Step Lovers

By totallylarry

448K 14.6K 12.4K

When the person you love happens to be your step brother, life can get very complicated. • • • I wrote this w... More

Step Lovers
Step Lovers chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not an update!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Not an update
Chapter 31

Chapter 4

20.5K 665 90
By totallylarry

Dinner didn't turn out as bad as I thought we all sat at the table eating our dinner making small talk and enjoying the meal. After dinner Louis and I played FIFA and other video games and we actually bonded pretty well. Louis won most of the time, probably because he lives on his electronics.

Louis and I had exchanged numbers to keep in touch. I actually thought that maybe this whole moving in thing wouldn't be so bad.

We all said our goodbyes before I helped clean up the kitchen and heading to my room. When I got up to my room I checked my phone and saw that I had a text. It was from Louis.


"Hey had fun beating your arse at FIFA;)"


"Well I haven't played in a while so I'm still rusty..."


"Yeah ok whatever you say;)"


"I'm serious! Don't laugh I know your laughing!"

After that I got no reply back and I was tired so I plopped on my bed and went to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm screeching my ear out. I looked at the time 7:30. I sighed as I got up. I grabbed some close that I thought smelt clean and went to go take a shower.

I was in the shower for about 30 minuets. As I walked to my room I herd my phone buzz. I walked over to it and looked at the caller ID. It was Louis.

I opened it to see something I wasn't expecting.


"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hangout today? Drive around London maybe?"

To be honest I was a little nervous. What if I said something stupid and he hated me or then think I was a freak? No Harry you have to act normal. Just be yourself it will be ok.


"Sure pick me up in 10;)"

As I just finished getting dressed into my black tee and jeans I hear a honk on the door and figure that's my cue to leave. So I practically jump down the stairs so I don't keep Louis waiting long, I grab my keys, and head out to the car.

When I hope in on the passenger side I make quick eye contact with Louis and simply nod my head in hello. Louis nods back and then there is about 5 minuets of silence until Louis speaks up. "So where do you want to go first?" Louis says keeping his eyes on the road. I sit there and think until I realize the perfect place to go.

"The aquarium sounds fun!" I say with excitement jumping in my seat. I then see Louis looking at my with a raised eyebrow. "What?" I say with confusion. "The aquarium? Isn't that like little kids stuff?" He said slightly chuckling but still serious. He then takes a deep breath "Ooookay he says exaggerating the 'o'.

It takes about 5 minuets until we reach the aquarium. When I open the car door, the smell of fish and saltwater take over my senses. As we walk into the building you can hear kids, seals, people talking and some faint music in the background. "Innit great!" I say with a wide smile. Louis just look is around with no expression and agrees with sarcasm and boredness.

We first walk over to see some fish and then we move on to the penguins and watch them waddle around all cute like. The last thing we see are the seals. They were held in this big glass tube filled with water. There was a rope with a ball on the end hanging from the ceiling, a diving bored off the wall and also what looks like a sliding wall to glide across. Louis and I stood there watching them when suddenly a seal swam up to us and stopped there, staring at us. We looked at each other in surprise and then looked back at the seal and smiled. "Aw look how cute it is Louis! Can we stay for the show? Watch them do some tricks? Please!" I begged holding my hands in front of me. Thankfully Louis agrees and we head to a ticket booth to purchase our tickets. Once we get out tickets we find our seats and wait for the show to begin.

Once it starts there is a smaller lady with blonde hair that comes out and welcomes us to the show. She then introduces us to the seals and tells us what kinds of things they do. After that they are off and performing there tricks. They do flips, jump out of the water, balance balls on their nose and other cool tricks. About 20 minuets later the show is over and we decide to go somewhere else of Louis' choosing.

We get into the car and drive off. We are a ways down the road until I ask him where we are headed. "You'll see" he says at me then putting his eyes back on the road. It's client the rest of the way there until we pull up unground of a short long building that is black with neon colors on it. The sign on the front says 'Paintball Pistoles'. My eyes widen and the name paintball and I ask Louis what we are doing here. "We are going to play some paint-balling!" He says with a smirk on his face. "P-paintball? Oh-uh I don't do good with paint-balling...or any sport for that matter...I play some football (soccer incase any of you didn't know) but that's about it." I say bash fully. "Eh it's ok you'll still have fun don't worry." Louis says with a shrug which I take as a good thing.

When we walk in Louis offers to pay so I don't budge. We then go to a back room to get our equipment and head off to the arena. Before we start a tall big man goes over some rules and then we're off.

Each pair of 2 is a team so obviously Louis and I were a team. Louis did most of the shooting while I just hid to stay in the game for Louis sake. "C'mon Harry! I'm getting a crowd over here!" Louis shouted for my help. "But-but I don't know if I can do it! I just don't wanna let you down." I say nervously. Without taking his eyes off his opponents he shouts "You won't let me down Harry!" he jumps behind the barrels and crouches next to me. "You will never let me down" he looks at me and shyly smiles. soon though he looks away shaking his head. "Now all you have to do is aim at there lazier jackets and shoot at them until you see the lights on it turn red." I nodded in understanding feeling nervous. "Ready...GO!" He shouted and we both stood up shorting at people. At first I was a little scared but soon realized that it was easy and fun! the game went on for a little while until all of the sudden I was trapped in a corner with and opponent pointing their gun right at me. I panicked. Right as the lazier gun ran out Louis jumped in front of me and landed on the floor! As he hit the ground he shouted "shoot him Harry! Shoot him!" I did. And I got him. I lit up with excitement. "I did it! I did it! Louis..." I then melt down beside him. "Y-you risked winning for me. You took the shot...why?" I asked I was confused. " were doing so good, and it was your first I wanted you to do good. And besides, the round was almost over so I have up my winning so you could get the top score." Louis said as I helped him up.

"Well thanks...that really means a lot people call you Lou?" he nodded and shrugged "Yah some people call me Louis or Lou or sometimes Tommo or a bunch of other things like that."

By then we reached the car and we on our way back home to my house. It was silent until I broke it. " I had fun today Lou. Thanks for inviting me. I don't get out much...the only friend I really have is Niall." I said with my head down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Louis looking at me with a sympathetic look in his eyes. it was quiet again for about 2 minuets until I heard Louis talking. "Who's Niall?" He said as we pulled into my driveway. "He's the only friend I got...we became friends in the 7th grade. Since then we have been close. He's blonde with blue eyes and he really likes food. He's really crazy-oh and get this...he's Irish." I said with a crooked smile. "Really?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I amused facial expression. I nodded as I got out of the car.

"Well thanks again Louis I had a lot of fun today." I smiles at him on my door step. "I had fun to Hazza. Thanks for joining me." he said smiling back. We should there for about a minuets until we went our separate ways, him driving off in his car and myself going into my flat and up to my room.


Well there ya lovelies are! I hope you guys liked it! I tried to make it longer this time since the other ones have been so short...anyway...



(Shoutouts about my fic would be greatly appreciated!)



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