Infinity (Harry Styles Fanfic...

By BodieLover

46 4 1

“There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them. Sometimes they gust with the fury of a hurri... More

Chapter Two: The Girl with Fiery Red Hair

Chapter One: Lonely

42 3 1
By BodieLover

Photo on the side of what the boys look like in the timeperiod of this story! =)


The cool breeze blows onto my face causing me to clench onto my jacket even tighter. A bright light flashes before my eyes, promoting me to go blind for a split second, before another spark goes off. I try to maneuver away from the source of light, but it just keeps following me as I turn the corner!

"Smile Harry!" The skinny man with the camera smirks; his small frame moving closer and closer to me as I close my eyes to escape the burning sensation. I start to get claustrophobic as my back hits a wall, before I even realize what I'm doing my anger gets the best of me and I hit his camera to the side. It goes flying to the left and hits the ground with a crack. "You son of a bitch!" He yells while going to cradle his precious camera. I just roll my eyes as a push myself from the cool brick and start walking away from the scene.

"Never do that again or I will press charges." I warn, my body shaking as my anger spreads like venom through my veins. I shake my head before continuing my walk to the bar. They say being famous is supposed to make you feel exhilarating, beautiful, purely wanted by others, but in reality it slowly devours you until you have nothing left. I have given my fans everything, my life, my family, my time, and yet they are still not satisfied!

I push the heavy doors open with so much force the hinges almost break loose, but nobody dares to look my way for they think its ok because I'm a celebrity, I'm not on there level. Yet I am on there level, being famous makes people so oblivious to your actions that they don't even care what you do. Sometimes I just wish people would treat me like a normal person instead of something I'm not! My fists clench to my sides as I close my eyes and take in deep breath. Inhaling the cool air, and exhaling the frustration.

Moving to the bar I spot a girl with dirty blond hair and a short red dress eyeing me from the corner, but I ignore her as I make my way to the only thing that can calm down from these situations, a drink. With a flick from my wrist the bartender immediately starts walking my way, completely ignoring the guy a couple seats before me with an empty glass.

"Can I get you anything?" she giggles, her American accent a squeak to my ears. The corners of my right eye and mouth almost twitch at how unpleasant her voice sounds.

I force a smile, "two shots, please."

She grins widely as her shoulders come up with the curve of her lips, the action reminding me of a small child. I sigh once she makes her way to the liquor area to create my drinks. I shrug my jacket off noticing that my skin has heartened up from the cold December atmosphere. Outside is coated with a thin layer of snow from the freezing temperature in New York City. My gaze lingers to the bright city for a few more seconds before I hear two glasses hit the table behind me.

"Thanks babe," I respond to the woman and her tan cheeks blush crimson before she quickly nods and walks away. I smirk after her before taking one of the small glasses and draining it of the scorching liquid. I close my eyes and relinquish in the sensation as it slowly burns down my throat. I lick my lips before taking the next shot and doing the same.

I am so consumed by my drinking that I don't even detect the woman from the corner sitting by my side. I decide to ignore her and order more alcohol. I extract the next two shots rapidly and slam the glass on the counter. My brain slightly cloudy from the liquor I smirk at the woman. Her sapphire eyes boar into mine and I want to roll my eyes at how every woman I meet all have big blue eyes and blonde locks.

"Come to drink?" I ask her while sipping a glass of tequila. Drinking was my guilty pleasure, nobody in the band drank like I do, and I usually held back around the boys so they didn't get to concerned about my well being.

"Yes," she answers her voice a little husky and when I look over she is biting her lower lip with a devilish smile on her face, "but not alcohol." She smirks and I chuckle at her effortless comment on trying to get into my pants. Woman these days don't really have the decency they should, but who am I to judge?

With my mind going fuzzy from all the drinking I slap some amount of money onto the bar before taking her by the hand and darting to get a taxi. A few flashes blind my vision before we get into the cab, but I keep the thought to myself, knowing that it will come back to bit me in the ass later.

When we reach our destination I quickly pay the driver before getting out of the car and heading up to my bedroom. Prior to even reaching the door I am pushed back up against the wall with her lips devouring my mouth. My whole body burns like fire from the feeling of her tout body against mine I barley manage to kick the door open before caring her to my room and throwing her on top of my bed...


The bright morning sunlight hits my eyes as I groan and reach for the pillow, but abruptly stop when I feel a soft texture rub against my hands. My eyes shoot open to reveal the same girl from the bar last night, her naked body scarcely covered by the crisp white sheets, and her dirty blonde hair scattered across the fluffy pillow.

With my vision now freed form the alcohol I examine her features: tiny nose, large eyes, big breast, huge lips, and her excessively make-up covered face. She was by far from beautiful; to be exact she looked more like a hooker then anything else.

I close my eyes to try and escape this horrible nightmare. This was the fifth woman I have slept with and no mater how much I drink, or have sex there is still this emptiness that is consuming me from the inside out. I sigh before getting out of bed to get ready for the day. Even though we are staying in New York for two weeks we still have to work; therefore more interviews I have to attend.

