The Bold and the Beautiful: A...

By PinkLanvin55

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After three long months of obsessing over Steffy who is happily married to his brother, Wyatt, Liam announces... More

Chapter One: Steffy
Chapter Two: Caroline
Chapter Three: Sasha
Chapter Four: Brooke
Chapter Five: Liam
Chapter Six: Wyatt
Chapter Seven: Caroline
Chapter Eight: Ridge
Chapter Nine: Sasha
Chapter Ten: Nicole
Chapter Eleven: Brooke
Chapter Twelve: Rick
Chapter Thirteen: Steffy
Chapter Fourteen: Bill
Chapter Fifteen: Liam
Chapter Sixteen: Thomas
Chapter Seventeen: Ridge
Chapter Eighteen: Thomas
Chapter Nineteen: Zende
Chapter Twenty: Nicole
Chapter Twenty One: Sasha
Chapter Twenty Two: Maya
Chapter Twenty Three: Brooke
Chapter Twenty Four: Maya
Chapter Twenty Five: Quinn
Chapter Twenty Six: Deacon
Chapter Twenty Seven: Bill
Chapter Twenty Eight: Liam
Chapter Thirty: Wyatt
Chapter Thirty One: Caroline
Chapter Thirty Two: Ridge
Chapter Thirty Three: Thomas
Chapter Thirty Four: Thomas
Chapter Thirty Five: Sasha
Chapter Thirty Six: Vivienne
Chapter Thirty Seven: Zende
Chapter Thirty Eight: Inari
Chapter Thirty Nine: Brooke
Chapter Forty: Ridge
Chapter Forty One: Brooke
Chapter Forty Two: Rick
Chapter Forty Three: Cressida
Chapter Forty Four: Steffy
Chapter Forty Five: Bill
Chapter Forty Six: Liam
Chapter Forty Seven: Wyatt
Book Two: Masquerade Chains
Chapter One: Ridge
Chapter Two: Caroline
Chapter Three: Ridge
Chapter Four: Thomas
Chapter Five: Steffy
Chapter Six: Zende
Chapter Seven: Nicole
Chapter Eight: Sasha
Chapter Nine: Deacon
Chapter Ten: Sasha
Chapter Eleven: Wyatt
Chapter Twelve: Caroline
Chapter Thirteen: Zende
Chapter Fourteen: Quinn
Chapter Fifteen: Steffy
Chapter Sixteen: Brooke
Chapter Seventeen: Liam
Chapter Eighteen: Wyatt
Chapter Nineteen: Caroline
Chapter Twenty: Sasha
Chapter Twenty One: Nicole
Chapter Twenty Two: Brooke
Chapter Twenty Three: Cressida
Chapter Twenty Four: Rick
Chapter Twenty Five: Eric
Chapter Twenty Six: Quinn
Chapter Twenty Seven: Steffy
Chapter Twenty Eight: Nicole
Chapter Twenty Nine: Sasha
Chapter Thirty: Liam
Chapter Thirty One: Wyatt
Chapter Thirty Two: Thomas
Chapter Thirty Three: Sasha
Chapter Thirty Four: Dr. Braithwig
Chapter Thirty Five: Bill
Chapter Thirty Six: Quinn
Chapter Thirty Seven: Liam
Chapter Thirty Eight: Cressida

Chapter Twenty Nine: Cressida

58 3 2
By PinkLanvin55

              Before I get judged anymore than I'm probably being judged now, I'd like to rewind a little bit so you could understand everything. Before I met Liam and Ms. Fuller, I was living in a low rent apartment in Hawthorne with my grandmother and my youngest sister, Rita. Unlike over here in Beverly Hills, Hawthorne's very small, slightly poor and less glamorous. I remember like it was yesterday. I was at a run down book store book signing my latest romance novel Roses By The Moonlight. Tons of anxious teen girls and young women stood in a long line waiting for me to sign their books. Of course there was always that one fan that had a bunch of questions that sometimes I the author didn't know how to answer myself.

       "I really love your book Miss Mills. My only issue was why did you make your main character black and not white? To be honest I thought a white woman would have been better for the Japanese love interest," A young woman in her early twenties said. She was white, obviously, and seemed a little annoying. I didn't know whether to be offended because I was black myself or whether to laugh at how dumb her question was. My pen stopped from signing her book. A closed mind like that didn't deserve my signature. "Also would you make a part two?" She asked. "You should. You can add a character name Jolene who Endo secretly loves and-"

         My phone rung and I was glad it did.

         "Scuse me," I said to her as I headed out of the bookstore to answer it. I hoped that when I was done with my phone call that that girl would be gone. "Hello?"

       "Hello," came an unfamiliar male voice, "is this Cressida Mills?"

       "Yes it is," I replied, "who is this?"

      "Hello Cressida, this is Dr. Braithwig, Josephine Mill's doctor," Yes, Dr. Braithwig, my grandma's doctor. Not only was he her doctor but he also trained with her when she use to teach back in the day. I use to have a crush on him before I realized that he had a husband. "I'm calling to inform you that we have found...we have...God, how should I say this to you."

        "You have found what Dr. Braithwig?" I asked slowly.

       "We have-why don't you come over here if you can," He said softly. "Some things are better said in person."

           "Okay," I told him. "I'll be there in a few."

         Dr. Braithwig hung up and I was getting a little scared. What did he have to say about my grandma that he couldn't tell me over the phone? I had to know. In a split second, I ditched my book signing and drove over to the hospital. I loved hearing how much people enjoyed my book and all but my grandma was by far more important. When I arrived at the hospital,  Dr. Braithwig was sitting down with his head in his lap. Was he okay?

    "Dr. Braithwig?" I asked and at once he raised his head from his lap. His eyes were red and puffy as though he had been crying.

      "Oh Cressida," He said with a sniff, "I-I-I-I-."

        "Are you alright?" I wondered.

       "Yes," He replied, "but your grandmother isn't."

       "W-W-What's wrong with her?" I asked stammering. Never in my life did I ever hear Dr. Braithwig tell me that my grandma was not okay. She was usually in good health, especially for an eighty five year old woman. Dr. Braithwig took my hands in his as I sat beside him. 

       "While I was doing an X-ray check on her the other day, I found this strange tiny thing in her brain," Dr. Braithwig explained. "I thought to myself, no this couldn't be and-"

       "This couldn't be what?" I demanded to know. Dr. Braithwig looked at me sadly and turned away. I turned his head to face me as my eyes watered. "Tell me Doc. Please."

       "I prayed and prayed that what I saw in her X-ray wasn't a tumor,  but it was," Dr. Braithwig replied sadly. I let go of Dr. Braithwig's hand as I shook my head.

       "No that can't be right," I said blinking back tears. "My grandmother was always healthy." I turned to him. "For you to tell me that she has a tumor... I can't believe that. I won't believe that."

       I got up from my seat and started to leave. Dr. Braithwig grabbed my arm and I spun around to look at him.

       "Cressida please," He said gently.

          "Maybe your  X-rays are making you see things," I said loudly as people started to look at us. "Maybe-"

          "Stop it," Dr. Braithwig said as he tried to calm me down.

