Looking After the Harrison Bo...

By farttart

83.7K 1.5K 352

Amelia is broke – no not heart broken, actually money broke. After losing her job, she is left with no money... More

Looking After the Harrison Boys : Chapter Two
Looking After the Harrison Boys : Chapter Three

Looking After the Harrison Boys : Chapter One

54.1K 652 129
By farttart


I gripped tightly onto the steering wheel and blew out a heap of air, releasing the tension in my shoulders. “You really think this is going to work, Cyn?” I asked Cynthia through the ear piece, my voice slightly wobbling at the end.

“Trust me, it’s going to work. I made sure it everything was top-notch and perfect.” Cynthia cheerfully reassured me. “So stop worrying will you?”

I remained silent for a few moments, just so I could take a few more deep breaths before I replied back, agreeing with her. “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks for everything Cyn.” I thanked her once again and resumed back to driving.  

“No problemo Amigo.”

Oh god, not this again. “Seriously Cyn, you’re still in your Spanish phase?” I laughed as I stopped at an incoming red light, my tension slow coming back. Why am I still so nervous about this?

“What? I like Spanish, okay? Don’t judge me!”

I rolled my eyes and chuckled dryly under my breath. “I’m not judging you. I was just simply asking.” I stated, my eyes focusing on the lights, the tension gradually growing. Come on…any minute now… “Oh, while we’re on the lines of Spanish, how’d it go with Leo the other night?” I asked quickly, hopefully not sounding too anxious for her to recognize it.

Come on…

Thankfully a second later, the light turned green and I immediately turned my gear on, taking a big swift turn to the right into the main street, the tension instantly leaving my body.

Letting out a relieved sigh, I went back to the ear piece and heard nothing but loud grumbles at the other end. I couldn’t help but laugh quietly in my mind. That alone was enough to answer my previous question. “Let me guess, it didn’t end so well?”

She scoffed. “He wanted to be ‘just friends’, Amelia. Just friends.” She informed me, her voice sounding disgusted. “And yet, he kissed me like a week ago and let me tell you, that was no ordinary kiss! I mean, I know it wasn’t, it –“

I cut in, shaking my head, “Cynthia, he gave a kiss on the cheek, not on the lips.”

“But –“

“Cyn,” I said in my warning tone. She’s been misunderstanding the kiss on the cheek for almost week now thinking it meant something. But hello, that guy kisses every girl he sees on the cheek. Yeah, a cheek player is what he is.

She sighed exasperatedly and muttered something I couldn’t properly hear. “Okay, okay whatever….it was just a kiss on the cheek… Are you keeping your eyes on the road?”

Accepting the change of the topic, I sarcastically answered back, “Oh nah, I’m not. In fact, I’m not even driving. The monkey’s driving me there.”

“You took Pablo with you!? Are you out of your mind!?” Her voice screeched through the ear piece and instinctively, I pulled the ear piece out a little, relieving some of the pain that was ringing in my ear. Once I felt it was okay enough, I put it back in and began talking, letting out small fits of laughter.

“Cyn, I was joking!” I told her a matter-of-factly. “I’m not that crazy to bring him along to something important as this.”

“Oh, oh, good. Gosh, you almost gave me a heart attack there!” She exclaimed, her breathing still vigorously heavily. “Don’t ever joke like that again!”

“Well next time, don’t be so gullible and you wouldn’t have to experience near-heart-attacks.” I told her. “Hey, are you sure I’m going the right way? Because…I don’t see a ‘Waterfields Falls’ sign anywhere…”

“Have you passed the second lot of traffic lights yet?”

I thought for a minute. “No.”

“Then you’re not there yet.”

“What?” I exaggerated the word. “How far is this place?” I mumbled to myself, feeling slightly annoyed. There goes my gas for the week.

“NO YESSIE, I TOLD YOU! I’M TALKING TO AMELIA RIGHT NOW! NO! NO, YOU CAN NOT USE MY UNDERWEAR AS TOILET PAPER! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIN – Oh GOD! Hey Amelia, look, I gotta go, my sister’s being a pain in the ass again. Call me after everything’s done, okay? Bye! HEY, YOU BETTER COME –“

Before I even got to say anything, Cynthia already hung up the phone and left me hanging. Ahh, her five-year old sister… always troubling her to the bone. Good on her, I jokingly thought. Laughing to myself, I pressed the off button on the ear piece and pulled it out, chucking it over to the passenger seat.

Now, where am I? I wondered.

