A Dangerous Path

By HaileeEverett

262 12 4

The rain, frost, and lion all share a bond, but when one chooses the dark path the forest will be soaked in s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Ending Note

Chapter 6

11 1 0
By HaileeEverett

Frosttiger dropped the mouse at Stripepaws paws, recently he had been trying to extract information from the silver she-cat but she refused to talk. Understandably so, she was still suffering trauma from her injury. Now infection had become a problem but Sablepaw had been treating it with sweet-sedge that Rainpebble had gotten from Lakemist and some horsetail.

Now the small she-cat could eat but she stopped talking completely. "Give her time." Rainpebble mewed from where he sat, taking out some wet moss that had been left carelessly by the small pool near the entrance of the herb store by Sablepaw. "Sablepaw, I shouldn't be the one doing this!" He called, glaring at the small ginger she-cat as she as-sed. "You told me to take the stems off the tansy!" She accused, "Don't chastise me for following orders." 

Rainpebble snorted but didn't reply, "Stripepaw," He mewed gently, "Can you tell us what happened?" The aforementioned looked up, but didn't answer. The gray tabby let out a soft sigh and turned away, "Frosttiger, your not a medicine cat, go to warrior things." The tom said without looking up, flicking his tail to point to the entrance of his den.

Frosttiger was about to object, but he knew that it was true. He hadn't been out in the forest for two days, but instead had been wallowing in the medicine cat den, attempting to coax an answer out of the silver apprentice. 

Accepting defeat, he nodded and walked out of the den. The warm air of green-leaf did little to help the cold claw that gripped his heart. He knew that Lionclaw had attacked his own apprentice, for what purpose it was unknown but unless he had hard evidence he knew Graystar would dismiss him. He sighed, shaking his head to clear his tangled thoughts and padded over to Eagletalon, who was setting up a Dawn patrol.

"I want to join this patrol." He mewed, earning a shocked look from the russet tom before he nodded quickly, "Chestnutflight is leading it, Foxfur, Sparkpaw, Goldenspruce, and Tangledpaw are joining." His ear flicked slightly when he said Tangledpaw.

A couple of warriors, and the elders, had been muttering about the tom lately, irritated that Heatherpaw, who should of been a warrior, was the sole reason he wasn't a warrior. The she-cat had been splitting time between training and being with Frosttiger so that she was able to train well. She was expected to be able to be a warrior a half-moon after the Gathering, that was in a quarter-moon, much to the relief of Blueheart who was getting aggravated with her. 

He smiled at his former apprentice, despite the whispers and obvious disapproval, Tangledpaw took it happily. He got to normal warrior duties and helped out whenever he could, he was proud to have trained such a respectable tom. 

"Eagletalon!" Chesnutflight flinched at the roar of Lionclaw making Frosttiger shoot him a confused look that wasn't noticed as the brown tom had snapped his attention to the tom trotting up. 

His muzzle was stained with blood, but it was obvious that the tom didn't care, there was also many cuts and scrapes on his flank and neck but Frosttiger was snapped from analyzing as Lionclaw practically yowled, "Kittypets invaded our territory!"

Frosttiger snorted, "So? Their kittypets." He sneered, earning a glare from Featherfur who was laying a couple of tail lengths away. He shot her a apologetic smile before continuing, "They can't be that harmful."

"These one are." Lionclaw mewed grimly, eyes darkening.

Chestnutflights eyes narrowed, "Oh I'm sure." He mewed, tail flicking. Lionclaw tore his gaze from his paws to the longfurrred cat. The air around them was tense, Frosttiger could see both of the toms muscles tensing, ready to defend themselves if the other leaped.

But that didn't happen.

"Lionclaw!" Rainpebble growled, "Come here and let me dress you properly, now!" 

Lionclaw stood still, staring at Chestnutflight before he was called again, impatience and harshness now slipping into the medicine cats normally quiet and gentle voice. 

Eagletalon cleared his throat awkwardly, "Dogclaw!" He called, "Take Adderstrike, Flamepaw, Sandycloud, and Brokenpaw." He mewed, "Check around and make sure the intruders aren't still lurking about." He turned to regard Chesnutflight uncomfortably, "Er," He began, causing Chesnutflights amber eyes to snap up, "you can go..."

Chestnutflight nodded, leading his patrol off, Goldenspruce glanced at the young tom, "Are you okay? You looked like you wanted to shred Lionclaw!" She exclaimed exaggeratedly, tail tip twitching.

"I can see why." Tangledpaw mewed, "He's a traitor." 

This made Frosttiger freeze, "Tangledpaw," He mewed uncertainly, eyes narrowed. "it's not okay to make such a huge accusation with little-"

"I saw him with Jigsaw." He Chestnutflight mewed softly, eyes in a daze. Tangledpaw nodded, eyes hard with honesty. His curly white and light ginger fur was bristling, his green eyes burning a hole in Frosttigers very being. 