          "Or maybe you're just one of those quack  doctors who enjoy making up things just to hurt people!" I cried as I broke free from his grasp. I couldn't look at him. I didn't want to. I knew that it wasn't his fault  that there was a tumor in my grandmother's brain. It's just that when someone's scared and worried they blame people who have nothing to do with the problem that is upsetting them. That's how I was to Dr. Braithwig and he didn't deserve such treatment from me.

         "You're causing a scene Cressida," He said sharply. "Look at me." I took in a breath and roughly wiped away my tears with the back of my hand. I slowly turned to face Dr. Braithwig. "Look Cressida," he said as he took in a breath, "I know that this is hurting you because this is your grandmother that we're talking about, but this is killing me just as much as you because she was my mentor." His eyes were watery as he continued, "This could all be fixed with surgery." I shivered at that word surgery. I never liked that word as a kid and I didn't like that word now. Dr. Braithwig's placed his pale clammy hands on my shoulders as I listened. "My team and I can remove that tumor before it spreads and gets too serious."

          I would have been delighted to hear that Dr. Braithwig and his team would be able to remove the tumor from my grandmother's brain  but her insurance wouldn't cover that whole surgery.

         "H-H-How much is this surgery going to cost?" I asked as I wiped away another tear.

        "Roughly about fifty thousand," Dr. Braithwig replied. Definitely Grandma's insurance wouldn't cover that full price. "I will put in five hundred from out my own pocket and you can provide the rest when you can and-"

          I hugged that man so tight. I guess that the hug took him by surprised because for a second there he paused and then hugged me back. You didn't know how grateful I was to hear that someone was willing to help me help my grandmother. Had I told my four other sisters if they could help me pay for Grandma's surgery, excluding Rita, they would either refuse or make up some excuse that didn't make sense. Dr. Braithwig, who was only Grandma's doctor and past student, cared more for her than my sisters did and I respected him for that. He was so generous and so understanding.

               "Thank you," I told him.

            "We'll get through this Cressida," He said softly. "We'll get through this together."


          After a dinner of Red Lobster and Vanilla ice cream, Dr. Braithwig's treat, I went home to find Rita and Grandma eating Ramen noodles in the kitchen. Even though I told Rita to stop feeding Grandma that garbage, she continued to disobey me.

       "This meal is so delightful," Grandma said and I wasn't sure if she was just being polite or if she really did like the Ramen's. "What is it called?"

          Rita looked at Grandma annoyed. "Noodles," She replied dully.

        It was understandable that Grandma was old and sometimes forgot things more easily than she use to, but Rita didn't understand that. She often got annoyed with Grandma more easily than I. The only things that my eighteen year old sister cared about was shopping and her girlfriend.

          "Wipe your mouth Grandma," Rita said disgusted, "you look like a slob."

         Grandma just smiled at Rita as a Ramen noodle fell from her lips. That was when I had enough watching how Rita treated poor Grandma when I wasn't around. It was cruel and uncalled for. I slammed the door in anger as Rita and Grandma looked up to see me.

          "Thank God your back Cress," Rita said, "I thought-"

          "Aren't you gonna wipe Grandma's mouth?" I asked solemnly.

         "," Rita replied and you didn't know how sick I was of her already. "She has two hands. She could wipe it herself."

      Because I didn't want to say anything stink and bitchy to her, I took up a napkin that sat at the table and wiped Grandma's mouth myself.

       "Thank you my dear," Grandma said as I finished wiping her mouth. It only took two seconds and Rita couldn't do that? Please. "You are such a doll." Normally I would have said something sweet back to her but I wasn't really in the mood. "Anyway, you've missed a grand dinner. What took you so long to-?"

         "I went to see Dr. Braithwig today," I told her.

      "Dr Braithwig? Who is- Ah! Dr. Braithwig that's right," Grandma said as she folded her hands in her lap with a smile. "A handsome young man he is."

        "Ooooooooh," Rita said teasingly as she poked me in the arm, "are you and him dating now?"

         Rita knew that I did like Dr. Braithwig but didn't know that he was gay.

       "No," I replied slightly irritated. "It's not like that." Rita looked a bit disappointed as she boredly twirled her noodles with a fork. She better eat that. "He informed me that..." I almost caught myself tearing up when I was trying to explain everything to Grandma and Rita. I took in a breath and continued, "That... Grandma has a tumor in her brain."

        This was the moment that I expected Rita to break down and start crying like the time her ex boyfriend, back when she liked guys, left her. Instead, Rita looked at me with no emotion.

       "Oh." was her reply. "I liked the thought of you dating Dr. Braithwig better."

         Trust her to say something as ridiculous as that. I tried my best to ignore her silly statement as I turned to Grandma who was quiet.

       "Did you know that you had a tumor in your brain Grandma?" I asked gently. Please tell me she didn't. Grandma bowed her head and that was when I knew that she did know. "Why didn't you say anything!" I cried. "Were you just gonna sit there and let your tumor grow and grow?"

      "The surgery is costly dear and-" Grandma began but I interrupted her.

       "And  nothing Grandma!" I bawled. "This is your health that we are talking about here."

      "See this was why I didn't want to tell you anything Cressida," Grandma said as she shook her head sadly, "knowing  quite well how you would react. And besides, I didn't want you or Rita to worry about poor old me when you have other things to worry about."

          "But it happened anyway," I sniffed. "It doesn't matter how costly this surgery will be. I'm going to find a way to help you Grandma. You can bet on that."


        But before Grandma could finish say my name, I went upstairs and into my room. I immediately hopped onto my old bulky computer and went on Craigslist to find another job that would pay more than just being a publish author and a part time grocery store cashier. I was desperate to save Grandma. She was worth it. I started to apply like a mad man to every job that I encountered, whether it was a stripper job or a dog walking job, I didn't care. My fingers typed as they never typed before. Not even when I typed novels of mine did my fingers dance across the keyboard so fast.

         "Cress, I need to talk to you."

         My eyes stayed on the computer as I saw a fant wide hipped shadow through the screen. That was Rita. I wanted to tell her to get out since she didn't seem to care about Grandma just like our other sisters didn't. My focus remained on job searching as I answered Rita without giving her any eye contact.

        "What about?" I muttered. Rita was quiet. "What about Rita?"

         I heard Rita take in a breath and if she didn't have anything important to say then I didn't want to hear it.

        "Even though I'm not showing as much emotion as you are, I feel awful for Grandma as well," Rita responded with a sigh. I said nothing as she went on. "Let's be real with ourselves Cress, we can't afford that surgery."

         "There's no such word as can't," I said irritably.

         "Yes there is," Rita said, voice over mine. "Ever thought that the reason that Grandma kept quiet about all this was because she didn't want to be saved?"

         "Stop speaking shit," I spat. She wasn't in Grandma's mind so she had no right saying how Grandma felt or not.

         "It's the truth that you refuse to hear," Rita cried. I was silent as the only thing that crossed my mind was that Rita better leave my room before I say something to her that I may regret. "I tried my hardest not to bail out on Grandma the way Lyra, Nita and Nina did, but I can't do this anymore Cress. I want my life back." What life did my eighteen year old sister have? I knew not. "I want to party and spend time with Vena the way I use too." I said nothing because what she was saying I heard it all before. She wanted to go clubbing with her girlfriend in cropped tops  and extremely tight body con skirts...big deal! "I decided that I'm going to move in with Vena." The moving in nonsense, however, was news to me.