Finally reaching the second lot of traffic lights, zooming past the green lights, I remembered I didn’t have much left until I reached ‘Waterfields Falls’ and the house. While maintaining a watchful eye on my speed and of where I was heading, I tried looking out for the big sign Cynthia described to me earlier. But the more I drove down, I just saw a bunch of houses and no sign. Maybe I’m getting close. Then finally, a big golden sign with ‘Waterfields Falls’ written on it popped out and I decided to make my turn, of course watching out for incoming cars, which there were surprisingly none.

I entered the street with a slight bump and drove down what looked like a newly created road; luxury-looking double houses with big gates surrounding them filling my vision.

Is… is the world of Sims? 

Instantly slowing down the car, I took a good look at the houses and stared long at them, astounded. These houses must’ve cost a fortune considering the size of land they’re taking up. And why on earth are the lawns so green? Aren’t we under water restrictions?

Darn people and their money!

Looking away from the houses, feeling slightly out of place, I rested my eyes back to the road and resumed back to normal speed. No more looking, I told myself. Have to go and find the house first…which should be around here somewhere…

Where’s that piece of paper?

Eyes still on the road, I patted blindly on the passenger’s seat, trying to find that piece of paper which had the address on it. When I couldn’t find it, I tried once more before trying my back jean pockets. Tucking my hand inside the tight-spaced pocket, I squeezed my hand all the way to the end where I found the piece of paper and grasped it.

Now all I gotta do is take it out and take a quick look at it.

But there was a problem. I couldn’t take my hand out of my pocket.

“No, no, no, no, no,” I whispered in disbelief, trying to wriggle my hand out but failed. My hand couldn’t be stuck in my pocket! It’s.. it’s not possible! It’s a pocket we’re talking about here!

I tried with all my efforts to push my hand out, but when you have another hand still occupied on the wheel, directing where you’re going and the limited space you just happen to have, let me tell you, it’s very difficult to get yourself out of a situation like this.

“Damn it!” I cursed out loud. “You stupid, fat eating ha—“


My eyes widened, my heart raced. What… what just happened just now?

Slowly moving my eyes to the front windshield, I saw something unexpected in front of me and my eyes widened to the max and my heart raced a million beats per second.


Fear and shock surging throughout my body, I turned off my engine and pushed the door opened, air gushing past me. I ran, with my hand still stubbornly stuck in my back pocket, to the black vehicle in front of me and observed the damage, my head already feeling light-headed and dizzy.

There was a small dint around the back boot and… and it was going to cost me heaps to pay off! Not to mention, the car looked really expensive too!

I groaned and felt the urge to shoot myself on the face. There is seriously something wrong with me nowadays.   

“What the hell…”

My thoughts instantly stopped and my eyes shot up to the sound of a new voice and a door shutting.

Oh no! What am I going to do? I anxiously thought as I looked back and forth to their car and my own, fully aware that the person was heading towards me.

Do what you gotta to do Amelia.

Right, do what I gotta do…

Taking one deep breath in, I took one last glance at their car before I blotted back to my own, shouting out a sincere ‘sorry’ to the person. Slamming my door shut, I turned the engine on and roughly reversed back then drove off, leaving the scene as fast as possible, blocking out the protests that were coming from the person.

“Oh god,” I breathed, gripping my shaken hands onto the steering wheel. Did I just do that? Run away?


Guilt washed over me and I suddenly felt so terrible. But then I pushed it away and shook my head. I had to run, had no choice. I couldn’t afford to pay for the damages! I’m broke for golly’s sake!

I looked down at my hands and saw the piece of paper in one. Hey, my hand’s finally free. Opening up the crumbled piece of paper, I gazed over the number of the address and then chucked the paper over at the passenger’s seat.

House number eighty-four, I chanted the number over and over again as I slowed down looking at the number of the houses. Eighty-four…

After ten minutes of continuous driving, I eventually found house and there was a gold plate saying, “HARRISON HOUSEHOLD’ on it. The first thing I did besides turning the engine off was give myself a five minute break just to take a breather and think straight.

Wow, I’m finally here, I thought to myself, at my potential new job. Resting my head against the head-rester, my mind drifted off back to the incident earlier and I felt the guilt return. Oh great, not now! I snapped back up and ran my hand through my straight dark brown hair. “Stuff it,” I said, grabbing my bag and headed out of the door, pushing the memory of incident to the back of mind. I’ll think about it later.

