By TwoGirlsHoldingHands

541K 5.9K 1K


Sleepy Jack & His Hair
Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader
Birthday Boy (Conor x Reader)
Meeting Anna (Conor x Reader)
I'll Be Your Date - (Josh x reader)
I'll be your date - (Josh x reader) - part 2
Never have I ever had a threesome
"I have a daughter." (Mikey x Reader)
Conor's Blanket Burrito (Conor x Reader)
Prank Gone Wrong (Jack x Reader)
I'll be your date - (Josh x reader) - part 3 (final)
Dear Best Friend (Josh x Reader) [Letters]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome II
Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)
Welcome Home (Jack x Reader) [smut]
Welcome Home II (jack x reader) [smut]
Fake Fan (Conor x Reader) [smut]
Distracting Josh (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Your Brain Freeze Secret (Caspar Lee x Reader)
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome III
Wisdom Teeth (Josh x Reader)
Surprise Visit (Josh Pieters x Reader)
I Told You (Conor x Reader)
Jump Scares (Joe x Reader)
TWISTER TRYST (Oli x Reader)
The Little Spoon (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Pink Cake (Jack x Reader)
This Is My Version (Conor x Reader)
Luggage & Tattoos (Josh x Reader) [smut]
Happy Birthday (Josh x Reader)
My Wife (Conor x Reader)
Cheat Day (Jack x Reader)
Can I Watch? (Joe Sugg x Reader) [smut]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome IV (Jack x Joe x Reader) [smut]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome IV.V (Jack x Joe)(Jack x Reader) [smut]
Nightmares (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Bubble Gum (Joe x Reader)
Covers With Conor (Josh x Reader)

Oli White's Secret

11K 144 13
By TwoGirlsHoldingHands

Everyone on tumblr knows that certain celebrities make anonymous tumblr accounts for personal use and to occasionally stalk their fans...and if you didn't know that already, you were about to find out.

You - Could my customers be any ruder?!?

You had finally finished your shift and gotten home from work and tumblr messaged the one person you were always looking forward to talking to. Working as a Barista in a coffee shop should be a job where you get to make people's days better, but you usually just ended up getting yelled at by uncaffeinated grumpy people.

Them (Oli) - Aww, I wish I was there to make your day better.

You - Don't worry, you always make my day better. Even though we live like 8 time zones apart.

Them (Oli) - Glad to hear it. I'd ask you about your day, but I'm assuming that wouldn't help your mood, lol.

You - Haha, you'd be correct. Though, it is Monday so I get to YouTube binge for a bit. I think Jack's new video has Oli and James in it and Oli has a video with Jack and Conor in it!! Double Oli videos today!

Them (Oli) -Go ahead, attend to your fangirling. I'm going to hop in the shower. I should be back by the time you're finished stalking British youtubers.

You - I feel so attacked. It's not like I'm you and actually live in the same city as them! Haha, I have to get my fix from afar!

Them (Oli) -Don't worry. I'm not judging your for your addiction. Enjoy your videos.

Oli didn't start his personal tumblr to stalk fans. The opposite, actually. He liked having a personal page where he followed blogs about writing and blogs about his favorite movies and bands. He wanted a space where he could be himself without actually being himself. He had found your tumblr because you often answered anon's asking for advice. It was more than half of what you posted. Oli had read through over 200 of the asks/replies on your page and had kind of instantly fallen in love with you. You were kind and smart and encouraging and so he messaged you telling you that he loved your page. You guys actually hit it off and now you talk almost every day.

You - I know I say this every time they're in a video together, but Oli and James have the cutest relationship.
You - Like, he's going to make a great dad.
You - I just know it.
You - OMG hurry up! I'm out of videos!

Them (Oli)- You're obsessed.

You - Finally!
You - And no I'm not! Youtube is my escape from my normal boring life.

Them (Oli) - I'm pretty sure you're obsessed.Them (Oli) - Plus, you aren't boring. Talking to you is the highlight of my day.

You - Actually, you are too.
You - I'm so used to having people come to me for advice that I didn't really have anyone to go to before I met you.

Them (Oli) - Well I'm honored. I can only hope that my advice is half as good as yours.

Like most nights, you talked for about an hour. It was getting quite late in London, but Oli usually stayed up to talk. It had been almost a year since you guys became such close friends, but it had been almost 4 months since you had told him about your obsession with British youtuber Oli White and he had figured out that he now had a huge secret.

Them (Oli) - I think I'm going to fall asleep soon, love. I have to get up early tomorrow.

You - Of course, sorry I kept you up so late.
You - OMG I almost forgot! I won tickets to Summer in The City and I think I have enough miles built up to buy a flight!
You - Are you going??

Oli sat on his bed completely speechless. What was he going to do? He would have to lie and say he couldn't go or fess up and tell you that he was, in fact, the person you were hoping to meet.

Them (Oli) - I'm pretty sure I'm going.