          Rita was a coward just like the others. I remember when Grandma had caught pneumonia a few years ago. The twins Nita and Nina didn't want to take care of her so they purposely went away for school and I never saw them again. Lyra, who was three years  from me, got herself involved in some gang crap through some boyfriend that she was seeing and had no time to take care of Grandma. Rita was in high school at the time and had to focus on her work, which then left me to take care of Grandma.  Hearing now that Rita wanted to move out with her size seventeen girlfriend, made me realize that she was doing the same things as Lyra, Nita and Nina. Leaving me once again to take care of Grandma.

           "Hope you don't hate me Cress," Rita said sadly.

        "Hate," I replied, "I could never do. Apparently your girlfriend is more important to you than Grandma and-"

        "No, no. Not at all. I-"

        "Do whatever you want Rita.  I don't care." But I did care and that was what made what she said hurt more.

        "Cress don't say that."

         "I see what's important to you and what isn't. Go to Vena."

        "Don't be this way." Rita placed a hand on my shoulder.

         "Just go!" I yelled as Rita took her hand away, shocked at my yelling.  I heard her walk away from my room as I wiped away tears from my eyes. I didn't want her to see me crying, not like this.

       "I love you," Rita said and little did I know that those words would be the last words that I would hear from her. I said nothing as she left my room. Instead of her running away to her little girlfriends house she could've helped me pay for Grandma's surgery. She had savings that could help pay for the surgery  but it probably all went to her new living space with Vena. It was whatever, who needed Rita anyway! I sniffed as I continue to search and apply for jobs into the night.


         I woke up the next morning in front of my computer. My eyes were sore from crying and lack of sleep. Even though I was tired, I was fine. It was Grandma who wasn't. I decided to check my email just to see if anything replied to me. I know that it was too soon, but again, I was desperate. As expected, there was nothing but junk and old messages in my email that I didn't bother to clean out. I sighed and thought that maybe later today I may just hear back from one of these jobs. Slowly, I got up from my computer desk and headed to the shower. I passed by Rita's room and saw that it was empty. I guess that she had a few friends over to help her collect her things while I was asleep at the computer. I wished she was smarter and stayed right here with Grandma and I.

            As I headed into the bathroom, my cell phone rang. I looked at my phone and saw that it was an unknown number. I usually didn't answer unknown numbers simply because of the fact that they were unknown. Now I didn't care who called. I was gonna answer it in hopes that it may be a job. Then again, job numbers would never be unknown...I answered the phone anyway.

        "Hello?" I greeted tiredly.

       "Hi, is this Cressida Mills?" came a pleasant females voice.

       "Yes," I replied, "whose speaking please?"

        "Hi Cressida this is Quinn Fuller," The woman said as I listened. "I noticed that you volunteered to be a personal assistant to me. Correct?" The thing was that I didn't remember applying for such a position. Then again, maybe I was half asleep when I did apply to Ms.Fuller's ad.

        "Yes," I responded.

        "Good," Ms.Fuller said. "Would it be possible if you can come in for an interview later today? I know that you live over in Hawthorne and-"

          I was a bit too excited that Ms.Fuller was calling me in for an interview that I interrupted her without meaning to. "Of course!" I said, thrilled. "I definitely can come in later today."

      "You sound quite anxious and ecstatic," Ms Fuller noted, "I like that. It's a personality like that that I need to fill this job position." If she needed someone anxious and ecstatic, it's anxious and ecstatic she will get. Ms Fuller gave me the address where to meet her and I told her thank you seven times before I hung up. I realized that the address that she had given me was located in Beverly Hills and just the thought of that excited me. Whoever this Quinn Fuller was, she had money if she lived in Beverly Hills and it was that money that I was gonna use to pay for Grandma's surgery.


             I left a note under Grandma's door, telling her that I was going for a job interview and would be back soon. Little did I know, like Rita, this would be the last time that I would see my Grandma. I took an Oatmeal bar from the cabinet and started my car over to Ms Fuller's location. It took me twenty five minutes to drive from Hawthorne to Beverly Hills and I must say the moment that I entered Beverly Hills, everything seemed magical. It looked exactly as how television depicts it: beautiful and extremely sunny. I tried my best not to get too distracted by the beauty of Beverly Hills because what if Ms.Fuller doesn't actually choose me after I do my interview, what then?

           I continued to drive up the road as I past something called Forrester Creations and some fancy French restaurant that was probably worth as much as Grandma's surgery. I turned right as was stated in the directions as I came to an area that looked like the woods. I checked my directions again to make sure that I was in the right area. I parked my van in a tight space and got out of the car. As soon as I went up the road, it seemed like I entered a different place. Beverly hills didn't seem beautiful anymore but rather dull and wooded. Apart of me felt unsure about coming here since there was no building in sight but some old looking home.  I came too far just to back out now. I wasn't a quitter like my sisters who ran away when things got rough. I took in a breath and went over to the old looking home.

           As soon as I was about to knock on the door, it opened to reveal a pretty average height woman with long flowing black hair and cat like light blue eyes. She was wearing a black midi pencil skirt and a white long sleeved button down blouse. Well, she was dressed professionally.

            "Cressida, right?" The woman asked making sure that I was who I told her I was. She sounded like Ms.Fuller on the phone so I assumed that was her. I nodded my head to her and she gave me a friendly smile. "Come in."

          She opened the door wide as I slowly entered her home. I know there were many strange and scary story about people finding jobs, selling things to people on Craigslist but so far everything seemed fine. Ms.Fuller closed the door behind her and offered me a seat near the door. I took the seat as she sat in front of me. She placed black large glasses over her face and took up a pencil and notepad paper. I assumed that the interview was beginning now so I had to make everything that I said count. Ms.Fuller looked at me and I felt slightly nervous.

          "I am glad that you could make it today Ms. Mills," Ms.Fuller said politely. "It's not everyday that I have some pretty young woman respond to my ad." She thought I was pretty? Well that was a first that someone has actually thought that. "But anyway, let's get down to business shall we?" I nodded as she looked over at her notepad and then at me. "Tell me a little bit about yourself."

         Something about myself? I honestly didn't know where to begin.

        "Well, as you probably already know, my name is Cressida," I replied and I felt dumb for saying such a thing. Ms.Fuller nodded her head and listened as I went on, "Um...I'm a writer and a part time cashier at a grocery store back in Hawthorne."

        "Interesting," Ms.Fuller said. Glad she found what I told her interesting because I didn't think it was. "And tell me about that. About being a writer and a part time cashier."

