Hating, Loving & Texting

By MusaStyle

36.2K 1.5K 924

Ladybug and Chat Noir love each other, while Marinette and Adrien hate each other. ### Marinette is a girl th... More

1 - Marinette's Life
2 - Miraculous
3 - Chat Noir
4 - Detention
5 - Falling in Love
6 - Meeting
7 - Special Week
8 - The Park
Author's Notes

9 - The Park (Happy Ending)

3.3K 132 108
By MusaStyle

Author's Note: This chapter contains parts of the previous one.

The long waited Saturday arrived, and both teens were equally excited. Marinette woke up early without any strugle. She scretched as she walked to the kitchen. She gave a kiss to her mother on the cheek and sat down on the table to have breakfast.

"Hey, honey, I've made the caramel cookies you love so much. Want some?" Sabine commented her daughter.

"Sure mom, thank you," then the light flicked above Marinette's head "Are there more?".

"Yes, there are quite a lot actually. Why Mari?" Sabine asked as she handed Marinette a plate with 5 caramel cookies, a glass of milk and another plate with two toasts with butter.

"I was wondering if maybe, I can take some pastries to the... Hang out I'm having with a friend?... Like a picnic" the bluenette said, hoping her mother would accept her request.

"Oh, sure dear. We have a picnic basket downstairs" her mother said, smiling.

"Thanks mom" Marinette finally thanked and started eating the food her mother gave her.

Marinette thought it would be a good idea to have a picnic with Chat, so they could... Chat a little. Pun not intended. She wanted to know more about him, besides his eye and hair color, age, preferences. She wanted to know more about his life. She finished eating and went upstairs. She made her bed, grabbed her handmade dress and headed to the bathroom to shower. Some minutes later she came out wearing a beautiful red dress with black polka dots all over it. It was sleeveless with strips and had a thick black belt above her waist. The rest of the dress looked like an upside down bloomed flower, with lace at the end. The dress didn't reach the half of her thighs, that's why she was using a pair of tight, black shorts. Her shoes were just red flats, with a little bow on the end. She firstly thought of using her hair down, but decided to use her classic pigtails. That way, she would know if he really would accept her the way she is.

Marinette checked her phone and it showed that Chat had sent her a message. She quickly unlocked it and read the message.

Chat Noir: Princess, we didn't arrange an hour 😁.

The hour! How could we forget the hour? What hour is it... 9:35... Okay, cool.

Ladybug: Yeah... Silly us 😂. How about 10 am?

Char Noir: Sounds great to me.

Ladybug: Okay then... Oh, and I'm taking food.

Chat Noir: Really? Cool! What kind of food?

Ladybug: 🍪🍬🍮

Chat Noir: Sweet, sweets!

Ladybug: Nooo the puns!

Chat Noir: 😝

Ladybug: See ya there kitty.

Chat Noir: See you there M'Lady 😘.

He sent her a kiss. Chat Noir just sent her a freaking kiss. And now she was practically fangirling over a text. Her crush on him was really strong. She hoped she liked him in real life... But, she didn't need to worry. How can you hate someone you don't know?


Somewhere else a boy was finishing dressing. He was using a pair of white pants and a pair of black sneakers with light green laces. For the top half of his body he was using a black T-shirt with a white cat paws on the bottom right corner. On top of it he was using a light green shirt, open so it showed what was under it.


9:47 am

The boy went out of his home and walked to the park, wanting to enjoy of the sunny day.

10:02 am

He arrived and sat down on one of the benches. He hoped she didn't take long to arrive. He saw a young miss selling flowers. He walked to her and asked her for a red cosmos. She kindly gave it to him and he payed for it.


Marinette decided to play video games while she waited for the arranged hour to arrive. When she beated the last level, she looked at her phone to check on the hour.

10:12 am. She was late. Like she always is, actually. But this wasn't a school project with a friend. No, this was something important to her. Well, more like someone important to her. She grabbed her red purse with black polka dots and rushed downstairs, only to find her mother grabbing the picnic basket full of pastries. Marinette thanked her mother, grabbed the basket and ran to the park, which luckily was close to her house.

When she arrived, she started looking for a blonde haired boy with green eyes, wearing something green and black.

Marinette was walking towards a bench and sat down as she looked for Chat. She put the basket down. Little did she know she was sitting next to another teen.

10:17 am

He hasn't come yet. It has been five minutes since she started waiting, besides her being late. The sun was starting to make her uncomfortable, so she decided to move to another bench. When she stood up, she grabbed the basket and walked past her unnoticed companion. Then, she tripped with a rock, she closed her eyes in fear.

Marinette was about to fall flat to the ground, when she felt strong arms grab her. She opened her eyes and saw two arms holding her as one of them also holding her basket.

"Thank yo-" she said before stopping as she lifted her gaze. She was met with a shocked face accompanied with piercing green eyes. And she knew those eyes; those eyes were the ones of Adrien Agreste.


Why is she taking so long? The boy asked himself. It's been over 15 minutes and she hasn't shown up yet. And the sun was starting to become annoying. So he decided it was better to change benches, but, before he could stand up he heard a squeak coming from his left.

He saw a girl starting to fall down. He didn't think it twice and ran in front of her, grabbing both her and her basket. The only view he had was a jet black hair with pigtails. He knew he had seen those before... School? A digital image?

"Thank yo-" he heard the girl say before stopping as they met gazes. Marinette.

