Milk Addict

By AsrielYen

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Milky, the young and innocent little cat is getting a chance to enroll in the most famous school of all the T... More

Chapter 1 - King's school
Chapter 2- Mysterious Sky
Chapter 3 - Room mates
Chapter 4 - A bad omen
Chapter 5 - Howling Fire
Chapter 6 - Tredici le truppe arma (The thirteen people's weapon)
Chapter 7 - Alluring Scent
Chapter 8 - Mad Scientist!?
Chapter 9 - The Experiment
Chapter 10 - The Big Tiger
Chapter 11 - All Eyes Around
Chapter 13 - A Normal Working Day
Chapter 14 - The Student Councils
Side Story - Little Cat Riding Hood
Chapter 15 - The Queen
Chapter 16 - Inside the Belly of the Beast

Chapter 12: The Sirens

113 9 1
By AsrielYen

The sun was shining bright and it shone inside room 13.

The lil kitty eyes flutters and opens up slowly. He yawns at first and stretches his body.

He then looks around looking for a familiar someone but in the end, he slouched back and let out a sigh.

He lies back down and grabs onto the pillow. He snuggled it and hug it. He sniffed it and digs his head deeper inside the pillow.

He said to himself "I missed Sora-san." and he keep rubbing his head against the pillow.

Then the alarm rang and Milky wake up again. He sits on the bed lazily this time and looks at the table.

He noticed the cake was gone and there was a note beside it. He waked up and went over to see and to his expectations it was from Sora.

"Thanks for the cake. It was delicious. I'm busy with something else so I went out first. Take your time to get ready and go to school together with Miru and the others. I'll be back in a few more days. Take good care of yourself ok?" It was noted Sora on the bottom of the note. 

Sora's hand writing was beautiful. Milky read it over and over again and he smiled at it.

"Please be back quickly Sora-san. Meow~" He then puts down the note and went to wash himself in the bathroom.

After he gets ready and wear his school uniform, he went out and greet the others and had breakfast with them.

"Milky, did Sora came back yesterday?" Miru asks.

"Ngggh--- Ah~ He did." Milky was chewing on the toast.

"It's weird, I didnt see him. Kai left only this morning." Miru then says.

"Oh, Sora-san went out early. He left a note for me." Milky then continue to chew on his toast.

"Oooh~ A note... A love note? What did he say? Did he say he loves you or something like that?" Miru keeps asking Milky and now his face is all red.

He looks down on the floor and keeps eating his toast. His face was really red.

"H-He told me to take care of myself... That's all he said.. And i-it's not a-a-a love note... Miru..." Milky tries really hard to form a sentence out.

"Hehehehe, is that so? Too bad, and I thought he would say something like I'll be back soon darling, or maybe I love you my lil cute kitty." Miru continues to tease him. 

 "M-Miru!! Please stop.. Nyaaaa~" Milky covers up his ears quickly. His face is very red now and his heart is beating really fast. But deep down inside Milky feels that it would be nice to hear that from Sora but then again he ignored it as Milky dunno what to do with that feeling.

Miru laughs beside but then she stops.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop talking now. Let's hurry up and go to school shall we?" Miru then says.

"O-oh!! Ok~!!" Milky then finishes up and all of them hurried to school.

-On Sora's side-

"Hey Sora, I'm sensing something fishy here. Something happened yesterday isnt it?" Kai then glares at Sora.

"What are you talking about?" Sora then smacks his head.

"Yesterday something happened isnt it?" Kai stares at Sora.

"What makes you say that you idiot lion?" Sora then glares back at Kai.

"Dont play with me Sora. There's gotta be something. Just tell me, we're pals arent we?" Kai then says.

"Now now you two, dont fight among yourselves. I trust Sora, so dont keep pinning him down." Issac then voice out.

"Well at least someone here trust me." Sora then says.

"Whatever damnit!!" Kai then growls and then walks away.

 "Hey Sora, there isnt anything behind us right?" Issac then turns to ask Sora.

Sora looks at Issac.

"No, you guys should check on the children first." Sora then says.