       "Well...being a writer is not the easiest thing, I'll tell you that," I told Ms.Fuller as she laughed. "Out of thirty three novels and two plays, only one was publish. It sold well, but not well enough." Ms.Fuller nodded with interest as I went on, "I usually stress on African American issues in my works and I'm starting to believe that maybe no one cares enough to want to read about what my people are going through. My only novel that did sell well was more of a detective, lighthearted, interracial romance. It's not my cup of tea, but it caught peoples attention anyway." I looked at Ms.Fuller as she stopped nodding her head. Her expression was unreadable and that made me worry. Maybe she found me boring. I didn't want her to find me boring because boring people are hardly ever hired. I cleared my throat and ended my conversation about being a failed writer. "As for my part time job as a cashier, let's just say the money isn't as I'd like it to be especially now that my grandmother is sick and needs money for her surgery I-"

        "Which is why you need a new job?" Ms.Fuller asked. I nodded. "I see..." Ms.Fuller wrote something in her notepad and then placed her pen down.

         "Well Ms.Mills, let's just say that you applied for the right job in being my assistant."

           My eyes bulged with shock. Was she hiring me? Could it be?

           Ms Fuller stuck out a delicate arm to me and smiled. "Welcome."

           "Y-Y-You mean I got the job?" I asked making sure I wasn't misunderstanding what she meant by "Welcome." Ms.Fuller nodded.  I took her hand and shook it as though I had received the best gift in the world. My eyes watered with joy because this was too good to be true. "Oh, thank you Ms.Fuller. Thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me." Ms.Fuller gave me a calm smile.

         "I could only imagine how you are feeling inside," Ms.Fuller said. "This position will definitely help you make enough money for your grandmother's surgery and more." My eyes glistened with delight as Ms.Fuller continued, "You will be paid weekly, around nine hundred to five grand, depending on what kind of task I have you doing."

       I know what you guys are thinking. Why was I trusting Ms.Fuller and the amount of money that she was going to give me? When you're desperate and some one hires you quickly, you'd understand. Plus if the pay was going to help my grandmother, it was worth it.

          "In that case then," I said eagerly, "when do I start?"

          "Right now," Ms.Fuller replied.

         "Right now?" I echoed because I wasn't expected her reply to be that.

        "Yes or is that an issue for you?" Ms.Fuller questioned.

        "Well I-I-I-I just didn't expect that-"

         Ms.Fuller interrupted me and that should have gave me the feeling that she wasn't as sweet as she appeared to be.

       "Don't you need the money?"

         "Yes," I told her.

        "Then I'd think you might want to start now," Ms.Fuller said. I grew quiet because any minute for now Ms.Fuller could fire me and then I would have to start from square one again. Ms.Fuller got up from her chair and took off her glasses. "Follow me. I'll show you to your new room."

         New room?! Was I expected to stay with her? As bad as I wanted to ask her what she met by new room, I refrained. I kept quiet and followed Ms.Fuller. She unlocked the door and headed behind her house. Standing in front of both of us stood a small little building that seemed like a garage. Hope she wasn't planning on throwing me in there...then again she didn't seem like an evil person. Ms.Fuller opened the door to reveal a tiny room with a bed, a small fridge, a table, a laptop and a huge closet that seemed to take up half of the room. This couldn't be for me...could it?

         "Are you just going to just gape at the room or are you going to go in and check it out?" Ms.Fuller asked and I felt slightly foolish.

       I gave Ms.Fuller a nervous smile as I slowly made my way into the room. It was much bigger than the room that I had back in Hawthorne and much prettier. I headed towards the closet and turned to Ms.Fuller.

         "Could I?" I asked her to make sure that I had permission to open the closet. Ms.Fuller nodded and I opened it. I was instantly amazed as I saw a bunch of beautiful short and long dresses, skirts, blouses, pants and shoes in front of me. They all seemed expensive and looked like something that I could never afford in my life. I picked up a short emerald high waisted draped skirt and saw that it was a size eight. My size! I looked at a couple of shoes and saw that they were also my size. This must have been destined for me.

        "Do you like it?" Ms Fuller asked and for a second there I forgot that she was there. "The whole room and all?"

        I turned to Ms.Fuller and nodded. "I do," I answered as I hung the drape skirt back up. "It's wonderful."

        She nodded. "Good." She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. She headed to the laptop that sat on the table and turned it on. I closed the closet door and was a bit delighted to hear that this whole closet was going to be mine. "Now here comes the first thing that I want you to do for me,"Ms.Fuller said as she typed something quickly into the laptop and then turned to me. "For some time now there has been this annoying, ungrateful pest that has been haunting my dreams for as long as I knew him. A pest  whom I nursed back to health. A pest that is in love with my son's wife. A pest that I can not stand." The way Ms.Fuller mentioned the word "pest" sent shivers up my spine. She said it with such disdain that for a minute there I thought I was talking to a completely different person. "His name is Liam Spencer. Ever heard of him?"

       "Uh no," I replied, "can't say I have."

       "And it's a good thing that you haven't," Ms.Fuller said, disgust in her voice, "he's an awful person." I wasn't sure how this Liam person was awful but I guess Ms.Fuller was getting to that. "There was a time when he lost his memory after he got into a plane accident. I was the one who took care of him and gave him a nice home while he was still lost and confused. The minute he started to remember what a cruel person he truly was, he yelled at me."

            "Yelled at you?" I asked, shocked. Ms.Fuller nodded.

          "Yes. He even called me some horrible names here and there but I survived." What an ungrateful person this Liam was indeed. How could he just yell at her when she was trying to help him? "But one of the main reasons that I hate Liam the most is because he is desperate for some stupid woman that my son is married to. The sad part of all this is that my son's wife loves Liam too."

        "So why did she marry your son if she loved this Liam guy?" I wondered.

       "Because she is stupid," Ms.Fuller replied bluntly.  A fair enough reason, I guess. "I just have this strange feeling in my gut that any minute now my son is going to be hurt by her as she attempts to go back to Liam. I can't have that." I felt bad for Ms.Fuller's son, whoever he was, but I was more curious to know where was she going with all this? "Wyatt's too precious to me to be hurt by some wretched girl." Guess she didn't care for her daughter in law either.

       "So, what are you going to do about this?" I wondered and when I look back at this moment,  I wished I never asked.

        Ms.Fuller smiled a smile that almost seemed sly at me. "That's when you enter the picture my dear."

      "When I enter the picture?" I asked confused. "No offense Ms.Fuller, but I thought being your assistant meant cleaning your house or buying you coffee or-"

        "Or  I could always hire someone else who would be willing to do what I ask," Ms.Fuller said, still smiling at me. It was a little creepy how calm she was even though she said something that scared me.

        "I'm listening," I told her. Ms Fuller nodded her head as if pleased with my response. She took my hands in her's as though we were the best of friends.

         "I need you to charm Liam," Ms.Fuller said, "beguile him. Anything to take his mind off of my son's wife." I didn't know what to tell Ms.Fuller because I didn't know how to charm a guy in my life.

        "C-C-Charm him?" I asked.

         "Yes. I'm pretty sure you can do that," Ms.Fuller assumed as she let go of my hands. Ms.Fuller had so much faith in me and I didn't have the balls to tell her that she was asking for too much. I never had a boyfriend in my life and didn't really want one which seemed to make this even more harder than it probably was.

       "And how exactly am I going to meet him?" I asked.

