Its War (Book 2)(EDITING)

By FlawlessMya

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Please read book 1 before yhu read this one More

Happy ending
I cant
I cant repost
Wake up
Jus us
Chapter 7
Its Queen Bitch
Break Down
Make up
New books
No more games
Not an update
Birthday party
Not an update


70 0 0
By FlawlessMya

Myanna P.O.V

Pregnant? Damn it feel so surreal. I'll actually be awake and responsive during my first 4 months of pregnancy. I got another lil Queen and Jess on the way. But the doctor said I had little to no chances of having a baby. Imma go to my regular doctor to see what's going on. I'm 19 years old and with 3 kids. I'm not even in a relationship with my kids father but sum how we keep reproducing kids. I just graduated high school 2 years ago. And I have nothing to show I'm life but my kids. I wanna do something with myself. I wanna get out of Cali. Maybe move down there with my mama peopled in ATL. Ion really kno tho. If I do move I'll have to move with Jess and I really don't wanna live with him again. Although I still love him and I will always love him , he broke my trust and to make matters worst the girl baby might be his. I'm already hurt that he cheated on me but if that baby his ion think I could forgive him. That boy have been my everything since I was 16. Maybe we need to separate for a while. Meet other people. I do wanna marry Jess but I don't want him to feel like he have to. I want him to do it cause he want it.

But..... today is the day that I get to kill Keyatta. Who would've ever thought that it would come down to this point. I just want answers to her madness.

I put on my black Nike jogging pant suit. I slide on my 12's.Jess came out with the exact same thing as me.

"Really nigga." I asked
"What?" He asked with ah dumb look
"Same outfit"
He looked at my outfit then looked at his
"Aye I had this on first..... So you gotta change."
"I been dressed for about 20 minutes. Go change."
" I'm the one who brought the outfits."
"Stfu and cum take this picture with me ." 

Mason P.O.V

I made it to the trap house early today. I was sitting in my office smoking ah blunt thinking about life. I think it might be time to move my business. Me and brother in law been talking about linking our business together. But if we do I'll have to move down there to the A. I think that's what I might do. Everybody need a fresh start. Imma talk to princess about it wen its all done.

Levi walked into my office.

"Yea king"
"It's only 2:30 why you hear do early?"
"I should be asking you that ."
"Jus coming to check up on the trap houses."
"Aw you heard from Myanna and Jess?"
"Not since we saw him at the trap yesterday why?"
"I gotta talk to y'all"
"Y'all? As in Levi too"
"Yea nigga. Call them and tell them to get here in the next hour."

Jada P.O.V

"Jr stop"  Deon yelled for the 100th time since I been in the shower and that was 10 minutes ago.

Lemme get y'all caught up on our life. After Jr got shot we moved out. We moved about 30 minutes away into a gated community. Me and Deon ainn perfect far from it. Deon probably worst then Jess. Yes Deon has cheated since we moved out. Even told me that he was cheating the night we got kidnapped. But I showed him that 2 can play at his game. I broke up with him and got me ah boy toy and let Deon walk in on us having sex and I still didn't stop riding his dick. Call me petty or whatever you want. He came back 2 days later begging me on his knees to take him back. Now that's what you call pussy power. No I don't feel bad for what I did. Did he feel bad wen his side chick FaceTime while they was fucking. Hell No. But Deon kinda smart cause can't NO hoe say that he got them pregnant.

But enough of Deon let's get my big ole baby. Jr is 1. He turned 1 the day after Myanna surgery so we jus agreed to have him and the twins party together. We went with super hero theme. The twins going to super man and super women while Jr going to be batman. We invited sum girls we graduated with that had kids before we graduated or was pregnant. Other than that it's jus close family.

But today is the day that we kill Keyatta. Damn I remember the day I first meet her.

~Flashback ~
It was my first day at my new school. And I was sitting alone in the back of the class. We had ah sub and everybody was talking to they friends.

I put my head down on my desk and kept wondering why in the hell my mother made me move.
I felt a tap in my shoulder and I looked up. I saw this ugly ass tooth ass boy smiling in my face like he was the cutest thing in the world.

"Wassup " he said
I jus stared at his ugly ass.
"My name Tj what yours?"
Still I just looked at him.
"I kno yo mouth work."
Still nothing. He looked back at his friends and they got to laughing.
"That's why you ugly now. With yo black self."
Him and his friends got to laughing and I jus sat there and put my head down. I felt tears building up in my eyes.
"Leave her alone tj. That's why you still wearing the same shoes from last school year and you smell like trash." I heard this girl say
"Right and Omar you ainn no better. Wearing the same shirt all this week. And you black ass dirt." Her friend ( I'm guessing) said
I pulled my head up and showed my now blood shot red eyes.
"Girl don't cry. Don't listen to them bums. They jus mad cause you ainn give them the time of the day." The first girl said
"I'm Keyatta and this my bestie Myanna."
"I'm Jada. And thanks for what you did."
"No need. But you wanna cum sit with us? I get lonely with jus Keyatta." Myanna said
"You don't look bored. All them boys and girls around y'all."
"They nobody. Come on." Keyatta said

~End of Flashback

Damn. 13 years later and I gotta kill one of my sisters. I jus want answers to her madness. Why risk her friendship our sister hood for sum fu ass niggas.