He knew Tangledpaw wouldn't lie about this, he knew that Chestnutflight, his best friend, wouldn't lie about this.

Goldenspruce, who had gone out of earshot glanced at the toms, "Are you guys coming?" She mewed impatiently. Sparkpaw looked at his father, his light blue eyes shining, "Dad?" 

"Go on without us," The tom told his son, "MarshClan has been respecting the borders as of late. Tangledpaw, Chestnutflight, and I need to talk. Alone." His eyes swept across Foxfur and Goldenspruce who both nodded and beckoned the tom away.

Frosttigers ears perked, his senses all to hyperactive. He could hear everything, which was a wonder considering his heart was beating faster than a BreezeClan cat. "Chestnutflight, who's Jigsaw?" The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place it.

His friend gazed at him before sighing, "That twolegplace is pretty large, there are lots of rogues and loners running about. My father, Brick, was one of them.." His eyes became hazy, "He was so gentle but after Jigsaw.." 

Frosttiger stared at the tom, sympathy thick, but he needed more so he patiently waited for him to calm. With a shaky sigh, Chestnutflight began again, "There are three groups, the ally cats, the stone cats, and the night cats. Jigsaw is the leader of the stone cats." 

"Why stone cats?"

"Because they live in this huge stone building with weird stone circles that spew smoke on top. Anyway, he's the most ruthless, we live closest to the alley cats but Ranger doesn't come to the forest often.. only when he travels for whatever reason." Chestnutflight let out a purr, "I assume Reggy told you the stories of Ranger and his band of cats?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Frosttiger recalled Ranger, a great fiery ginger tom with the most piercing golden eyes that sometimes visited, though it hadn't occurred to the tom that he only comes when he decides he wants to. It was sort of funny in that respect. 

"Jigsaw, he's a coward, but Tangledpaw saw your brother speaking to him near the border, I'm guessing he took the Stonewall." He must of seen the confused look on Frosttigers face as he elaborated, "It's a brick fence, there's a hole where he can sneak through and leave undetected by the alley cats." 

Tangledpaw nodded, "I recognized Jigsaw, he killed my mother.." 

Frosttiger touched his tail tip to his former apprentices shoulder before he asked, "But he's a coward? Why is it so bad that he spoke to my brother, we talk to kittypets all the time...albeit not always happily." 

"Because though he's not known for being smart, he still has common sense enough to know when something will benefit him. I was too far away to know what they were saying clearly, but Lionclaw offered him something, Jigsaw doesn't agree with anyone unless what they have planned is full proof. I think that Lionclaw is trying to turn the Clan against you Frosttiger." Tangledpaw looked down. 

"Why would he do that?" Frosttigers head whirled though he already could guess the answer. 

"Because he knows you'll protect Graystar if he tries anything."


Groaning softly, Frosttiger shook the moss off his back and pushed his way through the thick vines that hung loosely from the top of the tree trunk warriors den. He glanced up and saw the Sparkpaw and Sablepaw arguing. She was shaking her head, her amber eyes in a plea before Sparkpaw drew her close with his tail and pressed his nose against hers.

As he neared he heard his sons soft voice, "No one needs to know.. just us." 

Sablepaw looked tempted but she raised a paw and shoved him away before she disappeared inside the crevice of her den. Sparkpaw watched, heartbroken, before he sighed, "Hopeless." He murmured softly. 

Frosttiger wanted to say something, but deciding that his son needed time alone he padded away quietly, then he heard a soft voice. "Frosttiger."

He jumped and whipped around, seeing the blue eyes of Stripepaw, blazing in the moonlight. "You're talking!" He smiled happily before he frowned at the expression on her face. It was distressed, panicked, and horrified, as though she had witnessed a murder. 

"We need to talk." They both mewed in unison. 

As they made their way silently into the forest, Hawkthorn let out an excited purr, "It's great to see you up and about Stripepaw!" 

Stripepaw blushed and nodded hastily before she let out a squeak and ran up to Frosttiger. "Great StarClan, he's so handsome." She breathed, eyes wide. Frosttiger let out a snort, "Who? Hawkthorn? Maybe, but his breath is worst than a foxes." He purred, "I at least have the decency to roll in and eat mint leaves when I see them."

Stripepaw regarded him with an amused expression but he faded quickly and she sighed. "Lionclaw attacked me." She stated in a candor voice. Frosttiger nodded slowly, "I had gathered that." He mewed softly, licking her ear sympathetically. Stripepaw let out a soft purr at the action but it broke off, "I saw him talking to a black, white, and ginger patched tom with ugly scars. They made a deal, to attack us when Graystar leaves for the Gathering. He was going to recommend you go, he said that if he could get rid of you, getting to Graystar would be relatively easy." Frosttiger wanted to snarl at his brothers lack of faith but bit it back as the she-cat continued, "Jigsaw was quick to agree but he noticed me and ran off quickly, saying he couldn't be seen here. Lionclaw caught sight of me and attacked me near Sunningrocks, it was so scary.."

