My Protective Mate (Louis Tom...

By cliche_

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Noah finds out her mate is Louis Tomlinson, the alphas son. More

My Protective Mate (Louis Tomlinson)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
I'm Back...
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

980 27 13
By cliche_

This is the first time that I actually sat down and wrote for this story in years. It'll take me a while to get used to the swing of things, so I'm sorry if the story seems a little off to you.


I fiddle with the bandage on my wrist, the white linen carefully covering the branded mark of the Crescent Moon pack. Just the name itself causes shivers to venture down my spine. The fact that they particularly sent someone to hunt me down makes it ten times worse.

William, the alpha, sits quietly at his desk, his large fists intertwined with one another as he listens to my information. I was ordered to his office the moment I woke up, the morning right after I was attacked. I've been out of it ever since the hectic events that took place at the mall.

William clears his throat and fiddles with the ring on his finger as he continues to interrogate me.

"So the man was wearing a hood that covered most of his face, correct?" He waits for my reassuring nod before asking more questions. "What of him do you remember appearance wise?"

"Um... What I could see was light brown, almost golden eyes. His hair was dark too, and he was probably around six feet tall or so. That's all I can remember before things got fuzzy."

"Alright," He says, his voice monotone. "Based on the information that was gathered, he's definitely a member of the Crescent Moon pack. Unfortunately, we can't cross their territory right now. The tension is too high, and the boundary is guarded by members of both their pack and ours."

"Okay," I mumble softly. I rub my stomach where the bruises lay and wince a little bit.

"I will make sure that nothing will happen to you, Noah," William says sternly. "Especially since you're my son's mate, and the future Luna."

My lips form a small smile. I'm relieved that Louis' father was so accepting of me despite my lack of strength. I definitely need to be physically trained more before any type of ceremony begins.

The alpha lets me go, and I give him a firm handshake before exiting his office. My first instinct is to go find Louis, but he went back to the mall earlier this morning to try and find some sort of evidence at the scene, much to my dismay.

I venture down the hallway a bit, looking down the railings of the hall to view the first floor. My strong sense of hearing allows me to tune in to the sound of laughter located downstairs, particularly the booming one from Kara that could probably be heard a mile away. Shaking my head, I throw my feet over the railing, my pale toes dangling from the third floor balcony.

Like any sane person would do, I release the bars and throw myself off the ledge.

I'm probably the only pack member to do this, even though everyone probably has the capability to do the same thing.

I land gracefully on my toes and blow the whips of hair out of my face. For a moment I smirk, but then the sound of female voices causes my digression. Two teenage pack members whom I never speak to walk up to me with not so genuine smiles. I mentally prepare myself to hold back from lashing out on them.

"Hello, mate of Louis," the blonde cringes at the word mate. Hello dumb bítch. 

I smile. "This mate of Louis has a name."

"Yeah, we don't care," she sneers, rolling her eyes. The red headed girl nods in agreement despite looking vacant. "I'm just going to tell you now that almost all the mateless girls hate your guts right now."

More like the mateless sluts.

"While that may be generalizing the population of the single wolves in the pack, I find that not too hard to believe," I say casually, folding my arms over my chest.

Blondie stares for a moment as if she couldn't comprehend what I was telling her. Then her cat like eyes narrow into slits. "I just thought I'd be a nice person and let you know. And I'm sure Louis will get tired of you anyway. I mean, just look at you."

I flinch at her statement, and I know she notices this. Her red head sidekick desides to join in. "No boobs, too small, innocent face. You're probably the most underdeveloped, bland girl in this house. I give Lou a few weeks before he needs some attention from someone who's not a prude virgin."

"Besides," she continues, "You're not even Louis' type. He's a bad boy. He goes to clubs and drinks, and he owns a motorcycle! He likes sexy, not childish."

Oh hell no.

"Excuse me," I take a step towards her, and she lets out a squeal. "First of all, you did not just call my mate Lou. I can call him that, but you can't. Second of all, I'm his mate, and he gladly accepted me. You both can just leave me and him alone. And lastly, who needs boobs when you have a perfect butt?"

On that statement, I spin around on my heels and storm off, leaving their cold glares in my dust.

I will never admit that their words got to me.

Walking into one of several family rooms, I see Kara and Harry seated on opposite couches watching... Bad Moms. A scene comes on where the three mothers drunkenly disturb a grocery store, and the two of them start howling with laughter. What the heck is going on. 