Locking the car, I jogged towards the small intercom and pressed the red button. A few seconds passed and I heard a pick-up noise. “Hello,” I awkwardly spoke into the intercom, somehow feeling a tad bit stupid. “Umm, I’m Amelia Wilcox and I came for the babysitting interview…” my voice trailed off into nothing but a whisper by the end of the sentence.

“Oh yes, yes. Just wait a moment dear.” An elderly lady responded and I heard the intercom shut off. Then a loud noise rung out, scaring the beejesus’ out of me, and the huge black gates began to slide open. Standing there like a complete idiot, I watched in amazement.

“Wow, this feel so… awesome,” I said smiling as I walked through. Never in my life have I had that happen to me before. Let alone come to a luxury house as… this!

I made my way down the wide path to the huge double doors and hesitantly hovered my hand over the bell when the doors shot opened and there stood an old lady, who looked no older than fifty-five, smiling right at me.

“Hello dear, you must be Amelia.” She held out her hand for me to shake and I did. “I’m Wilmer. Come on in,” she welcomed me inside and with small nervous steps, I walked inside.    

She seems like a nice lady.

“We’ll get straight into the interview, shall we?”

I nodded. “Ye – yeah okay.”

We walked past the corridor down into a rather large room filled with tall bookshelves and olden-day furniture. Wilmer told me to sit and wait in front of the long desk while she went out and got the papers. Not long after, Wilmer returned and sat down, putting her glasses on.

“Right, well, let’s get started,” she muttered, shuffling papers around and then gazed seriously up at me, the smile no longer plastered on her face. “May I please have your resume?” She asked her voice firm.

Without any hesitations, I took my ‘fake’ resume out and handed it to her, my hand shaking a slight bit. Wilmer took a look up and down the two pages and then placed them beside her, her face unchanged from the serious look.

“Now tell me Amelia,” She planted her elbows on the desk, hands twined together and looked at me with serious eyes. “What makes you think you’re best suited for a job like this considering you’re just twenty-one years of age? What can you bring into this job that others can’t? And what makes you think you’re capable to look after these boys?”

I blinked at the sudden burst questions and gulped my nervousness down to my stomach. Darn it, totally forgot about my fake age. “Well, I – I” I don’t know. “I – think – umm,” Her eye brows rose up and I saw the look in her eyes that she was beginning to doubt me. You can do this, Amelia. “I – can I be frank with you?” I finally took the words out of my stuttering mouth.

It took her a second before she nodded and said ‘yes, of course.’

“I don’t think I can really give out much considering I am only… twenty-one, but I always give nothing but respect and honesty to these boys,” Pfft, honesty? Yeah right. You’ve already lied about two things. I ignored the incoming intrusions of thoughts and continued on. “I won’t be their just their babysitter, or someone who just looks after them, I’ll become someone who’d be there for them when they need me most, like a… friend.”

Wilmer sat there and stared at me as if she wasn’t entirely satisfied or happy.

And so I decided to talk some more, going my all now.  

“Look, I know there’s going to be others telling you how experience they’ve had and list out all the people they’ve looked after, but I’ve only had a few experiences in this type of job. But with those experiences alone, I know what’s expected, I know what I need to do and frankly, I think I’m just as capable as the others to take on this job, despite my age and lack of experience. I’m determined to give my absolute best, my all, into this. So please, don’t think less of me, I – I really need this.”

By the time I spoke out the last word, Wilmer’s expression had changed and she was left speechless.

“Well,” Wilmer finally spoke, breaking the long silence, and uncomfortably shuffled in her chair, “Thank you for coming today, Amelia. I’ll be in contact with you in the next following days whether you’ve got the job or not.” She gave me a warm smile, the appearance when she greeted me at the door resurfaced once again.

I couldn’t help but frown a little. That was it? The interview consisted of a few questions and the whoop – finished? I shook off the feeling of wanting to ask her if I actually the chance and got up, grabbing the strap of my bag.

“Thank you for taking your time to interview me, Wilmer.” I said politely and showed myself out of the room. Wilmer followed behind and opened the double doors for me. She gave me another smile and I returned it. I told her goodbye and headed back down the stairs, the path and out to the gates, straight towards my car.

Better give this job a cross out too.


Days passed and before I knew it, it was already the fourth day since I had the interview and there hasn’t been no contact from Wilmer whatsoever.

Maybe I did lose my chance once I opened that foolish mouth of mine.

Darn it!

