Against the Odds

By _incendiary

28.9K 821 48

Lexa and Bellamy are best friends after Clarke left for her mission trip. They tell each other everything and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Tweny-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Four

1.9K 53 3
By _incendiary

Lexa and Clarke are walking around downtown New York.

"So how was your trip?" Lexa asked.

"It was good. I learned lots of things." Clarke replied, "I heard you and Bellamy are rooming together."

"Yeah, we are working together and we have become really good friends." Lexa shouted over the bus driving by.

"That's cool. I've missed you all. Especially you." Clarke looked over at Lexa.

"I've missed you too. I've been healing while you were gone." Lexa looked down at her stomach.

"How are you doing?" Clarke stopped.

"I'm definitely better than when you left. It doesn't hurt as much anymore. There is still pain but it's more mental than physical." Lexa stopped too.

"I hope we can come back to what we were. Before we argued and before I left." Clarke sat down on a bench.

"I would love that, Clarke. I should have gone with you. I shouldn't have made you choose. I was selfish. I'm so sorry. Can we begin again?" Lexa asked.

"Yes. I would like that very much." Clarke held her hand out, "Hi! I'm Clarke Griffin."

"Hi, Clarke. I'm Lexa Woods." Lexa grinned and shook Clarke's hand.

"Hm Lexa. Nice. Want to go out sometime? As a date?" Clarke smiling as she said that.

"Why of course. Thank you so much for asking." Lexa was laughing by then.

"What are you laughing at dear Lexa?" Clarke barely holding back her laughter.

"No reason." Lexa trying to pull herself back together, "Well, it seems I must go. Call me."

With that Lexa walked away. She was grinning as she turned around. She looked back to see Clarke chuckling. Clarke then left to go back to Griffins and Lexa to Heda Incorp. When Lexa arrived at the building, Bellamy was standing guard at the main door. He let her into the building. Lexa rushed up to the top floor to get to her meeting.

"Hello fellow board members. I apologize for my lateness. I ran into someone during lunch." Everyone knew better than to question her.

"Hello, Heda. We haven't been waiting long." Titus spoke up.

"Good. Let's begin. The newest drug smuggling problem we have. Anyone have any ideas on how to prevent it?" Lexa looked down the table.

"I think I might." Roan spoke at last, "I think if we could figure out where these drugs are coming, we could destroy the head. Take out where they get the drugs then no more smuggling."

"Alright, thank you
Roan. Any other ideas?" Lexa put the idea up on the board.

"If I may say. We should send Bellamy in. Undercover to destroy it from the inside. He gets in then sends us details." Indra spoke up.

"That's a great idea. I'll put it up on the board." Lexa wrote that idea, "Alright. I think we should go with Indra's idea. I will discuss the details with Bellamy. Thank you all for coming out."

Roan got up to talk to Lexa, privately. Titus looked over to see the two arguing. He knew this was going to end up badly for Roan.


Roan was bright red. He was left speechless. He walked away quickly and quietly. Titus walked up to Lexa. Only to be sent away. Lexa needed some time to calm down. She went into her office and sat down. Almost as soon as she sat down, her phone rang.

Lexa: Hello?

Clarke: Hi! This is Clarke Griffin. I was wondering about that date.

Lexa: Right of course. When are you available?

Clarke: Um about right now.

Lexa: What?

Clarke hung up from Lexa. There was a sudden knock on Lexa's office doors. In walked Clarke.

"Hey. You ready?" Clarke walked over to Lexa.

"You know what? Yes I am. I think I'm done for today." Lexa stood up, " How'd you get in here anyway?"

"Bellamy. He let me in." Clarke held the door open for Lexa.

"Thanks. Where to?" Lexa walked to the elevator.

"Anywhere. Let's explore the city. Teach me about the city. I've been gone for more than a year." Clarke got in the elevator.

"Let's do it." Lexa got in.

The two were in the elevator, when it stopped. There was a sudden jolt and two were knocked into each other.

"That's weird. This usually never happens." Lexa said softly.

Clarke looked over at the girl she loved. Not able to say anything. Absolute silence. Lexa not saying anything gazed back at Clarke. Thinking where did she go wrong. Clarke not saying anything leaned over and kissed her. Lexa taken aback by Clarke didn't do anything. Then she kissed her back.

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