"Why am I not surprised that you two are watching Bad Moms," I snort as I take a seat next to Kara. 

It takes a moment for my best friend to calm down before responding. "Hey Noah! You just missed the best part!"

"I watched this two other times with you, ya dingus," I say with a laugh. I glance over at Harry, who is now looking over at us.

"How are you feeling today, Noah?" he asks seeming genuinely concerned. For a moment I wonder how the heck he knew something was up, but then I remember that he's best friends with Louis.

"I'm okay."

"Great!" he gives a goofy smile. "Louis texted me and said he's on his way back now."

I raise an eyebrow at him before pulling out my phone because I knew Louis has been trying to talk to me non stop since the incident, and it seems weird how he told Harry before me. Peering down at my phone, I see a few texts from Louis.

Lou: how are you feeling? Is everything okay?

Lou: I'm heading back now, just let me know where you're at so I can meet you. Stay safe x

I quickly respond and assure him that I'm fine, and I tell him that I'm with Harry and Kara. Part of me feels a burst of happiness when I read the concerned texts messages, but the rest of my mind ventures back to what those two girls said to me just a few moments ago.

I'm really not Louis' type, at least, based on my own observations. For one, I'm barely sixteen while he's a maturing adult. I'm sure he's been with other girls with womanly curves who know how to have a good time. Meanwhile, my best friend is watching a mom movie with a complete dork who is currently choking on potato chips.

"Oh shít," Kara sits up with worried eyes as Harry coughs up a chip, his face red from lack of oxygen. I face palm as I witness my idiot hit Louis' idiot on the back multiple times. "Are you okay, dude?"

"P-Peachy," he croaks between violent coughs.

Point proven.

After about five minutes pass of Kara literally flipping her shít over the chip incident, the three of us manage to sit down and start a game of charades. I bet you can imagine how this is going down. I don't even want to describe Harry trying to act out a chicken.

"Walrus!" Kara throws out another random animal into the bunch, and I honestly just want Louis to come here and take me away from this mess. Still, the two curly headed cuties continue the show.

Harry flaps his 'wings' again, violently throwing his head back and forth. Unfortunately, the rules of the game refuse any type of noise for hints, so he's just silently bobbing around the living room.

"Penguin!" Kara stands up, apparently way to engrossed in the game. "Python! Parakeet!"

"An idiot!" I call out, earning a death stare from Harry. I just give him an innocent smile, shrugging.

"Guys," my ears perk up whenever I hear Louis' melodious voice enter the premises. Like the love stuck pup I am, my eyes melt at the sight of my mate as he enters the room. My eyes trail up his slightly panting body, most likely from checking the whole mall for any sign of an answer. When my eyes reach his, however, they are not filled with the same mushy emotion that mine are. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

"What the actual fùck is going on here?" He says with a confused, yet amused tone. "Why is Harry pretending to be a cock?"

"He doesn't have to pretend," I mumble in response, earning a harsher glare from Harry.

Kara's loud screech causes all this hysteria to stop abruptly. I cover my ears in anticipation, and Kara blurts out, "Chicken! You're a chicken! It was on the tip of my tongue, I swear!"

"You're literally the worst person to play charades with," Harry groans, running a large hand through his mop of curls. I notice Kara give him a quick glance over, and a smirk slowly forms across my face as I watch it happen.

"You just suck as being a cock," Kara retorts, rolling her eyes.

"I suck what now?!"

Their bickering continues, and Louis and I just shake our heads at the two of them.

I'm about to make my way towards Louis, but a sudden shark pain causes my motion to cease. A strong burning sensation courses through my veins, but the real flames erupt at my wrist. More specifically, right above the now glowing crescent moon symbol engraved into my skin. I suck in a breath and squeeze my eyes shut, stumbling back a bit as the pain takes over.

But the excruciating eternity only lasted about three seconds in the real world, as my eyes peer around to see that everyone is too engrossed to have even seen what just happened to me. Even Louis isn't looking at me with his concerned gaze. In fact, he's just staring intently on Kara and Harry, as if in deep thought.

There is definitely something up if he is actually too distracted to even notice my pain.

For some reason, I feel the need to keep what just happened to me a secret.

After all, it isn't the only secret in this pack house, apparently.

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