Adrien and Marinette were looking into each other's eyes. He didn't realize how beautiful her eyes were. Those reminded him of the sunny blue sky they were under, or the clear crystalline ocean he used to see every summer before his mother's disappearance.


Marinette didn't realize that she was being holded by her worst enemy? The only thing happening on her mind was his eyes. His grassy piercing green eyes. Those reminded her of the mint her parents use on some cakes or the wide grass field she saw with her family once she was on a trip.

Then she snapped out.

"Uh, thank you Adrien" she said, pulling away.

"No problem, Marinette" Adrien said, standing straight once again. They stood there for some seconds.

"My, uh, my basket" Marinette broke the awkward silence. Adrien raised an eyebrow and looked at his hand holding the bluenette's basket.

"Ah, right, sorry" Adrien smiled slightly and handed Marinette her basket. Marinette grabbed it.

"Well, uh, now I need to leave" she said, balancing forward and backward.

"Yeah, me too" Adrien added.

When they thought they would take separate ways, they started walking on the same direction. They looked at each other as they walked to the same bench. The two tens then sat on the shadowed bench. Adrien chuckled.

"I thought you were leaving".

"Same thing". "I'm waiting for someone" Adrien explained, looking to his sides. "Me too" she answered.

There they stayed in silence. Both of them waiting for their friends. Marinette wasn't comfortable sitting next to Adrien. I mean, he ignored her an entire week, and she wanted to know why. Strangely, he wasn't bothering her or insulting her.

"Adrien, can I ask you something?" Marinette asked, turning her gaze to her classmate. He turned to her "Yeah".

"Why did you ignore me this week at school?". Adrien said nothing, he looked down. He suddenly smiled to himself and turned to Marinette once again.

"Because I wanted to have a peaceful weekend," he answered, then added "And honestly, I know I am the one who starts the fights". "But why?".


"Why do you like to pick on me? I never did anything to you, and yet, when we first met you started insulting me" Marinette said all of a sudden. She wanted to know why.

"I didn't start it, you did" Adrien simply answered. She started it? What did he mean? When she introduced herself to him, she just told him her name, nothing else.

"What do you mean?". Adrien raised an eyebrow and told her "One friend of yours told me that when she informed you that I was going to be transferred to the school you said that I was just a rich boy who wanted to show off in a public school... And also that you were a bully to everyone and the only way to make you stop was hurting you with words," he paused for a moment "Now that I realize it, this sounds pretty stupid. But I wasn't used to school culture, so thought this to be true... Also because I knew this friend before".

Marinette was shocked. So Adrien bullied her because he believed a lie? So all this time this was all because of a freaking lie? Who told him all of those things? A friend of hers? What kind of friend would do that?

"Who told you all of this?" she asked, anger rising in her throat.


Chloe? Well, yeah she was her friend. Chloe always told Marinette about Adrien and their childhood friendship. Marinette knew Chloe liked Adrien, but she didn't know she would be capable of saying such horrible things.

"And you believed her" Marinette said, turning away from him. "I thought I could trust her... Everything was a lie, right?" Adrien asked her.
Marinette turned to him "You never said that I was a rich boy who wanted to show off, right?".

"No, never said it. I didn't even know who you were" Marinette chuckled, then giggled and then started laughing. Her laughter was contagious, so Adrien joined. They stopped seconds later.

"Marinette, I'm sorry. For everything I said, did and believed" Adrien apologized. Marinette felt her cheeks heat up, was she blushing?

"Forgive you I... I mean...! I forgive you" she stuttered out. "Thank you" he smiled. Marinette felt like she was melting with that smile, she had never seen this side of Adrien.

But then, she remembered Chat. Where could he be? Why was he taking so long? Marinette checked her basket; the caramel cookies were getting hard and the cupcakes were not as fresh as before. She sighed, she had to eat those pastries. She looked to her sides, she had no option.

"A... Adrien?". He turned to her "Yeah?".

"I think my... Friend isn't coming and I don't want this pastries to be ruined, so what if we share them?" she offered, showing him the basket and smiling. "Good idea" Adrien simply said.

They placed the blanket over the grass, under a tree's shadow. They sat down and Marinette handed Adrien a cupcake. He thanked her and ate it, his satisfaction clearly visible. While eating, Adrien took notice of her outfit.

"Nice dress" Adrien commented. "Thanks, I made it for this special occasion... I also like your outfit" Marinette returned the compliment. "Thanks, I'm also using this for today specially".

Marinette suddenly stopped eating. Adrien as well. The two teens looked at each other's clothing.

"No way..." they said simultaneously.

Awkward silence.

"You're Ladybug!".

"You're Chat Noir!".

They smiled at each other. "This is too good to be true, we may be inside a book right now" Adrien joked.

"I know right? So," Marinette grabbed a caramel cookie "How do you know about the website?".

"Nino told me about it. You?" Adrien said and finished his cupcake.

"Alya" she said and ate the caramel cookie.


The rest of the time they spent together they talked about what they liked and disliked. Adrien also gave Marinette the flower. In the end, they were laying down on the blanket, looking for shaped clouds.

That was all Marinette dreamed about. And she hoped Adrien thought the same thing.

Blind love, in some cases it can be stronger than people think.

The end.

I hoped you liked the book. This was the longest chapter I have ever written. Vote for the next book you want me to write.

Bai-bai 👋


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