You - You mean we might actually get to meet!?

Deciding he couldn't lie, he vowed to find a way to tell you soon.

Them (Oli) - Yes! I can't wait, actually. I hope I don't disappoint you. It's always weird meeting people you've never actually seen in person.

You - There's no way I'll be disappointed. I can't wait. Now get some sleep, buddy. <3 Talk to you tomorrow!

Them (Oli) - <3 Later, love.

It was worth the money, even if your miles didn't cover your plane ticket. You decided to book your flight and hotel room tonight. Confirming that both were good to go, you clicked back over to tumblr.

*Tumblr post*

Hey people, Y/n here! I have good news! *insert drum roll* I won tickets to Summer in The City! I cannot wait to visit London and meet a few youtubers. I know a few of you guys are going too, so make sure to message me so we can meet up! In case you guys are going to be there and want to find me, I'm adding a picture to the bottom of this post :) Don't judge me for my lack of make-up, I got home from work and got as comfy as possible.
*post end*

Oli woke up the next morning and like most people, immediately checked social media. Nothing caught his attention until he opened tumblr and saw that you had actually posted a picture of yourself. Something you had never done before. And he couldn't believe the completely anonymous person he had fallen in love with was so beautiful. He was both excited and terrified at the same time. How was he going to tell you who he actually was?

He decided to send you an anonymous ask, asking for advice. You were who he went to for advice, so why not?

He waited all day for your response, checking his phone whenever he could get a second.

Anon : Hello, lovely. I am in a bit of a predicament. I am in love. I know the person I love at least likes me because she's told me that she does. I know, I know...what a problem to have. Here's the thing...She doesn't know I'm actually me. We met online, but I'm afraid that if she finds out that I've hidden this from her...Well I'm afraid she'll be mad and that she won't forgive me. I don't know what to do. Being able to actually be with her is worth the risk that she'll be mad, but thinking about losing her friendship because I messed up is killing me. This probably didn't make any sense. Hope you can help.

You had read this over and over. Words of encouragement usually came to you with no effort, but this one had you stuck.

You : Dear anon, This one is quite a doozy, isnt it?I always respond from the heart, so this will be no different. If I were you, I would prepare for them to be upset. Trust is a big deal and I think it would be totally understandable for them to be upset. On the other hand, if you already know they like you, then take the risk. Love is worth the risk. I'm sorry I haven't been much help. I wish you all the best. <3

Oli sat there reading your response over and over again. He was out to lunch with Joe and it was obvious he was distracted.

"Mate, what has you so upset?" Joe asked, concerned for his friend.

"It's nothing. " Oli replied, putting his phone down. "Gotta love girl problems."

"Oi, you've got girl problems? Share, buddy." Joe teased Oli.

Oli hesitated. "No, it's fine." He tried to act normal hoping Joe would stop asking, but when he looked up he was met with Joe's stare and raised eyebrows. "Fine. Dammit. I've been talking to a girl online but she doesn't know she's talking to me. We've been friends on tumblr for a year and I know that she likes Oli, she just doesnt know Oli is me. I'm pathetic and I messed up and now she's coming to SITC and she wants to meet me, but she also wants to meet Oli and I don't know what to do. I'm going to lose a great friend and miss out on love all in one fell swoop." Oli let his head fall.

"Damn." was all Joe said.

"Really? That's all you have to offer?" Oli asked, annoyed. "I bloody spill my guts and I get a 'damn.'"

"Hold on, you Randy. I'm just taking it all in. Don't lose your trousers." Joe reassured Oli. "What do you plan on doing?"

"I have to tell her. I just don't know if I do it online or when she's here." He replied.

"Mate, if you spring this on her when she's here she's going to flip. You have to tell her Asap. Give her time to process." Joe urged.

"I know, I know. I'll catch you later, buddy. I've got to try to fix this." Oli started walking back to his flat.

He sat there for over an hour trying to perfect his message.

Them (Oli) - I'm going to start this message with the words I love you and I'm sorry. I feel like I've broken your trust and I will do anything to make it right. My name is Oli White, I have a little brother named James, I have a few youtube channels, and I started this tumblr account to get away from being Oli White. I met you here on tumblr and I couldn't have been happier. It wasn't until a few months ago that I even knew you knew who Oli White was. I should have fessed up right then and there, but I was afraid I'd lose you as a friend and I didn't want to risk it. I don't even know how to start making this up to you. I want you to come to Summer in The City and I want to meet you because you've become one of my best friends and I'm pretty sure I've fallen completely in love with you. Please, please believe that I never meant to deceive you. I really hope you still come.

You sat staring at your computer screen, not knowing what to believe. If your friend was pranking you and actually thought this was funny, they weren't who you thought they were. If this really was Oli White and he let you fangirl to him about himself, you didn't know if you could ever face him. You didn't know if you were more angry or embarrassed.