         "Quite easily," Ms.Fuller replied. She must've had this all mapped out or something. "Liam is looking for different people to help him run his new charitable business, so I heard. Since you said you were a writer,  I'm sure Liam will hire you since he's needy." He wasn't the only one that was needy. Ms.Fuller turned the laptop around and pointed it to me as a bright orange colored website looked back at me. "Once he chooses you, which he will, I want you to get closer to him. Learn everything about him. Just don't fall in love with the brute."

           "And after I get close to him what then?" I asked.

         "We'll talk about that when you finish what I ask," Ms.Fuller replied as she headed to the door. "Until then Ms.Mills, you should start replying to his silly help ad."

      "Will do Ms.Fuller," I said. Ms. Fuller nodded in approval and left the room.

       I admit there was something about Ms.Fuller that seemed a little odd as though she was hiding something from me. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I had a weird feeling about her. I shook my head and just focused on the money that she was going to give me to help with my grandmother's surgery. I sat down at the table in front of the laptop and looked at the orange covered website that awaited me. I assumed that it was this Liam's website.

           The first time that I looked at his website, I thought that the colors that were chosen were too bright and ugly, but that was none of my business. Out of curiosity, I read what was on his site to get a feel of what I should write when applying to his job. To tell you the truth when I did finish read everything that was listed on his site, I thought that maybe this Liam wasn't a bad guy as Ms.Fuller made him seem. I mean he was looking to end poverty, hunger, pollution and all those terrible things in the world, a little heroic and a complex thing to do if you ask me. Then again, I don't know Liam well and I don't think Ms.Fuller would lie to me about what a jerk he really is. Anyway, who cares! Figuring what type of person this Liam truly was is the least of my worries.

          I scrolled with the mouse pad over to the section where Liam stated that he needed people to help him start his charity business. I began to type something that sounded meaningful and truthful. As I typed, I wanted to know how Ms.Fuller could be so sure that he'd choose me. Was he that terrible a person that no one wanted to work with? I was scared to know because someone with that personality might be hard for me to cozy up to. Dr. Braithwig was the only man that I ever liked and even then I never thought to flirt or charm him. It was a good thing that I never did because I would have made a complete fool out of myself. I took in a sigh and just thought about Grandma and my payment after all this was over.

        After writing a seven page essay of lies, I sent it all to this Liam. I kind of felt bad lying to someone that I didn't even know but it was Ms.Fuller's orders. I took out my cell and went to call Grandma just to make sure that she was okay. Of course she didn't answer so I left her a very long message telling her everything, except for the charming some guy part. I ended the message telling her that I will be home soon and that was that. This would be the first time that I was away from Grandma and I hoped that it wouldn't be  for too long.

         I got up from the chair and headed to the small fridge to see what Ms.Fuller left for me to eat. As I opened the fridge, a watery sound from the laptop was heard. I went over to the laptop and saw that an orange message popped up in the same section where I sent my inquiry to Liam. Two things came to mind; this guy's favorite color must be orange and secondly that couldn't be him replying to my message so fast. I clicked open the orange message and sure enough it was from Liam Spencer. I started to read his message.

        "Dear Ms.Cressida Mills," It began, "thank you very much for showing your interest in my future company. It means a lot to meet people who are as involved as I am to start something beneficial as this. I have read your message and I want to say that I was blown away at how clean, clear and extremely persuasive you write. It would be in my best interest if maybe we can meet up at Rules Cafine to talk about this further, just so I can get a feel of who you are and your views. I know you expressed everything in your message to me, but I think it's sometimes better to meet in person. How does tomorrow at twelve sound for you? Let me know."

         I was starting to believe that maybe Liam didn't read my long message. He couldn't have...unless he was a fast reader. I took in a breath and responded to him that tomorrow at twelve would be fine with me. I sent my message and then closed the laptop quickly. This whole thing felt so wrong  but at the same time so right. I left the little room and went to find Ms.Fuller to tell her that I had a meeting with this Liam tomorrow. As I headed to knock on her door to give her the news, I saw through her windows that her lights were off. I assumed that maybe she probably stepped out to do something. I guess I would have to tell her this later when she gets in. I returned to my new room and went to find something to eat, still thinking to myself whether or not if this whole thing that Ms.Fuller had me doing was worth it or not.


             I thought that this Rule's Cafine place would be much further than where Ms.Fuller lived but it turned out that it was closer than I thought. I arrived there at exactly ten forty five on the dot, leaving my car parked in front of the small little coffee shop. I took a seat by the window and awaited for Liam to arrive, which wouldn't be for another hour or so. I made sure to dress the part of someone who had experience to "fake" impress this guy. I wore the same emerald short draped high waisted skirt that I was eyeing yesterday in my new closet, a white silken tank top that was tucked into the skirt, a black blazer, golden heels that had two bows at the side and a matching golden medallion statement necklace that felt very cold on my chest. My hair was up in a braided bun that looked all too professional.

         "Waiting long?" came a voice.

        I looked up and saw, in front of the seat that faced me, a well dressed pale faced man staring at me. He smiled a bright yellow teethed smile and I thought it was rather ugly. I said nothing to him because I didn't come here to socialize. I took out my phone and pretended like I was reading something. Maybe he would get the message that I didn't want to talk to him and leave me alone.

         "Let me guess, your date stood you up?" He asked as I felt his gaze on me. Guess he wasn't getting the message. I put my phone down and gave him eye contact.

        "What do you want sir?" I asked annoyed. The man was still smiling that yellow cheesy smile at me.

          "Oh nothing," he replied as he took a sip of his coffee, "it's just that it's rare to see a sexy brown skinned woman like yourself around here. You new around here?"

        I shook my head in disgust. Just a simple fool trying to pick me up. I didn't have time for this at all. I continue to look at my phone and begged that man would go away.

        "What can I get you today miss?" An extremely sugary voiced woman stood beside me with a pen and notepad. Like the yellow teethed fool, she to had a big smile on her face. Were Beverly Hill's people this friendly?

        " you have Lemon tea?" I asked, taking off guard. The woman nodded. "Let me get that please."

        "Anything to eat?" She asked.

        She must've thought that I had eaten here before. "Any thing you would recommend?" I asked.

       "Yes. You'd be the first to have ever asked me that. I recommend the-" But before the woman could reply, the yellow teethed man spoke.

       "I  recommend the Chocolate Chip Muffin," He replied as he smooth back his blonde hair as if trying to be failed. The woman and I exchanged glances as we looked at him. The man looked at the woman and flashed her his usual ugly smile as he pointed to me. "She's with me."

        "No he's-" I began but the man interjected as he came to sit in front of me.

       "And make that two Chocolate Chip Muffins," He told the woman as he winked at her, "thanks."

        The woman looked at me unsure of what to say. "One lemon tea and two chocolate chip muffins coming up," She said as she gave me a nervous smile. She then left and headed into the small kitchen of the coffee shop. I turned to the man as he slurped his coffee innocently.

        "Look bub," I said irritably, "I don't know who the hell you are but I would appreciate it if you leave me alone."

     "The name's actually Trent," He replied, "and I am interested in you."

         "Well Trent,  I am not at all interested in you. Goodbye," I said curtly as I got up and moved to the next free table. But Trent followed.

         "Maybe I can change your mind about that," He continued as his long nose came close to me. And that was the last straw. I had enough of this silly man.