Frosttiger nodded, "Lionclaw can be horrifying when he wants to be. I'm sorry for asking but.. we need to tell Graystar, immediately." 

Nodding Stripepaw followed the tom back.

Graystars eyes widened in horror as Stripepaw finished her tale, she exchanged glances with Eagletalon, who had been in her den sharing a mouse with her. "This is.. debase." She murmured, "Come, we have a ceremony to do." 

Nodding, Eagletalon heaved himself up and followed, his powerful muscles rippling under his smoothed pelt. 

Frosttiger followed the leader and jumped onto her den, Stripepaw next to him, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here, under Highledge, for a Clan meeting!" the white she-cat yowled loudly.

Groggily, cats began to stream in, confusion in their tired eyes as they stared up at the four cats atop the ledge, Lionclaw padded forward and his eyes narrowed, he turned to slink away but Graystar stopped him, "Lionclaw, come forward."

Muttering what Frosttiger assumed to be curses, he complied and sat down, completely static other than his twitching tail. 

"I have," Graystar began, shutting the murmuring that had arose from the surrounding cats, "been informed of infamy. Lionclaw, you promised that you would protect this Clan with your life, why now have you forsaken that vow?"

Lionclaw let out a soft growl, "I don't know what your talking about." He seethed through gritted teeth. 

"Then, perhaps, Stripepaw should jog your memory?" 

Stripepaw padded forward confidently, "Lionclaw attacked me! He planned to attack the small group of cats that left to the Gathering and then gather a rogue from the twolegplace attack force and unleash an onslaught on the rest of the camp." She yowled, "Chesnutflight and Tangledpaw were there."

The two nodded quickly, making Lionclaw whip around and stare at the two toms murderously but still remained quiet. 

"He attacked Nightheart." Fernpaw mewed softly, "I saw him." 

A hushed sound ran over the crowd, before Icefall let out a shrill yowl, "Lionclaw tell me it's not true!" She cried desperately. Lionclaw stayed silent for a few heartbeats before saying, very carefully, "It's not true."

"Liar!" She sobbed, tears streaming down her face, "I know you Lionclaw, you liar! How could you!" She trembled as she stood in front of her mate, love and betrayal in her eyes. 

Lionclaw stared at her with sorrow knowing that it couldn't be help, knowing that he was caught. He accepted it, Frosttiger realized, he accepted whatever fate he was going to face. 

"Lionclaw, do you deny these many, many transgressions?" Graystar asked, her voice drowning out any shouts of rage from the cats.

"No." Lionclaw replied, but his trembling tail betrayed his outwardly calm act. 

"Then I cannot allow you to stay here, you have betrayed your Clan, your mate, your kit, your friends, your kin, and worst of all you have betrayed StarClan. You have made yourself an enemy and to protect my Clan I banish you from camp and our territory. Get out." She snarled, fur bristling.

Frosttiger jumped down, glaring at his brother, his heart ached for him, he wanted nothing more than to go back in time and fix whatever had made his brother snap; but that was impossible and a childish desire, he realized with a pang. 

"Goodbye, Lion." He said evenly, that was all he need to say to voice that this cat before him wasn't his brother. 

Lionclaw cringed slightly, as though struck but the look subsided as he mewed back, "Goodbye Frost." He snarled, he turned.

As he passed Rainpebble, the tabby turned his back, refusing to look at his brother. 

Lionclaw crawled away, pushing his way through the bramble entrance, and never once did he look back.

"Dogclaw, take Thistlestrike and Blueheart and check if this Jigsaw is waiting for this traitor. Chesnutflight, Adderstrike, Dawnlight, go track Lionclaw, make sure he truly does leave." Graystar ordered. 

Frosttiger watched for a moment before sighing in defeat and heading towards Heatherpaw, who looked dumbfounded. "What just..."

"Heatherpaw?" Frosttiger bumped his head against hers, "It's over. He's gone."

Heatherpaw stared at him before a smile broke out upon her features, "I can't believe it.. you actually believed me."

"I always knew," Frosttiger sat down, tucking his tail over his large paws, "I just never thought it would escalate into.. this!" 

Heatherpaw nodded, a troubled expression on her face. 

The air around them was tense, Flamepaw and Sablepaw were wrestling in the warmth of the sun, Reggy was watching Tangledpaw as he practiced with Sparkpaw. The other elders ate, mewing to each other and casting glances around. Despite the warm weather, it was cold and desolate feeling.

Hawkthorn approached slowly, followed by Chestnutflight.

The three sat in an uncomfortable silence, before Hawkthorn mewed, "So now what?" 

Frosttiger snapped his gaze to his friend, his eyes swept the three expectant eyes glittering at him, he realized that they looked to him for reassurance, he noticed that Graystar and Eagletalon had joined them, gazing at him with guarded but curious eyes. 

It took a few moments to find his voice through the dry of his throat, the haziness of his mind, and the nervousness in his chest, but he managed- without stuttering thankfully- to say a simple reply.

"We wait."

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