The demon released

By amberstormcloud

38.5K 1.2K 295

A year after the death and disappearance of Lucy Heartfilia Scarlet, the guild still hadn't fully recovered... More

Chapter 1: A Clue?
Chapter 2: The Plan!
Chapter 3: The day she disapeared
Chapter 4: The Wedding
Chapter 5: Is She Still Alive?
Chapter 6: Rest Of My Life
Chapter 7: The Invasion
Chapter 8: The return of a demon
Chapter 9: Why did I leave behind?
Chapter 10: Jellal?!
Chapter 12: Journey
Chapter 13: Wrong Impressions
Chapter 14: At Least She's Happy
Chapter 15: Does He Know What This Is?
Chapter 16: Lemony
Chapter 17: The Night After
Chapter 18: Avoiding
Chapter 19: Another Magical Night
Chapter 20: More Than Meets The Eye
Chapter 21: Take A Rain Check On That Mission
Chapter 22: Fuming
Chapter 23: The Visit
Chapter 24: In Natsu's perspective
Chapter 25: Where Are We?
Chapter 26: Waking Up Again
Chapter 27: In The Walls
Chapter 28: Regrouping
Chapter 29: Preparing For An Attack
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: It's Game Time
Chapter 32: Longer Than Expected
Chalter 33: It's All Over, The Battle Has Been Won

Chapter 11: Boyfriend?!

1.3K 42 3
By amberstormcloud

Lucy's PoV

Suddenly, I woke up, moving. I started struggling,maps I didn't know what was happening and the last memory I had was being Shadow and destroying my father and his henchman. "Luce, Luce, calm down. I've got you." Natsu's calm voice said and kneeled down so I could jump off. As it was raining, to mud was wet, and my legs were still shaky from my previous fight, so I slipped. Without a second to spare, Natsu whipped around and grabbed my waist, but failed to stop me, so we both toppled over. "Owww~." I moaned, rubbing my eyes. I opened them and saw Natsu's face right in front of me. After a second of staring at each other, we both burst out laughing. Still chuckling, Natsu got up and put his hand out to help me up and pulled on it. "Turn around." He instructed and I did as told. "You're covered in mud." He chuckled, trying to wipe it off. When he got to the lower part of my back, he brushed my butt. I turned around and grabbed with hand. "I-I'll be okay. Watch this." I winked, blushing slightly, and let go of his hand, lift my own to make my body a cross shape. I closed my eyes and concentrated my magic on my outer clothing, which was still in Shadow's clothing. "Shadow Clothing." I opened my eyes wide and they were a dark purple. My skin got lighter and lighter with a purple raise, until it was blinding. I saw Natsu covering his eyes and my clothing changed back to my ripped wedding dress. "It's better that freezing to death." I shrugged as my eyes turned to normal and Natsu uncovered his eyes.

As we were under a large tree, we weren't getting wet. "Take it off." He stated blankly. I blinked a few times. "E-Excuse me!" I gasped, blushing intensely, then painfully aware that we were alone. "Take it off, I don't want you ever remembering that lace again." He stepped closer. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Oh, that's what you meant." I chuckled to myself. "What else would I mean?" He returned to his childish, innocent self. "Don't worry about it." I sweat drop. "What else am I supposed to wear, then?" I cross my arms. "I give you something. Just get out of that dreadful thing." He whole his hand. "I'll let you know, I was actually fond of this dress." I bit back. "Yeah, yeah. Just take it off, would yah?" He looked away, giving me at least some self decency.

I dropped the dress and covered my shivering shoulders, just in a white corset, panties and white high heels. "What amazing spell do you have to make clothes to appear out of no where." I stated sarcastically, annoyed that I actually went on with his plan. He turned around and again noticed my bruises and cuts. I he stated and it made me uncomfortable. "Hey, pervert. You done?" I snapped him out of his trance and he looked me in the eye. "Right, sorry." He shook whatever confusing thought he had in his head and started undoing his belt on his jacket. "Hey! I thought you said we weren't going to do anything weird!" I panicked, backing up, almost slipping again. "And you call me the pervert." He shook his head and chuckled, throwing his jacket around my shoulders. "Arms." He stated simply and I put my arms through the sleeve and arm hole. When it was on, he knelt down to do the buckle, as I was so cold, I could barely stand up straight. He then turned around, I guess gesturing me to climb back on his back. "You're a man of few words, Dragneel." I giggle, snaking my arms around his neck and snuggling into the back of his. "Uh-huh." He grunted, as though his mind was somewhere else, and we walked for a bit in silence.

Just as Natsu was about to say something, I hear someone calling my name we from behind us. I look and see some aluminous pink hair. "Meredy!" Call, waving and Natsu lets me off his back. I run, bare footed, through the wet mud and jump on Meredy, giving her a big hug. Behind her were Jelly, his real name being Jellal, and Ultear, who I call ultimate milk sandwich, which severely annoys her. "Jelly-chan! Ultimate milk sandwich! How are you guys?" I cheer, a tick mark appearing on Ultear's forehead. "Right yah little squirt-" Her future rampage is cut off by Jelly. "Hello Lucy. How are you doing?" He asks calmly, in contrast with his comrades' attitudes. "I'm great! Just defeated my abomination of a father and all. What about you, Ultimate Milk Sandwich? What have you done today?" I ask teasingly, knowing it would annoy her. "Why you.." She swear her revenge under her breath. "Now Ultear, you know she's just trying to rile you up." Meredy comforted her. "I'm sorry Ultear! You're just so cute when you're angry!" I hug her. I wasn't really doing this on purpose, she is just really cute when she's in a negative mood. "It's okay." She pats my head, sighing, and I let go.

Before their group, I she waking up with her head lowered. "Erza-nee! Did you get Michelle?" I run up to her. She looks up shocked then wipes tears that were streaming down her face. "I'm sorry Er-nee, the house was too much wasn't it? I didn't mean for you to remember everything. I should've just left her or gone myself. I'm so so so sorry!" I squeeze her and she hugs me back, softly crying into the crook in my neck.

Erza's PoV

Why did he say he had a fiancé? I know him, and he would never be the one to ask. Why would he kiss me then push away again? I question myself as I walk back to the others. I was walking in silence, the weather reflecting my mood, until I heard my name being called. It was Lucy. I hadn't realised I was crying until she blamed herself for sending me in there. I shouldn't be angry. Jellal's the only reason we're here right now. If he hadn't helped her escape, she'd be married of to that creep by now. I'm just being selfish. I cry into Lucy's shoulder as I go myself off, but I was still hurting so much in the inside.

Lucy's PoV

Erza was still quiet as we walked back to crime sorcière. "You're name is ultimate milk sandwich?" I heard Natsu question Ultear when we return. "MY NAME IS NOT ULTIMATE MILK SANDWICH!" She screams at him and Meredy takes her to calm down. "Erza. I want you to meet Jellal Fernandez. He's the one who helped me escape. He worked undercover with Ultear to trick Jude into letting them in the house anytime they wanted. He was a really big help. He's also my ex-boyfriend." I smile. " WHAT!?" Natsu and Erza gasp. "Don't worry Lucy, Erza and I already know each other. We met in the house." Jelly informed me. "Oh, okay then. I'm sorry Jelly-chan, but we've gotta catch up with the guild. See you later!" I wave as I pull the shocked fire dragon slayer and requipe Mage off to find our guild.

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