       I would just have to tell this Liam that we should meet somewhere some other time. I got up from my seat and headed towards the door but Trent grabbed my arm. The shittiest part of all this was the people who worked there just stared helplessly at us. They didn't seem to care that some weirdo was harassing one of their customers.

       "Where are you going?" He asked. "I thought we could spend this time to get to know each other and-"

        "Don't touch me," I warned testily as I snatched my arm away from him. Trent grabbed it again and I was so close to punching him.

        "I can't help myself," He said in a husky voice, "you're just so pret-"

        But before Trent could say anything else that was ridiculous and stupid, the door behind me opened as everyone, including Trent froze into silence. I turned around and there stood a man with an athletic body, heavy beard as though he hadn't shaved in a while, and dark brown sticky hair. He was wearing a dress shirt and pants with a clownish orange tie. He looked at Trent in disgust and then at me.

         "Is this guy giving you problems?" He asked concerned. Trent quickly let go of my arm, giving this man his answer. The guy turned to one of the bored waiters who sat near the many machines of coffee. "Why is this guy still here when I told you specifically that I didn't want him in here?!"

          "W-W-We tried to ask him to leave Mr.Spencer but-" The waiter stammered no longer looking bored. Mr.Spencer? Oh my God, was that guy Liam? Tell me he wasn't.

         "Tried ?" The man echoed as he gave a short cruel laugh. "Now that's a good one!" The waiter looked fearful as the man continued, "Do I have to bring my father here to talk to you or what? I mean, he owns half of this coffee shop and to hear that his employees are not doing their job would make him more than furious. And if my father's furious most likely someone may just loose their job."

         Yep, that had to be Liam alright. He sounded like a jerk already.

        "I'll take care of him at once," The fearful waiter said as he went over to Trent, escorting the bum out.

         Liam turned to the other waiters. "That speech doesn't only go for him but for you all as well," He reminded, "now someone bring me a Hazelnut Coffee."

       "Yes Mr.Spencer," The waiters said in unison as they went into the small kitchen. He could've at least said please to them. I guess that word was foreign to him.

       Liam took a seat by the window where I originally sat. I awkwardly went over to him as he looked out the window.

       "Uh...Mr.Spencer?" I asked. Liam turned to me and in two seconds he transformed from this demanding rude pig to a professional business man.

        "Yes," He replied formally. "And you must be Cressida Mills...I assume?" I nodded. "Please to meet you." He stood and offered a hand to me and I shook it. I pulled the chair in front of him out to sit, but Liam stopped me and said,  "Allow me." as he dusted the seat off for me to sit.

       "Thank you," I said to the faux gentleman and Liam nodded. He sat across from me and folded his hands together on the table looking like a grizzly bear.

      "First off, I want to apologize for the incompetence of that guy who was bothering you," Liam said not making any eye contact with me at all, "he's known for bothering and harassing women. He did that to someone that I really cared about and I just had to tell these people that I don't want him in here, knowing he'll bother other women who come here...which he did." He took in a sigh as he looked up at me. "If he made you feel uncomfortable in any way I sincerely apologize for that."

           "It's fine," I replied, "I meet crazy people everyday so I'm use to it."

           Liam gave a small smile that disappeared in five seconds. I had to admit when he did smile he looked...charming.

         The woman waitress that came to me earlier placed a small tea cup in front of me as well as two chocolate chip muffins. Another waitress placed a tall coffee cup in front of Liam. They both smiled at us and then went about their business. I guess because he was so threatening to them they felt to give him a huge cup of cafine goodness.

       "Anyway," Liam said as he poured a pack of sugar in his coffee, "let's get down to business shall we?" I nodded as Liam leaned back in his chair and folded his hands on his stomach. "Tell me, what interested you about my company that made you want to be apart of it?"

           He did know that I wrote that in my reply to his ad. I guess he truly didn't read it. I cleared my throat as Liam listened.

        "Well the thing was that, like you Mr.Spencer, I also like to help people," I replied. Liam stroke his beard and I wondered what he was thinking about. "I always did ever since I was ten years old. I use to help feed the homeless with my grandmother every Sunday's until life became more complicated."

      "And how was that like for you?" Liam asked.

      "Well I enjoyed it," I replied. "It just gave me a good feeling at the end of the day, like I just saved someone's life who wasn't eating well or just had nothing to eat."

         "Definitely," Liam said agreeing with the last part of my sentence. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you mentioned in your reply that you were a writer, right? Or was I just drawn to your writing that it only made it seem that way?"

       If I was much paler I would had been pink cheeked by now. No one has ever actually told me that they liked my writing ever. Sure, the young women and the teens enjoyed my Roses by the Moonlight  novel but they only liked the plot and the characters not so much the words.

      "I am a writer Mr.Spencer," I replied, "not a famous one but I'm a writer."

        "It shows Ms.Mills," Liam said, "it really shows." I bit into the Chocolate Chip Muffin as Liam continued, "If I was to ask you to be my blogger, you know spreading the word of my company out there on social media and all that good stuff, would you be able to do it?"

        In all my years I never had any intentions of being a blogger but now that Liam bought it up, I wouldn't mind.

        "I'd like that," I replied as bits of muffin flew from my mouth.

         "Consider yourself hired Ms.Mills," Liam said as he stood up once again and offered his hand to me. Why couldn't all jobs be easy to get as Ms.Fuller's and Liam's. I would have been excited if I wasn't doing this with any motivation behind it.

         "Thank you so much Mr.Spencer," I said as I shook his hand.

         "Call me Liam," He said, "Mr. Spencer is what everyone calls my dad."

       "Alright, Liam." I said, correcting myself jokingly. Liam smiled as he gave a short laugh.

       "Ms.Mills-I mean Cressida, for some reason I could tell that we are going to be very good business partners," Liam commented. I smiled back at him but said nothing. "I know I just met you and all but you seem like a very honest and intelligent young woman ahead of her time. I admire that." My heart felt heavy when he said the word honest. Why did he have to use that word. "Anyway I have to see my dad and brother in a few minutes so..." I waited for Liam to finish what he was about to say but he never did. "Can I walk you out, if you don't mind?"

       "Uh...sure," I told him. I plopped the rest of the Chocolate Chip muffin into my mouth and took the second unopened one with me. As bummy as that Trent was, he was right for recommending the Chocolate Chip muffins. Liam left his large Hazelnut cup of coffee on the table and I left my small cup of lemon tea with his. I would have took the tea home with me but I didn't feel like carrying anything hot.

        As I got up from my seat, like a ghost, one of the waitress stood behind me with a friendly yet odd smile across her face.

       "Ready for your check Miss?" She asked.

       But before I could answer Liam replied, "She's with me Hagerdita."

      The woman nodded and walked away to serve another table. Liam held the door for me as I walked out the coffee shop.

        "I apologize if I'm asking too much questions," Liam said as he walked with his hands in his pocket, "but I never seen you around here before. Are you new here?"

        "You can say that," I replied. "I'm actually from Hawthorne and I just came here to look for a job."

      "Right," Liam said.

        We walked and talked a few more times until we stopped in front of my car. Liam held my car door open for me as I got in.