"Well... Yeah. I trust you Sora." Issac then turns away and walk back to the classroom.

All day long, Kai didnt talked to Sora. 

Sora remained silent bout what happened yesterday. He shouldnt tell them... yet.

Sora knows something big is happening around but he needs to find out what and why.

He couldnt risk anything to happen now. Kiro is investigating bout the feathers they found yesterday. And both the Harus are helping him out. And now isnt the right time to tell them. He knows something is out there and it knows they are searching for it. A step wrong might bring disaster to them.

Or so he thought.

That evening, school was over and everyone was starting to go back home but something weird is happening around the class which Kai is at.

 Kai was staying back to check out the surrounding in the class to look for clues. 

So was Issac and Sora. They continue to search for something related but something happened at Kai's class.

Kai stayed so does a student in his class.

"Why are you still here?" Kai asked the student.

The student stared at Kai.

His eyes were lifeless.

Kai looks at the student. Something was wrong here.

The sun was starting to set outside.

Kai quickly take out his phone and called for Issac and Sora.

"Hey guys, something's wrong here. Come here quick." Kai then transform into his attacking form.

The boy looked at Kai with a smirk on his face.

"So who's here!! Come out and show yourself!!" Kai readies himself with his cross.

 "Hehehehe." The lil boy laughs at Kai.

 The sun sets and the light night sky is coming out. The room became darker and darker.

 The shadows were moving around the room. They were fast.

Kai stand stills looking around.

Suddenly the shadow move towards Kai. It was too fast. Kai didnt react fast enough in time. 

Then he was pushed down.

"OUCH!!!! What the!?" Kai shouted out. His face was slammed to the ground.

"Thank me later you dimwit." Sora then says.

Kai looks back up and sees Sora.

"Kai!! Sora!! Are you guys alright!!" Issac then arrives as well.

Sora then stands up. Both of his hand lits up with fire. The whole place become bright and the shadow disappeared.

"What a clever idea." The boy then talks.

The three of them looked at the boy and the boy looked up at them with a face of disgust.

"But I wont let you all go that easily!!! I'll kill you all!!" The boy then laughs.

"Do you mind telling you what the hell is ALL of THIS!!?" Kai then glares at Sora.

"Just prepare yourself first. We dont have time to talk bout this now. Talk less, act quick." Sora then says. He prepares himself with his claw prepared to slash.

Then they suddenly hear a woman singing.

"Laa~ Laa~ La-di-la-di-la~" The voice was really soothing. 

"Let us suck all your life energy out of you all. You will be a great present for the master." The boy then said.

Suddenly the boy's back grew out wings.

"S-Sora... Ughh... I feel my vision starts to become blur..." Kai feel on the ground with both of his knees. 

"What's this sound I hear? I... I cant think straight right now..." Issac then starts to feel different than usual.

 Sora looks at the boy. 

His vision also starts to become blur.

"Damn it." Sora falls onto the ground. The voice is making him feel as if he's floating in the air.

 The boy smiles at them. 

"Silly people. Do you think you can beat me? My inteligence is much more higher than yours added together. " The boy walks near them and steps on Sora's head.

The boy laughs maniacally. 

Sora smiles.

"You think you're smarter than me?" He glares at the boy with his bloody red eyes.

"What are you saying?" The boys steps on Sora's head harder.

"Kiro. Get him away from me." Sora then says.

Suddenly a light comes from nowhere and hits the boy. The boy notices and dodges quickly but was not fast enough. HIs left wing was being hit.

"Took you long enough." Sora then stands up sweeping away the dust. 

Kai and Issac was out cold.

"What do you want me to do? You asked me to do research and want me to come save you. You think I'm like superman?" Kiro then says. He was surely not fond of Sora talking like that to him.

"I expect you to be better than superman. But anyway, thanks for the save." Sora then says looking at the boy.

"Hmph. I wont let you all go so easily." The boys glares at Sora.

Then singing were heard. The boy smirks at them.

"Just die. Dont worry you wont feel a thing. I'm gonna make it feel good for you when you die. Ahahahaha!!!!" The boys laughs at them.