I lay lazily on the couch with a cup of orange juice in my hand and stared up at the ceiling, thoughts zooming in and out of my mind.

Why did my life have to suck so much? I asked depressingly. Someone should sprinkle some of their magic dust on me and make my life less depressing. That would help a lot.

Oh twinkling fairy god, where are you?

You talking about Edward Cullen?

What? No!

I shot upright and frowned, brows furrowing into a tight line. What on earth is going on with me? Why am I acting as if the world’s ending or something?

Enough sulking!

Gulping down the rest of the juice and slamming the cup down, I shifted my feet to the ground and grabbed one of the job magazines off the table.

Back to square one…

Ha, I scoffed. That job sucked anyways, I arrogantly told myself as I roughly flipped to the next page. I can find a better another job in no time!

Five minutes into looking, I gave up.

“No, I can’t do this! That job was my only hope!” I began to sulk into the pillow, no tears streaming down my face. I lifted my head up and faced towards my pet monkey who was chilling on the arm rest of the couch as if there was not a care in the world that mattered to him. “Pablo,” I whined and he looked up at me, smiling. “Stop smiling!” I demanded with a pointed finger. His smile grew wider and he started to laugh, pointing a finger at me.

I couldn’t believe it. My own monkey – my only friend (besides Cynthia) was mocking me.

“Don't make me come over there and wipe that smile off –“

Shake it, sha-sha-sha-shake it! Sha—

Quickly, I reached for my cell and squinted at the caller ID, the bright light slightly blinding me. Private number. Strange, I thought inwardly before I answered the call. “Hell-o?”

“Hello, am I speaking to Amelia Wilcox?”

My body shot up and I ruffled through my messy hair, stunned to hear Wilmer’s voice through the cell. “Ye – yes are speaking to her.” 

“Oh good,” Wilmer let out a ‘oh thank god’ sigh and chortled. “Well, this is Wilmer.”

I smiled through the phone. “Yeah I know.”

“Right, I just called by to say that…”

My heart froze for a split second.

“You’ve got the job.”

My mouth went into an ‘o’ shape and my eyes widened. “I – I got the job? Are you serious?”

“No, I’m very much serious.”

“Oh my – wow, thank you so much man!” I squealed but then abruptly coughed uncontrollably, realising I just called her a ‘man’. Stupid. “I mean thank you so much, Wilmer.” I thanked her again, sounding much more professional.

“You’re welcome dear.” I could sense her smiling through the phone and that cause my own to grow wider in length. “I would like for you to come by tomorrow so I can go through more information with you, and of course to meet the boys.” She requested.

“Oh yeah of course,” I said, accepting the request. “What time do you want me there?”

“Possibly the sooner the better…” She muttered softly. “Does eleven sound good?”

“Eleven sounds awesome.”

“Eleven it is. See you tomorrow dear.”

“You too! Bye Wilmer!” I said energetically before I pressed the ‘end call’ button.

Putting down my cell back on the table, I turned to Pablo who was now silently munching on some peanuts. “Did you hear that Pablo? I got the job! I GOT THE JOB BABY! I GOT THE JOB BA—”


My hand covered my mouth and I just laughed like a maniac. “Sorry!” and went back to laughing as Pablo went back to eating.

I looked down at the sheet containing bits of information about the job and about the boys I was about to look after, I felt determination pulse through my veins and I suddenly felt ready.

Little Harrison boys, here I come!


Travelling to the Harrison household this morning was so much quicker than the first time I went. I arrived there less than twenty minutes (compared to forty minutes) and once I made it to the front, I made sure I looked alright with just a pair of skinny jeans and a black-and-white striped shirt. Satisfied, I jumped out of my car, excited, and headed over to the intercom. As I was about to press the red button, out of no-where, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and spin me around, my hair whipping my face along the way.


“We’ve had enough of you telemarketers telling us your – woah.”

I was confronted by the most beautifulest set of blue eyes I’ve ever seen and found myself dumbstruck, completely lost in them.

Amelia, wake up… WAKE UP!

With a shock bolting me, I woke up from my daze and returned back to reality. The guy, who looked no older than I was, maybe a year older, was staring right back at me with a questionable expression on his handsome face, his lips in a tight line.

Oh this guy’s a looker, alright.

I opened my mouth. “Sorry –“

“You,” he breathed and his eyes narrowed dangerously at me.

“M – m – me?” I pointed to myself, confused to what he was on about.