         "It was nice meeting you Cressida," He said as I buckled my seat belt, "I'm looking forward to getting to know you much more." I smiled because I didn't know what to say back to him. "I'll be emailing you after I finish with my father and brother so keep checking your email."

       "Will do," I told him. Liam gazed up at me for a few seconds without saying a word as he had his hand on my car door. " can let go of my car door now," I told him politely.

      "Huh?" Liam asked and then it seemed like my words hit him. "Right..." I giggled a bit at how awkward and confused he seemed. Liam gave a slight chuckle as he closed my car door. "Well, that was a little embarrassing."

         "We will just forget that it ever happened," I told him gaily.

         "Yea let's," Liam said in agreement. He looked at me, again, and I felt as though time was repeating. Why did he keep looking at me? Did I have something on my face? Was my breath bad? What was wrong? He shook his head as if to get rid of a bad thought and then patted my car. "Be safe Cressida." But before I could tell him the same thing back, he started up the road with his hands in his pocket. An odd guy he was but at the same time there seemed something beautiful about him. I started up my car and drove back to Ms.Fuller's,  keeping Liam in mind.


              "So let me get this straight, he defended you from some desperate slob and paid for your meal as well?" Ms.Fuller asked, excitement in her voice. We were in our night gowns while eating junk food in my little room.

        "Yes," I replied as I ate a cheese curl.

         "This is great!" Ms.Fuller said with a smile. "More great than I expected. It already sounds like he has taken a liking to you."

        "Has it?" I asked. Ms.Fuller nodded happily. "I didn't really notice..."

         "Don't be modest Cressida," Ms.Fuller said as she pinched my cheek, "whatever you're doing or saying to him so far seems to be working." But  I wasn't doing anything. "What else happened this morning when you went to see him?"

        "Honestly Ms.Fuller, that was it," I responded. "After he hired me to be his blogger he walked me to my car." The scene replayed in my mind as I told Ms.Fuller what happened. "He opened my car door like a gentleman and his eyes kept meeting mine as though he wanted to tell me something but couldn't."

         Ms.Fuller grinned at me and I wanted to know why she was grinning. "There it is," she said.

         "There what is?" I wondered.

         "The smile that I want you to give Liam as you get closer to him," Ms.Fuller explained. Was I actually smiling a few seconds ago? "It'll turn him on in no time, I'm sure."

            Seeing the many sides of Liam this morning, I honestly don't know what would  turn him on. I bit my lip as Ms.Fuller took my hands in her's.

         "You're doing remarkably Cressida," She told me. "Your reward will be handsome in no time." I loved how that sounded. Grandma will be having that surgery soon,  I could feel it. "But I'm going to let you rest up since you have a big day with Liam tomorrow. Correct?"

        "Yes," I replied. Liam emailed me in the afternoon and told me that he wanted me to meet him at his place to start talking more about his future charitable business. He wanted to meet early as in seven in the morning and mind you I am not a morning person at all.

        "Good," Ms.Fuller said as she let go of my hands. "Let me know everything that happened when you get in." I nodded as Ms.Fuller left the room, her black night gown billowing behind her.


             The next few days blended into one another. I pretty much was doing the same things over and over again. I woke up, got dressed, met up with Liam to discuss his companies mission and reported everything that happened that day back to Ms.Fuller. It wasn't until that Friday when things started to take a different turn for me that I didn't expect at all. I went over to Liam's place at the usual time wearing a white button down three fourth sleeved blouse, a nude fitted pencil skirt that had a huge brown belt at the waist, brown high heels and golden hoop earrings. Instead of wearing my hair in a tall braided bun I left it loose as the braids fell at my chest. I had a revised draft of Liam's mission statement for his company in my hands and I hoped that he did like it, since it took me all night to finish. I rang his door bell and waited for him to answer. As I waited, I smiled to myself because today was Friday which met that Ms.Fuller was going to give me my first pay check for the week. I was excited! This was what I've been looking forward to ever since I started this odd job with Ms.Fuller. Then again, since I was "working" with Liam, shouldn't he pay me as well? The funny thing about that was he never mentioned anything about pay to me.

            "Cressida?" came Liam's voice. I spun around in shock because I didn't hear him open the door. When I did look to face him,  I swore that I was looking at a completely different person. Liam's grizzled beard was gone and he looked "Didn't expect you to be here so early."

        "Neither did I," I replied. The moment that I said that I wanted to take it back. I sounded so stupid. Why was I sounding stupid? Liam blinked as though he didn't know what to say. He probably was thinking that he should fire me for saying something so ridiculous as that to him. I cleared my throat to get rid of the awkward silence that flowed between us. "I have your revised mission statement for your business."

        "You do?" Liam asked as though he didn't believe me. I nodded and handed him a ten page paper. Liam took it and glanced at it, flipping through the pages. Wasn't he going to read it? "Wow, Cressida. I honestly don't know what to tell you." He flipped through more of the pages and I started to feel kind of nervous. I didn't know why I was and it scared me. Liam looked at me and said, "You're amazing."

        The moment when he said that, it was as though the world froze and Liam and I were the only people there. He called me amazing. No one has ever called me that before. Not even Dr. Braithwig...then again I wouldn't expect him to.

        "What am I doing," Liam said as he opened the door wider, "come on in." He held the door open for me as I made my way in. He closed the door behind us and I felt his eyes on me. I hope he wasn't checking me out from behind. "If you smell something that smells like bleach, just know that I was cleaning not too long before you came." Liam cleans? Well that's another good thing about him. "And you might want to take your shoes off because the floor may be slippery."

           Common sense would have told me to take off my brown buckled high heels but I was too busy thinking about Liam calling me amazing  to actually think correctly.

      "That's fine," I told him.

        "Uh...okay then," Liam said. His eyes went back to the essay that I had wrote him and it looked like he was actually reading over it.

       As he did that, I headed towards his couch so that I could use his laptop. He had a couple of things saved there that I needed to send to my email to revise for him. Liam trusted me since I met with him at Rule's Cafine  and I wish he didn't. As I neared his couch,  my heel stepped on a watery soapy patch that stood so obvious on the ground. I lost my balance as my foot slid across the ground. Maybe this was what I deserved for being a liar to Liam. Maybe this was karma for yelling at Rita and Dr. Braithwig. Maybe-

       "I got you."

          Everything seemed still as I realized that I should've fell and hit my behind...but I didn't. I felt someone's hand on my back. I looked up and looking back at me was Liam. He was staring down at me and he looked so calm and gentle. His eyes seemed so warm as I looked into them. He gently pulled me up right as his hands rested on my waist. My heart began to race as though I had too much cafine. What's happening? Liam extended a shaky hand as he removed three strands of braids from out my face. I stood there as still as a statue as he did this, lost of words. He leaned forward and kissed me. I didn't even try to stop him and that was the odd thing. His kiss was so sensual. I didn't want it to end. As I look back at this moment, I don't regret kissing him as we speak. Just as I was enjoying his lips on mine, Liam quickly pulled away.

         "I'm sorry," He said turning away from me. "I shouldn't have done that." He ran his hands down his face in a frustrated manner. "You should go."

            "Liam I-" I started.

