Forever Isn't A Long Time (A...

By TeenagexRunaway

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Riley Parker and Greyson Chance have been best friends since they were in diapers. They know everything about... More

Forever Isn't A Long Time (A Greyson Chance Story)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 20

1.3K 11 3
By TeenagexRunaway


“Riley, wake up. We’re about to leave to the airport! Get up!” Ash yelled, hitting me with a pillow. I fluttered my eyes open and look around. I was in the family room…CRAP! It wasn’t a dream! I cussed under my breath and trudged up the stairs. Everyone had their luggage ready but me. I walked into the guest room and changed into some jean shorts and a purple plaid shirt. I cursed once again as I slipped on Greyson’s converse since I didn’t have any other shoes.

I shoved everything into my suitcase and stomped out into the hallway. I bumped into somebody and I fell on my butt. I looked up and saw Greyson holding his portable keyboard. He leaned it against the wall and kneeled down beside me.

“I’m sorry Riley, I didn’t see you. Let me help you.” He said nervously. I glared at him and stood up; he squirmed under my stare and picked up his keyboard. I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs. Aunt Lisa, Ash, Jess, and Rocky were already in the van, waiting for Greyson and me to get in. I tossed my luggage into the back and sat in the front with Aunt Lisa. I could see through the rear view mirror Greyson dragging his keyboard into the trunk.

Once he saw me sitting in the front, he sighed and took a seat in the back of the van by himself. Everybody could feel the awkward tension between us and talked quietly amongst themselves. I listened to the radio. “Fix You” by Coldplay began to play, and since I knew it was Greyson’s favorite song, I changed the station. 

Aunt Lisa pulled into the airport, just as we were unloading our stuff; I got a call from my Mom.

“Hey Mom.” I answered, as Ashley handed me my suitcase.

“Hey Sweetie, are you at the airport yet?” She asked.

We began to enter the building and went straight to security, since all we had carry-on. “Yeah, we’re passing through security, so I’ll text before we start flying.”

“Okay, bye Riley-Bear, I love you.”

“Love you too Mom, see you later.” I said and hung up. We took off our shoes and anything that was metal. I walked through the metal detector and went to grab my shoes. Once we got our stuff ready, we headed over to our gate, but first we walked Rocky to her gate.

She sighed happily and looked at us, “Well, I guess this is it.” She smiled.

“Yeah, but don’t worry, we’ll see you soon.” Ashley told her. Rocky nodded her head and looked at me; she gave me a big hug. “Bye Riley.” She whispered.

“Bye, Rocky.”

“Flight 314 to New York, New York is now boarding.” The flight attendant said through the intercom. Rocky waved at us one last time and walked onto the plane. The rest of us scurried over to our plane, but Greyson stayed behind.

“Come on honey, we don’t want to be late.” Aunt Lisa told him and he walked a little bit faster. We sat at the gate, waiting for our plane to arrive. Greyson sat in the back, with his keyboard on his lap, and listening to music. I sat next to Jesse as she and Ashley fought over which was better; lip gloss or nail polish?

“Which is better Ri?” Ash asked.

“Yeah, which one, do you like more?” Jesse urged.

I shrugged my shoulder and smiled, “I don’t like nail polish.”

Jesse jumped from her seat and pointed to Ash, “HA-HA!!! IN YO FACE! I WIN!” She laughed. Ashley rolled her eyes playfully and giggled.

“Look, the planes here.” I heard Greyson whisper. Nobody heard him but me, so I turned around and saw the plane pulling into the gateway.

“Flight 519 to Edmond, Oklahoma is ready to board.” The attendant announced. I hopped onto my feet and gave her my ticket. I skipped happily through the gateway. I finally get to go home and see my Mom and Tyler! And, I get to see my Nana. I walked through the plane’s aisle and looked at the seat’s numbers.

One side has two seats together, and the other side had three seats together.

“Ashley and Jesse, your seats are right there. Grey and Ri, you sit with me.” Aunt Lisa smiled. My mouth hung open, are you serious!? Why do I have to sit next to Greyson?! I looked up at Aunt Lisa, expecting her to be joking, but she looked pretty serious. I muttered under my breath and slipped my carry-on in the compartment thingy. I was gonna take the seat at the end, but Aunt Lisa said she would sit there, so Grey and I could talk. Greyson shot daggers at his Mom because she was so oblivious of what was going on with Greyson and I. He took the window seat and I sat in the middle.

I turned to see Ash and Jesse giggling and talking. Blubber-butts…


As the plane began to soar into the sky, I heard a soft snore escape from my Mom. I sighed and rested my head on the cool window. I messed up big time. I completely ruined our friendship, she’s never gonna forgive me ever again. She hates me.