Levi P.O.V

I been waiting on this day for years. Many don't kno but Quan use to be my right hand mans. I stop fw him wen I found him and Myanna having sex. While he was giving her oral. Then after I threatened his life he still ainn leave her alone. They was still fucking around. And to make matters worst he raped her. Imma have a real good time with this nigga.

It's around 3:30 and Jess and Myanna jus made it to trap. They said they would've been here sooner but they had to take the twins to daycare. Lord have mercy on whoever got them kids.

We was sitting down waiting on my dad to come back in the room. For sum reason he wanted us here early to talk to us. The door busted opened and O pulled my gun out and pointed it at the door.

"Damn y'all niggas on edge today." Deon said laughing
I turned my head and saw Jess and Myanna had the guns in they heads ready to shoot.
"Nigga you fucking lucky we saw y'all face before we started shooting." Jess said
"Oh stfu." Jada said walking in the room. We all tucked our guns away and the room became quite. I guess everybody was too caught up in their own thoughts. Damn 7 years ago I would've never thought this day ah cum. But it is what it is.


Mason P.O.V

I been gone from the trap all day. I kno what y'all thinking. Why would I have all them cum to the trap jus to leave. But I had to. They had to get they thought together. King,Queen and Jada gotta kill they childhood friends. Friends they killed mfkas with. Friends they confined in. So I knew they needed to wrap they heads around it. For Jess and Deon it's jus killing another enemy. It's more to the rest.

I knew the first day i saw Keyatta that she was my daughter I had with Mary. See Mary was my side piece. I never attended to get pregnant. Yea I fw Mary before Princess and yes Princess and Mary was bestfranns but wen I saw Princess I fell in love. She wasn't no Mary. Mary was hoe. And Hoes ainn shit but pussy. Quan dad was ah one night stand Mary had to try to make me mad. I mean I was kinda mad but I couldn't let that known to princess. She was pregnant with King. I knew she gonna kill my ass and leave me. I knew Princess was a boss ass bitch wen I first met her. She ainn even pay me any attention. But I knew she knew that I fucking Mary. But she still gave me a chance. Mary wasn't one of bitchs you can jus fuck. Her pussy was too good. Her pussy wasn't no basic hoe pussy. She had that good good. But princess...... looorrrrdddddd she own my mfka soul. Still to this day every time we fuck she take my mfka soul. But we getting off topic. Wen Mary found out princess was pregnant the first time she went crazy but to pay me back she got pregnant with Quan the same week princess told her she was pregnant. About 2 years went by and me and Mary was still fucking. Until that one faithful day I slipped up.

Me and Mary was meeting a hotel. We had fucked and everything. We was jus laying in the bed chillen. And princess bust threw that door and hell broke loss. She stabbed and shot Mary. She stabbed me. It was so many bullet holes in the wall and the bed. Only thing I remember is Princess screaming " My Bestfrann Mason. How could y'all?"

Mann right after that princess found out she was pregnant with Queen. She still wasn't speaking to me. I ainn see my son. It was like right after she found out she was pregnant she disappeared off the face of the earth. Then she jus came back. She was 6 months pregnant. Levi was 1 going on 2 in a few months. A few days after she came back Mary popped up 8 months pregnant. I knew that baby was mines so gave Mary ah couple millions and sent her on her way. I had chose my family with Princess ova Mary. Well I had really had a family with Mary. Jus a baby.

But enough of my fucked up life. It time to get down to business. I on my way back to the trap. It's time to talk to hem kids. And lately I been having dreams about fish and so have princess and last time this happened Myanna was pregnant with the twins. I jus hope she ainn pregnant again. She been threw a lot and being pregnant gonna add to her problems. I jus don't want her to miss carry. Plus Jess suppose to have another baby on the way. 2 newborns ainn gonna work.

I walk in the trap and everybody was loosing guns or packing bags with guns. Everybody was already slit up in they teams. I walked in my office and princess was sitting in my chair counting money. Looking like that baddest bitch ever. Had on all black with sum red bottoms heels. Hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"All the weeks money is here." She said
I pulled her up and sat her down on my lap. I took the money out her hand that she look like she been counting for the 100th time.
"Baby you working too hard. Relax." I said
"You ready to get this started?"
"Ready to get this shit ova with. Been dealing with carter for way too long."
" I kno. It's sad the kids gotta kill they childhood friends."
"Speaking of the kids we need to find out if Myanna pregnant or if Levi got sumbody pregnant."
"Yeah let's call them in now."

I called Levi and told them to meet me in my office. In about 10 minutes all them was in my office. Including Jada and Deon. They was in this shit too.

