Young Justice x Reader one-sh...

By Goldfinch67

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Title pretty much says it all, this book is basically just full of young justice character X readers :3 feel... More

Characters & info
Robin (Dick Grayson) x Reader
Kid Flash (Wally West) x Reader
Impulse (Bart Allen) x Reader || Part One
Impulse (Bart Allen) x Reader || Part Two
Impulse (Bart Allen) X Reader || Part Three
Robin (Tim Drake) x Reader
Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) x Reader
Beast Boy (Garfield Logan) x Reader
Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x Reader
Impulse (Bart Allen) x Reader
Robin (Dick Grayson) X Reader
Kid Flash (Wally West) x Reader
Robin (Tim Drake) x Reader
Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader
Red Hood (Jason Todd) X Real life!Reader
Robin (Damian Wayne) X Reader
Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader
Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) X Reader || Part One
Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) X Reader || Part Two
Beast Boy (Garfield Logan) X Reader
Robin (Jason Todd) X Reader || Part One
Robin/Red Hood (Jason Todd) X Reader || Part Two
Red Hood (Jason Todd) X Reader
Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader
Nightwing (Dick Grayson) X Reader
Red Robin (Tim Drake) X Reader
Robin (Tim Drake) X Reader
Impulse (Bart Allen) X Reader
Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader
Robin (Dick Grayson) X Reader
Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader X Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Impulse (Bart Allen) X Reader
Robin (Dick Grayson) X Reader || Part One
Robin (Dick Grayson) X Reader || Part Two
Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader
Robin (Dick Grayson) X Reader | Halloween Special
Red Hood (Jason Todd) X Reader | Halloween Special
Kid Flash (Wally West) X Reader | Halloween Special
Robin (Damian Wayne) X Reader | Halloween Special
Arsenal (Roy Harper) x Reader | Halloween Special
Red Robin (Tim Drake) X Reader | Halloween Special
Robin (Jason Todd) X Reader | Halloween Special
Impulse (Bart Allen) X Reader || Part One
Impulse (Bart Allen) X Reader || Part Two
Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) X Reader
*~Christmas Requests~*
Christmas Request #1: What to get Bats?
Dick Grayson (Robin) x Reader |Christmas Special
For the last time...
Hi again

Red Robin (Tim Drake) X Reader

5.3K 107 9
By Goldfinch67

Hey Crashers! I feel like the biggest troll ever right now, I'll bet you were expecting a part two to the last chapter. But nope, youu get some Timbo love ;3.

Okay, Okay, I'll give you the part two next, promise.

Y/N - Your name
E/C - Eye colour

Enjoy and stay crash!

Terror. Disgust.

You didn't really know.

It's kind of a toss-up when you wake up in a pool of blood, in a warehouse, in the middle of the night.

As you were regaining your senses, a spine-chilling laugh reverberated around the bare space. You instantly knew who it was. Joker.

Your suspicions were confirmed when the pallor figure of the clown stepped out of the shadows.

You tried to move your hands to push yourself up, only to find that they were handcuffed together behind your back.

"You won't get away with this, Joker!" You shouted. Of course, it had to be the most cliché sentence ever, but oh well.

"Oh girly, with this smile, I can get away with everything." He chuckled "Especially with your little vigilante boyfriend already out of the way." He gestured to the blood that was slowly staining your clothes.

Your eyes widened, mind racing as to what Bruce had done to Tim. How could he know his secret identity?

"Don't try to deny it, girly. I've seen you with the little red bird boy on many occasions. Such a shame he left Batsy." He let out a low hum in thought, his dark green hair hanging over the sides of his face. "Maybe Bird-Boy will go crying to Batsy to take him back after this little... Mishap."

This sentence relieved you and sent a shiver down your spine at the same time. It implied that Tim was alive and safe, which was all you could ask for.

Sadly, your thoughts were interrupted when the Clown Prince pushed a large pod covered with glass out into the open. Your E/C orbs widened upon seeing who was in it, and the state he was in.

It was Tim. His head hung low with his eyes, which were covered by his domino mask, closed. His Red Robin costume was ripped and stained red, blood still dribbled out of some gashes. A small spark of hope lit up in your heart upon noticing he was still breathing.

The psycho clown tapped his fingers on the glass. "Little bird couldn't stay away from you for his own good. And since I still couldn't get any Batsy information out of him from that, I think watching you slowly dying will bring out the betraying side. Ah, I can't wait to see Bats again!" He laughed maniacally, picking up a crowbar from a table.

Surprising you, he strode over towards Tim's pod and tapped on the glass with the metal object. Tim jolted awake, lifting his head up. His breathing came in short bursts as he rapidly surveyed his surroundings.

When he noticed you were led on the floor in a pool of blood, his heart rate increased rapidly. No, you couldn't be here. Joker couldn't know you were with him.

Joker cackled at his reaction, striding towards you. Raising the crowbar high above his head, he flashed his signature red grin as he brought it down on your chest with a brutal force. You cried out in pain, trying not to look at Tim who was terrified for you.

After a while, you lost count of how many times Joker had hit you. You clenched your teeth as he brought it down on you once more.

"Stop!" Tim begged, his breathing ragged. "Please."

Joker looked away from you, staring directly at the vigilante.

"Will you tell me who Bats really is if I do?"

He never spoke, never made a sound; but the look in his eyes told you exactly what was going to happen.


The psychotic clown's lips curled up in a sick grin. He dropped the bloodied crowbar and made his way toward Tim.

"Go on?" He dragged out the 'n', increasing the pitch.

"His name I-" Tim's voice was cut off by the smashing of glass from above. Before you could realise what was going on, Tim was out of the pod, and Joker had a knife to your throat.

Blinking, you saw the Dark Knight himself with Robin by his side, as well as Tim. They were all in fighting stances. Tim was glaring at the Joker with an anger you had never seen emitting from him.

"Hand over the girl." Batman growled.

"Hmm, not going to happen, Batsy." He grinned, pressing the knife into your neck, enough to break through the skin.

At this, Tim advanced forward and kicked the knife out of the Clown's hand. Joker's eyes narrowed, but Tim ignored it and threw a punch directly at his face. Without any hands to block the blow, he was out cold. That was easier than it should've been.

Tim quickly broke your cuffs and held you close. Pressing a sweet kiss to your lips, he picked you up bridal style and carried you over to the Dynamic Duo. Damian was glaring at you, as usual. If you were in any other situation he would be complaining to Tim's 'stupid signs of affection', but right now that would be inappropriate, so he held his tongue.

"You okay, Y/N?" He questioned

"Yeah, but I think I'm even better when I'm with you." You giggled, ignoring the sharp pain in your ribs.

He smiled, "We'll take you back to the Batcave to check you up, then we'll go back to our apartment."

You nodded, and closed your eyes. You decided to try and get some sleep while you're sure you're safe.

"I love you, Tim."

"I love you too, sweetheart."


Well, at least it's long-ish. I've got no good excuse for updating so late, I've been off school all day.

Just, hold in there waiting for the next part of the last chapter, it'll be worth it. Probably. Not really.

Stay crash,

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