Kiro then takes out a talisman and chants something. He then places in front of Sora's forehead and he takes out another chants another spell. He puts up a barrier around Issac and Kai.

"What the!?" The boy looks at Sora. Nothing happened to him.

"Kufufufu. You dare underestimate my knowledge and scientific skills?" Kiro's smiles looked really sly.

"Why are you both still awake!!" The boy shouts at them.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor lil boy. You can call out your lil pets. It wont affect us at all." Kiro then says.

The boy's face darkens and his eyebrow frowns.

"Sirens!! Come out now!!" The boy shouted out.

Then 3 woman with wings emerged from the shadows behind him.

"Yes master." One of the woman said.

Kiro and Sora looked at them. Sora notices on the their chest they have black crystals. 

"Hey Kiro, see those black crystals? We can kill them easily if we can break those." Sora tells him using telepathy.

 "But our oppenent doesnt seem that easy to defeat at all. He's one of the high owls." Kiro says to Sora with telepathy.

"I know. That means the high owls must be involve in this incident. But the question. What and why?" Sora looks at Kiro.

The boy wasnt that patient at all.

"Are you two aftraid now?? Hah!! Scardy cats!!" The boy laughs at them.

Sora and Kiro looks at the boy. 

"That's an insult boy." Kiro says.

"Hmph. What's more insulting that is both of you are lower ranking than I am." The boy shows them a face of disgust.

"Seems like you dunno who's the higher ranking here?" Sora then says. Both of his hands lit up with  fire.

"Haha!! Just a lil flame what harm can it do to me? I'm one of the high owls. You think you a wolf and a fox is able to catch me?" The boy straighten his hands and suddenly a magic circle appears beneath him and a long spear is summoned out.

"This boy is getting on my nerve." Kiro tells Sora.

Kiro wanted to dash out to attack him but he was stopped by Sora.

"You wont stand a chance with him Kiro." Sora then slowly opens up his mouth to talk.

"Sora!! Let me take him out!!!" Kiro was not happy being stopped by Sora.

"Heh, fighting among yourselves? How shameful. It's a pity you're all gonna die here. Sirens ATTACK!!!" The boy orders the sirens to attack them.

The sirens disappears in the shadow and 3 of them was moving in the speed of light.

Suddenly one of the shadows jump on Kiro but Kiro uses one of his talisman to stop it. Kiro's talisman burns the siren's skin. The siren screeches and jumps back to the shadows.

"You may have some magic trick up your sleeeve but dont you think you can run away from here. Sirens!! Attack them!!!" The sirens obey what the boy said and attacks them in the shadows.

Kiro and Sora stand with their backs facing each other.

The shadows were charging towards them. 

They were really fast. Suddenly one of them charges towards Sora.

Sora notices and then he swiftly turns around and grabs the shadow with his bare hand. Sora's hand was choking on it's neck,

The siren appears from it's shadow form and it was struggling.  

It used it's sharp claws to claw Sora but Sora show no signs of pain. His hand kept bleeding but it just made his hand grip tighther on the siren's neck.

"Whether you are a high owl or just a lil pity bird, I dont care at all. Once I ripped you apart from your wings there'll be only death for you." Sora then says with anger. His eyes were boiling red and his hand which was gripping on the siren's neck become tighther and finally the siren's neck was being squeeze out and the siren's neck break.

Blood was all over Sora's hand and face. He dumped the siren's dead body aside.

The boy was quite shocked with Sora's strength.

He shivered a bit but then regain his posture.

"Hahaha. Those birds are quite useless. I should had bring something stronger here. But no matter, I can squash you easily too." The boy takes his long spear and points at Sora.

"Hmph, I would gladly abide." Both of Sora's hand lits up with fire.

"Kiro, take care of the other two will you? After all, you're a white fox, you should be able to do it with no problem." Sora looks back at Kiro saying.

"Dont you dare look down on me too Sora!!" Kiro growls at him.

"Heh, prove it to me then." Sora then jumps off to face the boy.

