The Forgotten Girl (A Emison...

By Liars_United21

27.8K 477 125

Alison has been on the run ever since A tried to kill her almost 2 years ago. She has been through hell and b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
New story
The End

Chapter 14

919 16 3
By Liars_United21

Alison's POV

Spencer said my name through her labored breathing. "I need to tell you something."  She says fighting to keep her eyes open.

"Not here. This is not the place. You save whatever you have to tell me and do it when we are home." The tears are rushing down my face now.

"Ali, I need you to be brave okay." She says wiping the tears away and grabbing my hand. I nodded in response because I couldn't get the words out. "You're my little sister and I'm sorry you had to find out this way but I need you to be strong. You are the strongest person I've ever known. I love you so much, never forget that okay." She says as her eyelids finally closed.

I didn't want any of this. I didn't want them to get involved all those years ago. I didn't want them in this exact position because now we're all going to die. All I could do was hold Spencer, my sister in my arms and pray to whoever is listening that we will be alright.

Hanna's POV

When Ali was coming up with a plan I remembered the tracker Caleb made me wear. I told the girls and Spencer said that we were to far underground for the connection to come through.
Ali and her were going to mess with the camera feed and get me as far to the exit as we can. Hopefully Caleb will get the signal and come.

When the sirens went off I ran as fast as I could down the hall. I made it to a ladder with a locked door at the top and I couldn't get it open. That's when I heard the most awful sound and ear piercing scream. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to where that sound came from.

My legs or I guess my mind brought me to an opened door and I ran inside. Tears came to my eyes as I saw the blood and a nearly unconscious Spencer and a terrified Ali's arms. She was holding her so tight as if she could fix it.

I got on my knees, at eye level with Alison, and gently put Spencer completely on the floor. I took off my jacket and wrapped it tightly around her lower abdomen to try to stop the bleeding. It slowed down and for that I was thankful.

By the time I was finished Aria and Emily were in the room. Emily had Ali in her arms trying to comfort her and Aria looked like a ghost. Then I remembered the escape patch. I tried to pick up Spencer but I was struggling and Emily stopped me to carried her herself. I grabbed Ali's hand and lead the way. Maybe with all of us together we can open the door. We have to for Spencer.

Emily's POV

We were running. The plan was working and then a siren went off. I couldn't find anyone after that until I heard a gunshot and Ali's scream. It was like second nature how fast my legs moved. It was liked I couldn't get to her fast enough.

I stopped when I saw an opened door and went in. Ali was covered in blood but it wasn't hers, it was Spencer's. I know it's a bad thing but I was a little bit relieved. Alison wasn't shot. But she wasn't okay. She was as white as a ghost, trembling, crying, and the look of pure horror on her face could pull on the evilest persons heart strings.

I got down on the floor with her and encircled her in my arms. She was shaking and her tears soaked my dress but I didn't care. Alison needed me. I already let her down once.

Then I remembered the plan, where we were, and that Spencer needed help immediately. I looked up and saw Hanna struggling to pick Spencer up so even though I didn't want to let go of Alison and picked up Spencer. She seemed so pale and was as light as a feather. Hanna lead the way holding Ali's hand and I followed.

We got to the end of the hall and there was a ladder leading to a door that I presumed was locked. This was it Spencer is going to die right here and so are we there is no way to get that door open. But then by whatever luck or Godly power there was out there we heard a voice on the other side.

"Rosewood Police, If you're at the door stand back we're coming in." They broke down the door and rushed in. We were saved. Spencer was saved.

A cop by the name of Lorenzo took Spencer from my arms and put her in the first ambulance. We were all taken to the hospital even though I insisted I was fine and I was. I was more than okay other than a little dehydration. I was worried about the girls, Spencer, and mainly Alison.

She was in that dollhouse for months. She has lost so much weight and it honestly scares me. I can't get her terrified look out of my mind. The way she immediately held on to me.

The doctor put a sedative in my medication probably because he figured I haven't slept in a while. Which he's right, I haven't. But I can't bring myself to. Regardless my eyelids start to feel like a cement block and begin to close.

When I opened them again my mother was standing there with tears in her eyes. It occurred to me that not once I had thought about her and I began to feel guilty. She stayed with me for about 2 hours in a comfortable silence. I think she understood I wasn't ready to talk about anything that happened.

A nurse came into my room with a wheelchair and asked did I want to go see my friends. The obvious answer was yes so she helped me out of the bed into the chair. I was suprisingly weaker than I remember. I guess it was the adrenaline that kept me running.

I rolled into Alison's room amd let me tell you she looked like a doll. Like one of those super fragile porcelain dolls, that are really skinny and pale. She had this far off look in her eyes and tears threatening to spill that no doubt could make an ocean. It was written all over her face how much pain and agony she was in and not just physically. She's mentally exhausted. She didn't even notice me come in.

I grabbed her cold little hand and called her name, "Alison". I had to do so about 3 times before she looked at me and when she did my heart broke. She looked straight through me. It was like she was there but she wasn't. Her blue eyes weren't the color of the ocean anymore but as dark as the night sky.

She seemed to be in a different world. Ali didn't talk or respond other than that stare. I wanted to help her. To take the pain away, I just don't know how. I stayed in her room that night just holding her hand and looking at her.

Still not saying a word she closed her eyes and went to sleep never once letting go of my hand. I probably wasn't suppose to but I crawled into bed with her and immediately she put her head on my chest, fast asleep. I couldn't sleep that night myself. I just kept thinking about the dollhouse, Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and Ali. The thing that kept me awake though was the burning question:
               What did A do to her?

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