Swing Dancing

By StarChild2

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Aaliyah Williams is just a normal girl in the 50’s. She tries to get good grades, respect her elders and make... More

Swing Dancing
Chapter One: School's Out
Chapter Two: Oddly Familiar
Chapter Three: Forbidden
Chapter Four: Dullness and a Secret Friendship
Chapter Five: A Bash with Punishment
Chapter Six: Aaliyah, The Cigarette Debator
Author's Note: My Explanation
Chapter Seven: Stand Up


532 32 20
By StarChild2

Author's Note: Here it is the prologue. Hope you all enjoy! :) Oh and this is dedicated to karinakilber for making my over for me! :)

May 10th, 1951

Aaliyah POV:

It was warm in the house as I sat listening to my Grandmomma telling us the story of her life s a slave. It sounded very brutal, makes me appreciate my freedpm as a black person.

"And then I was free, eventually marrying your pawpaw and I had three children." Grandmomma told us.

I was feeling sad for what she went through. Being enslaved and beaten just for being black? Now that's just not fair at all. I may be young but I know what right and what's wrong.

"That must've been horrible having a life like that." I spoke. Grandmomma sighed at me sadly, "Yes it was but I told you all this story so you can know how us blacks lives were like before we had freedom." She answered me, looking at all of us. I turened too look at my siblings. My brother Elijah looked heated. While Lucinda my sister looked so sad she was to the point of shedding tears. She siffled and wiped her face. Grandmomma opened her mouth to say something else before we heard a knock at the door. "That must be y'all mama." She spoke, standing to her feet and went over to answer the door. She opened the door once she reached it. Grandmomma let someone in. It was in fact my mama.

I stood up and so did my brother and sister.I gave Grandmomma a goodbye hug, "Bye I love you." I muttered before leaving. When me, my siblings and mama reached outside we got into the car. Me and my siblings were in the back.

When we got home I went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Daddy was watching something on the tv. It was Martin Luther King Jr. on tv. I looked at him. "Daddy?" I asked. "Yes baby girl?" he answered. "Why do white people treat us differently?" I asked. Daddy sighed, "That's a mighty tough question. "Well, to put it plain and simple they think they're better than us." He replied. I furrowed my brow and nodded, before I went to my room and sat down,. My room wasn't entirely small but it has enough space where I could move. There was a mirror next to the bed and a dresser against the wall. I stood up and looked in the mirror. I had a caramel brown complexion and my hair was big and kinky. My eyes were a deep brown as well. I didn't think myself as pretty, but not as ugly. To be clear in my opinion I'm just a average girl. No Marilyn Monroe here. Then my eyes diverted to my locket that my Mama got me for my birthday the weekend before. It was a silver locket with a picture of me and my family. It was my most prized possession. I know it's only a locket but it's the most nicest thing I have ever owned. Grabbing the necklace, I put it on.


It was Friday afternoon and the weather felt mucky and humid. It was normal weather here in the south. I've been living in South Carolina all my life, which is a full twelve years of my life. But I do wish to leave here someday and get a good job, maybe a singer or an vet. Maybe even a photographer. My legs swing slightly as I hummed a song in my head. This was a place that I went to often. It was my secret place. I got upon my feet as I walked back home, the mucky weather making me sweat. As I left my secret place and into town I noticed some white kids a couple distances away from where I was walking.

I tucked a small strand of hair behind my ear. "Hey look what we got here, a nigger girl." A boy with brown hair spoke. I narrowed my eyes, "Excuse me?" I spoke. The boys looked to be a few years older than me. "Oh this looks to be a tough one here." One of the boys laughed. I rolled my eyes, "You ain't worth my time." I told them and walked away my mood changing for the worse.

I wonder if things will ever change if blacks will be treated equally the same as whites. I'm just tired of being called "nigger" by white folks. I just can't stand it. I just hope that something changes someday. As I got consumed with my own thoughts I bumped into someone and as a result I tripped and fell on the concrete ground.

"Hey why don't you watch where you going would ya?" The person said in annoyance. I raised my head from tbe ground. Me and a white boy were on the ground. "Sorry, wasn't paying attention." I explained and stood up. The boy stood up as well. He had a toothpick in his mouth "Hmm." He spoke, glancing at me, before shooting me a grin. "It's nobody's fault dolly." He spoke. I looked at him, the boy had raven black hair with icy blue eyes. His skin was a peachy color. "Um well sorry again and bye." I spoke softly and started to walk away.

"Hey wait up!" he yelled and ran over to me. I glanced at him in wonder. "I would just like to say that you are mighty pretty dolly ." He spoke, winking at me. I was taken by surprised by the compliment. "Thanks..I guess." I said and continued my walk home. That boy sure was a flirt that's for sure. I was at home soon enough and sat in my room. I sighed and laid on my bed, closing my eyes.

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