"You think your flame will help you to win against me? Think again." The boy then wields his spear around and then a magic circle forms around him and the strokes of energy starts to shoot out of it.

Sora quickly dodges it but wasn't quick enough. There were so many that Sora wasnt able to evade it all. He dodged quickly but still his hand was being hurt.

"Damn it." Sora growls out.

"Hahaha!!! See how useless you are? Admit defeat you idiot wolf." The boy laughs at Sora.

Sora glares at the boy.

"Heh, don't think it's over yet. I'm just getting warmed up." Sora then disappears into thin air quickly.

"What the!?" The boy was shocked by Sora's sudden movement. He looked around to sense Sora's aura. His eyes grew big.

"Ughh!!" The boy feels a strong gust of wind coming behind. He quickly turns around to hit it but there was nothing at all.

"You know, wolves dont like to attack frontally. But, I'm an exception from that." Sora then suddenly appears in front of the boy. He slashes his claws down onto him but the boy was able to block it with his spear.

"Nice reflexes but not fast enough." Sora then kicks him in the stomach with his leg. The boy was being hit.

"Ahhh!!!" The boy was being hit and toss backwards. It was a powerful kick.

Sora then dashes backwards too.

"Che. Such rude manners." The boy spits out blood from his mouth.

Sora covers his wound with his hand to put some pressure on it to stop it from bleeding.

"What can I do? I feel blood lust now." Sora shows his fangs out. He was growling.

The boy takes his spear and holds it straight in front of him. Again, another magic circle appears in front of him. 

But this time, the boy didnt attack Sora but instead he healed himself.

"I won't die that easily you wolf. Ready to be pulverize by me." The boy then spread out his wings.

"Show off. I have no choice but to bite you and tear you apart then." Sora's hand then lits up with his flame and he tries to burn his wound to stop the bleeding. 

Kiro and the boy looks at Sora shocked. It would be a fool to burns one wound like that. 

"Are you stupid Sora!!" Kiro then shouts at him. While Sora was fighting with the boy, Kiro had already taken care of the other sirens with some help from his shikigami that is.

"A good puppy shouldnt' show his fangs. I'll " The boy dashes out to attack Sora face to face. His lance faces towards Sora,

 "Then a good boy shouldn't play with a bad doggie then." Sora uses both of his claw to block the lance. Sora was pushed back a bit. The impact was great. The sharp tip of the lance almost touched Sora's face. Both of their eyes meet with each other. The boy pushes the lance nearer to Sora's eye wanting to pierce it through.

"Just die you damn wolf!!!" The boy pushes even more. The lance was almost like 5cm away from his red bloody eyes. Sora kicked the boy in the stomach and pushed him away. Sora grab holds of the head of the lance. He pulls the lance towards him and strangles the boy's neck.

"U-ugh!!! L-let me go you bastard wolf!!!" The boy struggles and he tries to pull away Sora's hand. But Sora was much more stronger than him. 

He was in rage. His grip was tightening and Sora's eyes show no mercy.

The boy was in pain. He couldnt breathe at all. He tries to struggle and pulls away Sora's hand to let in that little bit of air to breathe. 

"Listen up. Whoever is behind this tell them, be careful or no matter who is it I wont give the damn shit and I will kill them all if I have to. And to give a warning to you, your wings shall be burn with the fire of hell." Sora pulls one of the boy's wing and his hand was lit up with fire.

His fire changed it's colour.

They were red. Bloody red.

"N-No!!! STOP!!!  NOOOOOO!!!" The boy cried out in pain. Even if he was stranggled by Sora but his wings was in much greater pain.

He cried begging Sora to stop. But Sora didnt care at all.

Sora's fire burn all of it's wings and he tore it off from the boy's back.

"My token of rememberance. The flames of hell will be marked down on your back. Send this message back to your clan as a warning. If they do not heed this warning, they shall get a payback more than what you are experiencing now." Sora tosses the boy over aside.

HIs cold bloody red eyes look at the boy.

They were emotionless.

They were in a rage to kill.

Even Kiro shivered a bit after seeing those eyes. But still he was glad that it was over.

