You And I [Harry Styles]

By JadexStyles20

17K 403 42

An Average girl named, Danae Laura Bennett. Who lives her life normally. She has a Boyfriend who are alw... More

You And I
Chapter 1: Just Moved In
Chapter 3: Phone Loss & Hotel
Chapter 4: Hanging Out With Them
Chapter 5: Hang Out
Chapter 6: Boyfriend Alert
Chapter 7: Are We Friends Or Are We More?
Chapter 8: Shopping & Dinner
Chapter 9: Spotting Dusty
Chapter 10: Love Drunk
Chapter 11: Let's Clear It Up
Chapter 12: Feelings Show
Chapter 13: That Supermodel
Chapter 14: Her Flaws
Chapter 15: First Date
Chapter 16: At The End Of The Day
Chapter 17: Famley Problem
Chapter 18: That Scene
Chapter 19: Ken's House
Chapter 20: Composition
Chapter 21: Gentle Persuasion
Chapter 22: Going Nowhere
Chapter 23: Motor Ride
Chapter 24: The Way We Live
Chapter 25: Airport and That
Chapter 26: Now and Then
Chapter 27: Reminiscing
Chapter 28: Arrived
Chapter 29: The Creeps
Chapter 30: Tryna Be Okay
Chapter 31: Real Truth And Ceremony
Chapter 32: Hotel-Scenery
Chapter 33: New Change
Chapter 34: London's Eye
Chapter 35: Strange
Chapter 36: Confusing Act
Chapter 37: Deny Deny Deny
Chapter 38: Misinterpret
Chapter 39: Reveal
Chapter 40: Why?
Chapter 41: Flashbacks And Opinion
Chapter 42: Beautiful Disaster
Chapter 43: The Louis-Tragedy
Chapter 44: Time
Chapter 45: Forgive and Letting Go
Chapter 46: Night Before The Day
Chapter 47: The Wedding
Chapter 48: Everything Has Changed
Chapter 49: Nothing Can Come Between (Last Chapter)
Author's Note

Chapter 2: Coffee And Albums

544 15 1
By JadexStyles20

^Coffee and Albums^

Monday Morning.

      My most hated day. I wish I could just skip monday. Well Mikee left the apartment earlier. She got an interview for her work.

I was on my simple white shirt since I still didn't have my uniform. My fitted jeans was tucked in my high cut black converse. Putting my coat on my body to keep me warm. I put my Burgundy hair into a messy bun. As I put my light make up for today. Slinging my long shoulder bag on my shoulder. I lock the door and proceeded to walk to the Album Store where I'm working. That's the first work I can go on to. Since I just graduated. I need more experience.

I arrived at Starbucks. Because I didn't eat my breakfast yet. Maybe coffee will do. I walk in the store and I smell the amazing scent of coffee that i've been waiting for my whole life. The store has less customers since it's still morning. Two ladies was laughing at the side table right beside the counter. That's the only customer I can see. I walk to the counter. A lady at my age was smiling at me. Name's Karla base on her nametag.

"Good Morning Miss. What can I get you?" She gladly greeted. Smiling to me.

Without looking on the menu. I answered back. "Caramel Frappuccino please" I smiled back.

"Your name miss?" Karla asked.

"Danae" I smiled again. And she wrote my name on the cup she just got under the counter. I waited for seconds as my coffee was actually at my front. I put £10 on the counter. "Keep the change" I smiled at her. She's very sweet to me. So I grab my coffee and start walking to the exit.

I open the lid and smell the scent of coffee and it was heaven. I started drinking it until some guy bump me and spill the coffee on my shirt. I fell down. The coffee was still on my white shirt.

"I'm very sorry Miss." A strong british accent said. Before he could do anything else. I stood up and drag him to a black range rover Which is I know that it's his car.

"Open it!" I told him with gritted teeth. As he raised his hands in a surrender style and click the button that make the car open. I immediately go in the passenger seat and locked the car. The guy sits on the driver's seat.

"Look at what you've done! You actually spill coffee on my white shirt!" I almost shouted while trying to wipe the coffee spill on my shirt even tho I know it won't.

"I said I'm sorry." He said.

I turn around and he takes off his shades. I know this face. It's Harry? From One Direction? But I didn't lay my attention to who he is. I just saw this white shirt he's wearing. And I got something in my mind.

"Take off your shirt" I ordered. Him, looking a bit puzzled.

"Don't you know who I am?" He asked with his eyebrow up.

"Harry Styles from 1D. Now give me your shirt!" I still shouted.

"Aren't you gonna?" His sentence was unfinished.

"Fangirl? No. Freak Out? Definitely No. Now give me your shirt i don't want to be late for work." I said a bit impatient. And he just won't move. He was like staring at me blankly.

I have no choice then. I take off his shirt off of him. And gladly he didn't complain or what. I don't know why either. I didn't freak out. Maybe because he is not Zayn? Oh okay. I just didn't freak out. Really.

And after taking off his shirt. Tattoos from his body was exposing from his skin. I immediately took off my coat and shirt. Leaving my black lace bra on sight. I know his pair green eyes was on me, But I don't care. I need to change quick. So I slip his shirt on my body. Folding the hem of it inside my jeans to make it look stylish. I can smell his cologne tho. Then I fix my hair again. Looking at him, He was staring with wide eyes.

"Wow. Thanks for the show." He said while shaking his head slowly.

"Don't even think about it" I hissed at him. As I finished my messy bun.

"You know? A lot of girls would tell me their name first, before taking off her clothes in front of me." He cheekily smirk. A flirty smirk.

I just roll my eyes and get my bag. Unlock the door and started walking away. Autographs and Photos with a celebrity aren't on my mind today. Really Danae? but yeah I will let that chance flew away than Mr.Hopkins fired me on work.

I can still hear Harry, "Hey Lady! What's your name?!" But I didn't mind to look back at all. Don't have time to flirt with him.


"Good Evening sir! How can I help you?" I fake smiled wide to this guy at around 50's if I'm not mistaken.

"The Cure album please?" He ordered.

I nodded in response and I put the album in this plastic bag i'm holding. And I gladly lend it to him.

"£13 sir." I smiled. And he put £13 on the counter and leave the place. While these two guys who's wearing a hoodie just came in the store. A breeze wind flew to me as they push the glass door opened. They were looking down. My heart beats fast as they walked in closer.

"McFly's new album." A guy with a green hoodie said. Joining his american accent.

"The latest sir?" I said clamly. Trying to hide my nervousness.

"yes please?" He still said. But they won't look at me. They're staring at the floor. Like really Danae? are you on the floor?

I get his order and Gently give it to him. "That was £15 sir."

He gave £20 on the counter and I quickly get his change from the cashier and lend it to them.

"Thank You" The guy with the american accent/green hoodie said. While grabbing the bag of the album.

"Kentucky Fried Chicken!" The guy with the blue hoodie finally spoked. Has an american accent too. And they burst out of the store.

Okay. Admit it. That was weird.



     2nd chapter yay! What do you think readers? It's a bit short once again. Well who do you think those two guys are? They have an american accent omg!

Haha! Okay I'm just thrilling you out.

Thanks for reading! I love you!

Oh and If I got the album very expensive or even cheaper. I'm very sorry. I just don't know how to use pounds or quids they say. Just get a long with my imagination haha. Sorry.

-Jade xx

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