           "Go now Cressida!" he said firmly. I guess even he realized that this whole situation wasn't anything to be ashamed of because he softened his voice as he said the next word. "Please."

        Knowing how fast Liam's personality could change, I obeyed him. I slowly escorted myself out since he was too strange of a person to escort me out himself. As I made my way out, I looked back and there Liam was looking back at me. He had an unusual expression on his face as though he wanted to kiss me again but at the same time he wanted me to leave like something was holding him back.

     I told Ms.Fuller everything when I returned to her. She was delighted and gave me two hundred dollars. I kind of expected more but I kept quiet.

        "This seems so scandalous. I love it!" Ms.Fuller exclaimed as she kicked up happily. I stepped back before she kicked me in the face. "You, my dear, have him right where I want him which brings me to the conclusion of the first part of my task." Ms.Fuller smiled a wicked smile and that should have gave me the feeling to back out of her plan now. "Ask him out Cressida."

        "Ask him out?" I echoed. "Ms.Fuller, Liam probably doesn't want to see me, much less hear my voice. I can't-"

        Ms.Fuller waved my cell phone in a mocking way as I heard my phone ring as though it was dialing a number. "Your phone is calling him," She told me happily as she handed me the phone. I took in a sigh because I needed more money for Grandma's surgery and I couldn't disobey Ms.Fuller now. I raised my phone to my ear as Ms.Fuller listened in the background.

       "Hello?" came a dull voice and I knew that was Liam.

         "Liam, it's me Cressida." I said, "look I-"

       "I know what you're thinking Cressida," Liam said as if ashamed, "you probably think that I am some lunatic who comes on to all his female employees, but that's not the case."

       "That's not the case," Ms.Fuller mocked softly as she rolled her eyes, "oh please!"

      "I don't know what came over me... I just... I just got a little distracted. It's fine if you don't feel comfortable with working with me anymore. I understand."

       He sounded so wonderful when he was saying this, admitting his wrongs when there wasn't anything really to be wrong about.

       "You're amazing." played over again in my mind as did our kiss.

       "Cressida?" Liam asked. "Still there?"

      I took in a breath. "Yea I am," I replied.

       "Be  flirtatious," Ms.Fuller said as she whispered in my other ear. I didn't know how to be that but I will try for the sake of my grandmother.

       "I would still love to work with you Liam," I told him, "and I...I really felt something when we...kissed."

        Ms.Fuller grinned as she leaned back into the darkness, still listening to our conversation. Liam was silent and I hoped what I said didn't scare him away.

       "Really?" Liam asked.

      "Truly," I replied.

       "Wow," Liam said, "I...I don't really know what to say."

        "How about we take a break from meeting at your house and get a drink or something? My treat."

       "If I didn't know any better I'd think you're asking me on a date."


        A short gentle laugh from Liam's end of the phone echoed in my ears, giving me a strange delightful sensation of butterflies in my stomach. "Well that's kind of sexy," Liam commented. "I'm usually asking woman out, it's never the opposite."

      I smiled. I know this was all suppose to be fake but it seemed so real.

     "Is that a yes or no Mr.Spencer?" I asked and I was shocked at how flirtatious my own voice was sounding.

       "A definite yes Ms.Mills," Liam replied. "Pick you up at six?"

      "No," I said, "I'll pick you up at six. I mean I do have the car."

      Ms.Fuller gave me a thumbs up in the shadows and I smiled.

     "That you do Cressida," He said with a probably handsome little sigh. "That you do."

      "See you then Liam," I said gently.

     "See you then Cressida," Liam replied. "Have a goodnight."

      "You too."

      Liam hung up and then I did.

       "That was so good Cressida!" Ms.Fuller exclaimed joyously as she came from out the shadows placing her long delicate hands on my shoulders, "for a minute there you had me believe that you actually liked  that thing." By thing she was referring to Liam. I grew quiet because although I was instructed to flirt and woo Liam, I think I may just be catching feelings for him. "You're such a fine actor Ms.Mills." Well I did minor in theater when I was in college but never thought I would ever pursue it in my life...until now. "Anyway I will probably let you get dressed for your 'date' in another few hours or so." Ms.Fuller headed towards the door. "And remember to-"

          "Tell you everything that happened when I get in," I replied, finishing her sentence.

           Ms.Fuller smiled with satisfaction and then left the room. I sat on my bed and looked at the two hundred dollars that I had made for the week. I was debating whether or not if I should put this away for Grandma's surgery or to spend it on my outing with Liam. I did tell him that it was my treat, not knowing that apart from this two hundred dollars, I had no money. I thought long and hard as time went on by.


          It turned out that I pretty much chose Liam, someone that I was falling for, over my own grandmother. I assumed that maybe next week Ms.Fuller would give me more money that would go towards Grandma's surgery. I was a fool to do that though because I never received a payment from Ms.Fuller again. Her excuse was that the bank was holding my check back, but she had kept saying that for three weeks now and I was becoming scared and uneasy. On the bright side, I had a boyfriend who didn't seem as bad as Ms.Fuller depicted him. 

          The more that I got closer to Liam the more I started to see Ms.Fuller's true colors. At first Ms.Fuller seemed nice and friendly but now she seemed pushy, demanding and a little impatient, but I still stuck with her. The evening after I had dinner with Liam and his family, Ms.Fuller told me that I should bring back Liam's heart. It made me worry because killing someone was not what I signed up for. Just because she didn't like Liam didn't mean he deserved to die. I was having second thoughts about Ms.Fuller and I knew I should have been having those second thoughts ever since.

            I sat on Liam's couch and awaited him to return from his shower. Ms.Fuller's gold knife and box rested in my bag that fell at my foot. I couldn't kill Liam. I won't! Maybe I should just head back home and-

           "So Wyatt invited us to go out for donuts tomorrow with him and Steffy," came Liam's voice. I turned around and there he was standing bare chested with just sweat pants and a towel over his shoulders. I could admire him all day but too much was on my mind. "Would you like to go?"

        "Well that was nice of him," I replied with a smile, "what time did he have in mind?"

       "Eleven, twelve, I don't really know," Liam replied, "Wyatt was never the best planner."

         "I see," I said. "Any time would be good for me."

       "So eleven it is," Liam said. "If Wyatt can't make it then too bad." A little harsh he was to his brother but I was like that to my sisters as well so I shouldn't talk. "But that's enough of that." Liam extended his hand to me and said in a faux British accent, "Come, my bedchamber awaits us."

       He must've been watching too much Game of Thrones or something but I played along. I took his hand as he led me to his bedroom. A double bed stared back at both of us. Liam closed the door behind us and no sooner did I feel the zipper on the back of my dress zip down as my dress fell to the floor. Soft kisses from Liam 's lips pressed against my neck as it continued down my arm. It was beautiful and made me feel as though I had been the luckiest woman alive. I turned to him as he caressed my cheek.

        "I love you Cressida," He said softly.

        "I love you too Liam," I replied back as I leaned into him. Liam smiled as we kissed falling gently onto his bed. Neither of us let go of one another and that's when I came to a decision that I wasn't going to kill or hurt Liam as Ms.Fuller wanted. I loved him and he loved me and that was all that mattered.

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