“You’re the girl who crashed into my car and ran away,”

I felt my breathing rapidly become rigid and short. “I – you’re mistaken.” I calmly told him as snatched my wrist back and stepped away from him. Then I added, “I wasn’t even around here on Monday.” I lied.

The guy with the beautiful blue eyes chuckled dryly and gave me a look. “If I was mistaken then, how’d you know it was on Monday?” He asked, his scrutinizing eyes didn’t gaze away from my brown ones.

Oh crap. I gulped and cursed internally. “It was on Monday ?” I asked dumbly and held my hands up in a mock ‘lucky guess?’ gesture. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!

He took a step forward and I took a step back.


I decided to make a run for it.

“Oh no, you don’t.” His hand wrapped around my wrist once again and he whirled me around.

“RAPE, RAPE! THIS GUY’S GOING TO RAP—” His hand quickly covered my mouth, the words becoming muffled and incoherent, and he glowered.

“Shh will you! I’m not going to rape you!” He hissed, his hand compressing harder against my mouth. Ouch times by two. “You—“

I bit into his hand as hard as I could and he instantly pulled away, shaking his hurt hand in the air.

“What the hell was that for!?”

“Don’t underestimate Amelia Wilcox, bucko!” I ran my lips over with my thumb and wiped his germs off.

“You crazy woman!”

I chuckled and swung my strap bag over my shoulder, waving my hand in a dismissive motion, “Crazy, shamazy, I’ve heard it all before.”

“You –“

Then a sound of a clucking tongue erupted the intense atmosphere and I turned my head away from the fuming guy to the direction of the sound.

“Zane, stop torturing the poor girl,”

Another handsome fellow with spikey dark blonde hair and the same blue eyes approached our way and he headed straight towards me with a friendly, at ease smile. “Do mind my older brother, he can be quite hot-headed sometimes and treat a lady with no respect.” He now stood in front of me and smoothly picked my hand up and gently kissed his lips onto it. “Devin Harrison,” The guy introduced himself and gave me another smile as he rose up. “Does a pretty girl like yourself, have a name?”

No, she does not. She’s MYSTERY GIRL! I wanted to sarcastically reply with, but bit off the urge too. I glanced down at the hand he just kissed and then back at him, an awkward smile forming on my lips.

Oh, this guy’s a smooth talker…

“Amelia – Amelia Wilcox.”

“Ahh, a pretty name for a pretty lady,” He commented.

“Adrian stop it! Stop pinching me!”

“Oh little Johnny, you certainly don’t know me at all, do you?”

“Hey stop—woah, what’s going here?”

Just then, a guy who looked identical to Devin except his hair was much shorter than his and another guy with short blonde hair approached our way and stood not far from me.

Where the heck are these guys popping out from? A magazine? The sky?

“Devin, don’t tell me, you’re already on your hunting spree?”

“What? No, I just saw this girl being terrorized by Zane.”

“Terrorized? I wasn’t terrorizing –“

“Oh good, I heard correctly.”

All the commotion stopped right away and at the corner of my eyes, I sensed someone standing near me. It was Wilmer and she had a giant smile on her face.

“Welcome back boys,” she greeted, nodding her head in a direction. There were a bunch of ‘hey’s and ‘hi’s and I just stood there confused out of my mind.

Why did Wilmer just call those guys over there…. boys?

Hold on… are… these ….

“Now I don’t have to go through the trouble finding you guys now!” Wilmer said happily. “Amelia,”

The boys I have to…. “Yes, Wilmer?”

“I know this may not be the best way to introduce you to the boys out here, but since we’re all together, it’s what we have to stick with. Amelia, I would love for you to meet the,” She swayed her hand over to one side and my eyes followed.

“Harrison boys,”

 My bag numbly dropped to the ground and I felt my body go dead.

“No,” I whispered out in horror. No, no, no, no, no, no!

“The boys you will now be looking after.”


Hullo there! :3 Yes, you’ve just read the new version of Looking After the Harrison Boys! I’ve officially started it now and can I say… WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Some events from the old one may occur in this new one, but it depends on how the plot is going go this time. Hopefully in this new one, I won’t be stuck with any blockages or all that shebang. Gosh, I hate those you know! Hahas! This new one will be filled with all good stuff (and a mystery too!) and can I say, I MISSED THE BOYS! Did you guys miss them too?

Anyways, I also hope you guys will like this newer version as much (if not more!) as the old one and if not… well… here’s some skittles then! :D Yeah, I’m being generous. LOL.

Thanks for reading and please, don’t forget to comment/vote!



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