"Sora. Hey, we need to get your wound examined." Kiro then says patting on Sora's back.

"Kiro, take care of all this mess. Also, put a spell on both Kai and Issac. Today's incident should not be known by anyone besides you and me. Got it?" Sora picks up the lance that the boy dropped and he burnt it with his fire. In an instance everything was burnt to ash.

"Sora, your wound." Kiro said again. As a friend he still cares bout him.

"Dont worry, it will heal in no time. This little bit of scar wont do me any harm." Sora then walks of the room.

Kiro looked at the back of Sora. He sighs. 

"What a troublesome wolf he is. Always leave me the hard work and he does nothing for the cleaning part. I should get a reward." Kiro then summons his shikigami to help clean the place. The boy was twitching in pain in the corner. Kiro walked to him.

"Hey, do you think that's all he gave you just now?" Kiro asked with coldness in his tone.

"Che, he's just a pity damn wolf. Later when my clan rises he will fall in an instance and being stomped on just like a little tiny ant. Hahahaha!!" Even if the boy's wing was torn he was still acting quite arrogant.

"Well, arent you stubborn as hell too." Kiro then summons another shikigami to carry the boy up.

"I can go back on my own. Get your filthy hands of me." The boy kicks away Kiro's shikigami's hand and the shikigami was not very happy. Kiro tells the shikigami to go help with the cleaning.

"Well then, since you are this stubborn I might as well give you a little warning as well since you mistreated my poor shikigami." Kiro places one of his finger on the boy's forehead and there a light shining on his forehead.

The boy thought it was just some trick from Kiro. He couldnt care less bout what is it anyway.

"Hah, trying to scare me with something like that? You're even lower than me." The boy laughs sarcasticly at Kiro.

"Well, suit yourself thinking whatever you want. It's just a little gift from me to you. Now if you dont mind, I'll take my leave now. If you dont want anyone to notice you're here I'm thinking you should leave now. After all, you dont want anyone to see how disgraceful you look now." Kiro then tells his shikigami to carry both Kai and Issac back to the dorms.

After Kiro's leave, the boy slowly crawls up.

"Such a disgrace you are, Julian." A voice was heard in the dark corners of the room.

"Elder!! I-I I'm sorry Elder. I tried to stop them but they were stronger than me. And the sirens were killed easily." The boy kneels down quickly and his voice was shaking.

"The clan doesnt need disgraceful people like you." The man in the shadows keep talking.

"N-No... I'm sorry Elder. Sora and Kiro they were really strong and they even burnt one of my wings. Please Elder... Let me stay..." Julian beg for forgiveness.

"Tell me what did he gave to you just now? Let me take a look and if it's useful to us I shall let you stay." The man in shadows then reached out a hand to touch Julian's forehead.

As the man touches Julian's forehead, he and Julian saw a lot of images. They were flickering really quick.

"Ahhhh!!!" Julian screams out and he falls down to the ground.

"T-This... No it cant be. Does it still exist!?" The man in shadows was in shocked. He quickly looks at Julian. Julian was twitching on the ground.

"You... This is something serious. Others must not know of this!! I have no choice but to do this." The man in shadows takes out a long staff and stabs it in Julian's heart.

"Arghh!!! Y-You!!" Julian's eyes was full of hatred.

"I had no choice but to do this. What you had seen today is something that might change the clan's fate. With you knowing something like this, our clan will be in vein." Julian's body was bleeding a lot but the staff sucked up all the blood and Julian's body was glowing. After a while, his body was not to be found.

"I must report back to the other Elders. This is a matter of the balance and the future of our clan!!" The man in shadows then disappears as well leaving no trace of signs left.

What is happening around here? Who is the elders and what did Kiro let Julian see?

-Alright, finally done with chapter 12. Took me some time. Must be coz of my bad habit, proscatination. ORZ But anyway, I'm planning to do a character summarize soon, I think it must be quite hard to keep up since so many characters are out but still Sora and MIlky is still the most important one here~ XD Well then, enjoy and wait for more chapters to come.-

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