Chatoyant College, Book 1: Ne...

By clarekrmiller

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Corrie, Edie, and Dawn are just starting at Chatoyant College; they expect their biggest challenge to be clas... More

Chapter 1: Corrie
Chapter 2: Edie
Chapter 3: Dawn
Chapter 4: Life in Gilkey Hall
Chapter 5: Life on the Campus
Chapter 6: Dreams
Chapter 7: Leaving the Past Behind
Chapter 8: Working Girls
Chapter 9: Stairs
Chapter 10: A History Lesson
Chapter 11: Not in High School Anymore
Chapter 12: Crafty Girls
Chapter 13: A Midnight Snack
Chapter 14: Friendship
Chapter 15: Talking About Religion
Chapter 16: Mysteries
Chapter 17: Missing
Chapter 18: Memory & Dream
Chapter 19: Strange Noises
Chapter 21: Invisible & Visible Again
Chapter 22: At the Carnival
Chapter 23: Crisis Averted
Chapter 24: Small Towns
Chapter 25: Feninni's
Chapter 26: Clover & Salt
Chapter 27: Excuses
Chapter 28: Dizzy
Chapter 29: Fog
Chapter 30: Fog Party
Chapter 31: Party Animals
Chapter 32: Shopping
Chapter 33: Plus Sized
Chapter 34: Concentrate on Breathing
Chapter 35: Asthma
Chapter 36: Atmospheric
Chapter 37: Butterflies
Chapter 38: Theorizing
Chapter 39: Finding the Path
Chapter 40: A Quiet Morning
Chapter 41: Explanations
Chapter 42: Disbelief
Chapter 43: Into the Woods
Chapter 44: The Court
Chapter 45: Sight
Chapter 46: The Use of Iron
Chapter 47: The Riddling Contest
Chapter 48: An Unexpected Ally
Chapter 49: Back to the Woods
Chapter 50: Escape
Chapter 51: Annie's Story
Chapter 52: Hero Complex
Chapter 53: Found
End of Book 1

Chapter 20: Seeing Is Believing

107 6 0
By clarekrmiller

They all trooped down the stairs and out of the building. It was a beautiful day, and Dawn took a deep, soothing breath of the clear air. It must have rained overnight, because the scent of wetness was still in the air. It didn't seem like nearly autumn, or even like summer: the air held the scent of spring. Of course, on a campus literally surrounded ninety percent by trees, the seasons might smell different from what she was used to, in her concrete-and-steel suburb. "It's hard to believe this place gets as foggy as Mr. Gossett said," she marveled aloud. "What a beautiful day!"

Rico nodded agreement. "But I guess we'll believe it when we see it."

"Oh, don't tell me you're so unimaginative as to only believe what you see with your eyes," Corrie said as she led them around the building--there was only one door into or out of Gilkey, and it faced in the wrong direction. Once again, Corrie was the de facto leader, probably because she was the only one with a map.

"I never said that," Dawn protested.

Edie looked at the two of them in confusion and, Dawn thought, a little bit of contempt. Edie's expression made her feel both uncomfortable and angry. What gave Edie the right to judge her? But then again, maybe she was right and they were being ridiculous. Dawn wasn't sure what to think. "Why would you believe something you can't see? Or at least sense? I don't think you're talking about believing in smells and sounds."

"Oh, loosen up, Edie," Corrie said. "What fun is life if you can't decide for yourself what to believe? I believe in the Goddess and I've never seen Her."

"I believe in Jesus, and I've never seen Him," put in Duncan unexpectedly.

Edie kicked at the ground. "Well, I guess I don't know what to believe," she muttered.

Corrie put a hand on her shoulder gently. "I don't think anybody knows for sure. But you can decide for yourself. Hey, my mom is bringing some books when she comes tonight. Maybe you'll find something you like in there."

"The paths on this campus are laid out really oddly," said Rico as they cut around the art building to get to the next section of path. "It's like they only wanted to allow one way to get from one building to another, and they didn't want to make it the most convenient."

"Why don't we just cut across the grass?" said Duncan, pointing. "The gym's right there. It would be quicker than going around Hickory."

Dawn frowned. "I think we should stay on the paths," she said slowly, though even as she said it she wasn't sure why.

"That's a good idea," said a voice from behind them. Edie jumped and they all turned quickly. Dawn sighed with relief when she saw it was Ever, the girl with the blue hair and the tattoo. "The paths are here for a reason."

"Hi, Ever," Edie said. "What reason?"

She shrugged enigmatically. "Are you guys heading to the carnival?"

"That's right," said Corrie, smiling.

"Cool, mind if I tag along?"

"Sure!" Rico said. "The more the merrier."

"Awesome!" said Ever. They started to walk again. "I heard the carnival is always a lot of fun."

"Really?" Dawn shook her head. "My aunt never mentioned it. But they might not have even had it when she went here."

"I think it's only been the past ten years or so. I have some older friends who go here and have told me about it."

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