep," he mumbled.

I laughed weakly and kept crying as he continues to embrace me and make me feel like I'm not alone in this world after all.

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

I woke up in the middle of the night in Ayato's arms but I gasped out loud when I saw a man with dark green hair and red eyes hovering over us. He showed no expression as we locked eyes...

"Shiori?" Ayato called out my name in a sheepish voice.

I blinked and the man was gone...

"Shiori?!" Ayato called out my name again.

"Sorry, I swear I saw a man just standing here..."

"You were probably dreaming." He grunted.

"He had green hair and red eyes," I explained.

"WHAT?!" Ayato sat up and scanned the room.

"Do you know him?"

"Don't worry about it and go back to sleep," Ayato sighed.


"I said go back to sleep!" He ordered.

Before I could protest, Ayato lied back down and held me tighter in his embrace. I tried my best to fall asleep but I kept thinking about that man with the green hair...


*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

It's the next day and Ayato and I are in class together. I didn't get much sleep last night because I was scared after I saw the scary man last night. Ayato is acting strange too... Does he know who that man was?

I tried to ask him a million times about the man but Ayato kept shrugging me off and telling me not to worry about him. Could he, at least, tell me how he knows him?!

Great, not only am I upset about my so-called friends but I'm upset about this man now too!

"Shiori, just forget about it, it's not a big deal," Ayato whispered harshly.

"But he just appeared in my room!" I raised my voice.

"Shiori Anderson! Quit talking or I will give you a detention!" Mrs. Hanna threatened.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

Ayato laughed at me like a little child while I pouted... Life can be so unfair sometimes.

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

Ayato and I decided to eat lunch by ourselves but when we sat down at the lunch table, I notice Zander, Cara, AND Lena are sitting with Marie Kinder and her kiss ass friends!

"Don't worry about it, Shiori. It's not a big deal." Ayato rolled his eyes as he drank his lemonade.

"But, I don't understand?!" I gasped.

Why would my friends hang out with her? They don't like her! I mean they do go to her parties, though...

Damn, I hate how Marie Kinder has all the damn power! It's all because she's a rich bitch!

"Why are you mad about it?" Ayato sighed.

"I'm not mad!" I clenched my teeth.

"Whatever you say..." His voice trailed.

I kept my eyes on them as they are all laughing together and having a good time. Did Marie Kinder do this on purpose to get under my skin? Well, it didn't work! Who am I kidding? It did work!

"Shiori..." Ayato said my name annoyingly.

"I'm saying something!" I got out of my chair and walked up to their table, leaving Ayato alone.

"What the hell are you guys doing?!" I snapped at my friends.

They looked at me as if I have three heads or something!

"Um, we are just hanging out," Cara whispered.

"Yeah, Marie Kinder is taking us to some cool museum after school, isn't that awesome?!" Lena exclaimed.

"Oh, I get it... You are using Marie for her money like everyone else does." I laughed out loud.

"Honestly, Shiori, you're just jealous because no one cares about you. You will never experience love! You don't mean a thing to anyone!" Marie Kinder smirked.

I felt my heart stop altogether... She's right... None of my friends care about me and I never felt love from another person. I didn't bother to argue back because what's the point? I also felt like if I tried to talk back then my voice is going to crack and I'm going to cry.

I immediately turned my back on them and ran out of the cafeteria to go in the girl's bathroom...

Honestly, Shiori, you're just jealous because no one cares about you. You will never experience love! You don't mean a thing to anyone!

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

"Shiori?" Ayato appeared out of nowhere in the girl's restroom. I am sitting on the floor; my back is against a stall.

"What are you doing in here?" I sobbed out.

Ayato sat next to me and looked at me with sympathy in his eyes...

He never looked at me like that before...

"Hey, don't listen to her, okay? Yeah, you might not have those lame ass friends of yours in your life, but you have me," he muttered.


"Come on, let's skip the rest of the day. Your parents won't be home because of work, right?"

I slowly nodded. "Yeah, I don't want to stay here any longer."

Ayato and I decided to leave the school to go back home. I don't care if my parents get a phone call about me skipping class. That is the last thing on my mind.

I did feel a lot better, though. Ayato said he would be there for me and to tell you the truth I'm totally okay with just having him in my life.

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

We are back home, lying on my bed. I turned my head to see Ayato lost in thought. I wonder what he's thinking about...


"I have to tell you something," he mumbled.

We both sat up from my bed and locked eyes. I felt my heart skipping a beat. Why am I so nervous? No, I'm more anxious but why?

"I love you," he whispered.


"I thought I only wanted you for your blood but when I started to hang out with you constantly and stuff, I realized I'm really in love with you... Tsk... I never thought I would fall in love with a mortal," he sighed to himself.

"I love you too, Ayato..." I pressed my lips against his. He immediately accepted my kiss and we both kept smiling in between our kisses...

"If you are the only one by my side for the rest of my life then I'm cool with it," I confessed.

"Well, you are mine and mine alone," he smirked.

My heart is fluttering and my mind is racing... Ayato is in love with me and I'm in love with him too. Is this what love is like? It's... Nice... 

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