The hot water hits my back perfectly as I stand in the shower and enjoy the relaxing sensation. My mood changes to quickly when I hear the door squeak. Not only did I sleep with the woman, but did she really have to come in here and take over my bathroom as well? I hear someone steadily breathing and wonder why she isn't talking to me, I mean the least she can do is give me a warning of some kind!

"Harry Styles?" oh shit, that wasn't a woman's voice! That voice was low and intimidating, that voice was Paul's...

I quickly turn off the water, the steam from the atmosphere suddenly suffocating me! I know that Paul wouldn't physically hurt me, but this was the first time he has actually seen a woman in my bed and boy did he sound pissed.

"W-what?" I swallow; my voice coming out more weak and feeble then I wanted it to.

"Who is that woman in your bed?" He practically growls and I squeeze my eyes shut at the rumble. I feel like a child as I shake from his words.

Quickly I grab my towel and wrap it around waist before stepping out to face him. I might be a chicken for scaring so easily, but I'm not a coward, and if I am going to tell him the truth then he deserves to know while looking at me. "I met her at a bar late last night, I kind of got drunk and brought her back with me." I affirm my eyes never leaving his. His green orbs seem to engross all that I have said as they flash darker before he squints.

"Come with me." he huffs before abruptly turning around and walking out of my room. I tentatively follow him out to the main living room of our condo and recognize all four boys sitting on the couch as my band mates. I've been trying to ignore them since my outburst with Liam. I told him he should dump his girlfriend's ass because she is a freakin slut. I was only declaring the truth but he got offended and almost cried.

"Replay the news." Paul's voice brings me back to reality and I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion, why did they want me to watch the news?

Zayn presses play, "Big news is taking place in New York with the famous Harry Styles from One Direction! Last night we got his anonymous photo of him yelling and throwing punches at this innocent man with a camera!" Sure enough my face was on the large screen and I look pissed as hell!

"Yeah right the guy practically raped me, I could press charges on his sorry a-

But I'm cut off when Paul shushes me.

The next picture is of me and the girl leaving the bar and I swallow, my throat feeling dry. "Later that night news reporters saw Harry leaving this bar with this unknown woman! Could he have a secret lover, or is he just going lunatic? Tell us what you think o-

And then the channel cuts off and all eyes are on me. "What? It's not my fault that the guy was getting all up in my face, and I was drunk!" I protest against my actions but I know what I have done is wrong and fans and other musicians are going to take things the wrong way.

"We have to fix this!" Liam pronounces from his seat on the couch. I nod in agreement as I settle myself down in between him and Zayn. The cushion curves in as my butt hits the plush surface and I loosen up, getting comfortable as I prop my feet up on the coffee table.

"But how?" I ask and everyone goes silent as we all ponder on the situation. I must say that this one is tough to figure out, not only did I mess up with the photographer but I also was seen going home with a woman that looks like a complete whore and I know my mother will by calling me soon if she spots any of the photos.

"I got it," Liam starts his big brown eyes growing even larger as an idea hits his head. He brushes some of his hair back before continuing, "All you have to do is tweet something apologetic, or say that the photos were parade wrong and you got fans supporting you once again!"

I think it over and smile at the idea, although I haven't been on Twitter in a while considering that there has been nothing very exciting to post. I swiftly grab the laptop from the dark wooden stained coffee table and open the screen to the internet. Once I open up Twitter my rapid fingers stop as I consider what to type. "What should I say?" I question and I see Niall shrug. The blonde haired boy looks exhausted as his usually vibrant blue eyes shine duller then normal.

"Just put some sympathetic apology?" he offers shrugging a shoulder. I nod my head in approval and wiggle in my seat before setting my fingers on the keys, but once again my mind comes up empty.

"What if I'm not sorry?" I ask, being blunt as I look at the blue and white screen, avoiding the disapproving glances that come my way. The truth is that I'm not very sorry for my actions, I was being a bad influence, yes, but I don't feel guilty about what I did.

"You're not sorry for sleeping with a woman you didn't know?" Zayn questions, sounding completely baffled by my honestly. Oh, that's right; the guy is getting married soon. I look over at the finger his ring will be on and frown at the depressing thought of being wedded. I know marriage is supposed to by the most exciting day of your life, but why be eternally with someone at such a young age?

"Not all of us are tying the knot, Zayn." I comment while rolling my eyes. And then I feel it, slow and deadly the tension is back, intoxicating the atmosphere as everyone goes rigid with uneasiness.

"Why are you being such a jerk?" Louis's voice comes out of nowhere and it sounds harsh, venom laced with every syllable.

"I'm being the jerk?" I question my eyebrows raised as I get up from my seat while pointing my hand to my chest. "How can you live with paparazzi always there, always one step ahead, always freakin in your face?! You guys may be used to it by now but when you're having a really bad day and then they just show up out of nowhere it gets me pretty pissed off!" I yell the anger circulating through me like sparks of electricity. I hastily make my way back to my bedroom, but before I turn the corner I hear Liam's voice.

"You know the Harry I knew was compassionate, sweet, and always put others before himself, this Harry is just plain ugly." I scuff at the comment, another spark jolting through my body before I disappear around the corner and into my bedroom. 

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