You were leaving for SITC in two days and decided not to reply to the message at all. He knew what you looked like and he knew your name. If Oli or whoever you had become friends with wanted to talk to you, they could do it in person.

Oli was over at Joe's house helping him prepare for SITC and Joe could tell that he was still moping around. "Mate, she still hasn't replied?" He asked in a sympathetic voice.

"Nope. Not a single message. The only posts on her page are her responses to anons. She even deleted the one I sent. I really hope she's still coming. I have to be able to make it up to her." Oli replied.

"If she doesn't show up at your meet and greet, you should maybe plan a little speech or something for your panel. I've read some of the messages. She's either embarrassed or she doesn't believe you." Joe said.

"Yeah, I guess. I just wish I had told her right away." Oli sounded defeated.

You had stayed off of tumblr, for the most part, but you had noticed that Oli had tweeted multiple tweets sounding bummed out.*Why does your heart make you do stupid things?**Hey guys, no new video today. I'll make sure to post something soon.**Does anyone really want me to vlog SITC?*
He just sounded very....not Oli. You wondered if it really was him that you had been talking to. Were you the reason Oli was in a funk?

Having just checked into your hotel, you pulled up your tumblr posting an update to your followers.


Hey guys, I MADE IT!!!

I'm heading straight out to mingle with everyone, so if anyone wants to meet up I'll be wearing the below outfit. Don't be shy! I can't wait to make friends.

Oli saw your post and cheered, scaring everyone in the room with him. "YES! SHE CAME!"

"That's what she said." Jack joked, giving Oli a weird look.

"Wait, her? Like, HER her?" Joe asked.

"Indeed. Maybe I can win her back. " Oli replied, smiling for the first time in a few days.

You didn't go to Oli White's meet and greet. You couldn't get over being embarrassed every time you thought about everything you had messaged your online friend. You decided you could still hide in the audience for his panel, though.

"Everybody welcome Oli White to the stage!" the host announced.

"Hey guys! It's nice to see you all." Oli grabbed a mic and spoke, sitting down on the couch on stage.

"And we're glad to see you, Oli. How are you?" The host kept the interview going, occasionally bringing other youtubers on stage for games and challenges.

His interview was coming to an end and you felt really dumb. Oli seemed fine. Whoever you had been talking to online must have pranked you. It obviously wasn't Oli. You were even more upset that you had skipped his meet and greet.

"Anything else you want to add before we say goodbye?" The host asked Oli.

Oli's whole demeanor changed. He all of a sudden looked very nervous. He cleared his throat and spoke. "Actually, yes. I, umm. I have a confession."

"Oooh, spill." the host encouraged.

Oli stood and adjusted his clothes nervously. "Last year I met a wonderful person online. They were smart and witty and funny and kind and, um...Oh, god. I'm shaking. They basically became one of my best friends. I never told them who I was until about a week ago and I know that she's upset that I kind of lied. I didn't mean to be dishonest, I just didn't know how to tell her. I know that she's here this weekend and I hope that she's here in this room. Y/n, are you here?" the audience audibly gasped and started looking around for someone to stand up or reply.

You were shocked. You couldn't process what was happening. With eyes wide and your hand over your mouth, you slowly rose to your feet. Everyone's eyes were on you, when you heard the host speak.

"Is that your girl?" The host asked Oli.

Oli had a huge grin on his face. "That's her. Can you come up here?" Oli asked. "Please?"

Dropping your bag in your seat, you made your way to the stage. Oli speaking as you walked.

"This beautiful girl has let me vent and complain and obsess and never once did she make me feel bad about it. She always encouraged me and was patient with me." You finally reached the stage and he grabbed your hand and faced you. "She is perfect and I pray to God she forgives me." Oli put the mic back in the mic stand so you two could speak without the audience hearing you.

"Please tell me I can make it up to you?" Oli begged.

"You silly boy. Why didn't you just tell me it was you?" you had tears trying to escape your eyes, but you also had a big smile on your face.

"I don't know, love. I was scared and I messed up. Do I get another chance?" he asked, wiping away a few tears that had made their way down your cheek.

"I think I could give you another chance." you laughed, remembering you were on stage in front of a few thousand people.

"Don't pay them any mind, love. One more question?" Oli asked, looking straight into your eyes.

"Only one, and then we can stop being awkward in front of strangers." you teased.
"Can I kiss you?" he placed his hand on your cheek, his cheeks turning bright red.

"I think that would be okay." you replied.

The whole audience stayed silent, gasping as Oli leaned in and captured your lips. That is, until Joe Sugg and the boys cheered from the back of the room "Yeah, Oli! Woooo!" and then the entire room joined in cheering.

"I've never had a panel end quite like that." The host added, joining in on the cheering.

You and Oli made your way back stage. "I'm so glad you showed up." Oli told you.

"Me too." you replied, leaning up to kiss Oli again.

You couldn't wait to log back into your tumblr and tell the story of your SITC adventure.

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