"So y'all ready for today?" I asked
"As ready I can be dad." Queen answered
" Look we really called y'all in here to find out who pregnant." Princess bluntly said
Myanna and Jess face went from relax to scared. They looked at each other face and I knew that Myanna was pregnant again.

"Shid it sin us." Deon said
" I ainn get nobody pregnant." Levi said
?Then all eyes went to Myanna and Jess.

"Queen." Levi called
"Huh" she replied
"Don't huh me nigga."
"What chu want Levi."
"You pregnant ainn you?"
No reply.
"Jess." I called out
"Yea boss."
"You got her pregnant again didn't you."
No reply
"She pregnant." Jada blurted out.
No comment
"Damnit baby girl. How? I mean Ik how but how?"
"So ummmm..... wen we disappear a few months ago ummm... see we made it our business to have sex everywhere in the house except the kids room. And whoever came first had to do whatever the other person wanted." Jess rushed out. Myanna pouch him in this arm

"What?" Jess yelled
"They need not need to kno that." She hollered at him.
"Shut tf up Queen you kno they wanted to kno that's why he asked how. The secret out there. She's 6 weeks pregnant she found out after the surgery."
"This why yo dick little now."
"Wasn't saying that wen you was screa.." gets cut off
"Ayee ayee enough of that shit Ight. " I said
"Everybody dismissed except for Myanna and Levi." Princess said
They got up and started to leave the room.
"Jess" princess called out
"Yea ma."
"I want to talk to you and yo dumb ass baby mama ova here after all this is ova."
With that he left out and we was left with our 2 dumb ass kids.
"Pregnant Myanna? Really your kids you got now not even 1 yet and you wanna run off and have another one. And to think it made while playing an damn sex game. How dumb can y'all get."
"Mom not to be rude but how I get into this." Levi asked
"Shut up Levi." I said
"Huh Myanna don't go quite now. Cause you had no problem a minute ago with talking telling Jess his dick small."
"Cause it is.." Myanna mumble
"Big or small it got you pregnant not once but twice." Princess snapped
"Okay mom yes I'm pregnant. No I didn't get pregnant on purpose. And grandma told me always take care of my responsibilities even if it was mistake or unplanned.  So imma do jus that."
"I'm not telling you to abort your baby. I'm jus trying to explain to you how hard it's gonna be with 2 toddlers and a newborn. Levi was 2 wen I had you. And he was a terrible 2 year old a good brother yes but a kid by himself horrible. It was hard managing 2 kids a once. And both of them needing attention. A lot of it. And your dad was out making money. Yes he was help and he there as much as he can but that wasn't enough. Y'all need 24 hour attention. I got little to no sleep. What I'm trying to say is it's going to be hard. And at times you are going to want to give up. Is you ready for that Queen?"

"Don't matter if I'm ready or not this baby cumn."
"Give mama ah hug." They had they lul girly moment.
"Ok enough of all that girly shit. Y'all ready for what's about yo go down?"
"Hell yeah. Been waiting on this day for years." Levi said getting hyped
"Ite let's get started."


1 am

Princess P.O.V

"Okay Myanna she dead." I said whole pulling Myanna off Keyatta.

We had got the call that the boys had kill Carter and Quan and was on they way back. So Myanna and Jada got to beating the shit out of keyatta. Jada at stopped about 5 minutes ago but Myanna kept going.
"Alright I'm done." Myanna said holding her hands up in surrender

Jada grabbed the gun off the table and shot Keyatta 5 times.

She sat the gun down and walked out the room.
" Aye Jada bitch you ainn slick you heard me say I wanted to shot her." Myanna yelled running behind Jada. Here these girls go.

I called the clean up crew to cum clean this shit up. I walked in Mason office rolled a blunt and chilled til the men cum.

Jess P.O.V

To my surprise we all made it out of there unharmed. Nun of our man was kill or shot.
We had jus walked in the trap and I heard Myanna and Jada arguing about who was gonna shot Keyatta.
"Listen you had already killed the girl. So I jus made sure she was dead fr and shot her."
"But I wanted to shot her." Myanna wined
"Idc." Jada said
"Dis why I don't like you Jada."
"I love you too bitch."
We all was jus standing listening to they argument laughing at them.

"Come on Myanna let's go home." I said
"Come on cause I'm hungry and hoes wanna be petty."
"Bitch stfu already." Jada yelled

We walked out the trap and drove the 2 hour drive home. Wen we got home we took our showers and laid down in the bed. This the first time in a long time I sleep with Myanna in our bed.
"It's ova Fr?" Myanna asked
"Yes it's ova Fr."
" I was thinking ..... what you think about moving to Atlanta with my mama peoples?" Myanna asked
"Yeah fresh start for us."
"I wanna move after the twins and Jr party."
"Fine with me. Start looking for an house."

We might be perfect but it's our family. And we gonna make us work. Meet the Moore's.

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