I steal a peek and look at Riley. She was listening to music on her iPod. I looked out the window and saw the Los Angeles down below. I’m kinda starting to wish I didn’t come back to Edmond, I have a feeling Riley doesn’t want me to be here either.

The flight attendant came by us while pushing a metal cart. “Hi there, would you like something to drink?” She asked me, since Riley and Mom weren’t listening.

“Yes Ma’am, I’ll have a Pepsi, and she’ll have a root beer.” I said, pointing to Riley. She eyed me coldly when I pointed to her. The attendant smiled and handed me our drinks, I brought down Riley’s tray and set her cup down. She shrugged and continued to listen to her music.

“Aww, she’s so cute! You guys look adorable together!” The attendant squealed. I felt myself blush and I shook my head.

“No, we’re not-“

“Bye!” She grinned and walked over to another passenger.  I groaned and took a sip of my Pepsi. I got out my blackberry and made sure it was turned off. Oh God, this is gonna be a very boring flight, I just know it. I have no one to talk to. I don’t know if you already know but, I’m kinda impatient and I need to be entertained by something at all times, unless I’ll start talking to myself or begin to get a bit nervous.

I looked outside the window again and I all I could see was white clouds all around. I hummed quietly to myself and tap my foot quickly. I caught Riley staring at my foot; she looked up at me and frowned.

“Can you stop, it’s bugging me.” She snapped. I stop immediately, I don’t want to make her anymore mad than she already is. I need to try my best to be her friend again. Ugh, why do I have to screw up everything?


I opened my eyes and smelled something sweet. Hmm, I guess I took a nap. The scent smelled like strawberries and oranges, yum! I felt something tickle my neck; I look down and saw Riley sleeping. She was resting her head in the crook of my neck. I breathed in the fruity scent and rested my head on hers, my eyes got heavy again and I went back to sleep…

“AWWWW! LOOK AT THEM!!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!” I heard somebody say. I blinked my eyes open and saw Ash and Jess looking at me. I gave them a weird look, but then I remembered why they were probably doing that. Riley was still sleeping. I didn’t know whether to wake her up or not. I tapped her shoulder a couple times before her eyes fluttered open, flashing her green eyes at me.

Her eyes widened and she stood up straight quickly. A small blush rose to her cheeks and her eyebrows were furrowed.

“Are we there yet?” Riley asked to no one in particular.

“Yeah, we just landed. We’re about to go through the gate.” I answered. She glared at me and turned around to talk to Ash and Jess. I let out a quiet sigh and slumped back into my seat, waiting to get off this stupid plane.

Once we got off, my Mom warned me to stay close and avoid paparazzi. I slid on my sunglasses and pulled on my hood. Jesse, Riley, and Ashley giggled to themselves, talking about seeing their boyfriends again. I frowned at the thought of Riley having a boyfriend. I think I’m perfect for her, I can’t believe she’s dating that jerk. I absolutely hate him. After over-hearing Riley tell Jesse about her fight with Gregg, I think she should break up with him.

“C’mon Greyson, it’s time to go.” Mom said, waving me along. I slung my keyboard case over my shoulder and trudged behind. The girls were ahead of us, walking towards a blue van. It seemed so familiar for some reason.

“Momma!” Riley shouted happily. Aunt Sarah appeared and gave Riley a big hug. She cried tears of joy.

“Oh, I’ve missed you so much. How was your trip?” She asked.

Riley put on a fake smile and shrugged, “It was fine. How’s Nana doing?” She questioned, starting to get nervous. Aunt Sarah frowned and shook her head.

“She not doing well Ri, she’s not responding to the treatments the doctors are giving her.” She said. Riley’s eyes began to water and she sniffled. Jesse and Ash crowded around her and comforted her. Aunt Sarah saw my Mom and I and smile.

“Lisa, Greyson, thanks so much for taking care of the girls. How have you been, I haven’t see you for two years.” Aunt Sarah exclaimed.

“It wasn’t a problem; we had a great time with the girls. Isn’t that right, Grey?” Mom nudged me, smirking. I gave her a small smile and shrugged.

“Oh look at you Greyson, you’re all grown up! You got taller!” Aunt Sarah grinned.

“I’m 5’4.” I stated proudly. “I grew an inch over the month.”

“He’s still short.” I heard Riley mutter. Mom and Aunt Lisa didn’t hear her and continued to catch up on what happened with each other. I headed over to the van and gently pushed my keyboard into the trunk of the van. I slid into the very back of the van and slipped off my sunglasses. I shoved on my ear buds and rested my chin on the window.

The girls were still talking. I watched Riley’s movements as she laughed along to something Jesse said. Her dark brown curly hair bounced up and down and she bobbed her head in laughter. Her tiny, pink, plump lips curled into a grin, showing off her pearly white, teeth.

My heart broke more and more, knowing that I couldn’t have her. She wasn’t mine, she belong to Gregg. I growled absent-mindedly as I thought of him. Jealously gnawed at my stomach as I imagined them being together. It’s not fair, I know her better than anyone, and she chose to be with some other guy. I watched as they made their way to the car and sat in the row in front of me. Riley glanced at me real quick and I gave her a smile. She didn’t seem to notice and climbed to the front of the car.

She hopped onto the passenger seat and played with the knobs on the stereo. “Sexy and I Know It” began to play by LMFAO.

“I can’t wait to see Colton! I missed him!” Jesse squealed.

“You’re going out with Colton?” I asked.

“Duh! Haven’t you been listening!?” Riley snapped. I shrunk back into my seat and stayed silent. Now I really wished I didn’t come back to Edmond.


After we dropped off Ashley and Jesse at their house, we drove back to Riley’s house. Aunt Sarah pulled into the driveway and Riley hopped out and ran off into the house. I stood there awkwardly, clutching onto my keyboard.

“Go on Grey, Riley’s probably in her room.” Aunt Sarah urged, nudging me into the house. I set my keyboard down and looked around. The house hasn’t changed much. The kitchen and the family was the same. It was quieter since Tyler left to go to college, and brought his drums with him. I walked slowly up the steps and studied the pictures hanging on the wall.

Riley and Uncle Mark were at the beach, smiling. Riley was on his shoulders, holding a sea shell in her hand. The next picture was at Riley’s dance recital, I remember because I was there. She was in her tutu with Tyler, Alexa, and Tanner. Hmm, I thought I was in this picture… Then I realized the picture was cut off, taking me out of the picture.

My heart sunk a little as I continued to walk up the stairs. The last picture was Riley at the hospital with her Dad. He had a weak smile and was lying down on the bed. Riley’s smile was sad and her eyes were soulless. She sat at the edge of the hospital bed as the picture was taken.

I walked down the hall and found Riley’s door. I took a deep breath before I knocked. I haven’t been in her room since we were twelve. I raised my hand hesitantly and knocked slowly.

“Come in.”

I turned the door knob and opened it. Her room changed a lot. Her walls were still purple, but were covered with posters and pictures. She still had her Elvis collection, but they were huddled in the corner by her dresser. She got a queen sized bed with a black and white comforter. Her back was facing me as she held something. I stepped forward and cleared my throat.

She turned her head, “Oh, it’s you.” She sneered.

“Uh, yeah, you’re Mom said it was okay to come in your room.” I explained.

“Well, it’s not okay with me.” She spat. “Get out of my room!”

“Riley Taylor Knight, what has gotten into you?! Don’t treat Greyson like that, he’s your guest!” I heard Aunt Sarah scold from behind me.

“But Mom, he-“

“No ‘buts’ young lady, you better be nice because he’s sleeping in your room for a week. And because you guys known each other since you were in diapers, I trust you guys with no funny business.” She told Riley. Her eyes widen and she shook her head furiously.

“No, why can’t he stay in Tyler’s old room?!” She whined.

“Because Lisa is staying there.”

I felt really bad that Riley didn’t want me here. She was already mad enough; I don’t want her to hate me forever. I set my suitcase on the floor and stood there. Aunt Sarah already left. She changed a lot; she had a frown on her face instead of a toothy grin. Instead of wearing bright, glamorous clothes she wore a pair of sweats and a black T-shirt. I guess Uncle Mark’s death affected her really bad.

“You’re not sleeping here.” Riley growled.


“You’re sleeping on the floor.” She pointed to the other side of the room. “I don’t want you anywhere near me while you’re here. Do you understand me? I regret everything I’ve done with you.” She said coldly, staring me right in the eyes. She sent daggers into my heart as she sauntered out the door, leaving me all by myself.

Her phone beeped, I peeked over and it read “Gregg”. I know what I was about to do was wrong, but I still did it. I unlocked her iPhone and read the text.

Gregg- I can’t wait to see to see you too. I’m sorry about our little fight a couple weeks ago, I was just sad that you weren’t here. Maybe we can go to the creek on Friday and have some fun ;) what do you say, eh?

Either I jump to conclusions or I have a perverted, but what does he mean by “have some fun”? That little butter-berry better not touch Riley, or I swear I’ll beat his butt.

I want her to be mine, all mine.


Oooooooh, Greyson’s getting a little jealous, eh? Don’t stop reading; I got a lot of tricks up my sleeve, and a whole lot of drama. What do you think about Gregg, what kinda of ‘fun’ does he wanna have? Hahaha, well the only way to found out is to keep reading.

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